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I've seen an uptick in "how the new build" going posts lately, so here's how the new build's going. :D

I'm still aiming for the end of the month (which I'm aware is approaching rapidly), or early next month. I have Jubilee's art pretty much done, and a large chunk of the coding/writing needed for this version, but I have a good bit of that to go. Just to remind people of the expectations they should have, she'll only have a standing sprite, and be able to do the basic interaction in the world stuff, and any interactions that involve her standing sprite. She also won't have most of her relationship progression scenes yet. More sex poses and stuff will be coming in later builds.



No rush! Can't wait to see the update soon it ready!


of course, we will wait as long as it takes, but it's not worth delaying the update either




I'm not worried about the sexy times til like April, May even. I need to make sure you aint covided. Live so I can coom


Is the second sex pose for Jean in the upcoming build or is that for the next one? Also it would be nice in endgame if you could fuck the girls during class. If Emma and Storm are into it of course. Maybe even link this to the class events if possible? Is it possible to get a class event with the teachers like play with them in front of the class? Just some ideas. Got no idea if this is possible with coding and all that or if you want to put this in.


My bad. I realized that after I posted the comment. Sorry bout that.


Targetted for the build I'm talking about above. I have a lot of the work done on it, but still need to get the clothing all done and then final polish. You can fuck girls while in the classroom, just chat with them and ask for it, just not *during* the "take a class* event, at least not yet. I don't know how much more I'll expand that part, it's currently separate from the "basic" sex stuff, and fully looping it into that might lead to unexpected errors in some cases. I might also work in other "in class" events separate from the current one.

Hungry Carrot

Couple Requests: Dirty Talk probably needs a overhaul (most of it is the same between girls, not very character themed) Girls using their powers should be a bigger focus (emma using telepathy in the one scene was great) Late/end game could use some more rewards, once you get all the girls maxed out, its pretty much over and you have no need to really play


Something I was curious about if there was any possibility of it happening is maybe some specific events/scenarios where there's maybe like, an actually drawn or animated threesome, but since it's a lot of work doing make it more of a story-based thing or something where it's a limited character pool (like only two specific girls, like the Laura/Kitty outfit scene but with sex) I know outfit variations can take up a considerable amount of time getting it all prepared so maybe omit the decision entirely and just have the girls strip before/during the event as a scripted scenario or something. some threesome ideas I could think of that would maybe be awesome would be things like Emma and Storm double titjob, Laura and Kitty follow-up, maybe have them scissor around your dick, etc i don't know how it would work coding wise, but it would be an awesome addition personally. loving how the game is going all things considered though :)


It depends on the update, but a lot of both. ;) So just as an indication of how I've been spending my time, I got at least half of the art for this one done by about late last month, and then shifting most of my time to working on writing/coding. I've sent out some background art and some of the clothing to another artist, so lining up the framework to that was good to get done first. So now I'm in the middle of the writing/code part, and then once that's done I'll go back and do the finishing touches on the art and then it'll be done. The coding/writing is basically the same thing, I do it all in the editor, and write the "mechanics" of the code as it becomes necessary for what I'm writing. You might be able to find some posts tagged "tutorial" that describes some of that process.


There are some character-based interactions, but I could always add some more. "Lack of things to do once you've done everything" is sort of an issue in any game, but I'll do my best to keep adding interesting interactions.


Yeah, a fully arted out threesome would be tricky, given the many clothing combos. Even if it forced them to full nudity first, there's hair to consider, and I'd have to do unique art for both girls in every combination (or at least almost every combo), so that would end up with at this point at least 3-4 versions of each girl so that they could combine with each of the other girls. Like you say, I could restrict it to just certain combinations, but then that would always be disappointing to people who shipped a different pairing. That said, I am considering some ways to use or modify existing or plausible art assets to have a more satisfying visual for these scenes. Expect a bit more to come here, but not right away. There are several other projects that will take priority.


I appreciate taking some of your time for a response and I'm super glad to hear that there is at least plans for some form of an update! :D and yeah I can definitely see how the limiting part of it can still have its own set of issues in terms of peoples ships and stuff, as well as the hair artwork and such


Rogue has a dialogue where she bends over and flashes the mc, do you think you'll add more little dialogue events like that?


Yeah sry I formulated my question wrong with the fuck in class bit. I meant to fuck the girls without Emma or Storm being partypoopers and sending us back to our room or Mr. X and like the class events join in or say something like if you wanna do stuff like that do it in front of the class or something like that. If that is already in game then I need to experiment some more 😉.


I'd love for other girls to kinds do this too


Soon I hope