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Hey guys,

I'm sorry,  I'm sorry,   I'm sorry,   I'm sorry,   I'm sorry,   I'm sorry,   I'm sorry,   I'm sorry,   I'm sorry,   I'm sorry,   I'm sorry,   I'm sorry,   I'm sorry!!

My damn old Wacom wouldn't work during the Holidays, so I had to wait until I was back in Barcelona to work on the Goodie Pack.

Here's the link:


Been writing more Scooby this Christmas so at least some work was getting done. Delux-O people, please wait a bit longer... I promise to make it worth your while ;)

More soon!

Santa Newman coming late this year.



Karl Rigby

It was out of your control. Don't apologise. Still, thanks for goodie pack

Pope Discordius

As a deluxe-o peep, take your time. And thanks for the work


no worries *pats* seriously, you're a really good boi, it's fine :)


I think I should anyway since I made that commitment, but you are welcome! :)


Your Jedi mind trick don't work on this corner of the Universe, my man. Thanks though :)


What's a Mistlrtoe btw? XD