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Ok, so it's been a while since the last direct update, first thing, version 0.996c seems to be relatively stable, so if you haven't downloaded it yet, probably safe to give it a shot.

So since everyone's had some time to play it, what did you think of the Halloween party? I kinda wanted to have some more things you could do there, some party games or something, but I also wanted to get it out before Halloween, so maybe next year will include some new features. I hope you all enjoyed the costumes, those took a LOT of work to put together. I was doing bits and pieces of them alongside work on the last several updates,  but they were a lot of fun to work on. I deliberately tried to use a theme of video game references, and also ones that already looked like the Rogue-Like characters to some degree. I also put a bit of thought into the "sustainability" of their costumes, did they just look cool as costumes, or as something that can work with their other outfits as everyday wear?

Now for the future, I'm currently hard at work on Jubilee, winner of the recent poll, and her initial introduction will be in 0.997 in a few months. How much content that will include is still TBA. I have her basic sprite's body finished, and a lot of the clothing I intend to get in there, but there's still a lot to do. I also hope to get Jean's second sex pose into that one, sorry it didn't make 0.996.



The Halloween party was decently put together, the costumes were all great since they work both as costumes but also just as extra clothing pieces, and the dialogue made the entire sequence very entertaining. More content is always appreciated but I think what we have is fine as-is for a small event.


Super stoked for Jubilee and the upcoming content!


Uhh, i forgot about that... Event... Now i get it that Laura at one point shifting me to my room just talked about to Flame me what an a€€hole i am for the costume she was wearing... Uhh where i can Do this Event?


The update was truly phenomenal, I was really just expecting the outfits and maybe a touch of dialogue but having the whole scene with unique dialogue, branching paths and repeatability, really knocked it out of the park. Admittedly, I've only really messed around with outfit matching with Kitty, Laura and Jean, but it feels and looks great, even if I don't use one or any of the pieces it's just nice to have the option you know? As far as I'm concerned, adding more Halloween stuff in the future would be like embedding diamonds in a gold bar, unnecessary but no one's complaining. Very excited for Jubilee (hopefully we get a preview in the next few weeks/months) and Jean's second pose. Bit of a long thread but every word is earned and true, amazingly this is one of the best pieces of X-Men related media, at least in my opinion.


I am not sure if this should go here or in the .996c notes, but Lauras "shift suspenders" option isn't working for me. They are always in the same position over her nipples.


I love it when the game allows to personalize an in-game character. thumbs-up for the Halloween party good idea and I hope therse more of these events in the future. Keep up the good work love your game!


Thought the Halloween party was a nice addition. Costumes were really nicely done. Those party games could have been fun (maybe next year?). Looking forward for Jubilee. Are you gonna give Jubilee a Halloween costume on release or later on?

Jim Bob

I agree that the party could have used a bit more, once you get the costumes there's really not much reason to do the party again, so I definitely hope you revisit that next year. The costumes themselves are amazing, though.


Any evening (when the sky goes red), in the player's room, you can open the "special menu" and you should see the "Halloween party" option.


Yeah, I might mess with this. Currently they are designed to always go over her nips if she has no bra on, and the "shift" option only applies when she's got some other top on. I guess I can leave that out though.


My current plan is that it might wait until later, either next fall or at least maybe 0.998 or whenever. She already has a few costume options in the works and adding a Halloween costume to that might be a bit much. We'll see though, depends how quick I get through the "must finish" parts of this update. It WILL happen eventually though.


I had fun with it. Wouldn't mind being able to mix and match specific items for all the girls outside the party, rogue looks great in the tube too, kitty in a dress, I like Laura and Jean in suspenders, Emma of course was great too.. not much to say on storm she just looks funny to me. As for jubilee even if it takes longer could you toss a titjob, blowjob etc kinda like storm so we have some more stuff to do before the next build comes out? If not hey it's just a suggestion.


Oh Oni I really enjoyed Jean in those short Jean shorts. I'd love if some other girls got something like that.


Do you mean putting one girl's costume on a different girl? That's functionally impossible in a sprite-based game. I mean, it's possible, but it's essentially the same amount of work as creating an entirely new clothing item from scratch, so there will always be more effective uses of time. That said, where a piece of clothing fits the style of a girl, they might get it eventually. As for next build, I'll try to provide some reasonable amount of things to do before putting it out. We'll see what that entails.


Overall great, I didn't get Storm's costume at all. Pokemon reference maybe? It's cool that we're getting Jubilee, but it's too bad she's only going to be interested in threesomes 3-4 days a month.

The Silent One

Overall i liked it, and i appreciate the stuff that can be used as every day wear, like Storm's new bra. I do hope that the supenders at some point will also work "properly" without shirt. Currently you can choose to shift the suspender, but if the girl isn't wearing a top, it won't change position. I would like to see more clothing overall added over time tbh. Also: Looking forward to Jubilee!


Loved the event, was nice to interact with the ladies outside of the norm. The costumes were great and love the idea that it will be coming back again next year. First class work from a first class game. Thank you for all your hard work.


Kitty needs a hair bow accessory like Aerith.


It was quite enjoyable, looking forward to the mini games. I realize could be a lot of work but would be cool if being able to dance was an option. I can’t be the only one looking forward to Rouge showing off her dance moves like she has been hinting at.


Loved the update, adding ways to interact with the girls is always a plus! I would like to see a night club added. It could be another option for dates, it would be similar to the dinner and movie theater events but include dancing! You already sorta have dancing animations but you could have them use their different sex poses as their inhibitions go up. Also this would be a great reason to add Slutty club dresses for all the girls! ( I know what your gonna say, all that art you'd have to draw lol)


Just to relive that one moment in the Evo theme song with Kitty dancing lmao


Cool, I'm looking forward to Jubilee. But so long to wait for her:(


what and how do you get plan rho


Not sure if this was intentional, but noticed after a date and just about any girl sleeping over and having sex in the morning. If you ask them to leave it where it is and they agree. They get dressed potentially with cum on them and they ask how did you sleep last night. Following that they change for the day in whatever outfit is appropriate. They are all cleaned up. Has this been discussed already and I missed it if so, never mind.


You need to search Xavier's office with Storm, and also get your relationship stats with her up.


Hey Oni, have you considered moving around when girls appear? Well going forward maybe you could change when kitty shows to day 2 or 3 and scape back all the other girls in kind. Why? Well it takes ten days to get to storm, and then four to five days to get her a level to increase her sex actions as well. So pretty soon, if people have a gave girl it takes two weeks in game time if not more to even have alot of fun with them. The only other workaround would be giving girls more XP for their actions or my initial idea.


Hmm, I could work on tweaking this. My initial goal there was to not overload new players with too much until they got used to basic routines, but I could maybe compress it a bit more.


What tier do I need to be in order to request more stuff for Emma. Poses/positions/clothing/hair/etc? She’s ridiculously hot. I will also note that you have single-handedly gotten me to start watching X-Men Evolution.


Lol. Well to get more action out of Emma, you need to catch her in the act after class. When she's taught a class, leave and come back to the classroom in the evenings.


Well, just know that if you ever decide to give the White Queen some more love, I'm here for it. Regardless, great job so far, and I look forward to what's coming in the future (*cough*Psylocke*cough*).

The Silent One

something i wanna add after my last posta few days ago (dunno, maybe I'll repeat it under a newer post at some later point): What could be nice as outfits could be the looks from the 90's show, Jubilee will have that look (and god, the Evolution design for her is generic...). So Storm could have the "big" hair and the white overall and her civilian clothes from the first episode. Kitty could have something inspired by Pryde of the X-Men. Rogue... while I'd like the whole package, I guess the hair wouldn't quite fit with Goth Rogue. Maybe with some adjustments. Emma also had a design there with a cape


Yeah, Jubilee definitely has a look that's inspired by her 90s look (although a lot of that is because it's really stuck around), I tend to aim for "casual cosplay" references to superhero costumes rather than literal translations of the superhero costumes. These are more their "downtime versions."


I had a funny bug; so I had kitty in my party, we were in the danger room, I trained once then she changed to her casual clothes and I went to train once more, the usual text that applies went into kitties chat box instead and kitty I guess trained me?


That is a strange glitch. Did it perhaps repeat that line in a normal ext box as well? I can't see anything that would cause it to *only* appear in Kitty's chatbox, but I could imagine a way that maybe it would do both.


It was the normal text like if you train in the room but kitty said it out loud for some reason made me giggle pretty hard


Right, but like there is "narration box" which is used when nobody is supposed to be talking, and then there is "character text box" when a character is saying a line. I can see how it might be possible for it to say "and so you took some training" in the narration box, and then REPEAT that in Kitty's dialogue box, or the other way around, but I'm not seeing how, outside of some Renpy glitch, it would *only* show in Kitty's dialogue.


Oh Oni I pointed it out via an image before but rogues pubic hair sprite gets out of alignment while licking her pussy.


2 questions: 1) Is Gwen still in the game? The last method I remember for having her show up didn't seem to work. 2) When does the Halloween scene trigger?


Gwen will pop up during a certain scene. I think it's while banging Laura. It's just one scene and there's no action with her. For Halloween go to your room there is an option there.


Hey quick question about a QOL improvement. Could you add the "open" state of clothes, for example pulled up skirts or open jackets, to the wardrobe? I would love to have Laura, Emma and Storm run around with no top and open jackets, even without me prompting them to open them in the first place. I mean it's fine to have them run around in the nude or with minimal clothing on those places, but it would just be fun to have them actively expose themselves, instead of just ignoring clothes. That said, it would probably be best placed either as an additional option when selecting the clothing (like "Would you like me to wear it open or closed?") or in Accessories ("leave topwear open" "close topwear", but probably for both tops and bottom pieces).


Also, while I'm at it, we can call Emma mommy but not Storm? That's heresy!!


That would be complicated, since currently the mechanism for storing outfits has no slot dedicated to "open" state, and also there are several points in the game where all "open" states are closed again, and that would likely trigger those. It would involve a lot. I can look into Storm getting the "mommy" title though. ;)


I liked the new clothing options, but there wasn't much else besides it. I think I was expecting the Halloween event to be a little more like Something Unlimited, to have more unique or sexy scenarios in it. This might be a dumb nitpick, but the main clothing issue I have is with Rogue's costume because the sweater around her waist blocks her pussy. So I don't like equipping it on her lol. I always like getting new clothing options, but instead of something like this special event, I think your time might be better spent developing new date options (theme park, walk in the woods, go to the beach, etc.) or adding more unique actions to the currently existing dates than than to create special events Halloween. At least then it's pretty linear and should reduce some of the complexity. About non-Halloween things, I think you mentioned during this update that you did something to Rogue's hair? Is that why it looks all artifact-y in my game now? https://i.imgur.com/PDQBweO.png If not, do you know what *might* be causing it? I think this only started happening with this update.


Yeah, there will always be differences between how this game and SI handles things, because that game tends to focus more on single discrete experiences and this one more on general customization. On the downside, yes, less new totally unique sex scenes before the art would need to reflect a wider range of customization options, but on the plus side, you get the ability to keep the costume pieces and mix and match them into their regular wardrobe for all other activities. True, for something like the Halloween event I could do scenes that are specific to only the Halloween costumes and only to certain specific activities, but that would end up taking about as much effort as the costumes alone took, in exchange for a very specific one-time thing. I might consider something like that in future, but I tend to prefer broadening the sandbox potential where possible. I do hope to expand some dating options in the future. The current system is a little rigid in pacing, but I think I can open it up a bit more. With Rogue I went from the original facial features to a new separated head structure similar to on the other girls. It's higher rez than the original, which makes it less janky in close-ups, but might lead to artifacting at certain resolutions.


i enjoyed the party loved the choices for costumes makes me wonder if at all possible for a christmas party like event


How do i start this party, Is it some kind of random event or do i need to start a completly new save file??


Just go to your room at evening (sunset) and click 'Special Options', then you should see the Halloween Party button.


Are there any plans to slow down the addition of new characters and flesh out what we already have? Unlocking nicknames/scenes/clothes etc.? I know this has happened several times throughout the years and this update is a good example but I think a lot of Storm's dialogue is still placeholder copy/paste stuff, she feels less "complete" and we're already getting the intro for another character. Now, I'm here for it either way but that thought popped into my head when I saw this post lol


Well, which dialogue would you like to see expanded on? I think that most of Storm's dialogue fits the character at this point, but may have missed something.


Is there any way to improve Jean’s heart/love rating? I feel like hers is always pretty low even though i have gotten her obedience high. I want to make her another girlfriend


Jean's definitely weird when it comes to love. From what I've gathered, it seems like pushing further on obedience will help to push further on love. Getting her all the books and clothes helps a ton too. She takes a little bit to whittle down but it makes sense given how her personality is entirely different from everyone else's (honestly this could be an entire essay). So yeah, just do the usual stuff and understand you might need to push her in ways different from the others to make the most progress. Again, from what I understand, could be totally wrong. Good luck.


Yes, Jean is deliberately set up in a complicated manner, since essentially she's not able to care about you until she comes to respect you enough. You need to clear the obedience thresholds to unlock the ability to grow her Love stat past a certain point. I did add a system that sort of helps with this though, as love gains you *would* have earned but were blocked from doing so are stored and slowly filter back into her stats over time, meaning nothing is truly "wasted." Best to always remember that the only thing Jean cares about is Jean. :D


I should make an expanded gape mod, from anal virgin to Adriana Chechik type gape and beyond like Siswets gape.


I really like this mechanic, it makes her a bit unique. I'm enjoying the diversity in personalities, especially with your new characters.


Hey Oni, have you considered adding some more sexual mechanics to the dates? I see that there is a chance to have a sexual encounter with them on a date, but could it be expanded to something like the classroom? You press your luck of being caught in public and maybe it gets easier the better your relationship (or relevant stat) with a girl?


Perhaps. In early stages of development I had the ability to get caught, but then I thought "why would they keep letting you back in this restaurant/theater?" ;) I might implement a bit of something here, we'll see.


I don't know if you have it set up that way in-game, but since Kitty is officially bi in mainstream canon (announced last year, I just learned it), and that Chris Claremont INTENDED her to be when he created her back in the 80's (!), but couldn't get it past CCA, she ought to be the easiest to persuade to participate in threesomes...if any persuasion is needed at all...and that she would be the most likely to seek out one of the other girls, uncommanded, when horny (and the most likely to disobey orders to NOT do so)


Flirt with Jean every period of the day, seek her out before settling in to class or danger room or shower or whatever you do to fill the time. Find the flirt technique that works best, the rest of the girls generally respond well to hugs, she doesn't.


Finally got around to triggering the Halloween party. Fun. I like the suspenders look that two of the costumes have. Also the foreshadowing of Miss Lee. One (continuing?) glitch, missing art, whatever, is with Rogue and Kitty at the very least, if you give them anal creampies, "turn them around" to their back pose, and "just take a look", it doesn't show, where it does in their forward-facing pose.


Sweet, I look forward to seeing what you come up with!


Hey how much is Jubilee ready for?


Yes, I don't believe she is "more bi in general," exactly, but she does happen to have some bonuses with most of the other girls in the current roster, for various reasons. I don't believe this applies to Jean, but then Jean has her own rules for this sort of thing. . .


Hmm, I'll look into that. Might have been an issue where it was conflicting with other animations (like off the top of my head, it may have been something where if they had an anal creampie and then you started fucking them, it would clip oddly, so I turned it off).


When she comes out, very little, probably. I'll have the standing sprite, but probably not any of her other sex artwork ready yet. Hopefully you'll be able to do most if not all of the story interaction stuff, but most of the sex content will wait for the next version after and the one after that. Now as of right this minute, I have most of her basic sprite finished, and I'm working on all her expressions and stuff. Still a lot to do though.


I totally missed the Halloween stuff, mind filling me in how to trigger it? :D


In the player's room, open the special menu (the one where you can level up and stuff). In the evening, there should be an option to start the party.


I loved the costumes! The event was a fun change and I like how it is optional so that the player can choose to activate it whenever instead of it being a fixed event.


We're almost a month after last info/update - are you alright Oni?


Oh. I guess I should do another update? I lose track of time. I've got Jubilee's expressions mostly done, and most of her clothes too.


How's progress chief


We eagerly await your next update


You could go to a different restaurant each time. :P


hey oni, i know it's early to ask that, but do you think you could add Gwen Stacy from spiderverse into the next poll?


Hey Oni, great work on the Halloween update. Just wanted to point out something I noticed during a recent play - Emma seems to be the only girl who fully refuses to go nudist. Even with all of her stats maxed out (1000 in all 3), and having gotten a love confession, she still says she'll wear something else. Is this intended or a bug?


I've heard something about this, I think perhaps I fixed it. In the meantime, a workaround you might try is to take whatever "nudist" outfit you might have put together, and re-save it as an outfit, then try to get her to wear that. There seems to have been an issue with some outfits "storing" that they were "inappropriate" when the girl was at a lower comfort level.


I plan to have *mostly* mutants in the polls for a while, but we'll see.


You have to Talk to Emma about it first, via some dialog segments; it's something specific to her. It amounts to her needing a bit of extra persuasion because of her responsibilities. It's not MUCH persuasion, you're twisting her arm hard enough to maybe wrinkle her gloves, but it is required.