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Stress isn't good for you. It really isn't.

Specially when you have three jobs, and you are in a relatively important position in all of them. Things are picking up at your important studio job, shit's getting done after a pretty urgent re-scheduling that encompassed "the world, the universe and everything", so the moment's critical and you work extra hours because if you don't the whole project may just "go live to the farm with all the other animals", and so you don't have time to do the awesome comic pages you promised you'd do this week and so you use the weekends for that, but then Akanoes runs out of the newly adapted Scooby script to add to the game, but if you do that then Ben X isn't getting done, so you don't sleep because who needs that anyway and this goes on week after week and aaaaaaarrrrggghhhhh please momma I wanna go hoooome!

Then you get sick. You get better. You get sick again. Then you decide to buy a new PC because fuck it, you are working your ass off and even if you're spending all of your Christmas working, you are at least going to do it with a PC that doesn't close Unity whenever it feels like it. Then the PC people say they don't have a cable in the color you ordered it. You say you don't care about the color, and to please send the PC ASAP. They insist in you picking a color. You do and ask for a delivery date. Days pass. They ask you again to confirm you REALLY REALLY don't care about the cable's color. You don't. They say great and a day later they tell you the PC will be delivered January 3rd, which is 18 days away, and also a day when you can't possibly be home to receive it, so you aaaarrrrggghhhh BBRRRGGHHHaaaaaHHH, and then you curl up into a ball and damn the day you were brought to this cruel, cruel world full of crazy people that insist on you doing things. THINGS, FOR ALL THAT'S HOLY!!!

Next day you go to work. The script budget has been cut 2 months. It sucks, but you are powerless to revert the decision. You go home, and write this long-ass post just to see if you feel better, hoping it doesn't sound too fucking whiny because nobody forced you to do this, and you are ok with that. You have been in worst rodeos before, man. Just let some steam off and carry on whistling. You can do Ben X this Christmas!

You do feel better. You brew some coffee and watch an episode of 3rd Rock from the Sun, thinking about simpler times, get your trusty Wacom ready and  you get to work again. Life goes on.

Talk soon, Patreon people. And thanks for you know... being cool with all this,

Your whinny, pervy Uncle Newman.



Karl Rigby

You'll make it through this my dude. 2020 is only around the corner and it's gonna be refreshing I know it


You know... I know this was written because you were frustrated with things, so I hate to say it... But that was a DELIGHT to read. I love your writing style so much. It's clever and fun, yet simple enough that even a child could understand it. I don't know... I just needed to share that.


>and then you curl up into a ball That's how I spend my weekends...


Hehe. Thanks a lot, Zehrox. Feels good to see that my misfortunes are least fun to someone 😁😁😁


It feels wrong to hit the heart on this post xD


i say take your time on this you dont want to collapse and your quality is always good thanks for the update


Bwahahahaha! Whining made funny, I like it!


Thanks, man. I hope you have a great Space Lizard Uprising year as well.


Well, a very long and touching post, yes, often we all feel under the weather, especially when a bunch of crazy people appear around us. I really liked and laughed heartily at the moment about the color of the cable.


Loves you man, keeps up the great work


get well soon! don't push yourself too hard, take time to do things you enjoy!


Don't push too hard man, you'd lose the passion and damn we know that's important ;)

Cadu Black

Get well, everything will work out in the end You will get it

Victor Ahedo

I recommended your games. Where can I download them to try them? Or maybe I need to donate to play them?. :o


Not at all, you can download the game here or in our Discord.