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Humans, am I right?

Rowdy holy father Newman here with a progress report.

Stress has hit the fan and spread everywhere, bursting like a gooey and smelly piñata, covering my world like Satan's bukkakke Specials cover whoever invented bureaucracy every second of his day. Now, this is good and bad.

Bad because I've been twitchy, grumpy, sad, anti-social... Good because I've realized I had my priorities all wrong. I was working unpaid extra hours at the studio (we're making a non-NSFW rpg/platformer) with the hope of having things much more organized so I'd have more free time later on. Like all good corporative tricks, it not only didn't give me more time, it actually made me important in many areas and meant I was doing work that I hadn't really signed up for.

It had happened before. Still didn't see it coming, because humans. So. Enter breakdown. Luckily I didn't go insane, axe the printer and leave my job on the spot and instead I remembered I had a plan to organize MY OWN life instead of everyone else's. No more unpaid extra hours, 4h a day of NSFW work at home, one day off every week.

So that's it. I'm sorry I didn't realize this sooner but boss jobs - like blowjobs- have a way of getting you stuck in time and forget there's more than that to life... OK, it's nothing like blowjobs. If life was nothing but getting head all the time it would be awesome. Extra hours and all. But you get the point.

Been working on Scooby, been writing Ben X. Been working on the comic. Will send you a % report soon.

Back to work. This time caring about my mental health for a change! Right on.

Talk soon, guys. Thanks for being there. Newman.



Pope Discordius

Take it from a raging lunatic, mental health is important. We'll all be here.


Take it easy man. Cut/scale back and adjust your work so you are happy. Anything else will simply fuck you up. We are with you :)

Brian Renfro

hey man no rush we will all wait as long as need for you to get what needs to be done done whether its life work or games you just do you and we`ll all be hear for you.