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Ok, it's looking like I'm on course to get the first build of 0.997 out in a day or two. I only need to dot every i and cross every t and make sure that I sprinkle in a respectable amount of game-crashing bugs to find and it should be ready to go. So let's do a brief rundown of what to expect in this build, and what we'll need to look out for.

1. Jean will be postponed a week or two. She has a new sex pose, the art is mostly done for that, but doing the remaining work will take some time without really being necessary for the other testing elements, so I'll slip that into 0.997b or c or g or wherever I'm at by then. Definitely before I take the release gap for 0.998, so don't worry.

2. Jubilee will be in. She will have some intro scenes, her sprite with several outfits, and access to any content that only requires standing sprites, so no BJ, TJ, sex, etc. Those will be added in later updates as I finish up that artwork. She also doesn't have a lot of her "stat milestone" story content in yet, that will likely be in version 0.998.  I might continue to add bits and pieces of content for her over the course of this version, we'll see how it goes.

3. Something else.

4. Jubilee has a somewhat more complex mechanic tied to her addiction stat, being a vampire. She needs to stay under 50% addiction if she wants to leave the player dorms during the day. This creates two potential problems that I need you guys to be keeping an eye on in testing, 1. Is she too high maintenance, bothering you about this too often, in which case I might want to tone down her addiction gains and such, and 2. does this ever not work right, allowing you to drag her to places even with much higher addiction level, or having her show up in places she should not have access to at that level (such as class, the campus, the pool, etc.).

5. For those new to the Rogue-Like community, I want to stress that early builds of the new patch will be VERY unpolished. If you just like playing a stable game and having fun, I strongly encourage you to wait a little bit longer until a more stable version emerges. It would not be surprising if the first ones have multiple game-crashing bugs to them, but we have an excellent community of bug-testers around this game so I will be releasing up to multiple builds per day to keep up with them, depending on their severity.

6. It would probably be a good idea to make a save at your most advanced state of the game in the player's room, with nobody else around, as there are sometimes bugs with loading saves from previous versions, and this is the most stable way to do it. If you can load any other sort of saves and they don't immediately have an error, then they would probably be fine to continue forward on them, but if loading a save kicks you out of the middle of a scene, that's probably not a good idea to continue forward, since it can cause some continuity errors. I would also remind newer players that you should probably keep a copy of the previous version around. Saves are stored in user data, but it's often good to be able to load a version that is stable to make adjustments to saves or something.


The Silent One

Considering the Jubilee stuff (especially since I assume that her Addiction stuff will probably need a good bit of fine tuning), I guess I'll sit out for 2 or 3 "big" updates and then jump in with more content :D Though... any ETA for the next poll? Need to vote for Wanda and co. to the exclusion of Gwenpool again :P


Yeah, that's fine, I do the same on other games I keep an eye on. I do hope I can narrow down the addiction mechanic stuff within the next week or two though, early feedback should give me a good idea on how to tweak it. I would expect the new poll to be next fall, summer at the earliest. I won't do it until Jubliee is mostly caught up, which is probably two major versions down the line.


i feel like if we keep blocking gwen, she is just going to apper in the game randomly after a few more versions and have a go at us for never picking her. :D

philip brown

yay, cute vamp mall rat to have fun with. :)


In fact, it is very sad that Gwen did not add a separate branch, because it was added for quite a long time (it seems to be added Laura). I hope that in the nearest version she will simply add the opportunity to be in the game as a stable character.


Gwen works as a random pop in then disappear character, she wouldn't work as a permanent addition. Her cameos are great and that's where she should stay. It would be hilarious if her next pop in she mentions some grand conspiracy to keep her out. 2022 part 2 girl should be Wanda, then hopefully Oni will add Psylocke to the list and we can vote her into the game for 2023.

The Silent One

Agreed, she works, imho, best more as an "elevated cameo", who pops up from time to time (Maybe certain triggers like "Rogue calls you master now - Triggers Gwen's first scene". And when you've finished them, you get her as a booty call you can hang with, while also being able to adjust her looks


Her cameo is super annoying for me. I restart my game a lot and I have to roll my eyes and click through all the dialogue choices every time she pops up. I'm busy trying to get my first blowjob from Laura here!


Agree w/ Wanda - would love to get some Wanda representation.


You cray, I hope Gwen is next.


She is accumulating grudge. . . It's really a time management issue. Any time I spend developing Gwen is time I'm not spending on some other part of the game, so if the community votes that a different girl should take priority, then that's the one I spend dev time on. If I had the time to do Jubilee *and* some other girl, then I would do that. Or just get Jubilee out faster.


Well. . . if she were in the game permanently, then she might not interfere with the Laura BJ. . .


I agree, personally hoping for pixie, don't mind wanda either though.


Oni hinting Gwen is coming after Jubilee.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. lol jk jk


Happy Valentine's Day to all of you :)


HEy Oni i know this might be an old topic but you remember version 0.993jk? Would it be to much trouble to implement the "joke" as a feature or choice at the beginning of the game (when you choose your "color")?


So the Dong invaders really are coming!


JK was the female lead version? No, I can't implement that as a joke to the normal game, because it required completely replacing large chunks of the content and only ever worked with Rogue anyway (ie I can't just flip a switch and it works in the normal game). But as a basic feature that anyone can choose normally? . . I'm not ruling it out, but there is added work involved in making that happen. We'll see.

Klutz Lament

Where are saves stored?


Costs on Jubilee's clothes might be nice. Otherwise it's kinda hit or miss whether or not they're "affordable"

philip brown

ok, so.... love Jubilee's art. love the new location. i shall see what i can find there with the rest of the girs. love the cute outfits for her. i will have to see how the addiction lvls feel out for. and so far no probs. on the 2nd update.


Two places. %gamedir%\game\saves and (W10) Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Rogue-Like


Any word on when next update will drop?


can you get more power action in the game telepath, rain , claw?