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Ok, so with any luck, version 0.999 is done, and if you're good with math, you'll have realized that we have something a bit special coming up. . . an entirely new decimal place!

Ok, kidding, yes, the next version to be released, likely in a couple months, will be version 1.0. Probably. I'm kinda thinking that since my first releases are a buggy mess and take about 5-8 builds to become reasonably stable, I should actually release the version as 0.999m or something and iterate through the letters until we get stable, and then release it as 1.0, but 1.0 is at least coming now.

And so the goal with it will be "polish," I want to go through and update elements that have been in there since early versions, tidy up things that need it, make sure that everything is stable and consistent and worthy of a "complete package." I'll be asking you guys for things you think need tweaking, and maybe running some polls over the next months so to which direction I should take a given update. I've already been working on some of this stuff for a while now.  

So that's it then, we're done with the game? Of course not. I intend to continue adding new characters and new scenes and other new content to the game into 1.1, 1.2, 1.201, and beyond. At least so long as you guys still seem interested in the project. We'll be doing a new character poll next month, and that character would be intended to start in version 1.1. 


Mario Borovcanin

Another suggestion, maybe add an option to cum on both girls face/tits/belly/ass


How about an option under "Put On A Show" (or Threesomes) that is a single-click "You girls get into 69 position" (going down on each other) rather than having spend 10 mouse clicks across 2 actions arranging it?


Hey Oni, are there any plans for a christmas event in the future?

Mario Borovcanin

Oh just got another idea, could the girls get a new sex position or activity to unlock once you give them a certain book?


Rogue still has no nighty during missionary, her towel art isnt present, laura still does the vanish act for her towel & jubilee has no towel in either pose which is a shame, half the enjoyment of some poses is in the shower where the towel kina hides bits I you massage em'. Though I realize you're probably working on these pieces of art I just wanted to mention


did you ever think of adding a facefuck option. you have the hand mechanic. couldn't you just put that on the sprites head during the blowjob animation


i would love it if eventually we could get endings for each of the girls if you get all their stats to max or something like that

Mario Borovcanin

Just noticed another minor glitch... When Kitty is alone in classroom and emma is teaching, when you flip kitty's skirt, she'll say cute, but then her second line "you couldn't, like, ask?.." will show Emma saying it instead of Kitty. Both are fully leveled and all traits are at 1000... EDIT: it happens even when no one is around


Ok, fixed. It was just an issue with the line being attributed to the wrong character. It would always be Emma, no matter what.

Mario Borovcanin

Another one, is when you access the store from your room, Jubilee gifts are not an option. Also, jubilee can't get the "flip her skirt option"

Mario Borovcanin

Another small one: when girl's gym outfit consists only of panties on the bottom, once she gives you her panties after the "ask for panties" romance option, the panties show up again on her

Mario Borovcanin

Another idea to add, in Danger Room: when you get the “you have a long session in the danger room. During the exercise, cyclops accidentally shoots you” and then “luckily you’re immune to the beams, but your clothes weren’t so lucky” make it so your dick falls out of your pants or gets exposed or something. Would lead to some great interactions


Oh, good catches. I think I skimped on the store thing since I opened the mall at the same time and was considering removing the "online shopping" option, and Jubilee's skirt was added later so I didn't include that.

Mario Borovcanin

I wanna say the jubilee online store was there in 0.999d and then it was gone in e but i’m not 100% sure, and it’s good cause it tells you the price before you buy it, whereas mall gives you the price when you try to buy it/fail to buy it… maybe add price before purchase option for the mall

Sami Rodriguez

impregnation and pregnant would be a nice addition, or some kind of belly inflation since I am sure that lot of people continuously cum inside the girls. Just a thought though. I love to see a pregnant x-men.