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Ok, finally, I kicked something out of the door! I did basic testing of the new functions, and they should mostly work, but I'm fairly sure some bugs will show up. If you're looking for a super stable build, this is not the droid you're looking for, chillax, enjoy the holidays, I should have a more stable version in a few days once the bug reports come swarming in. For those that like to tear the game apart and find/create bugs, Merry Christmas! Remember to save early, and save often.

So what's new?

* Kitty's clothing menu is available in chat>settings>clothing. You should be able to mix and match clothing items, create custom outfits, and schedule her clothing choices, depending on her stats.

* Kitty's undressing options are available in the sex menu. This is more intended for stripping on the fly during sex, but you can try it out anyway.

* Rogue has more options for cleaning herself off after sex. Let me know if any of this stuff seems wonky. Not all of it is in place and it hasn't been robustly tested yet, but hopefully it doesn't crash anything.

* I updated Rogue's BJ animations a little. It should have fixed the issues from the last build, but there are still some issues with the "tip" animation. Let me know if you find any other issues that might be related.

* Other little things, new dialog strings, tweaks to Rogue's wardrobe that came as a side effect of making Kitty's, things like that which I mostly forget doing, let me know if you notice something new that you like. Or don't like. But mostly the "like" stuff.

Known issues:

* If you get Rogue to keep cum on herself, she probably won't be as ebarassed as she should be about wandering around in public like that. More checks will be added in future builds to reduce this situation (although not remove it completely at high levels). In the meantime, enjoy. White Christmas bonus. 

* The new BJ animation for Rogue tends to get a little out of sync with the mouth movements when sucking on the tip. Working on it. Also, she doesn't blush when she's supposed to, I need to get the graphics for that out.

* I'll keep this updated as new bugs are found, check here before reporting, although if you have new details to add, please post anyway.

* Potential errors involving "X_ForcedCount" variables when loading from older saved games. Will be fixed next version.

* Omg, there's a really stupid bug that some of you have picked up on that basically boils down to "Oni is not great with math." Basically certain activities are way easier than they should be to get characters to do in public, and in a very inconsistent manner because of a math flaw in one of the core functions. I have fixed this for the next build, I believe.



everything with rogue is good but taking classes or trying to talk to kitty crashes the game


Hey Oni if it says (Not enabled) does that mean its not in the game yet?

Silent Six

For alot of responses for me with Kitty the game shoots a "An exception has occured" message it wont crash but i have to keep pressing the ignore button to dismiss the popup seems to be working fine for Rouge just Kitty is the problem

Ricardo Mota

Ok, there's an (I'm guessing) error with rogue's animations. Post-coitus money shot has her stroking the player's manhood while showing both her hands on the background. <a href="https://i.imgsafe.org/1c90fe37fe.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgsafe.org/1c90fe37fe.png</a>

Ricardo Mota

I also got an error with Kitty, but since it happened while trying to run an old save I chose to ignore it. If I get it again on a new save I'll chime in on that! :)


So I just turned down Rogue for dating so I could chat up Kitty, Kitty invited me to her place, i said yes, she changed her mind and came to my place, She'd only let me stroke her cheek, so I invited her to the danger room, but Rogue was already in there training with her own kitty on display. Seemed a bit odd?


Any idea of how you can go to her room or see her in the shower?


Are we calling the issue with Rouge "glitch" face?


Getting constant "K_ForcedCount" and "R_ForcedCount" errors anytime I should receive stat points if I try and play from a saved .970 game. No problems at all with a brand new game though.

Silent Six

As of now im pretty sure you cant go to her room i haven't got that option yet either. For the shower pretty sure its random just keeping checking the shower and she might just be in there ;)

Silent Six

Can you delete saved games? I have 3 slots taken but only want 1 for a save game


Ok, I should be able to correct for that in the next build, thanks for pointing it out.


Yes, that's an area where I've specifically locked it off because it's a dead end, and when that message is removed it should be live.


Ok, let me know what the error messages say, hopefully it's an easy fix but I need to know what's breaking.


For Kitty's catchphrase, "like" and "um" seem interchangeable. The "nothing" option seems to work fine, since you remove the comma. Fucking would, I think, work, if you replaced like with fucking but removed the comma following it. So doesn't seem to make much sense to me; it leads to things like "So, so, what would you prefer I say", "I'm hitting the danger room, care to, so, join me?" and I'm heading back to my room, want to, so, hangout". I guess nyaa works (at least it looks okay), I'm not sure on the english grammar rules for sticking japanese cat noises into conversation.


Ok, the "her coming to your place" part is working as intended, so far, because her room is not in a ready state for visitors. Once it is, that area of dialog will work like it does with Rogue, but for now it's a little clunky. And as for the Danger Room thing, you mean that there were two Kitty's in the screen? That's super odd, not sure how that worked. Can you take a screenshot? Did they have different outfits? I'll look into it, but nothing should be capable of spawning two sprites of either girl at once.


Which issue? You mean the one with the BJ mouth animation, or is it something else?


I honestly don't know. I'm using the standard Renpy save system, which means I have no idea how it works under the hood, it just does its thing. You can look up basic Renpy help for a solution on that.


Heh, Ok, I'm just playing around with that option, so I'll keep tweaking it where it doesn't make as much sense. You make good points though, I removed "so" and dropped the comma from "fucking," which is my Lana Baumgartner shout-out, if anyone has any other gramatically appropriate suggestions, let me know.


Had Kitty following me when I went into the showers. It mentioned hearing moans, so I went in without knocking and got this message. While running game code: File 'game/script.pry",line 652 in &lt;module&gt; NameErroe:mane 'R_ForcedCount' is not deined&lt;/module&gt;


Sorry, last line should read 'R_FourcedCount' is not defined.


does kitty have any sex scenes yet?


Yeah, someone else reported that, it seems to be related to using a previous saved game (you weren't using a new game, right), but it should be fixed for the next build out. In the meantime, just ignore it as best you can.


Same message keeps popping up throughout the shower scene. When I choose to jump in and have sex is gives the error game /Rouge_sex.rpy line 925 not defined.


Not particularly. I have most of the underlying systems now, I just still need to finish the scenes themselves.


game/Rouge_doggy.rpy line 30 pops up when I finally get to the sex menu.


Yeah, the problem is, I've been having issues getting the "default" command to do its damned job, so any time I create a new variable between builds, I have to manually initiate it on previous savegames, and it's a huge hassle. I forgot to do it this time, but it should fix for the next one.

Victor Lewis

Is there some type of bug preventing you from going to kittys room or meeting her in the shower?


in Rouge's room chatting with Kitty after changing her clothing gave error. File "game/Kitty_Animations.rpy", line 321 in &lt;module&gt; NameError:name 'K_ForcedCount' is not defined&lt;/module&gt;


Sorry if it seems like I'm spamming you...

Victor Lewis

There is some type of odd bug with kitty. Sometimes she will allow you to kiss her in random areas of the game (when rogue is around) but other times she elbows you.


Not a bug so much as a deliberate firewall because that content is not ready yet. ;) It wouldn't be so noticeable if you couldn't already do those things with Rogue.


I doubt it's a bug, exactly, but she has some complex interactions. Her stats might go up or down. I can tell you that trying to kiss her in a public place will be harder than in one of your rooms. Technically it's easier to kiss her at the moment in Rogue's room with Rogue there than it is in an empty Danger Room. That will likely change a little bit. For the moment I don't have explicit code to make them avoid doing things in each others' presence, although I will add that at some point.


No worries, more data is good. Did you notice the explanation I gave? It's a single bug that will likely keep popping up in this build. Btw, it might be helpful in future if you just "reply" to your own first bug report, as that will keep them all together in one place.


Just a question, is there a way to change Kitty's hairstyle yet?


Actually, no, and I'll try to work that in. Shouldn't be too hard, actually. I also want to add the options to get her the lace underwear.


Right off the bat, I'd like to say that this is actually not a very buggy release. Most of the "bugs" are just the results of things being purposely walled off or path errors or grammatical errors. So, congratulations! Your build is actually much better than you gave yourself credit for! That being said, I have a few small things to point out: 1. There was one actual bug I caused and I'm not quite sure how I did it. I was playing with Kitty's clothing menu or telling her to undress or something in public, and I think I pissed her off. While that's normal, she seemed to get stuck in an upset expression forever after that, even after new days. Even more strange is that Rogue *also* got stuck in her "bummed out" expression for all days after that. She'd occasionally get a different face after saying some kind of response of her being shocked or surprised or whatever, but then would go back to that other expression. Had to load a save to get rid of it, but since no error actually popped up, I don't know what else to tell you. 2. Telling Rogue what to wear when you're in your rooms doesn't work. It's actually never worked but I always forget to bring it up. Maybe consider having a separate option for it like gym clothes as well so it doesn't take up one of your three custom outfits. 3. There's a wording error when Kitty takes off certain clothes. Sometimes it will say something like, "Kitty throws lets her cami fall to the ground." Probably just a result of you changing the format of the sentence at some point but didn't fully change the wording. I do it all the time. 4. If you're trying to fool around with Rogue in the danger room and try to have her undress, she'll just keep putting it back on as soon as it's off. For example you might go undress --&gt; her top --&gt; black tank and then as soon as you've gone through that and seen her breasts, after you click to the next screen she's put it back on again. Sidebar: this is just a quality of life thing, but would you consider putting in a strip menu for her top when you want to have sex with her? It's slightly annoying that if I want to have sex with her naked I have to have her strip her top before hand or I just can only have sex with her bottomless but with her top still on. This annoyance mainly comes from when I tell her I love her and I want to consummate my relationship immediately and I can only take off her bottoms. Personally speaking, if you're going to have your first time with someone you love, (especially Rogue because it's her first first time), you'll want to be as intimate and comfortable as possible, which means taking off everything, not just your bottoms. Sidebar of the sidebar: if and when you end up being able to remove Rogue's cuffs and collar to the clothing menu, please also add them to the strip menu. It's very bothersome to me that if I want her to be totally naked striping from her green top that I can't actually achieve that because she'll just take off the top and not the cuffs as well. 5. Rogue doesn't ever actually flash you anymore. Whenever she does the "You could have just asked," and the text says she flashes you, her clothes don't change at all. Her skirt doesn't go up, her towel doesn't drop, etc. This also applies to when you flip her skirt up in the flirt menu. Again, I assume it's just a bug that's come up from walling something off and it's not like it's a big deal. 6. You can't actually study with Kitty in your room. Even if you invite her over or party up with her or whatever, there's just no study option. So at the moment, it's very hard to get any stats of any kind with her because it's limited strictly to flirting. So, other than those, I personally haven't encountered any error screens so good job on the fairly stable "buggy" release! Also, while I'm editing this comment anyways, I will once again express my distaste for how I have to press shift+enter to make a line break and how I keep accidentally submitting comments before I'm done typing them. Damn you Patreon UI!


How to activate the clean-up options? I havent seen then anywhere.


I got Kitty down to panties by inviting her places, touching her face/hugging/shoulder rubbing in my room until she let me do more, gifted her 3 books, and when she was receptive, 2 dildos, as soon as she let me, asking her to switch to each of her standard outfits gave me a +30 boost to each stat, asking her to take off the thing she doesn't want to take off once and then relenting... and yeah, that's pretty much all you can do. Ms. Pride is a hard nut to crack. Addiction doesn't seem to work on her either, not sure if that's intentional or not (Might be a Rogue-only stat).


Well, if she has cum on her, then after she cleans you up an option should appear. Also the option to have her clean up should be in the sex menu if she's still messy. If you aren't getting that option, then maybe she has other priorities. For example, a cum-hungry Rogue will just automatically eat it up no matter what. I might put an option above that for high obedience though.


Piercings aren't visible on Kitty. She accepts to be naked with the clothing menu exept for the birthday suit (pretty weird... :p). And if you define someting as the suit that she has to wear inside the bedrooms, it doesn't work ( I tried to have her automatically naked in MC's room).


Does she refuse the "birthday suit" even after you've stripped her naked? I designed it so that if that's the first way you approach it, it's harder, you know, because if you're just like "get naked" out of nowhere, that's pretty forward. But if you've already seen her naked, it should he easier, as a convenience. And yes, the piercings aren't in yet.


<a href="https://s29.postimg.org/kv0vgywuv/bug.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s29.postimg.org/kv0vgywuv/bug.jpg</a> i got a bug :( everytime i try load a game that was saved from a previous version it happends when i try send kitty a text, if i roll back still problem i try ignore it work sometimes, when i try to train it give that error too, then i see it was because kitty appeared.


Hmm, that's odd. I'm not sure why that woudn't be there, I have a bit that's supposed to add it.


While trying to suprise Kitty in the Bath (is it even possible? thought so after the last screenshot you posted) I noticed that while just waiting in the bath blue and yellow numbers are popping up (+1, +2). Not sure if this is right, why should Rouges obedience rise while I'm standing in the bath doing nothing?


you're using the "wait" command? That can cause stat changes, which usually mean that one of the girls is someplace public, while wearing something vaguely embarrassing. Could be working as intended, but hard to tell without knowing where she was at the time. But to answer your question, no, I don't believe you can catch Kitty in the shower right now, I still need to write that stuff.


is it possible to make kitty unlock bottoms? she keep say maybe later


new patron and new to the game. Is there a certain strategy I need to adhere to for Kitty? Rogue was a walk in the park compared to Kitty who only goes up by 2 heart points every visit.


Yes, although reaching the necessary stats is not easy in the current build.


Right now, I would not worry too much about maxing out Kitty. I'm building her up as I go and right now she's only like 10% complete compared to Rogue, so not only are most of the "rewards" not in place, but most of the tools that make it easier to get there aren't either. Once Kitty is finished, you'll be able to go on dates, use smaller actions to make bigger actions easier to unlock, that sort of thing, but for now the only way through is a lot of grinding. ;)


I had a second comment that email says you replied to but I cannot find it any longer. Is anyone else having issues with the the comment system? Additionally, I believe I was able to get Kitty to remove more clothing by using her style option in public spaces than she was willing to remove through the sex option. I'm assuming this was also unintentional.


Probably, although not necessarily. If you know which items these were, let me know, otherwise I'll try to double check it, but these systems are complicated. ;)


When in clothing options for Kitty if she is only wearing an overshirt was willing to remove the shirt despite an unwillingness if removing the underwear instead.


When both Rouge and Kitty are in the same room and you switch to Kitty and fool around, Kitty will shift over on top of rouge with parts of rouge overlapping her but rouge will not shift over to where Kitty had been while fooling around but will shift after exiting out of fooling around.

Silent Six

Also how do you catch Kitty in the showers?


I believe Oni said that part isn't actually implemented yet :(


Oni I found a text mistake, not sure if it was reported yet. During my first Handjob session with rogue, one of the text blurbs says " she quickly strokes your sock, with a very deft pressure" I am assuming that is supposed to be cock? :P I bit of a mood killer, but a comical image :P


Question: how do the npcs gain experience? Do they like Zero get it from training in the danger room and attending classes? Or do they gain a set amount over a day? If you can have a character follow you can you take them to the danger room, train there and accelerate how fast they gain levels?


I saw a preview photo of Rouge in a different doggy position than the normal POV one. How do you get this pose?


Yes-ish. Basically, at the end of each time block, every NPC who is in the Danger Room or Class gains experience. It's a simplified version of what happens to the player. The girls have their own set schedules that will involve them spending a certain amount of time in class each week if you leave them alone, but sure, if you micromanage their days to spend two blocks in class and one in the danger room they will level faster. It's worth noting that Kitty currently doesn't have level up options. I should probably do something about that.


It was from an earlier build, it's no longer in the game, and hasn't been updated with new costume options.


hey oni, how it going? i have an idea on how to to use your old images of rogue. how about if you have an option to take pictures of rogue during the act either by hiding a camera or she allows you depending on her stats at the time. the player gets to keep them in there dorm. this way you can still keep them in the game and off the chopping block.... personally i hate to waste items that take so much work to produce. Also, i'm working on a collab flash of my oc (i make the art and he animates it), do you have any advice? i mostly want to keep it simple as i can. Its my first legit piece of work so im not completely sure what im doing....most learned what i can pick up from the net.


Well, the issue with using the old side-view artwork is that it only covers some of the clothing items, so if she's wearing other ones, the side view will get weird. As for a flash animation, it's hard to say what advice will be useful without knowing the project itself, but basically if you're going to use a similar method I am, where you have various "bits" that you scale/move/rotate to animate them, then it's important to keep in mind which layers will be over which to generate the most fluid results, and figure out where you want the edge of the overlapping portions to be so that they cover what needs to be covered, without extending past the borders of the character when animated. Since you're doing the art, just scribble out sketch versions of each layer (filled shapes, so they can overlap properly) and then just move the layers around loosely in Photoshop to make sure they can cover the full range of motion you need for them. Also keep in mind that flat color or cell-shaded is way easier to animate than smooth shaded, because you don't have to worry about how they overlap.


I Love it! I do like how HARD it is to get kitty's stats up, so much more rewarding, but that's just me.


If you ask and receive Rouge's panties and than she goes to the gym she is no longer wearing the shorts she would normally wear. Also it seem that Rouge no longer removes her green hoodie in the danger room like she used to.


If Kitty is unwilling to make out in public she should probably decline the offer to Fool Around. Somewhat in the same vane, it would be nice if Rouge currently though Kitty in the future wouldn't ask to confirm ending Fooling or state to try something else after making out if there really isn't anything else that can be done at the stats they are currently at.


It seems the Kitty's Red Shirt not having a bra is easier to get her to take off as it goes down a slightly different chain than her pink shirt, presumable because the Cami isn't an option to remove first until she is ready to go topless. Though I can confirm with a previous save that if one goes into the Clothing section, remove the Cami there, than fool around with it still off does also lead to the same result as the Red Shirt.


Ok, good catch on the gym shorts. The way I implemented that really led to some hassles. I'll look into the hoodie, it might have been an issue with how I had to reset those outfits when I messed something up adding Kitty.


I'll give it some thought, though that might be tricky to pull off.


Are you talking in the sex system based version or the chat wardrobe based version? I will note that there is actually a tiny amount of randomness to the undressing system there that might make it sometimes seem easier, when really the odds are identical.

Silent Six

Will there be more girl options in any of the next updates?


It might take a little while but eventually Kitty will have all the actions the Rouge currently has available as well as added duo actions with both together and the MC.


thanks for the advice. also, when will you start to implement the dating options for kitty? as it stands, its a bit of a grind just to get her to half way to liking you.


Yes, but on the bright side, you don't earn much for having her like you! It'll come, I'm working on it.


i know you are still working on bug fixes and implementing kitty but do you have any plans for adding any other girls?


In the future there will be more then just Rouge and Kitty though who that might be hasn't been decided yet.


I'll have some more news on girl 3 soon, but realistically she won't be appearing in any form for at least six months or so.


Typo of "Kitty throws lets her bra fall to the ground."


Hey Oni, I don't know if this is a bug, or just not implemented yet. I've set a specific outfit for training with Kitty, but when she's in the Danger Room, it never switches to the right outfit like it does with Rouge.


First off, love your game! Keep up the amazing work! And a quick question, will Kitty be getting her own room soon? Sorry if this has already been asked.


Eventually, yeah. I might get lazy and just make it identical to Rogue's for a bit.


I had broken up with rogue and she convinced me to date her and kitty. Once I tried to leave the room I got this error. While running game code: File "game/script.rpy", line 543, in &lt;module&gt; ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list&lt;/module&gt;


So it seems like i cant continue my game from a one of my many save files with kitty with max Love and half obedience. since every time i try ti talk to rogue or kitty a change log error pops up and i cant continue the game. i love this game but sometimes i wish i could continue the game from a save file. instead of having to start all over.


I'm working on improving that over time. You may be able to continue from that save file in the next patch, so keep it around. If you let me know what the error message said I can try to patch out the cause of it, in these cases they usually stem from a new variable being added to the game since that version, and the game not creating it on launch like it should, so I had to develop a system to manually splice those variables back in. If it's the "R_ForcedCount" error, as I said in the known issues area, I'm on top of that one.


Ok, thanks, fixed for the next build. If you can use "ignore" to bypass that, do so, although it'll keep coming each time you move around or pass time until the next update. Another workaround would be to get Rogue or Kitty to follow you everywhere, since the event should not trigger if either of them is in the same room with you at the time.


So far no issues. Still keeping the girls in the dark about the other. Got Kitty completely naked, so that makes me happy!


So what kinda bothers me is the gym jacket. I love it but i like the idea of Rouge giving a boob job while still wearing it. If you have rouge completely naked exepet the jacket surly a boob job is posible


Basically, it's a reality issue, not a concept issue. The reality is that the "boobjob" body is a completely different body than any other body, and therefore every piece of clothing would need to be redrawn to fit it (the tops, at least). I planned to do this at some point, but other factors always took priority so I've never gotten around to it. I'm working on getting some more artwork on board, so maybe, but not right away. Basics first.


game/Kitty_Animations.rpy line 321 K forced count not defined I started having errors. I had an old save that I used with the new version. No errors until I saved it and reloaded. Now I get these two when ever Kitty is around game/scripts.rpy line 652 R forced count not defined

Ricardo Mota

That bug's been noted. "* Potential errors involving "X_ForcedCount" variables when loading from older saved games. Will be fixed next version." :)

Jordan Phan

Is it possible to see kitty in the shower and also is it possible to change her clothing? I've been trying for the past days and it seems impossible right now.


Currently it's not possible to catch her in the shower, but it is possible to change her clothing, you just need to get her stats high enough. Admittedly that's not easy in the current game, because a lot of the tools to raise her stats aren't in yet, but it is possible.