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Just letting you guys know what I've been up to. I got several costume pieces back from Jansither, polished them up and put them into the game, so Kitty now has a gym outfit (above), some more underwear options, and also some more hair options, the "long" version (above) and a wet look which is more curly (I'll show that off in a later update).

On the coding side, I'm currently working through her undressing options, then on to the chat menu versions. I also added a fun little mechanism to change her speech patterns a bit, more on that later. 




Awesome! Thanks for the update.

Silent Six

Love it! Keep it up, cant wait


That is hot. Can't wait as well.


Can we play it now please :D


Heh, not quite yet. The clothing items are technically in there now, but they aren't even hooked up in a way that you can get to them without developer commands. That's what I'm working on now, putting in the clothing editing commands for her.


Thanks for the Update, always good to see that it's going forward.


thanks for the update, love the design.


Mrow! :P


Can't wait. I mean just seeing an update like this for this game makes me happy, this is one of the most anticipated games I got on my patreon list only one higher then this is so alpha there isn't words for it. So this one little higher on anxiety list as its got to be closer to big update day then my number one most wanted lol.


Found a bug in the latest version. In Rogue_Chat.rpy, line 1909, it calls R_Leg, looks like it should be R_Legs.


Looking great.


So are we going to be able to choose who shows around in the very beginning of a new game now that Kitty is going to be in the game?


No, the game always starts with Rogue, but if you really want to you can mostly ignore her after that first scene and move on to other girls.


Looks great Oni. Making great progress on this game and really happy with the directions its taking. May I ask when the next release is scheduled for? (I understand things change, so I wont hold you to it).


Sweet, can't wait to see what you have planned. (Though I did redo my game and have both Rouge and Kitty at maxed love.)


Keep it up Oni, I love this game!


I love that you're giving her a camisole. She very much seems like the type.


Commenting on my own thing to ask something, is there supposed to be mad dialogue when you walk in on Rogue in the shower? Feels really weird to me that if you say, "And miss the view?" she's just like, "Well, it happens." I'm pretty sure a girl would be pretty pissed off if you walked in on her in the shower. Which is also kind of weird to me that she just gets a random +20 to love just for doing it, regardless of whichever dialogue option you pick. Seems like it should be opposite.


Great work! :D

Silent Six

Ive noticed once you unlock the ability for rouge to tell Xavier to not bother them in public, your kind of stuck. Can you make it so you can reset that option in the future?


Yeah, at some point I need to open up his office so you can sneak back in there and change the options.


Kitty looks great!

Timothy Crosby

when can we expect the new update?


Hope you have a happy holiday season Oni.


Hey Oni, I recently pledged to you and I gotta say I don't regret it at all, Keep up the good work!

Silent Six

Any idea of when this will be released? Cant wait!:)


Would it be possible to have Rogue's collar/cuffs on/off as a separate option?


Yeah, I'll probably work on that. I was originally trying to streamline the total number of options, but I'm more loose with such things now. I need to update Rogue's sprite anyway to use some tricks I came up with for Kitty.


i just thaught: would it be possible to implement an easy way to delete custom outfits - or ist it already possible and i don't get it?


Why would you want to delete a custom outfit? I mean, you can over-write them easy enough, but why would you want to delete one? Just to stop it appearing in the general rotation? I can add it, but it would be helpful to know why you want that option so I'll know the best way to go about doing that.


Hi Oni, any chance you'll be able to get the creampie stuff into the next build? Excellent work so far! Looking forward to the new updates. :-D


Can't wait until we finally get our hands on Kitty.

Paul Te

I know you're hearing a lot of questions about when the next update is coming out, so I'm gonna phrase it differently: How likely is an update before christmas and/or the end of the year?


There will definitely be something before the end of the year, and hopefully before Christmas. It depends on what I think I can get finished up by then. I just finished up Kitty's clothing menu, and still need to test it a bit to make sure it at least mostly works, but I'll see if I can add a few more tricks to the December release.


I don't want some outfits in the rotation. Sometimes i experiment with some outfits, and when im not pleased with it, it hunts me down in the rotation. An option to disable outfits for the rotation or simply delete it would keep it out of the rotation until a new outfit creation. At the moment i override them with clones of the standard outfit but thats a simple patch.


Yeah, ok fair point. And yeah, you can just over-write them, but it wouldn't be too hard to add a "delete outift" option. I'll try to get that in the next build.