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Ok, still working hard on the next update, should be fun, but I don't have a lot more to report yet. I've mostly finished Jubilee's expressions and basic clothing and have her sprite actually in game (but still have a lot of polish and details to work out there). Since I don't have a lot of updates, I figured I could talk a bit about how these sorts of sprites work, to get the maximum customization variety out of them.

The character sprites I use are essentially paper dolls. They are layers of opaque and transparent parts stacked on top of each other to produce the finished piece. When I'm drawing out these characters, I need to keep in mind how they will relate to each other, which piece of clothing or body part should go in front of the other, so that they end up looking natural. You might think this is easy, the shirt goes over the bra and the jacket goes over both, fine, but there are often edge cases where you would want a portion of a bra to end up on top of the shirt. Of course you can solve this by just adding layers, having two, three, four layers for a single item of clothing, but the more layers are in the sprite, the more lag it can add to the game, so I try to minimize this the best I can while also achieving the best visual outcome I can.

You also have to decide the conditions in which a clothing piece will be shown or hidden. Is it always visible when worn, which may be the case for a skintight item, or does it hide itself, or a portion of itself, if other clothes are over it, like a loose tank top might under a tight shirt? Artistically, this is easy to do, but in the interests of having the minimum number of "checks" in the code, you want to keep these sorts of exceptions minimal, so while designing the art you want it to be as flexible as possible for the outfits you intend to make.

And then you have the animation. While the main sprite does not have much in the way of animation, the sex poses do, so the pieces may need to be able to move in certain directions. For example the breasts tend to need to move up and down a bit, and since you can wear clothing during these activities, this often means that the clothing needs a way to move in the needed directions without looking unnatural. Sometimes this is easy, but in some cases it can be a real challenge to figure out how to shape the clothing so that it fits at every position. Storm's sex pose, for example, had some real issues getting her tops to work in such a way that her breasts could move up and down, while things like bra straps would not seem to detach completely or clip through her breasts.

Figuring out what works and what doesn't, and planning ahead for these things, is one of the most interesting puzzles of putting together these character sprites. 



Great news and keep up the good work, can’t wait for the next update and hope you are having a wonderful day and weekend.


Sounds like a headache


Thank you for the update, would you mind posting the model of jubilee so that we can maybe help you finding what piece of clothing could fit well with the character? Maybe it would help you hearing feedback from your community

Aeryn Monet

Question for you, have you considered new sleepover scenes where the MC wakes up BEFORE the girl? Return the oral favour as it were


Heh, well, I like to chart my own path on these things, at least at first. In general terms, expect a look that is consistent with her original comic/cartoon vibe, and another that is more like her "vampire phase" look.


Hey could you work on Android Versions?


I'd like to, but the android exporter doesn't seem to work on my system.


Interesting. Which girl got her second pose by the way Jean or storm?


Love you Oni, your doing Gods work. Will the next release have Storm and Jeans second sex poses? Canonically speaking, Storm has the best ass out of the entire marvel universe so no pressure. Also, have you considered adding a hair dye system to the game? I feel like that would add a lot of variety without needing any new art, since you'd just be changing the rbg values.


Seems you're cursed Oni... do you still have some hope for Gwen?


Well, the plan is Jean, but to be blunt, I'm not 100% sure when that will get finished. I've barely even started on that part because I've been prioritizing Jubilee and then getting the story content in for her, so. . . we'll see what happens there.


It will hopefully have Jean's but as I told Jelly above, we'll have to see how much progress I can make on that over the next month or so. I don't want to make people wait *too* long between releases. Hair dying is possible, I know the tools for doing it, although I would have to go through and re-extract everyone's existing hair in pure white so that it can take alternate colors. Also, this would lead to hair that would look fine in some colors but look very ugly or flat in others, since "good colors" involve balanced tones, with the shading color complementing the primary color. I'm also not sure what amount of performance hit it would be if I was RGB-scaling several elements in each sprite at once (since most character's hair are made up of 2-3 active layers).


This was an interesting and insightful look into the development of the game! And as to why updates can take some time.

Scott S.

Oni, you are a model for other Patreon creators to follow. Consistent and informative updates over a period of years. There are way too many aspiring devs out there that take on too much and fail. When I first backed this game, I think it had two characters. Look at it now.


how about a prostate-massage option


Thanks for these informations. It's true that a lot of people think it's easy. And I find that your way of explaining was short, clear and well detailed. So I don't worry about the next update


will there be a scene added were u lick the girls feet the same as u do there breast and pussy?


This is the first time iv really read any of your posts Oni, im not one for the superficial chat neither do i hold much interest in reading all the update info or taking part of the discussions and iv been a patron for a little while now, what pulls my eye is a polished product being presented, I'v got to say this really fortifies my support for you as an individual and your future prospects whenever that shall be. Its clear you have an attention to detail, and care about being precise simply from the way you worded yourself just there, and you wouldn't do that if you didn't care about what you do. thankyou


Hey Oni, just another idea that I wanted to throw out there. I love the scene in Astonishing X-Men #13/14 where Kitty phases through the ceiling after a ‘passionate moment’ with Colossus (https://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/436890.html). Obviously having the girls use their powers in these moments would be an insane level of work, but I think a little dialogue/narration bubble every now and then could be cool, especially since in Kitty’s case she can’t phase through MC so he could grab her if she phased mid orgasm, again, just as dialogue/narration. No idea how this could be implemented for the other girls but the scene is just too good for me to not at least give it a recommendation. Thanks for all your work, looking forward to Jubilee, Jean's front pose and seeing Gwen get 2nd place for the 4th time in a row :).


I have a suggestion: you should expand piercing options a bit, bigger loop piercings and the option to not have the clit pierced just the breasts would be awesome.


Hmm, maybe? I'm not sure if I would want to set that up as a full "action," or as more of a sub-action, similar to slapping their butt, or something. I'll give it some thought.


I could tie some of this in with the basic orgasm system. . . One issue I might have is that remember the discussion above about paper dolls? Well the player's dick is actually considered a part of the single sprite in most animations, so while it would be easy to have Kitty's sprite drop through the floor, it would take your dick with it. ;) I could do a separate animation for her dropping through the floor, but the way Renpy handles animations, it would only play exactly once each time you load the game, and then never play again until you rebooted it. With Renpy it's either "loop repeatedly" or "only once" in those "built in" animations. I can actually think of a way to make it work as I'm typing this, but it would get a bit more complicated. ;) I am actually thinking of some ways though to add a bit more "splash" to those orgasms. :D


It's possible, but complicated. For one thing, on at least some models, the top and bottom piercings are both on a single image. That's fixable enough, but at least a little work. More importantly, piercings are currently handled by a single variable, "none," "rings" or "barbells," so there is no easy variable for having a mix and match. I could obviously change how this variable structure works to add more options there, but remember what I said in the OP, the more options added, the more complexity, and there is already a lot of complexity to the piercing system, since they sometimes have to turn on and off when wearing certain clothing so as to not clip through them, to turn on and off a "clothed variant" of them so you can see them through the clothing in an intended way, etc. It can be a bit of a mess just handling the existing three possibilities, if I added more, it could get harder. I'm giving it some thought, and designing newer character sprites with the potential for added flexibility intended, but we'll see if I end up doing something with it.


Yeah we'll just a suggestion but I'd love for just breasts to be pierced as I like Emma with the loop piercings, and rogue with the barbell but thought the clit as well was a little too much.


Having an actual animation and everything would be amazing, but I get the work that would go into what is ultimately a small scene, which is why I recommend just the dialogue option. Just having the narration of 'Kitty begins to fall through the floor' followed by something like 'You pick her back up' (but, you know, less stoic sounding) would be so much more than enough to satisfy me until girl 17 (who still won't be Gwen). I thought maybe some unique dialogue during or after (probably after? I know nothing about coding) would also be pretty sweet, maybe the event is fairly uncommon as well, like 1/100 chance to happen. But for all I know this is literally impossible to implement. Thanks for reading and sorry for another paragraph, I so should've majored in English.


And/or add some things that can pretty much only be worn when topless; clothespins, tweezer clamps, clover clamps, etc. How about an option for the rings to add a decorative chain between them? If it won't work with clothing layers, then set them up to automatically removed when something that would interfere is donned. I'm still hoping for slave collars in the necklace category. Rogue's existing leather collar and cuffs come close, I have her keep those on no matter what.


Kitty wouldn't be subject to this if the MC in in contact with her (massaging or fucking), but COULD be if she's "putting on a show", either in person or via phone, or if the MC has set up a threesome where she and the other girl are going to town on each other while the MC watches.


"until girl 17 (who still won't be Gwen). " Help, I'm falling through the floor over here! xD Yeah, I could try getting some unique dialogue in there. I would want to find a way to pace it out well too though, not every time, not only once ever, probably, but somewhere in between. There are plenty of ways to do that, but each has a different cost to it. None too difficult or anything though. And while MC can *prevent* her from phasing, I'm always a little 50/50 on whether his power is *always* active passively, I think the canon is that he always has it on mildly, but not enough to 100% prevent powers that he's not considering a threat. So I don't rule out that she could phase while touching him, if he's not actively or subconsciously using his own powers.


I'll see what I can do, but to continue the discussion, I'll point out that "just have them automatically be removed if they don't work" is more complicated than it sounds. There already are plenty of clothing pieces that selectively turn off when they would "look too weird," so it's obviously doable, but my two options for doing this are to A: put in specific actions to remove pieces of clothing when other clothing is put on/taken off in a way that would mess with it (which would overly complicate system all over the game), or B: the more common option to put an exception into the sprite code itself, so that "if she's wearing this and that, don't show this item," but the more of those I put in, the more checks the game has to do whenever that sprite is displayed. I'll keep it in mind as I work on things though.


Oh boy it's like non-denominational holiday is coming early! But seriously thanks for just the consideration of this idea, I'm sure whatever you go with will be the best choice :).


I wonder if you should actually lower the resolution of some of the files to help it to run more smoothly. Do you think that would even help at all? I only bring it up because I have a pretty good computer but I find the sex scenes, especially threesome scenes, to lag quite a lot. It doesn't stop me from enjoying the game, but it does prevent *full* enjoyment when Storm's boobs don't sync up with her body and I can see the black holes behind them (as one example of lag). On the topic of sex poses, would you consider creating another pose of Rogue in missionary with her calves more extended? I like the pose that is currently in the game, but even with transparent feet, it kind of blocks the action. It would be better if they could be moved all the way out of the way. You wouldn't even have to do the full feet extended. Just the calves re-angled and then fading into a cut-off.


Hmm. I would consider it, but there's a decent amount of work involved. Fading them out wouldn't actually reduce a ton of that, since it would mainly just prevent me having to draw the feet once, which wouldn't take an enormous amount of time. But then I also need to do pants legs, tights legs, hose legs, holed versions, not a ridiculous amount of things, I suppose, but still time that I wouldn't be working on other parts of the project, so it's weighing the benefits. I'll keep it in mind though for long term goals. I honestly don't know how much difference the image size would make. I guess one thing I could try as a test on my end would be to just make quick and dirty batch resizes of the files to maybe 1/4 of the size and see if that improves performance on my end and by how much. If the results are significant then it might be worth making cleaner exports. Exporting actual assets is a time consuming and annoying process in and of itself, of course. ;)


Then such a question. Why not use the work of other people who provide all the components for a particular garment for free , as well as sprites for them ? Some of their work is good enough to be added to the game.


Well, it can be difficult. First, I'll point out one of the reasons listed above, that even if I had all the art in the world, adding each piece to the game can have a performance hit, so I'm still careful to deploy those resources with care. The second is consistency, I want to try my best to have a visually consistent tone, which means that while there are plenty of artists out there that can make "good enough" artwork for the game, even much better than mine, if I'm being honest, but if it looks too different from my style, it would feel out of place, so I try to stay hands-on to achieve a consistent art design. I guess I'm a terrible delegator in this regard. :D Third, as I described in the OP, there can be a lot of issues with this bit layering over that, or between different poses, so a piece of art that might look great just on its own might cause some serious hassles when worn with the wrong piece or when translated to a certain pose. I make my own mistakes in these areas, but at least they are my mistakes to make and make up for. Even when I outsource work I tend to spend a good bit of time tweaking them into shape to make them work just right. So I do delegate some work, the backgrounds for the next update and the "moved aside" variations on Jubilee's outfits are being handled by Miss Muffin, as have been a lot of recent elements, but I still handle most of the conceptual work and finish by myself.

Sary Gimmons

Having such special reactions to orgasms be only occasional would make perfect sense, and at some spice and randomness to things. While having them only work once per load would be unideal, it would still be interesting even with that limitation.

Sary Gimmons

Does anyone else see nipple clamps and think about jumpstarting a car? No? Just me? OK.


Great to hear from you Oni. I hope all goes well and that you have a great holiday season.


Basically all I'm asking for is to change it from the knees down. I know you probably have it all on one layer, meaning it would be a pain to separate, but once you have those lines I feel like it would be significantly easier than adding even a single item of clothing to the game instead. But you'd know better than me. You're the one who draws it.


Well, ok, Rogue's sex pose, knees down, that's currently. . . 14 image files in the current build. It's the base feet themselves from the knees down, wet look application over that, five options for stockings/tights/etc., five options for if her panties are down, one for her pants if they are on, one for her pants if they are down. If I redrew a new pair of lower legs for her, I might be able to skip the pulled down panties, but would need to at least also redraw pants legs and do the tights. Also, whenever I added new clothing, it might require a new version of that for this pose alteration. But yes, clothing and poses have an exponential feedback loop involved, which is another reason that I tend to weigh my options carefully when it comes to adding either.


There were once such a great team. Remember their "Rogue Like expanded mod" reached reached more than 1Go! And they were still able to port the game on android. Don't know why they give up...


Most likely because there are no necessary people who would support the project in working order, because this deviation from our original was born on pure enthusiasm, which is not eternal. Although the works periodically appear in their discord, but rarely (very rarely).


Excited for the next release! Happy holidays!


Hi Oni. Just an idea for next Halloween ;-) <img src="https://i.ibb.co/17tmvvc/Laura-bunny.png">


Planning on doing a Christmas event Oni? Perhaps a costume or two and a maybe some presents that all the girls give each other and you get to choose one of a few options for use?


Nice as that would be I think (could be wrong here) that Oni is currently trying to focus on getting the rest of the currently promised content out. Plus with everything we've gotten so far it feels like my stocking has already been stuffed (that sounded better in my head). :)


Fair enough, I did ask if anything was being planned and give an idea, rather than asking for it now. Perhaps next Christmas there could be something


I like the idea of "strip studying", but usually by the time a girl proposes it, we're screwing on a regular basis and the impact of seeing her naked is diminished. Is there a way to activate that much earlier within a relationship?