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Ok, so the Girl 8 character poll is coming up, I figured Tuesday would probably be a good day for it. If you've missed some previous updates, I'm hard at work on version 1.0, which will be primarily focused on polish and refinement of the existing game, making sure that existing poses are up to current standards, adding options to existing content, that sort of thing.

I wanted to put out some updated character art for each of the potential new girls, including rough color passes on their headshots, and when I put the poll up it will be available for the rest of the month, so no stress. Quick character bios as they would appear in this game if added:

Doreen: A goody-two-shoes, rule follower, Pollyanna type. Always up beat and positive.

Gwen: Largely self aware that she has found herself trapped in an erogame, and making the most of the situation. She won't be a complete pushover, but will at least know what to expect. :D

Wanda: She's a bit of a troublemaker, most chaotic of the available options,  and least interested in you to start. She might be more interested in  other characters though. . .

Lorna: My concept for her is that she's a little spacey, a little mellow, bit of a pushover and basket case.




For me, Wanda > Gwen > Doreen > Lorna


Wanda > Gwen > Doreen > Lorna




Anyone but Gwen


Gwen pllease


I cant wait to fuck gwen


get gwen out of the way


how can the game be installed on android? I've had it on android before, is it no longer available? The downloads are only for pc, linux and mac :(


Your probably downloaded a port it's how I found this game and became a patron I'm hoping that he starts doing droid.