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Ok, quick status update. I've been working away mostly at the new artwork. I have Emma's new pose mostly functioning in the game, still need to do a little more on that one but it seems to work well and the clothes and face are all in. I have Storm's new pose mostly functioning, but still a lot of details to work out. The basic animations are in, but I need to finish all her clothing options. Looking pretty cool so far though. 



Sounds like it'll be out sooner than I hoped.


I bet it will be a fantastic update. I'm constantly impressed with the improvements. Have you also been able to work on Jean at all?


I just hope Emma ass can live up to the hype. We have been waiting a long time to see that booty!

Mark Manders

Awesome. Can't wait to see what changes have been made :)


I doubt this will work but could be get a facial look at the girls new poses? It'd be exciting for sure but I'm probably asking too much.


ETA for this version? End of august?


Yeah, maybe. I've got most of Storm's clothing working at this point, so I'm on the details pass for both. It's not "right around the corner," but maybe not too far off.


Not really, but what sort of work were you hoping on? She'll be getting her front facing sex pose in the update after this one, at least.


. . . possibly sooner. Not this week, not next, I don't imagine, but I can probably start getting versions out well before the end of August. I have some side projects (for the game, just not anything ready to implement yet) that I'm working toward, but no point holding up a release for those if they wouldn't make the cut anyway.

Anthony Michelli

So I did get a rather specific error. Happened when I was outside in the University Square with Storm giving me a BJ and Jean was present sucking her boobs. both were wearing their lingerie. Error popped just as both of us were about to cum. [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While loading <'Image' 'images/StormBJFace/Storm_TJ_Chest_Lacebra_TopU.png'>: IOError: Couldn't find file 'images/StormBJFace/Storm_TJ_Chest_Lacebra_TopU.png'.


Ok, i know you busy with all great updetes you doing, but i got 2 quick questions: 1) is there plance for your discord server to make? 2)random scene suggestion: emma convinces player to perform lesson for her whi shi hides behind tribune to have fun (might watched to much of police academy)


Ah, yes, fixed for next one, thanks. It will basically happen in Storm's TJ/BJ pose with her lace bra when she doesn't have a shirt over it. :D


I don't really use Discord, so I don't have an official channel. sorry about that. Heh, I might consider the Emma scene, figure the best way to do that one. . .


hey man could you change the sex values for each girl, or their limits? Like Rogue, and Kitty can remain 3 but the rest of the cast could you bump it up like Emma has 5, Storm has 4, Laura has 4 and Jean has 5? It'd add variety for sure because they used to be all different and now they're the same. A suggestion to all girls based on experiences.


is there any chance that we get tattoos or changing the hair color of the girls?


super excited for the next stuff coming out. just one thing I think the girls coming into the room when I'm with another girl happens a little too often. In some cases, I don't even get a chance to lock the door.


Somehow i found a New thing: File "game/script SDialog.rpy", line 2151, in NameError: name 'Girl' is not defined


Always good to hear from you Oni. I look forward to seeing what you've come up with.


waiting very patiently for this update still. love to get it soon as i have all girls maxxed out


Not super likely. The way the girls are designed can get a bit complicated if I add tattoos to the mix, especially having to apply them to all poses. There is a method to allow selectable hair color, but I think it might cause some lag issues. I might do some sort of beta attempt at that and see how it runs on people's devices.


Yeah, I tweaked that in one of the more recent patches and the response has been pretty universal "too much," so I will definitely try to limit that a bit more.


Love the game Oni, been playing for a couple years now! Do you think you could add a Rimjob option? Even if it's just in the threesome text based actions. We have a "Lick her ass" option to have the girls go down on each other during threesomes but if there could be a "Lick my ass" option, that'd be awesome.


I'll look into it. Maybe not as a primary action, but at least as a side option in threesomes.


I'm looking forward to the update I hope it's soon


Hey Oni I’m a new Patreon! Love your work. I specifically love the Loose asshole detail when they had anal experience, it would be nice if you can expand this to full on Gapes once you fuck them enough time in the asshole. I want to see them anally wrecked with rosebuds and stuff.


Hey man, just here to say you're doing a great work, keep it going 👍


do the gapes! We want gapes! And dripping cum from those gapes. Sorry very horny lol


"Borg asked: ETA for this version? End of august? 3w" "Oni replied: . . . possibly sooner. Not this week, not next, I don't imagine, but I can probably start getting versions out well before the end of August. I have some side projects (for the game, just not anything ready to implement yet) that I'm working toward, but no point holding up a release for those if they wouldn't make the cut anyway. " Edit: This was around 3 weeks ago, but yeah so before the end of this month at least, but you never know could be in 10seconds!!!! xD


Have you ever thought of having the Phoenix being another option for Jean? Like there is a personality switch you can flip where the Phoenix takes over for a bit. Could be an interesting side story.


That's sounds awesome! Phoenix for a love focus and Dark Phoenix for a bossy possessive dom version?


I agree, it will be a good addition to the game, love dom womens :)


Having the Phoenix could be like having another character. Although allowing the player control of her switch for the most part would be good for their preferences.


That actually makes sense. It's possessed more than just Jean (although she's it's go to), and in some cases, has been split between multiple people. It could function as a hyper aggressive between love/dom that could posses multiple people in the same encounters if it's currently attached to one person. You could make it drive the girl's dialogue into overdrive, or make the dialogue parasitic making the phoenix force talk for both girls during threesomes as itself It also fits into a potentially better version of doing something like the Stepford Cuckoos (which is just Younger Emma times 3). Still a walking potential foursome at all times with them does sound neat, but Phoenix/D. Phoenix allows stronger flavor to the current cast than suggesting 3 more blondes in one .


Maybe. They already have a sort of gapey- art available for when there's a dick in there, it's just not always 100% right in all possible combinations, so I'd need to check on a few things.


I don't mind the enthusiasm. :D I'm hoping this week, I think most of the stuff is done, just some testing, maybe a few tweaks.


Maybe. It could get complicated. Every time I went for a dialogue option, where each other girl would have one, Jean would maybe have 2-3. That could get out of hand.


Hey Oni, just wanted to make a note that a lock door option should be made for when the player wakes up with another girl and gets a BJ. I think it was already mentioned for when a girl drags you to your room, but the morning blowjobs are another instance when girls barge in.


Also, I've been having issues where I enter the classroom or danger room, and one of the girls asks me to meet them in my room. Then, when I accept, it bugs out and nobody is in the room when I arrive.