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I'm tempted to release the next version (soonish) as "Rogue 1.0". Probably won't though. Probably still 0.971. 



I'd say wait on 1.0 seeing as how we haven't bug tested the newest bits yet (kitty's interactions etc.)

Jacob Kain

I would say don't label anything 1.0 until at least one of the girls "storylines" (interactions and all) is feature complete.

E Vazquez

I wouldn't label it 1.0 if I were you until Kitty's content is on par with Rogue's


Could always go with 0.11 or 0.11.1


rouge one spoilers; they all fuck


I wouldnt. Anytime you try to rush a final release you wind up with crap. You've done great so far, keep it up. We're patient, is rather wait for something great than receive something unfinished.


Great news)))


ITT we miss the joke


Nicely done Oni. The Force is strong with this one...


Version 1.0 sounds like the release version, and it should be specific criteria. 1) At the moment, we have two girls, and will be very good if they are both well conceived and give the equilibrium content to oppose each other or be mutually understanding and love in Troy) 2) lick the program code, fixed all bugs removed animation schools. Perhaps even the paragraphs in the first place in importance. I think it will be the right decision. For the developer - a sense of accomplishment and pride in their work. And for players - pleasantly spent hours playing.


My advice: When you're in a cold and rational mood, decide what constitutes "1.0", and then stick with that. Don't change the criteria in the heat of the moment, that's how you end up with uneven development and frustrating storylines. Work steady, release regular snaps of what you're doing to keep us happy, and don't rush the nomenclature. Unlike 99% of us folks who write software for a living, you have the luxury of controlling your release schedule. Make the most it it :)


Rogue and Kitty have pretty much been the goal so far. When both their stories are complete, THAT is 1.0


Wow, I saw the movie yesterday, and actually didn't get the joke till someone else here pointed it out. Go me. :P


Not sure jumping to 1.0 would be the smartest idea. Polish Rogue's story and finish Kitty's, and then It'll be 1.0 time. Or could it be there was a SW joke in here ??


It's just a label at the end of the day, I'm sure most will be happy with the releases regardless.


Is this a joke cause of star wars rogue one? lol


Only if Jyn Erso makes a cameo.


Well that would be a fun thing to do.

Trai Nguyen

Just take your time, don't give up though.


We are with you all the way, here have a cookie!