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Hey guys, I've got some great news, and some not-as great news. The great news is, I'm going to get the next build out to you guys, I'm done the work I want to get into it, but still need to test and compile it. The not as great news is, I'm doing it Monday, because I don't want to work on porn games over Christmas, and I'm sure there will be bugs to jump on, so I don't want to leave them unfixed all day like that.

Just to give you a heads-up on what the next version will include, it will have Kitty's clothing menu in place, so I want you to mess with that, sceduling, that sort of thing, and it will also include some new "clean up" options, which may not be quite complete, but it should allow you to get Rogue a bit "messier" than in the current build, and then she doesn't automatically clean up after each action, although she usually will when you exit the sex scene. Usually. Try a few things there. I haven't added in more of Kitty's sex scenes yet, but I had to do some back-end stuff first (like adding her removing clothes menus and orgasm reactions) so that slowed me down. It won't make the monday release but shouldn't take *too* long after that. I also have a pin-up I want to finish over the next few days, so I've got a busy schedule ahead of me.




All good, personally, I do not wish to play porn games on Christmas, plus the fewer bugs the better! Have a Merry Christmas Oni, also a Happy New Year.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Oni :)


Can't wait to play it. Take all the time you need. Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas Oni !


Loving the sound of the update! I'd love the clean-up option to also be useful after sex.


Merry Christmas!!!


Merry Christmas Oni!! No rush, its the holidays so yeah take your time and enjoy your holiday. Plus it's better to wait when the game has fewer bugs.


Sounds like a plan and looking back back thru the year, it's pretty easy to see you've been putting a lot of work into the game. So you totally deserve a break every now and then and a Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!


No hurries, no worries. Anytime this week is soon enough. Lots of people have Monday off, and so should you 8D No card, but: <a href="http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/merry-christmas-you-filthy-animal.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/merry-christmas-you-filthy-animal.jpg</a>

Princess Raven

Happy holiday Oni have a great break. i was cared there for a sec lol. after the breeding season thing bad new is reallyy bad news :( anyways happy holidays brah! :D


Thanks Oni, it sounds great! Looking forward to the new updates! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy. :-)


Take the xmas break, you deserve it!


Merry Christmas!


Sweet, another Christmas present to unwrap in the form of Kitty. Thanks Oni.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. (Happy Hanukah to the Jewish fans)

Victor Lewis

Dumb question here. But are you going to be adding x-23 to the game?


Happy Christmas Oni, Hope you have a nice day!


enjoy your xmas Oni :)


Can I just say that I am slightly surprised that you are adding Kitty in before Jean? Am I the only one that thought Jean and Emma were the hottest female members of the X-Men?


You're doing great work Oni. You deserve a break.


Not immediately, but she's definitely on the short list (well. . . X-21, for reasons.)


Hey, a lot of people love Kitty, myself included. I'll get to the others in time though. I'd originally never planned to add Jean, I just didn't like the version on the show all that much, but the more I've been working on the game, I think there's a place for her, although I'll probably do it in such a way that players can use the show design if they want, but the default will be more influenced by the comics.


To be fair, i'd be more interested in Storm. but first, there are rogue and kitty to finish, so let's be patient. I'm sure in the end we'll get most of the Xbabes.


Merry X mas mate, and thanks for the hard work you put into the game !


Yeah, everyone's got their favorites. ;) I really hope I get to the part where this speeds up a bit soon, designing the systems to work for multiple characters took time, but shifting systems over from one to the next is getting faster, so after three or so, I should be able to get a pipeline going.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 09:58:32 hey i have download this game long time ago, do i need to download new? to get the update edit: love your work rouge and kitty are my 2 favorit
2016-12-26 11:51:26


Yes, if it was a long time ago then there have probably been several versions since, and I don't have a simple updater or anything. Don't download anything just yet though, since a new version will be out later today (it'll have a link on the front page of this Patreon).


okey thank you il be waiting! also this mean i have to start over from day1? :( have you ever thought about more exciting sex ways? like fucking in the xaviers front desk, when fucking kitty or rogue, you fuck her so her tits is showing, or , they have sex somewhere when someone get in to them and they almost caught - stuff like getting bj under the desk while talking to a student, very hot stuff :D


Imho game would greatly benefit from adding male characters. Possible rivalry and other stuff could improve even more this alredy great game :-) .


Maybe eventually. I get the story potential there, but other aspects take priority for the time being.


When you say that "usually" Rogue will clean up at the end of a sex scene, do you mean that it's supposed to happen but sometimes bugs out and doesn't? Or are you telling me that with certain criteria she'll totally and purposely walk around with my cum on her face? Cause that would be hot.


Sounds like the will purposely at one point, and yeah that's damn nice.


I can't guarantee no bugs, but yeah, sometimes purposefully. I'm not entirely done with this system yet, but basically there will be points where either A: she puts her own priorities first and does what she wants about cleaning up, or B: she asks you, and she may or may not take your advice on the matter, depending on the usual factors. But just as a baseline, the less experienced and/or more prudish Rogue will just clean herself off, a slightly more experienced Rogue is more likely to lick it up, and at a certain point, she might be ok with just leaving it on. One issue that I still need to put in though is that she's a little TOO comfortable with leaving it on in public right now, I need to have some double checks where she considers cleaning up before entering a new room, but that'll have to wait until one of the bug-fix builds later this week.


Sounds nice so far and makes sense. Is there any further ETA you can give us on the release?