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So like I said, "late this month, or early next month. . ." We're going with "early next month." Sorry about that. But it really is close and will be fun. At the moment what I've going to do is prioritize getting the Jubilee stuff completely finished and put that out as the initial build, and then get the Jean pose stuff into a build a week or so after. I have a lot of the art finished on that, but it will take at least a couple days of specific work to get that ready to go, and I'd rather not hold up the whole process for that at this point. This will give the bug testers time to play with the new Jubilee content and work through that, and then we can worry about Jean animation bugs. ;)

So expect maybe a week or so from now, I should have the first release ready to go. I just need to finish up some writing and a background piece.

Oh, also Patreon was recently talking about what they have coming for 2022, that may be neat. New UI options and stuff. Could be better. Or worse. You never know with that sort of thing, but I'm hopeful.


Kyle Phillips

Honestly, your game has some of the best quality I’ve seen and I appreciate how much effort you put into it. It really shows in what you’ve been putting out!


Я честно уже устал ждать. Но надеюсь, что в скором времени мы дождёмся обновления! Интересно, а Oni переводит русские комментарии??


Release update at 7 February pls (my birthday)


Если он ответит на этот коментарий, значит отвечает. но думаю он не ответит


I think I'll forget about your birthday so I'll congratulate you now

Sary Gimmons

Thanks for the update. You can't rush quality!


ye happy b-day m8 even if I'm early for it since it's the 6th.


C днём рождения мой русский друг! Желаю что бы хуй стоял, и деньги были. Ну и что бы Они в ближайшее время выпустил обнову!!

Harem Hero X

Hopefully this update comes out soon, been dying to play again


Yeah, sorry I wasn't able to make it in time. :D But here's an update, I currently have most of the writing and stuff done, so it's mostly down to some UI and other final art details.


Anyone have any good tips on how to get to sex with Jean asap?


How can a girl become an exhibitionist? Sometimes it happens quickly, but I don't understand how it happens.


Dong invaders from Uranus!


discord invite?

Jim Bob

When doing something in public, after like 4 or 5 times of having more people see you, eventually you get "You've got quite the audience." after that if you continue for a little bit more the girl becomes an exhibitionist, but that all needs to be in one time slot so you need to either get really lucky with Xavier not seeing you, or do the plan with that girl and tell him to stop bothering you.


Almost half a month has already passed, but there are no updates. I think that Oni meant at the beginning of the next month:DDDDD


Well, definitely before that, lol. I'm hoping maybe sometime early next week, I have some background stuff to finish up and a bit more art, then some final polish on the code, but all the heavy lifting is done, at least for the first build of it.


I’m guessing Jean won’t be included? Thanks for all your hard work as always!!


Jean's animation won't be in the first build, but will be in one a week or two after that, definitely not months later or anything. I basically have most of the art done on that one, but it would take a certain amount of time to export that out, make sure all the animations work write, put the code to turn that on and off, that sort of thing, and since it's unnecessary to getting all the other aspects of the patch working, it's better to get people testing out the rest of it and get it in a bit later. I assume there will be several patches anyway. :D


Ye and thanks for clarifying that as well. No one can whine when you're being transparent about these things.


Well, what's up with the update? I thought you were done


No, but *mostly* done. I think I have all the art done except for some backgrounds, and I still need to do some last touches getting the sprite together and testing it, then making sure a few things function at a basic level, but it'll be at least another couple days. Shouldn't be much more than that though, hopefully.


I think Oni just need to give time to finish everything.


Yall need to remember, Oni works in dog years. Cause hes a horndog. So take what he says and x 7. When you consider that, hes actually always pretty early. But this is exactly why we cant waste votes on Gwenpool, we cant go an entire year of lame ugo character release drips.