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I think you'll guess where I'm coming from.

I'm still in shock, two days after I finally (long game) finished The Last of Us 2. No spoilers, won't share my opinion about it (my advice is that you just play it and avoid reviews and spoilers like the pest, and make your own mind), but I'll say this: it leaves you emotionally spent.

It meant I barely worked from the day it came out till I finished it, but also means I have picked up work with a lot of enthusiasm, my brain grabbing the cartoon colorfulness of Ben X and Baguette Girl as desperately as a victim of a shipwreck grabs a floating wooden door.

Just... intense stuff. Whatever you want to say about it, that game really rocks your boat.

So the plan is for the comic to be done in mid-August at the latest and a new Ben X build a bit sooner (I got a new build yesterday with about half of the content on the new build and looks good, even though there is a couple of rough edges). So, I made a schedule. I have the drive and the energy... Let's fucking do this, guys :)

Talk soon,





Looking forward to it and I hear ya on emotionally spent. LOU2 had me in tears buddy😅


Nah, I know better than to play that game. Looking forward to BenX tho.


This must be done!))) I hope your drive and energy will remain for a long time) It'll be something cool!

Sebastian Ignat

Can anyone tell me how to start the sex training on Ben X