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So, we're entering a new year. 2016 hasn't been the best year for a lot of people, politics, beloved celebrities dropping like flies, and hopefully 2017 will be better all around. This year has worked out pretty great for me though, because of you guys' support. You've been amazing, bringing me above the poverty line, and allowing me the freedom to work on a game project that I love.

I hope in 2017 to massively improve the state of the game, bringing Kitty up to par with Rogue, adding new features to both that I've been brainstorming (and several that have been suggested by the community), and of course, getting around to adding the third girl (of many) into the mix. I hope for the game to grow indefinitely, until the roster of potential love interests is as broad as the history of the X-Men, and beyond. The game design is hopefully flexible enough to allow for that.

This is the first hint as to the identity of the third girl I intend to add, and I imagine many of you will be able to guess who it is. I'm not sure when she will start to appear in the game, but I look forward to it, and hope you do as well. 




Happy New year and I can't wait for what you have.


if it's who I think it is :O!!! Niceness... Happy New Year everybody!


Good to hear that everything works well for you. Great what the Community can do and did, hoping for much to come. Happy New Year to you and all Patrons, let it be a better one!


If I'm not mistaken that's our favorite white haired, ice-queen of an X-Man. Although, you would have to be awfully creative to picture what she would look like if you are making her the same age as Rogue and Kitty because Marvel hasn't ever done an animated series or even a comic with her at that age.


Woops, made a mistake on my last message. That was supposed to be "blonde, ice-queen of an X-Man".


A Happy New Year to you Oni. And as for the image well aint that just Frosty.


ok my bet is that she is Storm


Looking forward to all the new year brings!


Hoping it's Emma Frost over Storm. She would've really fit in to Evolution!

Ricardo Mota

Happy New Year! You rock, and it's awesome to know that things are working out for you a little better! Here's wishing 2017 is amazing for you and those close to you - and the rest of the community! Hip hip, HURRAH! :D


What! No mention of the Brangelina split? I am sure Jennifer Aniston enjoyed 2016.


Storm's cape doesn't hang like that. Emma's does.


Yeah, it's more than likely Emma as Ororo's cape doesn't hang like that since it is attached at her wrists as well. Not to mention that looks very much like Emma's hair.


Happy New Year Oni!


Emma Frost nice :) Are there plans for Jubilee?


Yeah I agree it's Emma Frost. Jubilee is a good option too...how about Boom-Boom?


Hopefully the protagonist gets some new powers, His existing powers are probably only appealing to Rogue and Scott Summers.

Jacob Kain

That is either White Queen/Emma Frost, or...Storm? I'm going with Emma. Also, as cool as Jubilee would be, please don't bring in current-day Jubilee. Also known as the dumbest thing to happen in X-Men in a long while. (She's a vampire now)


I'm afraid to say that I actually like vampire Jubilee (although I wish she'd get her powers back too). Not that this is a hint about upcoming game content. And that's not sarcasm. Or is it? It's not.


Sweet, Emma Frost, you now she should be up for some kink.


If this is REALLY Emma Frost then COULD we expect (more) mind stuff? Her mental power IS stronger as Professor X's afterall


Oh my, are we going to cuck Cyclops


Happy new year, guys!)))


well it could be Mystique just because she could be anyone :D that would be fun sometime along the way where you meet with a character you already know and it turns out shes Mystique on a mission (infiltrating) and thats how you start her path :P

Walter L.

That is so not a hint, that is so definitely Emma Frost. ;) Or a shape-shifter. ;)

David Jarrett

is that emma frost yes thank u oni thank u

Glenn Lewis

Just an idea for the main character. Training or buyable perk but he starts to increase the range of his powers. From room to school then maybe the town, so Rouge can touch other people without hurting them, Kitty not being able pass though people, professor not being able to see or hear you doing naughty things in public, ect. And professor would end up liking it because he believes without mutant powers at school it will be safer for them.


Awesome work, Oni. :) May the game, its characters and its playerbase continue to grow. Happy new year. :)


I think you misunderstand something about Professor X. He wants that young mutants use their powers so they can learn to control them. So a flatout blocking of powers isn't what he wants/likes. BUT he wouldn't be against blocking/surpressing dangerous powers of mutants that haven't yet learned how to control them

Micah Watkins

EMMA! WOO! Probably the most powerful telepath in the X-Men universe. Even more powerful than Xavier. She was brought on by Sebastian and his thugs because of her power. She was formally an enemy of the X-Men, but now runs the school after Xavier's...well, ever since Scarlet Witch altered reality and depowered 90% of the world's mutants, things haven't been the same.

Victor Lewis

How far along is kitty?


The in-game build has clothing options added, and I'll release a patch in the next couple days that will fix some bugs from that build. Meanwhile, I'm working on adding some of the simple sex stuff, but still have a good amount of art to work out.

Jonathan Heard

sounds cool cant wait to do more than just kiss kitty like her clothing options wondering if they're will be more added to kitty clothing


It's a miracle a woman?)))


Over time, yeah. Technically the lace underwear is already in, I just forgot to add the ability to buy and gift it to her. ;) I'll get that taken care of for the next build, minor change.


Didn't he die by phoenix force cyclops in the x-men vs avengers/phoenix force book? and i am 100% sure that's Emma frost too. shes the only one that wears a see through cape and drinks wine that classy. but isn't she not in x-men evolution? i don't ever rember seeing her in the show.

Micah Watkins

She was supposed to be in it in Season 5 along with Psylocke before it got cancelled to the point where the majority of the art work was already done. And, in the comics, I thought he was killed after he got depowered in the House of M arc, but...he got "killed" and just later returned depowered. I think he ended up going off to live with his wife, Dr. Moira MacTaggert. But, yeah, after House of M, Emma took over. The whole House of M thing was and Emma taking over was actually gonna be a big part of X-Men Evolution, but, cancellations. X-Men Evolution was VERY ambitious. <a href="http://x-menevolution.wikia.com/wiki/Emma_Frost" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://x-menevolution.wikia.com/wiki/Emma_Frost</a>

Silent Six

Who is it?


I think it's Emma


Sure is Emma Frost


Nice, will we get to be the Teacher's pet? Or make the teacher OUR pet? ...or both! :P


Wow, but I wouldn't call her a new "girl" :) Emma should be a teacher. She'd be great in front of the classroom. And if you talk with your GF in class or miss/skip classes she could call you to her office. Maybe after a certain amount of days she'd even replace Xavier as headmaster. I also like retchedegg's Mystique idea so here is a suggestion. Later when you have more characters you could bump in to someone and your powers turn him/her into Mystique. If you let her go on with her mission (i.e. don't turn her in) you get a “session” with Mystique as anyone you want with highest compliance. Then you never see her again (unless you reload the file )


I'll be honest, I considered Mystique early on, but she creates some serious problems. I mean, she can shapeshift into anything, but I'm limited in what I can display to what I actually draw, so what's the logical reason why she just wouldn't change into all the many things she could turn into? ;)


Mystique prefers one form though right? When she's hanging out with Magneto she isn't randomly in the form of some other heroine just for shits and giggles, she's in her base form. As an added bonus, when her lust/obediance is high enough you could ask Mystique to use her shift powa's to increase/decrease her breast size and so on.


Right, and that's exactly the problem. If you ask Mystique to change her breast size, then that means I have to draw multiple sizes of breasts, on each of 2-4 different sprites, along with several types of outfits for each of those combinations. It's doable, but a lot of work, work that could be spent making more art for more characters.


The MC block her powers, then she would be always in her original form... if the MC learn how to control his powers maybe a temporary change can be made.... but because most of her powers are blocked just few changes are available, like she can't make clothes... or change her chape just color of skin, hair and eyes (all sprites easy to do changing the hue )


Or she just can't change at all. That would be easiest and make the most sense.