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Ok, I know you guys have been waiting the next release, and I'm just getting don't the final testing. It's kind of complicated taking the spider-web of Rogue content and converting it for use with Kitty. I'm taking it one step at a time, but since each element can link in to every other element, I have to plug up leaks all over the place to make it functional. Let me know if in the next build you get to some sort of  "dead end" in the content, hopefully I'll be able to patch those out within the first couple of days. Just as an example, I realized this morning that I'd implemented most of her "chat" menus, but forgotten that I had to actually add the "chat with Kitty" options to the locations, so it was basically inaccessible. ;) Easy fix, but just goes to show how important steps can just slip your mind.

So what to expect from the upcoming build? Well here's what I've got in.

  • Kitty will be wandering around the school, just like Rogue when you don't tell her where to be. She'll be attending classes, the Danger Room,  Classes, etc.
  • Kitty will have her basic chat menu implemented. You can text her if you
     get her number, talk to her around campus, ask her around, and even
    flirt with her a bit.
  • Kitty's sex stuff is mostly disabled right now. You can maybe kiss her (and get a little handsy in the flirting), but most of the sex menu type stuff is disabled until those parts are finished. I'll be adding them as the art and writing are finished.
  • If Kitty sees you and Rogue doing anything, her most likely reaction is to flee the room.
  • I also added a new "relationship" menu for Rogue. This allows you to ask to date her, break up, ask to date her again, ask to form a 3-way relationship with Kitty, etc. Note that most of the "with Kitty" stuff isn't likely to work right now because you (probably) won't be able to build the right stats to where they need to be for them to agree to it, but hey, give it a shot, see what you can accomplish, and if you manage ti without cheating, let me know how. ;)
  • I'm going to try and test these features to make sure that there are no immediate crashes, but I don't expect the first build released to be super stable. If you're more interested in just playing the game rather than testing a buggy mess, that's cool, I'll patch as fast as I can and hopefully have a more stable version within a week or so of the first one, no harm in waiting for that one if you prefer.
  • Another function I'm working on is to try and make saves work better between releases. I think I have the tech in place to do that, so test that if you can, try loading up old saves in the new version, and if you get "cyan screen" crashes, make note of the error message it gives, which likely relate to something not being found, or a list being out of range, or some other bad variable. I can try and add those in. Basically, what tends to cause the most problem for me is that you have a save with a character displaying, and I've changed that sprite, so it gets confused, or the save had a list that had only 7 slots in it, and I'm looking for an 8th I added later. Hopefully, my new method will let me patch in workarounds to that, but I'm not sure I caught all the places that could happen.

So I'll get it out as soon as I can, as soon as I've run through all the new stuff at least  once to clear any glaring errors, which should be in a few days at most. Enjoy!

edit: btw, Patreon's text editing toolkit is a real mess. ;)



So pumped by the way I might be able to help code I'm going to school for Comp Sci I don't have to much experience with renpy though


You should give it a shot. It's based in Python, and is pretty easy to pick up. I went into this knowing almost nothing about Python, and all I've learned was from a few random tutorials, the Renpy documentation, and some helpful forums.


So a lot of the work recently went into working on Kitty. Don't get me wrong this is good and i can't wait for her full release but do you have anything else planed? (eg, new rooms, new date areas, new Sex options.)


Well, I continue to add new elements as I go, I tend to do little bits and pieces back and forth. For example, a large chunk of this update was to add the relationship discussions with Rogue, so that then I can port them to Kitty and navigate the complex relationships you can get into there. Oh, I did add one new flirt option for Rogue, where you can ask to keep her panties, and then she won't have any for the rest of the day (if she normally wears them). So, yeah, stuff gets added.


This sounds awesome :D. This is still my fav ero game.


i don't mind helping you test your updates. a set of fresh eyes can do a world of good. Anyway i can't wait to see what the new build looks like. i'm sure it will be great.


Sounds great! Glad you're making progress, and I can relate to the "forgetting important bits" issue. ^^" When do you think the Kitty sex stuff will be mostly in place, i.e. what's your ETA for the writing and drawing? I think you said something somewhere about having Kitty almost fully integrated by the end of the year but if I'm not making that up, it must have been months ago, so I'm curious whether you think it's achievable in two months (or less) or if it's gonna be a little longer than that.


Lol, that's the tough question, right? I was really trying to get the coding stuff done lately, so that I could get something out this month worth playing, so there's still a lot to do on the art side. I still need to draw the art for BJ/TJ scenes, and most of the work for the sex scene, plus code the animations for them (although I may release them as static scenes if necessary to get them out). I think the next content to actually make it in will be the HJ scene and fondling scenes, since most of the art needed for that is in place already. I'm still HOPING to have her completely done by the end of the year, but at the very least I should have a decent number of options by then, and finished soon after. Also, it's worth noting that you can't get into her room yet, but that will change soon enough.


Internet is broken a bit is why I ask

Trai Nguyen

Don't give up, you're doing an fantastic job.


Great news ! I have a little question though: is it me or is there no use at the moment for the shocker vibrator (I buy it, give it to her, and it is never seen or heard of again) ?

Paul Te

No. The new version isn't ready yet. He's still testing it. Did you not read the whole thing?


Hmm, I have an element for it, perhaps it's currently unavailable. Looking it over, it seems that I never got around to finishing that part. ;) I'll work on it, most of the work is done, just need to tweak some dialog.


Awesome Awesome, can't wait to help test things out.


one thing i noticed in the dialogue, is that "Less is more" even though its more descriptive than regular dialogue, I am convinced into the characters. I will be waiting all night for this to come out.


Oni, your soon is like a blizzard soon™.


Yeah, except there's only one of me (well, and a few helpers), and while I'm super grateful for the support I've gotten, it's not Blizzard "fuck you" money. Yet. ;) I really am working to get it out, I got the chat menu fixed, home stretch.


Good to hear, I know you do your best for us lowly patrons and don't jerk us around like 90% of the other people who make games on here. Oh and you don't do countdowns to count ups that lead to more countdowns, so that's also a plus, lol.


Considering Blizzard has release some of the greatest games ever, I really don't see a problem with Oni taking his time. Rogue Like is already better than 90% of Ren'py ero-ges, and among those many are not much more than forced sex sims. they're still fun, but not as good as what Oni is creating. plus, from delving into the game entrails, I know now that there must be a ton of coding to do. makes me even more impressed.


you should make your work faster than the library game. i don't konw why the library got alot of money than your, but i think your game is good than the library and easy to play too only no quest.


What kind of help would you need? I'm starting my CIT classes next semester, probably going to do the programing aspect first so I can get a better job sooner than later.


Well, to be honest, on the programming side, a lot of the work that needs doing is pretty simple grunt work. It just takes time to do. I was hoping to implement a more flexible animation system than the Renpy default one, but a programmer told me that this isn't possible without completely overhauling how Renpy works. I've done most of the heavy lifting I need already, so when I'm working on the code, it's basically using the tools I've already made to design the encounter, figuring out what logic flow I want to use to get the desired results, writing dialog, that sort of thing. What I'd love to find is someone who can write interesting scenes independently, and knows just enough Renpy/Python to understand how my code works and be able to implement similar systems themselves, like writing out short scenes with a few branching menu points.


Damn. I've written dialogs for a game project once, but I'm completely ignorant and incompetent when it comes to coding/programming. so can't help you there, sadly.


Yeah, that's the tricky bit, it's the combination of two very different skillsets.

David Jarrett

hey let them do there work remember they do have lifes to live too so time and patient is need for a great game like dis one


This statement would be valid if he wasn't payed for this. That's why I stopped supporting many creators (Oni included). You used to pay for game updates. Now you pay for excuses.


I try to be as up front as I can be about my pacing. There seem to be a lot of people willing to support me, for which I am extremely grateful, but I can understand why some wouldn't want to, and that's ok too. I just hope that the releases I am able to make are entertaining.


I hope you take the same stand when AAA games are delayed without reasons, or released buggy as hell. Oni is alone. which means there WILL be delays if he wants to release something playable and enjoyable.

David Jarrett

No he never made excuses

David Jarrett

it will be done went its done we aint making the game so we dont how long it would take to be done


Oh, absolutely. I don't preorder, don't buy into early access etc. I understand that **** happens, but when you are paid for your work, both responsibilities and demands are higher. You can't compare people who create free games with people who take money for them. What can be forgiven for ones, can not for others. Then again, I'm not paying now, so whatever. I'll just wait for some meaningful release and see if there are stable updates after.


Responsibility is about meeting the promises you make, and part of that is not promising more than you can deliver, which is my goal. I try to be open about where I'm at, what people can expect in the near future, and where I'm headed with the project, and hope that they make choices that they'll be happy with. I couldn't work on this without the support I've received. If you don't feel motivated to help, that's ok. You don't owe me anything and I don't owe you anything. But for those that do contribute, I'm trying my best to make the best game I can.


Ok, so the game crashes : when rogue asks you to be her boyfriend, sleep option for kitty.......there are a few more but too sleepy to think of them...lol. I'll get back to you.


What sort of games do you create?