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Ok, new version, but fair warning, I cleaned up the bugs I could find, but there are probably a decent number of them in this build. This is intended for people interested in beta testing a potentially broken build, so if you're just looking to have fun with the game, relax, take a week or so, I'll probably release 1-2 bugfix versions over that time and you can save yourselves a download and hassle. Warning delivered, here's what you can expect in the new build:

Once you've done the Meet Kitty event (like last time), she will start appearing around campus. You can chat with her, flirt with her, various other stuff, but not all the options Rogue currently has yet. I anticipate that it will be tricky to get her stats up using the current options, so let me know how that's working for you, how high can you get her?

There are also the Rogue relationship options, allowing you to start dating her, break up, and get back together, although there are time gaps in between making those choices. Try out these options, see if you can do anything weird or unexpected. They aren't entirely complete just yet, and at least a few of the options may not entirely work since Kitty is not at 100% yet, but let me know how it's working out for you.

Oh, and one other thing to test, this version has the first attempt in place to clear up some of those save-loading errors from previous builds, so try loading up old saves, and let me know which errors they throw back, so I can try to patch them out.

Known bugs that have been fixed:
- If Kitty is in her room when you text her, she might invite you over. This is the eventual intended behavior, but should have been disabled in this build as her room is not finished and many elements of it are buggy. Fixed for next build.

-Rogue's gym clothes and sleepwear are miss-assigned, so she'll look. . . a bit odd in those locations for now. Fixed for the next patch, although you may need to rebuild her custom outfits.

-There is an error with some relationship scenes that will cause a crash with a "K_traits not found" error. This has been fixed for the next build.

-If you make out with Kitty a few times, then the next time you try it you can get stuck in a semi-infinite loop. If you continue it for a few dozen times she'll tire herself out and you can exit, or just wait for the next patch that will fix this. ;)



how much new art/animation can we expect?


In this one, not very much. This was a very coding-focused update, making the systems that would allow for multiple characters to interact and that sort of thing. The next patch will be more art and animation focused. I've already sent several new costume pieces for finishing, and am working on Kitty's BJ face.


I understand that you want to bring in more girls, but I hope you will also work on a deeper Story and a lot more random stuff with rouge.


I got both Rogue and kitty to make out with me, but then I can only keep going and not stop. It eventually does as she tires out.


Couple things to mention. First in this post, you made a typo. You wrote "but note all" instead of "but not all."


Couple things to mention. First in this post, you made a typo. You wrote "but note all" instead of "but not all." Second, I like the mechanic now that when you go to class with Rogue she can drag you along to stuff she's doing afterwards, but when she's getting ready to go to the danger room she ends up in her green panties and her pink shirt with no bra instead of her workout clothes. *played a little more, her workout clothes are really just set to that I think.


If you try to sleep in Kitty's room you get an error. "could not find label 'Kitty_Sleepover'." And i also got an error when rogue wants to become boyfriend/girlfriend.


Couple more errors when Rogue asks if you want to be her boyfriend While running game code: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 921, in <module> NameError: name 'K_traits' is not defined While running game code: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 952, in <module> NameError: name 'K_traits' is not defined</module></module>


Nope, On my playthrough, Day 3, went to the gym after morning classes, She is in pink shirt and green panties, nothing more. Re-reading it, I think that is what you meant anyway. :3


If at low love and rogue was changing in the morning, It goes through 'Sorry sugar, getting changed...', 'Yeah you'd better come in...' Then goes to the narration: "Rogue Pushes you back into the hall and slams the door..." Just seems like a disconnect in the dialogue. Maybe she should be like, I am getting changed, come back later?


That will come as I go. Like with this build I added that whole relationship menu full of stuff for her, because it helps her interact with the other characters. I plan on adding more pop-up dialogs to the game as I go. For the next build, in addition to migrating more of Kitty's activities in, I want to change how the class and Danger Room scenes work a little, to add some more context to them. Right now they are purely random outcomes that don't really matter much, but I want to have certain options proc in when various conditions are met.


Ok, that's not right. . . ok, fixed for the next build. It was an issue where I'd reduced some of her options because they weren't ready yet, and that left out the option to quit after you'd made out with her several times.


Wait, you were able to get into Kitty's room? Huh, that shouldn't have even been an option in this build. But yeah. the sleepover code isn't ready yet, and you shouldn't be able to attempt that when in you or Rogue's room either. Edit: fixed it, the problem was that the chat command to "go where she is" would let you into her room, now it'll default back to your room until I get her room finished.


Ok, I'll take a look at that and clear it up. Probably just a back follow-through.


If you text Kitty and ask her to come to you because you're lonely you can create an infinite amount of +1 Inhibitions by repeating it over and over after she says she's busy. (May have to be somewhere she doesn't want to go for this - I used the showers :P ) Typo (I assume) : After Kitty pulls a Cheryl and says I'm not her supervisor when I text her to come to me, her second text is "I know where to find me" - pretty sure that should be "You know where to find me" ...unless she really is channeling Cheryl...


Funny no one has mentioned it yet, but you can ask Rogue for her panties at any point, regardless of relationship status, and she'll give them to you.


Lol, sorry, that is likely a bit too convenient. ;) There should be conditional checks, but maybe they're set too low, and perhaps there should be more disqualifiers.


Found a few little ones: Rogue's movie BJ doesn't clear any facial shmoo she's picked up on leaving the theater. Kitty seems to be oddly accepting of watching interactions with rogue, even when you can't successfully kiss Kitty. Rogue isn't properly loading her gym clothes, instead using green panties and her purple overshirt.


Additional error, when asking for panties: R_Leg is not defined. When running Rogue_Chat.rpy, line 1916. Specifically she was wearing the skirt and lacy panties if that helps in tracking it down. Also, when asking for panties, it says, She hands you her panties then pulls her skirt back UP. should it be back DOWN? Although I get that is probably a boilerplate for all the other, give me your panties outfit interactions. whatever works for you. Not a huge issue here.


Not a bug so much but I do notice that Rouge will tell where she is going on the first real day even if the MC as been a jerk for the first meeting so seemingly missing a simple check to ensure either female even wants the MC to know where they are headed next.


Also happens when she's wearing normal black panties. It's not just when it's lace panties.


As for Kitty sticking around, does it indicate that she's noticed you, and is fine with it, or just that she's there in the background? If it's the latter then nothing is technically wrong there, although I'll probably make her a less visible presence if she isn't aware of you.


Ok, fair point, I'll look into that and maybe tighten up the checks a bit. Edit: Ok, I made it so that if she doesn't at least slightly care about you, she'll just say that she's leaving, not tell you where.


When ever rogue tries to make you her official boyfriend, an error occurs. If you choose to ignore it, it would automatically make the choice of turning her down thus pissing her off.


Ok, that's not good. Does it say what kind of error it is? Was it maybe related to "K_traits?" What's the last line it displays before that error happens? And what's the first line after you ignore the error? \


Assuming this is also related to Rouge's Danger Room attire but when sleeping over with Rouge for the first time, she stripped naked and woke up with only the green underwear the following morning.


Again a suggestion rather than bug but on asking Rouge out, feels there needs to be a check for being way too low on the stat check and comment "In your dreams" or at the very least skip the surprised statement and go straight for getting shot down.


Has anybody managed to get Kitty's number? If so what's the best way?


just keep trying to get on her good side and eventually you can ask her number. I just studied with her over & over till she gave it.


Yeah, I think I fixed that one, and it should fix any saves made in from this build, but I'm not positive on that last bit. I know it at least fixes new games. I'm not sure if custom outfits will still be broken, but worst case scenario you'd just have to go back in and rebuild them.


I managed to get into kittys room she asked if i wanted to follow her and I did


I could study and stuff and even had the sleep there option but when i clicked it I got an error


Okay, so I ran into a progress ending error. After kitty starts to enjoy making out with you her "lets stop for now" button disappears and you can only makeout with her until she decides its getting too late. Eventually she invited me back to her room, I texted rogue and invited her over too. I made out with Kitty and rogue decided to join in, and then when I got to the "Its getting late" dialogue I run into a crash error. While running game code: ScriptError: could not find label 'Kitty_Sleepover'.


Lol, thanks. For future reference, I don't need the "full traceback" part, that's usually overly detailed, but the bit above that, the "ScriptError: could not find label 'Kitty_Sleepover'." part is quite useful. Check the "known errors" I edited in above for more details on those issues, but basically, they're fixed now.

Great Chicken Studio

Bugreport: The Rogue training outfit seems to be broken. The upper part is from another outfit. If I ask Rogue to follow me, and Kitty is near than Kitty is following too. I am not sure if is bug or feature )


The Kitty following too thing shouldn't be happening, but I'm not sure exactly what's going on there. So you're chatting with Rogue, and select "follow me for a bit," and then go someplace, and Rogue goes, but Kitty goes too? Well one of three things is happening there, either A. Kitty is joining your party automatically, which I'm not sure how that could happen, B. Kitty was already in your party and you added Rogue without removing Kitty, or C. Kitty isn't in the party, she just happened to be headed that place anyway. So to test C, have you tried hopping to several different places? If Kitty follows each time, then she's in your party. Let me know where you started and where you headed. Did you previously ask Kitty to follow you earlier in the day? If so, she will keep following you all day unless you tell her to stop following.


Had Rogue show up in my room one morning with just her pink top on (although in her undress options it lists a "cami" which is missing off her model) for the "take charge of my life" conversation after we'd "been dating for a while". We'd been dating for all of 1 day by the way so that was a bit weird too lol. I'm assuming her showing up naked may have something to do with her workout gear being bugged and me still having asked for her panties the day before but I may be wrong. Edit : The hotdog option further revealed her to apparently be wearing her capris, but again, she wasn't actually wearing them.


Yes, the "wrong outfit" thing is described above. Basically for those that care to know how this happened, each of their outfit sets is based on a list of items, with specific clothing choices in each slot of that list. When I made Kitty's gym clothes and Sleepware lists, I copy/pasted Rogue's, but accidentally altered Rogue's to include Kitty's clothing, meaning that they were each wearing the opposite's clothes. Of course sprites don't work this way, so it's not like the actual wrong clothing sprites would appear on them, but as it turns out both characters have a "pink top" and "green panties" in their closets, so while the code says that Rogue should be wearing Kitty's outfit in gym class, instead she ends up wearing her pink top and green panties, but not the "cami" and "capris" that Kitty has but Rogue does not. Luckily, the code is designed so that clothing items that it can't understand, it just ignores (rather than throwing a "can't find this item" error). So long story short, the lists are messed up and spitting the wrong outcomes, but I fixed it for the next build, hopefully.


Lol after doing Rogue in the ass in front of Kitty it said she joined in and then I got this error... I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script.rpy", line 1366, in <module> NameError: name 'R_LikeKitty' is not defined</module> Luckily I have multiple saves but if you get to this point no matter what you do be it continue or back out, it'll crash.


Now that one's a bit odd. Were you playing this one off a clean new game from this patch, or off an older save? I mean, either should ideally work, but if it's off an older save, it's possible that that variable didn't get initialized for some reason, and I'll have to add that manually to the next patch. If it's off a clean game, then I don't know why it's throwing that error, I'm not doing anything I'm not doing with other variables.

David Ellis

Running the game on a clean file, and I got a few error screens. No big deal, until I got to Rogue asking me if I wanted to be her boyfriend. An error screen popped up, I clicked Ignore, and Rogue reacted as if I'd turned her down. She kicked me out of her room. D'oh!


If you still have an old copy of the game you can sort of bypass this by loading a save right before she shows up with an older version, playing through the event until she wants to celebrate, saving, then loading up the current version and loading the save. This MAY end up breaking something else mind you, but it's how I bypassed the error.


I had a bug screen when I asked for Rogue's panties and choose "and miss the show ?" she agreed and then error screen : File "game/Rogue_Chat.rpy", line 1916, in <module> NameError: name 'R_Leg' is not defined ignoring made the game continue as if nothing happened </module>


I haven't run into any problems yet, but she can also invite you to her room in person as well even though its not a selectable place in menu. It hasn't crashed or caused any problems as of yet. (edit) Spoke too soon, after leaving kitty's room to go to my own and rogue pops in, it still thinks i'm in kitty's room and gives the random k_trait error, even though its rogue and me in my room. Which makes the game either pull up the error log, or crash.


I get the error kitty when kitty wants to strip study is that because theres no scene for that yet


Wasn't really an error, but Rogue invited me to join her in the Danger Room while in class, and she automatically changed to her pink top and green panties. Is it normal, like, that's a way to seduce the player? Or is it a bug?


Got an error after Kitty told me she was going to sleep: ScriptError: could not find label 'Kitty_Sleepover'. First time I was in her room, so I wasn't going to sleep in her bed anyway.


Got another one. First Rogue bursted in my room to ask me to be sex friends. I accepted, then left the room, then came back right after. Rogue bursted in again to ask me to be her boyfriend, but just before she could do that, error: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 921, in <module> NameError: name 'K_traits' is not defined Ultimately had the same problem than David Ellis.</module>


Yes, I've found and fixed that one for the next version. Dumb typo.


Yes, anything that you do in Kitty's room is likely to cause errors because you aren't intended to be in there yet. ;)


Gonna wait for the stable version but hyped the updates almost there


I got a script error when I slept over with rogue and I selected wait for a moment. then rogue wanted to talk to me about being her boyriend (i think so, cause we did dirty things last night) then after she said, "we did naughty things" Then script error.


Also when i make out with kitty, there is no option to stop, just says keep going.


I've noticed a few so far, KeyError: u'K_Petname' Trying to text Kitty while in my room. File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 888, in <module> Going from my room to danger room. NameError: name 'K_Traits' is not defined File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 764, in <module> Going from room to class. NameError: name 'K_Traits' is not defined File "game/script.rpy", line 1625, in <module> NameError: name 'K_Loose' is not defined</module></module></module>


That first on is the "K_traits" bug, I think, which is hopefully fixed for the next one. And yes, the infinite kissing this has been fixed too.


Was this based off of loading a previous savegame, or off a fresh copy of the most recent version?


Sorry for the late reply but theses are based off a previous save.


Ok, then hopefully some changes I made will make it work in the next build.


Greetings! I noticed an error in the BJ animation. From action to Kitty, her very long to keep the excitement until given her dildo) As if to take in guppies Rogue and Kitty, and then have sex with Rogue, Kitty does not escape and remains to be seen, although the attachment below average.


I feel that your translation program is not the best :P


When the MC has Rouge dance and tells her to remove her gloves, the option to Lose the gloves...[locked] shows up in its place.


I'll double check that, but I think it may be intended, just to keep the menu consistent.


If you have Kitty following the MC and than with Rouge Fool around in public till Xavier shows up. Kitty will end up continuing to follow while the MC and Rouge get disciplined.


Ok, I was going to do the boring thing, and just have her remove herself from the party if you and Rogue get caught, but instead I added a few optional lines to that scene where Xavier addresses that Kitty was there.

Tim The Enchanter

No errors that haven't already been mentioned, but I thought it was a bit odd how the girls constanly ask you to follow them around. One per day or something would be good but you can go all week never having to move yourself, just being dragged around (I know it's only an option, you aren't obligated to do so, but don't these girls ever want some alone time?). Otherwise loving the update and can't wait to play with Kitty!


Well, you can turn that off by talking to them about it, but yeah, maybe I could tone that down a bit. Perhaps make it random, or something. I have a few ideas.


Just became a Patreon after discovering your game on another site, quick question is the side view of the sex possible or is it only from Behind?


Bug report: Game breaks if Rogue tries to make you her boyfriend, choose option two to avoid break and become sex friend.-Second is Kitty's makeout scene, some times you get locked in to it with no exit option. -Third Game breaks if your suggest sleeping to Kitty. Those are all the bugs I've currently run into


Behind only at this point. The side view was an earlier version, and it doesn't support all the current clothing options.