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Ok, so it's been a couple days without any unique bugs, and I patched out all the ones I could find, so hopefully this one is more stable. If you're bug-averse, maybe give it another couple days to see if anything else happens, but this one should be good to go. Fixes from the previous version:

 - Kitty will no longer invite you to her room, as it was unfinished and wasn't supposed to be "open to the public" until it was. This functionality will return once the room is ready.

-Rogue's gym clothes and sleepwear were miss-assigned, she should be wearing her original outfits, although you may need to rebuild custom outfits. 

-There was an error with some relationship scenes that caused a crash with a "K_traits/R_traits not found" error. This has been fixed.

-The bug that caused make-out scenes with Kitty to be inescapable has been fixed. 

-There was a graphical issue with her BJ animations, this should be fixed for this build, although I'm partway through some more significant fixes there for the next full version. 



I found an issue with the previous version, idk if you fixed it yet. When you try to have rouge wear the black panties, she will refuse despite being completely obedient. It looks like she can where everything else except for those panties. Nothing major just thought I'd bring it up.


Hmm, I'm not seeing the issue there, the stats required for that are identical to other panties in the underwear menu, and only slightly higher in the pants menu. When you say "completely obedient," do you just mean that one stat is maxed, or all three are maxed? If her obedience is maxed but the other two are very low, she may still refuse.


I've had a bug multiple time when I ask for her panties, whether in her room or in the classroom. Traceback sent your way, maybe it's a new bug.


I am going to miss being able to go to Kitty's room. It was an easy way to do things with her where Rogue wouldn't see.


So any idea when some HARDCORE stuff is happening?


It seems that if you tell either girl to stop asking you to follow them, they will never ask again; even if you tell them it is okay to do so. By the way, I love the increasing number of subtle details. Keep up the good work. :)


Found a bug - if you're having sex with Rogue and go the point, it flips to Kitty, who then asks if you want to follow her back to her room. If you say yes, you're then transported back to your room with Kitty.


I am having an issue with Rogue where while having sex I can't choose an action in the "I also want to..." it is though I clicked the "Keep going" instead. Also I can't finish inside her, it gives me the options for oral instead. Not a break or error, it is though it doesn't know what we are doing


So, first play through, I can get Kitty's Inhibitions to 431 and her Obedience to 376. Wasn't focused on Love, so it's at 37. Is there a point at which Grab her tit or Pinch her ass results in a positive outcome?


Heh. Well if it helps, you can try inviting her to your room, which should be private enough, for now at least.


Well this was just a buig-fix patch, I'm still working on actually expanding the game behind the scenes. The next content build will at least include handjobs and fondling, since I have the art for that, hopefully I can get the art finished for BJs and some other stuff too.


Ok, I'll look into that. edit: ok, I think I figured that one out. If when the next version hits, it shouldn't cause that issue anymore, but to actually fix it on your end you might have to ask her to follow you several times.


I'm not exactly sure what you mean here. Do you mean that this happens when you orgasm with Rogue? What is happening when this triggers?


That check requires both a certain level of stats, and a certain level of sexual experience, so the options to get that aren't really available in this build. Next build there should be enough.


Ok, I'll look into that. Edit: Ok, so looking it over, was this during "sex," or some other type of sexual encounter, just to make sure we're on the same page? I think the issue is that it's not remembering that you were engaged in sex, so I'm trying to figure out why that would be.


If you're trying to "coerce" (for lack of a better word) Rogue into letting you massage her topless and you pick topless or nothing and she refuses it'll still take you into the action as if you had just agreed to massage her with her clothes on. Also, had her give me a handjob and came on her face, she said "Thanks for the warning."


Ok every time I load from old save I keep running errors like K trait is undefined in many of the actions from the save , where crashed every time chat with kitty.


Ditto. No Blowjob scene either, since every option in Kitty's sex menu says "not enabled"

Jacob Kain

So, since 0.970, I can't seem to get xavier to back off anymore. Rogue has max love and obedience, but Xavier always has the same 3 options. Am I missing something?


What is your player level? It needs to be 5 or higher to activate Plan Omega, because it requires your skills to be high as well.


Just out of curiosity: Are dildo and/or fingering animations on the to-do list for after Kitty is done? It's not really a big deal, I've just been reminded of it when you mentioned the shocker recently.


Well, she should get the same animations Rogue currently has, and then probably some more later. I've been kind of holding off on new animations, because 1. animation is a huge pain in the ass using Renpy, and 2. I've been looking for some better code to handle animations than what I currently have available, but it looks like nothing else will work, so I'll make do with my current options. ;)


Am i mis-reading the patch notes or does it suggest there's a BJ scene for Kitty? I just haven't been able to do more than make out and many other option comes up with the "[Not Yet Implemented]" message.


Pretty sure it was an animation fix for Rogue's BJ scene.


How do I delete all Savefiles without "delete --> confirm" in the game loadingmenue? It's annoying when u have ~100 Savefiles!


Hmm, by default, the save files should be stored in the game directory, in the saves folder. Deleting those files should delete saves. I don't mess with the save system, I just use the options built into Renpy.

Princess Raven

Hi... i would like to contact you oni i have a question about if i donated like 300-400$ how do i contact you? i'm super lazey so i havent looked for ur e-mail or anything.


Hey, FYI the game still glitches when you ask Rouge fr her panties.


the text flow from breaking up > Well you could do something for me > whatever action > back to "I guess we can give it another shot" > then it loops back to "Well you could do something for me"


Hey, we should be able to fix this, whatever's causing it. I don't want people to have to start over. What I need you to do is tell me what exactly the error you're getting is saying. It should include something like: File "game/script.rpy", line 1625, NameError: name 'K_Loose' is not defined This lets me know what file is causing the bug, roughly where in that file the bug is found, and what variable or label is messing up, which makes it much easier to find the problem. Then there's usually a bunch of stuff after that, I don't need that stuff, but file, line, and the description of the error are very helpful. I suspect this might be similar to an issue someone else was having, and if so, it will hopefully be fixed in the "b" patch, but it helps to double check.


Don't know if this is a bug or not, but I'm to the point where Kitty accepts the 'Let's make out' suggestion. When I select the "Let's stop for now option it gives love points, regardless of how many times I spam the option. Don't know if that's meant to happen or not, but I thought you should know.


I appreciate catches like this. Basically, anything in the game will give you infinite points if I don't specifically figure out a way to make it not do that, so I try to limit them where I can. I have an idea for this one that I can hopefully implement for the next build (and it should help with a few other areas).


Ok, so I managed to get kitty to kiss me when we were in my room. But when outside I cannot kiss her. I am able to activate the love options but other than that she says no for smooches.


Update: The shower room works for kisses with kitty, just not the rest of the outside.


What's probably happening there is that she is willing to kiss you, but not in public. Your rooms are considered private spaces, and the showers slightly less public. If you get her stats a bit higher she should be willing to kiss in public more.


Now that you have gotten this far, has there been any things that you had wanted to implement but the time for that has past? you know, something that would require you to completely start from scratch. kinda like Votex did with their Advanced Rouge Intelligence Assault game (sadly it will never be the same). they completely changed their art/animation style out of the blue which was really vexing to me and a lot friends(maybe they lost the artist to some issue). You ever have to urge the completely reformat you game that way? also, you new game build is pretty freakin sweet....even with the few bugs that remain. cant wait to see them naughty animations in action. Think you can make their xmen costumes, as well as make them damageable in the danger room like the tights and pantyhose? in the future, will it be possible to have sex with them with all mentioned items still on since they usually show off the goods anyway? .......1 more question......will we ever be able to seellect rogues starting gym clothes because im not able to find them in the menu.....or i'm possibly missing it because i am looking to hard. sorry for so many questions.


Well, I don't really think any changes get permanently taken off the table. There are still a ton of things, big and small, that I'd like to find the time to implement eventually, it's all just come down to priorities, what will give me the most bang for the buck, I keep a loose list of things that need doing, some fixes, but many of them are just pure aspirational goals. Now I mean there are little artistic things, like maybe I started with a pose that could have been slightly different and would be easier to work with, but would be too much hassle to change now. Also, I keep vaguely considering upping the resolution of the game. Making the backgrounds bigger is not a huge issue, but I would have to re-export all the model frames at a higher resolution, and some of them might not look quite as good when they get close to the camera. There are a lot of variables that I made a certain way with Rogue, but have figured out more efficient ways to use them, but changing them causes issues that I then have to patch back out. I designed the game from the start with flexibility in mind though, so hopefully anything I want to do, I'll be able to tack onto it. And I might add their X-Men uniforms, honestly I was never a huge fan of their combat outfits on the show, which is why they haven't been a priority. I might be more inclined to go with a more comic-inspired costume, like maybe Rogue's Legacy costume, and Kitty's Astonishing one or something. And you're right about the gym clothes, completely missed that one. The shorts are in there, and the hoodie, but for some reason I forgot to add in the "wear the sports bra" option. It'll be in the next build. I also need to add in options to check the various tights when she wants to wear an outfit, because currently even if she's wearing those black tights, she doesn't count those at all when deciding whether an outfit is "outdoor appropriate," when they should count as mostly-proper.


Okay, got the issue with asking for Rouge's panties to come up again. The screen says" An exception has occurred. While running game code: File "game/Rougue_Chat.rpy".line 1909 in <module> NameErroe: name 'R_Leg' is not defined.</module>

Andy (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-06 11:32:50 最高です!
2016-11-19 10:36:09 Okay, how soon will it be before Kitty's date/fooling around menu is fully implemented? I already got Rouge to agree to my character dating both her and Kitty and I've seen when she's around for TLC is mentions her joining in. Really looking forward to that.

Okay, how soon will it be before Kitty's date/fooling around menu is fully implemented? I already got Rouge to agree to my character dating both her and Kitty and I've seen when she's around for TLC is mentions her joining in. Really looking forward to that.


Heh, yeah. I don't know. It's kind of in a weird place at the moment. I mean, I could add Kitty's full relationship options for the next build, the girlfriend type elements, but it would be a mostly platonic relationship until I get the art done for the sexy stuff, so I'm not sure if I should add it now or wait until most of the rest of it is done. I will try to get her clothing options in there though.


You could always do a strawpoll to see if people want to wait for the full relationship options or if they want to see it added step by step. Personally I would vote for the step by step option.


I got no problem waiting. a bigger update is better then a step by step.


Truthfully, I'd rather have the complete portion also, but I have to agree with UT62. The straw poll sounds like it could be a way to go. I just don't know what would be easier for Oni to do.


Id honestly rather have the step by step cus then i can figure out how to get both rogue and kitty to wanna do a three way deal.


is there a way to get the girls to suck on the fingers of the main character?


Hmm, not right now, but it's not all that impossible. I'll figure out the best way to implement that.


I have Kitty at 902 on the love meter. I already have a three way dating relationship with them and when I get intimate with Rouge and Kitty is there, it says that she decides to join in.


Almost forgot to ask, will there be anything else added for after Rouge gives you access to her cellphone?


I want to add some more stuff here, like getting her to do stuff while you aren't there. It'll take some time though.


Yeah, the stuff I still need to add is ways for her to actually interact during those scenes, and was to advance the relationship from Kitty's side. It should also take less grinding once more of Kitty's options are unlocked.


Also meant to ask about the cologne. Got it to show up once, but now when I try to get it it always says out of stock.

Ricardo Mota

Dunno if it's been mentioned but whenever you select the green nightie, while managing Rogue's clothes, her underwear defaults to the black bra/panties combo instead of whatever you have selected before. Also, it's slightly jarring when you choose to cum on Rogue's face without warning and she says: "Thanks for the warning sugar, such a mess though..." I say that because one would expect her to complain or react differently. I've checked to see if it's because of her stats, but in a new play-through, doing my best to antagonize her and having blackmailed her into a handy, that's the line I get. Sorry if it's a repeat, I want to see this game through to the end! Thanks! :)


The cologne only shows up after a certain number of days have passed, so maybe before you were wasting a lot of time and lately you've just been knocking out objectives? It's meant as a semi-cheat anyway, so if you really want it, just burn off a few weeks, but I think it's more fun to try without it. ;)


Ok, for the night clothes, have you re-chosen the custom look you wanted AFTER loading a save from the previous build? I ask because certain bugs in the last build's design forced me to reset all custom outfits to their default state. And I'll work on Rogue's dialog during those scenes, I've been needing to tweak them anyway.


Yeah, took some serious grinding, but I'm up to 992 on Kitty's love meter without it. Kinda redundant know, but I thought I'd ask.

Ricardo Mota

The clothing bug happened on a new save, under the current build of the game, so it's not a previous build save at all. I noticed both "issues" as I started a new game because I wanted to make sure the new build had corrected them before letting you know! To reiterate: Bought the lingerie and the nightie, gave her the items, went into the [clothing] menu, told her to undress, had her put on the lingerie, THEN the nightie and viola - it switched into the standard black lingerie instead. She only keeps the lace lingerie if I select them AFTER she puts on the nightie. If I save the custom look after the correction it stays correct. Hope this helps! As for the dialogue, I double-checked and it's as I said. She definitely should be at least a little annoyed, and especially pissed if I'm trying to take advantage of her addiction early on and she complies.

Ricardo Mota

I'd also like to add a couple of suggestions: 1. Make inhibitions harder to grind. It seems that she goes from "this is way too public" to full-on anal in the classroom way too fast. The point being to make her submissive and obedient but not necessarily getting "into it" so quickly. Slowing down the process would add, imo, to the enjoyment of forcing her into doing stuff . The dialogue options are already there but don't seem useful for long before she'll do anything anywhere! It seems like it would be a matter of how the scaling works rather than any significant changes to the code itself. 2. Keeping on the subject: Rogue shouldn't be able to decide whether the player is a fuckbuddy or her master by herself. No should be no. For instance, If she asked the player to be her fuckbuddy and got rejected, Rogue should resist attempts at sex and other sex acts based on obedience. The dialogue for said actions could be different and reflect her attitude towards the player. If the player tried to order Rogue around after rejecting her offer to be his "slave", she could also be more reluctant with the appropriate dialogue trees or outright refuse to comply if the obedience stat isn't high enough! This would require a bit more work because it would need new lines of dialogue, but on the other hand it would also make the options more significant and meaningful. One could end up being a huge dick towards Rogue (or Kitty, or both!) but only if the player makes it a point to do so through the options, otherwise the game would run pretty much the same! Sorry for the long text. I hope it isn't too confusing! These are just suggestions on my part and nothing more! Thank you for your hard work, I like this game a lot! :)


To the nighty thing, I just checked, and it is a deliberate choice I made at some point, but I'm not exactly sure why, so I'll change it a bit. ;) I think it was so she would retain her modesty a bit, but I'll make that a separate check in the next build. I'm kind of working on 1. I want to hit the right balance of "not too easy" and "not too grindy." If there are any specific activities that you see as raising any stats too easily call them out and I can tone them down a bit. Or if it's just a matter that she agrees to things with too low stats, call that out too. I may have mis-balanced some bonuses in some places. As for 2, I see your point. Part of the reason why things work the way they currently do is because at one point clearing those scenes was a semi-mandatory milestone, but I have some more subtle tools right now where I no longer need that. I'll try to rework it to be more flexible. I can't say I'd work it directly into every element, but I might at least allow you to truly reject her attempts, and have that rejection factor into her choices on a more macro level.

Ricardo Mota

Will do! I noticed a couple of details you might want to take note of, if you haven't already: During day 3, between midday and evening, Rogue gains +2 obedience and +2 inhibition. This happens regardless of player input (checked with a save: tried talking to her, then avoiding her, with the same result). Dunno if it's intended, though. At the start of day 5 Rogue came up to the room to get her fix. I denied her, saved, then tried out a few of the options when she insists. The main stats were 407 love/42 obedience/35 inhibitions. She'll allow herself to be massaged, but only fully dressed. If I say "topless or nothing" she responds with "Nothing it is then" as if denying the action, followed by "OK, but after we do this I get a little skin too," and the action takes place anyway. Also, if I try to touch her thighs she'll refuse to strip. If I then demand she strips, she'll say "Fuck off then", followed by "OK, but after we do this I get a little skin too." and then "I just don't think I'm ready, sugar". It seems to suggest that she agrees with being touched with her clothes on but since it's not an option she'll then refuse. It's perfectly reasonable of her to refuse given her stats, so maybe it's the dialogue that should be omitted? As for the stat scaling I already found a couple of places that might benefit from a slight toning down or switch with other stat bonuses. Question, though! Do the stat bonuses remain uniform throughout the game or do they grow over time? Ex: When Rogue shows up for her fix and I say "How about a kiss?", does she always get a total of +56 love/ +20 obedience/ +32 inhibitions by the end of the action? Thanks in advance! :)


Interesting. I think I know the cause of that shame situation, she's probably in the danger room during that period, in her gym clothes, and that's triggering a function that increases her stats based on wearing sexy clothes around. I might want to tone that down slightly. . . ok, I made it so that her default gym clothes should no longer trigger that effect while in the Danger Room, although it should still trigger if she's wearing them outside of there, or if she's wearing something more scandalous inside. The massage thing will take a little tweaking. It can sometimes be tricky to keep track of what she has and hasn't said between different systems, but I'll try to patch that up. And no, stat bonuses are not entirely uniform. Some only proc when the stat is already low (for example it's easier to get large bonuses off of a mild encounter if the stat is very low), or already high (for example certain things will increase love only when she already mostly likes you, otherwise it can even have a negative effect because she's not into it). The system is overall designed to make it easier to get a stat off the ground than it is to max it out. I don't expect you to fully wargame every possible permutation, just if you notice that a certain interaction has a larger effect than you expect, let me know and I can double check that area of the game to make sure I didn't misplace a number someplace. Any double digit growth on an action that is not a first time thing is highly suspicious.


Got a error : While running game code: File "game/Rogue_Chat.rpy", line 1909, in <module> NameError: name 'R_Leg' is not defined</module> When flirting Rogue with tight hose, green overshirt, green panties and gloves only, i tried to ask for her panties and then got this error


Yeah, sorry. That's a known bug and should be fixed by the next version.

Silent Six (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 09:59:14 OMG this has alot of potential, I love your work so far! When can we expect another game build? And also please add more sex scenes and girls ;) <3
2016-11-25 23:23:53 OMG this has alot of potential, I love your work so far! When can we expect another game build? And also please add more sex scenes and girls ;) <3

OMG this has alot of potential, I love your work so far! When can we expect another game build? And also please add more sex scenes and girls ;) <3

Silent Six

Just curious, what can you accomplish in this game at the moment? Anything besides making out with Kitty can you do anything else with her and just anything in general


Well, it's a long list of thing,s to varying degrees of depth. There's not a whole lot to do with Kitty right now, I just added her and she is lacking in most features, so if you're new to the game, maybe hold off on her for now. With Rogue you can go on dates, study in her room (with a few little surprises), change her outfits, have all sorts of sex options, etc. More is on the way, especially for Kitty, but for now just play around and have some fun with it.

Ricardo Mota

Thanks for taking the time to look into things! It's really great to get this kind of feedback from the dev! :) I didn't find any suspicious double digit increases on repeat actions so far, so that seems to be ok! I've since tested the intro a few times to see the possible outcomes and it's sensibly well balanced there as well! So, I've paid attention to what you said about the stats and how they're set up. What I'm going write might be a bit of a ramble and subjective, so feel free to disregard it if you don't think it's useful! :) TL;DR: In general, penalties to love that don't already apply to inhibitions could have them. Penalties that already apply could be a bit higher to reflect Rogue's reluctance, especially if it's due to the player's insistence. Also, obedience could get a bigger boost when the player tries to use sweet words (using the magic word for instance) even if she refuses because at least he'being nice and that opens doors, after all. Metaphorically speaking in this case! ;) Finally, as an alternative, the checks for inhibitions could be set wider apart to prevent Rogue from going from near-prudish to an amazon in one go. I'm assuming that's the stat that's causing it. I brought up that last point because it now seems to me that one can get Rogue to do sex acts really quickly right now, under certain circumstances. She goes from not doing a handy at 663/117/222 (day 4), to doing anal (grinding, then asking for sex, then asking for anal in quick sequence with ALL the first time buffs coming in) at 843/136/311 during day 5. To elaborate (aka, wall of text): I view inhibitions as measuring how comfortable Rogue is in doing increasingly kinkier stuff with the player, as well as her own self-confidence and self-esteem. I'm going on the assumption that I'm not missing the mark on this! The boosts that she gets from first time and outdoor actions are fine, but there should be a way of losing inhibitions over time if the player acts roughly, reflecting how she doesn't like the way she's being treated to the point where she could even refuse to do things that she had done before (low obedience + inhibition) or break up with the player (no love + low inhibition). She's a romantic, after all, and unless she's completely given herself to the player ("master" check anyone?) she would probably protest being taken advantage of, given her personality! Even under her special circumstances. On passing the "master" check, those added penalties could be removed (maybe an IF/THEN command?) because it becomes a dom/sub affair between Rogue and the player, where her inhibitions don't matter as much any more. This ties to what I commented earlier by adding meaning to the player's decisions and could add replay-ability by making differences in how she reacts! :) I've noticed that there are several actions (among which is completely refusing her to get her fix for example) that cause varying penalties to love while adding obedience and that is perfectly fine! Obedience could, in fact, be boosted up a touch when she gets items or is nicely enticed into something she likes and is predisposed to allow already through her stats. Obedience seems to be the slowest stat to grow of all. Finally, I've also noticed that with high love and low obedience, if I attempt some sex actions early and Rogue refuses, she still gets a boost to inhibitions (which does reflect what you said about stats being easier to get off the ground floor). But that seems a little backwards to me in this case, because in context she's trusting the player not to be an ass and suddenly has to stop him from going too far. That would make her less comfortable, so it should be a penalty instead. I think that, as a rule of thumb, any action that makes Rogue dislike the player (-love) should get a higher penalty on inhibitions when they already apply, or add new ones where they don't - regardless of other relationship checks except the "master" one and styles of play. This would represent a sort of agency on her part, which adds a realistic interaction with the player. I don't mean to imply you should scrap the current model at all. These points I brought up could add flexibility to it! And if you've come this far, know that I really DO appreciate your time! Stay awesome! ;)


Hey, I want this game to be as good as it can be, so getting good feedback I can use to improve things is always helpful. I don't think any one stat is necessarily causing problems, because most checks are "all three together" or in some cases 2/3 combined, single stat checks are usually last resort of "bonus prize" tests, and as such require exceptionally high levels, so until you're getting Inhibition up to about 7-800, it alone should not be having any huge impacts, but in combination with moderate love and obedience it can have significant results. So if there are areas where you feel having decent inhibition is causing problems, it might be a good idea for me to tweak up the bar for the trinity checks. So yeah, in a general sense, I might want to raise the bar dramatically for some of the sex acts. Part of that is somewhat intended though. Somewhat. It's not exactly where I want it, but I do want to make something clear here, my goal was not to produce one of those "she's a total prude who hates you and you have to totally change that" things. I wanted her default state to 1. be relatively cool with you and open to loving you, and 2. relatively open to the idea of having sex with you, and once you start getting intimate, she's fairly experimental in pursuing her options, rather than each new task being some total chore. Now, what may need some accounting for, now that I think about it, is that may apply well to a romance attempt, but does seem more out of place for a "domination" or "coercive" attempt, so maybe I'll put in some roadblocks there. Kitty, on the other hand, will be a bit different. She starts out not liking you as much, and I'm also going to make her a bit more prudish and less willing to open up, so she should present more of a challenge (that's the intent, at least). Other girls might be even more open to some things, less open to others, I want to try to avoid the copy-paste "unlock stage 1 to unlock stage 2 to unlock stage 3," but of course the more you do with her, the more trusting and open she'll be to try new things. Jumping to the craziest stuff out of the gate will always be harder than easing into it. And yes, you have the inhibition stat down. Independently, Inhibition controls when she might do something of her own initiative, high inhibition will make it easier to do "flamboyant" activities that she might not do even with relatively solid love and obedience stats, and it basically means she's cool with getting hers, even if she doesn't much like or respect you. And inhibition doesn't go down much over time, and if it did, it wouldn't have anything to do with you, that would be obedience or love. The only things that may lower inhibition is if she goes out on a limb and gets humiliated or something in a way that she's not prepared for, but otherwise, she just gets naturally kinkier and kinkier, and the worst you can do is lose her respect. Now, having high inhibition alone doesn't mean she'd do anything, you could mess things up and that could cause penalties that would negate even a high inhibition score. And right now, she'll only force a break-up if you cheat on her (which in the current build I don't think is technically an option), but I might add more triggers for her to initiate a break-up. You're pretty close on the "master check" thing, because most heavy checks do involve modifiers that can impact the outcomes. If you are "dating," for example, most things get a significant boost. If you are an "ex" because you broke up, that causes a rather significant penalty. I might also add something to return you to a neutral state at some point. There are several different things that can impact this, and "master" is not really one at the moment, but that could be added. And yeah, the inhibition boost on refusal is basically because you opened a door, got her thinking about it. That doesn't mean she's ready to do it, but just considering the possibility makes her a little more receptive, and yeah, it's a fairly low level boost, if you caused that same interaction at 500+ Inhibition it likely wouldn't have an impact. Refusal does typically reduce Love (because you've pissed her off), and also sometimes Obedience (because she refused you and got away with it). I'll definitely give some thought as to where I'm headed next with it.

Ricardo Mota

Hey, If I can at least be of any use with my ramblings it's my pleasure to help. I feel really engaged and getting your insight is really interesting! I completely agree on where you're going with Rogue as a character! I've had the impression you described from the very first time I ran the game. She's really awesome and chill from the very start and if you're sweet and loving towards her she's an absolute treat to play with. I distinctly remember that when she bares her chest for the first time she gets a little shy and that small moment of fragility actually got an "aww" out of me the first time. She makes the player feel invested in being nice by default! I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression, actually. I didn't mean to imply that Rogue is or should ever be prudish at all. She's awesome because she's the opposite! I think it would be neat to have Rogue being more proactive after the dating or sex friend checks, like occasionally calling or showing up wherever and trying to kiss/hug/pinch the player, or even suggesting he put his thing in a different place during sex just to try it out (because why not)! By having sex acts spaced out more, which you already are considering, the player likely gets a better feeling of progression in the relationship with Rogue. Each new thing is a win-win for both! Earlier I was focusing exclusively on a specific kind of play style because I (personally) like to switch thing up in different playthroughs. Rogue is an easy target for a dominant play style because she's really chill and it's kinda tempting to try to push her around. It feels a bit "wrong" but that's kind of enticing too. That's what I was ultimately trying to get at with the inhibition penalties, but I think that's also where I misinterpreted the stats in general. I thought that it's growth depended on the player's initiatives alone, instead of being a constant "flourishing" for Rogue that grew by itself, which is pretty much the opposite. It was a mistake on my end! I'm afraid I'm not quite sure what you meant by adding "roadblocks", though. Would it mean that the player is prevented from pursuing a more dominant play with Rogue (to focus more on romance) OR that she would stop trying to be as experimental or romantic towards the player if her relationship checks fail, in order to make things a bit more flexible? As for Kitty, I haven't been mentioning her at all but I think I can get an idea as to how she'll behave from what little interactions we've had. If your goal is to separate characters into categories (the sexy one, the romantic one, the prudish one, etc) I totally get it. If that IS the case I would like to have a couple of ways to go about each character, but it seems to be a non-issue since you've been excelent on that front so far! "I might also add something to return you to a neutral state at some point." - Might I suggest adding flowers or/and a box of chocolates to the store, then adding a couple of options where the player attempts to apologise with or without those items (inventory check to show the corresponding options)? After becoming neutral the player could have to go on a dinner date rather than a simple chat option as the player tries to conquer Rogue back! If that's not romantic I don't know what is, even for her! :3 At this point I'll leave it at that and wait to see how the next build turns out, especially if we get a bit more of Kitty! You can count on me for feedback. I'm totally on board! :)


I get what you meant though, because that's how most of these games play out, it's the expected gameplay pattern that the girls are complete cockblockers at every phase (usually with good reason, of course) and the player has to fight his way past them to get anywhere, so it can seem a bit odd if that isn't the direction the game is heading. And yes, "proactive rogue" is definitely something I want to do, and I have had the blueprints for it floating around for months, it's just that getting other factors in have taken priority, and the real issue is that it requires setting up this whole new architecture or logic choices. It'll get there though. At some point I want Rogue to change up positions on her own (with varying amounts of player cooperation), and more situations where she will actively flirt with you or ask for what she wants, similar to the dating sequences. I think I want to try and get at least some of that into the build after the next one (the next build being focused on getting some more Kitty interaction in and updating the animations a bit). What I meant by "roadblocks" is that if you actively treat her harshly, then that should have more impact than it currently does on her decision making. There are some fairly significant bonuses for "if she's done something like this before," and that makes sense if she generally likes you and did those things because she wanted to, but maybe shouldn't apply if she only did it because you had her over a barrel. So maybe I should refine those bonuses a bit to only factor into things when she's in a certain headspace, and otherwise you'll have to fight to reconquer the same ground, so to speak. It wouldn't make progress impossible, it would just make it more challenging than the current model in some areas. And yeah, I hope to not entirely have them be "one note" or anything, but I definitely have some personality goals with each girl in mind, and the first three girls will all be a little "rock paper scissors" in that regard, although later ones might mix and match more. As for reaching neutral, it'll probably be a bit more natural than that. I want to avoid the sort of "play the minigame to fix the relationship" stuff where I can. But I keep track of how long you've been broken up, and maybe if you've been broken up for a while, and you can get her stats to a point where she is receptive to you again, you could just "agree to be friends again," and which would negate the penalties of breaking up without committing to getting back together just yet. And as for Kitty, I just got back a bunch of clothing options for her, so that should be fun.

Silent Six

What do you use to make the game?


I use Renpy, which is an open platform engine that uses Python as its base. It's very easy to use to do simple visual novels, and you can do pretty complex stuff with it the more Python you learn.