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I'm right now working on what is probably one of the most complex bits of scene design that I've put into the game yet, even though it's actually pretty short. That would be that I'm adding an "if the girls are in the shower room with you, and you shower, then they might shower too" sequence. Seems pretty straight forward, right? 

But it's not, because it's one of the first elements I've developed specifically to involve having one girl there, or the other, or both, and to react naturally to each option. The dialog needs to shift depending  on their reactions. And I also want to design it with an eye to the future, so that it can be expanded to add future girls. For the time being I don't plan to allow more than two girls in a scene at once, but it might be different girls than the ones currently in, so the system needs to adapt to that with as little duplication as possible.

And ultimately, this scene itself is nothing spectacular, it can be sexy, but I don't think it'll wow people, but building this system is giving me lots of ideas and testing them out, which will then be applied to the rest of the content to make it adapt to this sort of thing better.



so are you telling us that we may get some harem action going on here?.......that that would be awesome. also, I assume that they next girl will be Emma Frost , correct.... that should prove to be interesting considering her personality. I could see her constantly making passes at you to cause issues with the girl you are currently with and she don't need her powers for that. those costumes she likes to wear are enough to zombify almost any dude . like the corset and panties combo.........man that was awesome. she could also try to break you up to have control over you which in the end would have you dominating her in some way(public humiliation). some of these ideas could be used with the shower mechanic you are working on... I'm just thinking out lout here. hope some of these ideas can help. .......one more thing....how are you going to deal with the prof catching the player and kitty in the act? with rogue, you can shut that shit down with her powers. I find that if you have kitty in your party, you should be able to get into places late at night after you have trained enough to shout your own powers down to allow her to uses her's. ok rant over. just want to toss some things out to see if they could work. although the coding would probably be hell on earth so I could see if you steer clear. lol


Cool beans , the game is getting better and better by each new version. Any chance to see an additional release in january 2017?


last question... will you be adding any more items to the shop? like stuff for kitty maybe clothes or some teen girl stuff would like. cds may work since its still in that time period.


well just I just found the stiff for kitty......now I'm embarrassed. lol


Good luck with this. It sounds like it will definitely add some complex new options to scenes. Some thoughts for the shower scene and how the two girls might interact: - comparison of breast size "Zero, whose breasts are better?" Obviously choosing one over the other may cause an issue - one girl might ask you to wash her back, which could lead to either jealousy and the other leaving early or she might just say "I'll wash yours" - towel fight. Snap one girl on the butt with a towel and have an option to blame it on the other girl. Allows you to stand back and watch or gang up with one of the girls on the other. - "can I, like, use some of your shampoo?" A good way to encourage the girls to help each other out and be better friends, ultimately helping with getting a harem ending Could just throw in some dialogue observations, so after the "you take a shower" pops up then someone will say something like: "Hey Rogue, nice nipple piercings. When did you get those?" "Whoa! Finally tamed your jungle! What's it like being hairless?" "All that time in the danger room is starting to show, you look really fit." Just some ideas I got from reading your post


Oh yes, the goal is that every girl in the game, you'll be able to hook up with all of them if that's where you want to go with it. I'm not planning on more than two in a room at once, but you can get all of them on speed dial. ;) Not that all of them are all that easy. In the current state, Rogue is failure easy to bring on board, and a Kitty/Rogue pairing is not terribly difficult since they're friendly anyway. Other girls may be harder to get in general, or they might not get along well with others, so bringing them on board to a harem situation may involve trickery, at least at first. And yeah, I don't know that *just* you and Kitty would be able to shut down the Prof. You might just have to deal with him if you want to go monogamous with Kitty. I have an idea though, maybe I'll work it in.


Maybe, although likely not anything too major. I'll be working on finishing that stuff up for maybe late in the month or early next.


To be fair, I only added her underwear to the shop in the latest patch, I forgot to add it in the one before that.


Quick question i was thinking is it possible that if you get enough stats with a character that this character might decide to come find you when you're in class or other? like the character deciding to change her schedule just to come see you? or is it impossible with the current toolkit?


Well damn, now you're making it way more complex. ;) That's good though, I can work some of that in perhaps. As of right now, the complexity is more about them deciding whether they want to do it, but I definitely hope to add some more possible outcomes to it. I'll eventually also add them coming onto you during it, but I want to hold off on that until Kitty's got all the tools necessary to participate. ;) Also, have you noticed that the first time you see Kitty's breasts, you have the option to be a dick about that? ;)


Yeah, well you can call her over and she'll abandon her schedule, right? As to them proactively stalking you, I'm not sure how much of that I'd want in, especially once there are a ton of girls in the game, I don't want them just popping up everywhere you go. I could maybe add a point in each of their schedules where they might follow you though, that should balance out fine. I mean, it'd be easy to just have her do it all the time and follow you like a puppy, the trick is to strike the right balance.


Wash day, nothing clean. <a href="https://youtu.be/DG0fgfb8HZ8?t=1m51s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/DG0fgfb8HZ8?t=1m51s</a>





I don't want to sound impatient but, is there a date for new update?


at the very least it will be 1 month from the last build which was Jan 4th. Still got at least 12 days to go mate.


No bad on you Oni, but it has been so long since I have played i forgot the mechanics lols. I was working on the submissive route. I forgot how, any thoughts people?


Just a random thought, will there (eventually after the game is done) be holiday special items? like for Valentines Day, birthdays, or Christmas?


I always think about this, like "should I make Santa hats or something?" I don't know, I mean it'd take time out of other stuff I'm doing with it and I just don't know that it'd be worth it. Maybe I should do a poll. I'd kinda like to hook something up for Valentine's Day.


Sounds like it could be fun. Though I hope that doesn't put a strain on you or your workload.


I'm super excited for the update. This game is easily my favorite ...parody...game.


Is the next update this week or next week


Probably more like a couple weeks. I'm working on rigging up some of Kitty's animations and then I'll have to do the dialog, but it should be a fun version.