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Hey there patrons, patronettes, and anything in between, before or after. It's Dirty Mall Cop Newman here with a progress report:

After TMSL (The Mystery of Shagworty's Legacy) had its 1st build release, I went straight back to Ben X. Two new backgrounds have been done, and a third is on the works. I redid some expressions for Shar for her "On her knees training" scene, and rewrote a whole lot of stuff. I'm going back to writing as we introduce another of the "secondary girls" to the player. I love writing for her, she's a mean bitch. Not as good at hiding her true feelings as Charmcaster, though. Ahhh, you'll see.

I also took a break, since they are slowly opening stores (I only had a serviceable pair of trousers left, so good timing!), the subway (Murphy and I went for a walk on the beach so he could swim a bit and chase seagulls), and allowed me to do the thing I had most been looking forward to, have a coffee with a friend and talk about nerdy narrative shit. Coffee was had. Nerdy talk was talked. It was so fucking good.

To those of you who have written me about TMSL, thank you so much, guys and gals. you'll have to wait about 2 Ben X builds for the next chapter on Shaggy's Awakening to Bouncy Bits Action Saga (Is it still too late to change the title?), but rest assured, Velma and Daphne will still be regulars on Goodie Packs.

That is all for now. As always, thank you all for your incredible patience and for bringing a smile to my face every time I check the Ben X channel on Discord. More soon!





I can’t find the ben x slave dicord channel

Karl Rigby

I can't wait for Ben X, I need my fix


Good luck with Ben X. Can't wait to play it again!


Finally its 0.05 is coming out its been nearly a year since it was updated


I know but is there an estimated time for the realease


How long does it usually take


It depends on the amount of time we have to work on it + the complexity of any new stuff... It really varies from build to build. That's why we decided very early on to have no set deadlines. We want to do this right, and that takes time.

