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Ok, this should fix the issue with Laura's chitchat option, and also add her glove to the missionary sex pose if she's meant to be wearing it, and black stockings on her feet in the doggy pose. Let me know if something shows up weird in either case. 



Just asking when will jubilee be joining the other ladies. Hope you are having a great day and a good weekend.

Sean Bargy

I also hope you are having a great day and a good weekend, and will be happily waiting for the next update (s)


Thanks. :D I am working on her right now, and plan to have her out in a few months (mainly for an introduction though).


So how do you go about getting the special dialogue with Laura? I assume it has something to do with guessing she's a prostitute and her leaving the party.


You have to talk to her after the party. Depending on your relationship with her, it may not have triggered at all.


Noticed it in the last build as well, but in the current build I'm not seeing the stat number pop-ups for some girls, the stats are changing just no floating numbers to accompany it. Doing a fresh start and the bug is present in Kitty's intro, can update with other situations as well if it helps.


There were some glitches in how I implemented last build, but hopefully it will be fixed in this one. But yes, try chitchat any time after the party if you got that scene.


Hmm. I changed the way that element worked, but I'm not sure why they wouldn't be happening. I've been trying to fix a flaw in them for a while now. It *may* have to do with advancing through the story too fast (which would just be a display issue, not a game-breaking issue). If you notice this problem again, backtrack a little bit and then go through the same story beat at a measured pace, giving each line a few seconds before advancing, just to see if that has any effect. I don't think it should be specific to any particular area in the game, if it's happening, it may randomly effect any given number proc.


Cool, think it'll work if I got the scene before the most recent update then played the game a little more after that? Edit: it worked


So I've noticed that when I flip Kittys skirt up, I get a text box that says "you could have like, asked" but it says Emma instead of Kitty. Is this a bug or is Emma telepathically watching me at all times?


i appreciate the new event and outfits and all, but i really think we need more to do with the girls. Like maybe simply going to the park or for a walk but with static pictures, or pictures of the girls in bed snuggled up under the sheets. something to make me feel more attached to the characters. Also i think each girl should have something they prefer doing ie- kittys into swimming and lauras into fighting and maybe have events based on that.


Also IMO chat should only include girls in the room with MC and call would be for any girls outside. When on a date have a table infront of the girl maybe around her stomache and show what meal she has ordered and maybe showcase what clothing looks like before purchasing.


Hmm. Some of this I can do, some of it would be a lot. I get that the game is lacking in a lot of the "softer" side of the dating sim elements, the visuals and story elements that might add more there. I will be trying to incorporate some more of this over time. The characters do have some interests, but they tend to be a bit subtle. You can get more passive growth points by taking a class or something with some girls rather than others. These are not overt events though. I'll see what I can do.


Well I've made suggestions before, I'd love to see an expansion for dates for all girls. If you're gonna continue adding girls, the players could use some more activities. It seems to be a complaint from some friends I've shared the game to, my one friend dominates them all then runs outta stuff to do.


Hey so I've been a Patreon for two years now and sadly not had access to a pc for over a year and have been relying on ports for mobile to keep playing, any chance there'll be a mobile version? Maybe after Jubilee is done?


I am sorry about this, the android exporter will not work on my PC, and I'm not sure when or if I'll be able to get it working.


What kind of relationship do you need to have with Laura for the special dialog to happen? If you have already maxed her stats out is it too late?


Well, yeah, if you are already maxed out with her then it probably won't activate because she's too accepting to cause a fuss, but like I said, it's just a little dialogue, nothing fancy.


"Must... see...all..content..." Ok I'll check it out on my next replay :)

JerGreen 11

What file do I download for Android?


There isn't an official android port at the moment. There is windows, mac, and linux. I've heard there are ways to play windows renpy games on android using some sort of emulation, but it's not officially supported because I can't really test it myself.


There seemed to be a glitch where Rogue would call me to my room, but whether I held off on it or went immediately she wouldn't show up. This also seemed to stop the other girls from notifying me that they needed a fix. It looks like I cleared it up by just going to Rogue and giving her the business, which in turn led to all the girls with pent-up addiction parading into my room. Figured I should let you know.


While loading <'Image' 'images/StormSex/Storm_Sex_Panties_Black_Wet_FJ.png'>: IOError: Couldn't find file 'images/StormSex/Storm_Sex_Panties_Black_Wet_FJ.png'.


Had a weird moment when Rogue walked in on me and Kitty, decided to join us, and then got mad and shy when I wanted to have sex with her. It's even weirder because Rogue is an exhibitionist at this point.


Hmm. It would help to know the exact lines she used here, and what steps led up to this point.


It was the usual "not here" lines. The ones that result in the dialogue choices of "I think you'd enjoy it as much as I would. . ." and "Bend over". I was having sex with Kitty when Rogue walked in and started watching. It hasn't happened to me again, despite her walking in on other people and being fine with the sex then. So very strange moment.


Ok, so what I need to know to narrow this down is what exactly happened. So she was available as a threesome option, you picked the option to have sex with her, she said. . . what? And then you got the menu that you described there, and you picked, what? And then she answered what? Exactly? This helps me narrow down the exact logic path it took, and see where something might have gone wrong.

Oppai Dragon

Where can I find the latest version for android?


I'm afraid that I don't remember at this point. It happened and it only happened the one time and I neglected to fully document it. I was uhh... busy at the time...


@Hornguy, whenever I encounter something like that, it's because the girls aren't quite comfortable with each other yet. Rogue may be exhibitionist, but that only only governs having sex in public places instead of in private or behind locked doors. Rogue being comfortable enough to share MC with Kitty is tracked separately from Rogue sharing with Laura, Jean, etc. Try the "ask about other girl" dialogues and see what she says about Kitty. I'm guessing that you haven't had that particular combination of girls threesome together much? Keep working at it, like many other things, it sometimes takes a few reps before things go smoothly.

Zuki kun

Gamcore.com there you can find some games( porn games) and they have the Rogue like but I don't know if is the latest version .