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Ok, so hopefully there will be no more bugs here, this one fixes the issue left in the last build, and should be the last build of version 0.999. So, what's next? . . 



It's been ages since I took part in a poll here, so I have to ask: has Magik ever been considered an option as a future character?


She hasn't been in a poll yet, but I wouldn't rule her out completely.

Ai Muhao

Ooooh! I'm okay with Magik. Plus she's friends with Kitty and Jubilee anyway. I mean, I do believe we've left "X-Men Evolution characters only" long in the dust since Laura/X-23 and Jubilee were introduced...


I'd really like to see what you'd do with Psylocke


I think a female nightcrawler would be fun based on that one episode where that happened.


I'm still holding out for Gwenpool lol, her easteregg entrance a long time ago was awesome, and I've wanted more of her


Having Mystique come in to mess with Xavier and falling for the MC priceless especially when caught and pulled into the office. Messing with the other girls by morphing would be a blast into them.


I'm having lots of weird issues with the 'dance for me' option. Girls randomly getting uncomfortable (even when their stats are maxed), saying they're going to leave then staying, only to leave later unprompted.


X-23 was originally an evolutions character but yeah


Hmm. This could be tricky to diagnose. It would be helpful to know what specific dialogue was played right before they did something unexpected (ideally 2-3 lines before that as well), so that I could figure out on what point they started to go off track. Otherwise I'd have to go through each step. It would most likely have to do with some specific condition being mis-set, which could be on a single character or multiple characters.


Well, technically so was Jubilee, but I did certainly present less "evolution" versions of these and other characters.

Mario Borovcanin

I’m new here, so i’m curious, how can i report glitches i find? I love your work, and i’d like to help trying to find any/all glitches, and the exact sequence of events happening that lead to those glitches?


Well, you can make a post in this thread (I prefer people post to the most recent "release" thread, which at the moment would be this one), or you can use the "messages" function to PM me if you'd prefer that. As for diagnosing them, if there is an actual crash, an error report is generated, and it can be helpful to post that, although there will be a line that says "full traceback," and the portion after that is often long and unnecessary, so don't necessarily post that portion unless asked to. For less clear bugs, just describe the situation to the best of your ability. If it is a line, please post the exact line so I can search for it. If there is some other weird bug, it's generally helpful to know what sequence of actions took place, what the last line or two of dialogue were (which can help narrow down where in the code the error actually happened), etc. You don't have to get overly detailed in a first post, I'll work to narrow down where the actual issue comes from. It's generally best that if you find a bug, keep a save file as close to before it occurs as possible, since that would let me work through potential solutions. Sometimes they can be hard for me to replicate on my end, since they use some specific combination of factors. If you don't already have a save before the bug, you can use "page up" to skip backwards in time and redo choices, so you can skip back several steps and save then. This does not *always* work, but works in most cases.


I speak for all Americans when I say it's time for Gwenpool

Vic Bob

Is there an android version im new btw


Sorry for the late reply, this week got away from me. It seems to happen frequently but not always with all or at least many of the girls. They will start dancing then at some point say, "I'm gonna leave it here." or "Ain't none of this right" or something, then you get dialogue options for convincing them to stay. Now there are a variety of things that happen, but one of them is to leave, but then in the next instant they are continuing. If you go back to the menu they suddenly vanish. It also seems weird that they get uncomfortable dancing when you are in a relationship. It doesn't seem like that is intended.

Jacob Kline

We ever gonna get an android download