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Ok, here are some updated versions. Mostly bug fixes, although if any new ones pop up, let me know.

* The R/K_Forced errors should be fixed, for some saves at least. Fresh games should work fine, and save files generated from the most recent version or from previous versions should work fine, but if you loaded an old save in 0.971, played a bit, and then saved that version, then it may still be bugged until the next release. Make sense? Sorry for the inconvenience.

* I'm working on the gym clothes thing a bit, They may not be fixed yet and I'll likely shift how they function.

* I added "catching Kitty in the shower," so test that out.

* Added option to "forget" known custom wardrobe options.

* Plus other minor bug fixes, typo correction, etc. Bigger changes still being worked on. If there is an obvious bug that is still occuring form the previous build, let me know, but if it was a feature request, I'm still working on it.

 Also, I wanted to let people know that I'm still hiring on the following positions:

* UI elements: Someone comfortable with Renpy Screen Language who could work on improving the UI interface I've been using. I can provide art where needed.

* Renpy Animation: Someone preferably who is already comfortable with Renpy ATL animation, but if you have skill with basic digital animation you can likely learn to use ATL easilly enough.

This is all stuff I've been doing myself, but it always takes me more time than it really should because I'm not comfortable enough with the toolset.



Hey Oni, I've been thinking about the stat bars for a while and had this thought for your consideration. I'm not sure whether or not it'll be easy, worth it, feasible, or even possible, but here it is anyways. Something that's always bothered me since Kitty has been introduced is how annoying it is to manage the stat bars, at least for me. If you last talked to Rogue and walk into a room with Kitty you either have to talk to her to bring up her stats or click the button to cycle through. I have no idea why, but I find it terribly annoying. Add in 1 or 2 or 3 new girls and it's going to be a lot of cycling to read the stats you want. So my thought is this: what if you layered the bars and give them a slight overlap and a color code corresponding to which character's is which. Kind if line it is now, but they'd all be on top of each other and offset just enough so that you can see all the different girls stats without having to cycle. You still can cycle, and when you talk to one it still brings hers to the front for the full view, but at least you'd be able to keep track of everybody's without having to press anything. Then again, I might be the only one frustrated with the current cycling method so maybe it's a non issue to begin with.


when you meet kitty in the showers, once you're done "fooling around" she goes back into her normal clothes


Should she not get changed to leave? ;) What would you like to happen under what conditions?


Some of what you say bothers me too, and I'm going to work to adjust that, so that the stats swap automatically under more circumstances than they currently do (like basically any time you interact with a girl, the stats should flip to that girl automatically). Also, once I add a third girl, I'm going to shift it from a toggle to a dropdown menu so you don't have to click repeatedly, but this was more expedient in the short term. I don't think showing them all at once would work though, because it would just be way too much data visible at once, I can't imagine any way to do it for 3+ girls that would be legible. I might have some sort of "status screen" where all the girls are on a single page for comparison purposes, but the basic UI that you see should be one girl at a time. Maybe two in threesome situations.


Hey Oni, i just tested some stuff in the game and it looks like its "easier" to get Rogue to do things with the Green Skin, i don't know if its a bug or not. If you start the game you go through the "intro" with Rogue and when you click the exact same things on all skin colors (maxing out her 'Lust' with making out at the end) you can easily get her to do everything on the First Real Day as Green Zero but not with the others (have to test step by step again).if you want, i can make some small videos to show you what exactly i mean,


That. . . shouldn't be at all possible. Something else is changing somehow. Basically there is zero interaction (no pun intended) between the skin color option and any of the decision making systems. The only thing that calls that stat is the sprites used to display your character. It might be that you're hitting some random event on one playthrough that you aren't hitting on another, but it's impossible that skin color is changing any outcomes. Unless maybe she's gone self-aware and is kinda racist. I didn't do that though.


Found a Small Error on Kitty's Scene telling her to wear the Strapless Bra <a href="http://www.pic-upload.de/view-32428343/Kitty.jpg.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.pic-upload.de/view-32428343/Kitty.jpg.html</a>


Yeah, bath scene... but did you change something on Kittys behavior? In the last version she always refused to let me talk with her about her outfits and now she has no problem to go nude everyday and this with the obedience not even being half full. (<a href="http://www.pic-upload.de/view-32429984/rouge.png.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.pic-upload.de/view-32429984/rouge.png.html</a> ) Also a minor bug, you already can tell her to wear bush or piercings, but it has no effect. (guess its not added yet) Also, I can see no Dildo anymore with Rouge, but I'm not sure if it was there in earlier version, only recognized it now.


By the way Oni, found one of the places I was telling you about before where telling somebody to do something gives them double reactions. Told Rogue not to clean up and leave it on her face, she gives me both the "I like where your head is at" AND the blushing shocked "Well, I guess I could..." Just one right after the other.


Huh. That's the opposite reaction to the changes I tried to make. I'll have to figure out what's going wrong there.


Just a question, how come when you are in the showers with a girl and take one, her hair doesn't change to the 'wet' hair?


Also, thanks for adding Kitty's lingerie. They're aces!


Because I didn't tell it to. ;) But I could. So many things in this game boil down to "common sense" things needing to be deliberately spelled out in the code. Thanks for pointing this one out.


Just a quick question, once Kitty is fully unlocked will you be able to sleep with both her and Rouge? (Both in the platonic and in the biblical sense?)


Yes, eventually. At least two at a time should work for just about everything in some way once I've got it all in there. More than that starts to become a logistical issue so you might have to work out shifts. Step one though is to give Kitty all the same solo actions Rogue has, Then I worry specifically about multi-action stuff.


Soooo Oni is there any possibility for a cat girl costume to kitty?


Heh, I have to say I've considered it, at the very least some ears. ;) Not at the moment, but it's on the table.


* Texting from the showers brings me to the crash screen (rollback works OK). Maybe my cellphone isn't waterproof :) * Making out with either girl gives the "&lt;name&gt; puts her clothes back on", even if she hasn't undressed. When this happens very early in the game (when kissing is a big deal) this is kind of like "What?! Did I miss something great?!?"&lt;/name&gt;


1. What sort of crash, what does it say the problem is? 2. I'll look into a better way of handling this.


1. I can't reproduce it later in the game, it appears. It happened consistently earlier though so I should be able to repro it and get back to you. 2. Thanks. New one: If Rogue is really tired out but still horny, then after sex she indicates she wants more but then goes right to "Fine!" and storms out. That might be slightly *too* realistic feminine behavior.


Lol. As for the first issue, could it have anything to do with not having met Kitty yet?


It could be. I started a new game and couldn't repro it; then I tried hitting my old save points before and after getting each girl's number and still couldn't do it. So, chalk this one up as "hard to reproduce". Either it was really some flukey racey condition, or something in the game state changed beyond just what's in the save file, which sounds unlikely (unless it is some exotic caching bug.) Probably not something to waste cycles on right now... If it happens again I'll cap it and send you details right away.


It is quite possible it's some weird caching issue, like you saved in the middle of a sequence and in the new version I changed that element to use a temporary variable that hadn't been generated in the original version, so now it's missing. I don't know. If you ever see another crash screen again, for this or any other issue, please take note of the error message, just the top portion of it where it will list which file and line the error took place on, and what type of error it was.


i'm not sure if its a bug or nor but the nipple piercings don't show up on kitty for whatever reason.


hello I am a new believer I would ask some questions and can have sex with kitty? to me from all blocked when I try to do something. and possobile sex with two girls all at once? and in the end there will be x-23 in the full game? I love it


Most of the sex with Kitty options are not in yet, I still need to create art and most of the writing for those, but that's what I'm working on at the moment. Options to have sex with two girls at once will be added along the way as well. And yes, X-23 will be in the game eventually.


Yeah breaking her hymen again and again and again. Letting rogue touch her after a nice BDSM session so the bruises don't show for classes.

Great Chicken Studio

Hi Oni. Are you still looking the programmer for RenPy ATL? Please look at the missionary sex scene in our game: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-strange-sis-0-7912588">https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-strange-sis-0-7912588</a> I think I can do that for your game too.


Still not hiring a French translator? :p I'll keep hoping, then!