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Ok, this one is all bug fixes on the previous build, and should clear up the various "image missing" errors. 



"Storm calls you up and says she'd like to meet with you in your room" Gives the usual yes and no. Clicking yes, takes you back to your room. She isn't present, nothing occurs, and there's no error message. Waiting doesn't help.


Do you have any idea what it might be about? It would likely be one of the relationship dialogues, so which haven't you seen that you might be up for?


okay cool.


Hey Oni considered adding clothed titjob to Rogue as well?


Hi Oni! Not sure if it is on my end but I am never able to see the dildos or vibes when using them. Also, was curious if you were thinking of adding other toys or constraints/blindfolds in the future?


Yes, eventually. It's on the list of long term goals, but ones which tend to not take priority.


I'll see about getting vibrators and dildos in on the standing pose. Dildos should be visible now in some of the sex poses. Blindfolds might be possible, I'd need to make sure they can be added without messing with the hair too much. Most forms of binding would be tricky, since they would require changing their arm positions, which then means changing a ton of clothing pieces to match the new arm positions.

Kyte Avytrius

Hey Oni. I did find a very minor bug. Whenever you're fooling around with one girl and another girl comes into the room because they were looking for you, and they end up joining you, any buttons to do with the sexual actions cease to work. It does cause a brief process when you click them, but it's like they fail to load. It's not a major bug, however; simply stopping that line of sex and then going back into that one or loading another fixes the issue. This is from only two instances thus far; the first when I fooled around with Kitty in the University Square, and Emma walked in. It then happened in the Danger Room with Laura, when Emma walked in. It could just be Emma in hindsight. I don't think it's major since it's easily fixed but I thought I could bring it to your attention!


Hey Oni, could some kissing animations be made for the girls?

Jim Bob

Kitty's piercings don't seem to show up in her titjob pose


Kitty and emma in MC's room all three in "party" i try and disband party with emma at night time so i can go break into xaviers office with kitty, then this error pops up [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: AttributeError: 'GirlClass' object has no attribute 'like'


Ok, it's definitely worth sorting out. When you say "they don't work," do you just mean that they don't cause the action to take place? Out of curiosity, say you were with Rogue, and Kitty showed up and joined you. Would the menu at the top switch to Kitty, and remain that way until you changed actions? Like I mean does it switch to the second girl? I'm thinking that might be the cause of the problem if so, and I can work around that. I *doubt* it is specific to Emma, although I suppose that's possible.


Yes, no, and maybe? Creating whole unique kissing animations for the girls would involve a lot of work, especially if they were really good ones where they were cuddling, since they would need to work across all possible pairings, which the larger/taller girls and smaller/petite girls matching up in ways that looked right. On the other hand, with every girl getting a doggy style pose, and with those poses having some form of profile view of their face, it would allow for those poses to be "mooshed together" in a way that would look ok. I might do that once it's available to all of them.


Yeah, I'm afraid that pose is particularly lackluster at the moment, it doesn't have art for basically anything. ;) I'll try and update it at some point, at least with the piercing options.


Hmm. . . Ok. . . I could use some more data on that one, the larger error log or something. I know what causes that sort of error, but I'm not sure exactly what would cause the circumstance for it there, and more data would help. Short of that, it might help to know the exact line or button press that occurred immediately before the error.


Random question about the code, what exactly is TabM? Is it just something that keeps track of how long a girl will be mad at you for?

Snub Birth

Encounter a funny glitch. I was doing a scene in Storms room and Jean popped in and did the threesome join in and she orgasms after each command even with her bar not full.


Lol, no, it's a multiplier in the stat checking code based on how much they care whether they are seen doing something. I don't fiddle with it too much, but it's built into a lot of the existing systems. It basically means that they are more willing to be seen topless, let's say, than to be seen having anal sex in public. It's basically a way of making them more willing to do certain things in private than in public without it being directly linear.


Interesting. . . ;) I upped the rate at which people could join in like that, and for some reason it's now causing all sorts of interesting bugs. :)


Real bug report I encountered (minor): Walking in on Kitty (maybe other girls too, not sure) in the shower is not triggering the "seen bottomless" code. When you talk to her afterwards, she'll often say, "Hope you liked the view" but you can't get the bottomless dialogue. Inputting: $ KittyX.AddWord(1,0,0,0,"bottomless") fixed the problem, so somehow there's a logic loop that's stopping it from getting there. Also regarding the "Hope you liked the view" dialogue, it seems to fire *a lot*. I know I've mentioned this before, but stuff like this might be another reason to isolate the unique conversation topics from the RNG of the "Talk with" tree. Would be especially good to have during dates. I could see Zero perhaps pursuing the conversation topic with Rogue over dinner, "So I wasn't your first time?"


Also, could just be a weird thing, but I walked in on Rogue for the first time in the shower and I didn't get the usual big stat buff that comes with the first time. Did you remove it or is it bugged?


I was a few updates back but for some reason girls keep barging into every room. This is a new feature for me and I actually like it in concept but like I think it may need some checks as it happens even in the privacy of my own room and Kitty makes locking the door pointless. It even ends up spoiling some of the "story" scenes. It's funny because Emma pulls me aside to profess her love and then as we consummate the confession X-23 just walks right in and starts playing with herself with Emma not reacting at all. Was actually kinda funny.


Heh, I'm still working out some stuff with those, and might need to put up some better "walls."


any chance of other characters getting clothed paizuri option like storm?

Kyle Phillips

Is anyone having difficulty getting Storms “leverage” from Xaviers office? Can’t seem to trigger the event?


Bug report: Medium? The addiction stuff is a bit out of sorts at the moment. It's easier just walk you through the dialogue and options rather than try to explain. Context: Rogue 352L - 85O - 174I --> What? You just want to touch my face? No thanks. Rogue: "Fine then, what would work for you?" --> How about you let me touch you instead? Rogue: "That depends, [Girl.Petname]. What were you thinking?" --> How about you let me touch your breasts? Rogue: "I don't know, you'd have to touch them. . ." Rogue: "I'm not ready to show you those yet. . ." --> How about just the mesh top? Rogue: "Well, no big deal I guess. . ." "Rogue tosses the mesh top over her head." Rogue: "I just don't think I'm ready yet, [Girl.Petname]. . ." --> Come on, please? Rogue: Heh, I suppose I can hardly refuse ya when you use the magic words. . ." "Breast" --> Keep going (clicked exactly once) "You continue to fondle Rogue" Rogue: "I hope that was enough." Rogue: "I'd- I don't want to do that. . ." ----------------------- Back to addiction menu starting with "Nothing, just touch whatever you like" and ending with "Nope, you're on your own". As you can see, there's a weird flow of paths going on here. It's also weird that right initiating the act, it immediately ends after clicking Keep Going only one time and without warning. Other things like this can also happen without this exactly chain of events, actions, or requests, but it's often similar to this. Another example is with Kitty: "Would you mind if I touched you again real quick?" --> What? You just want to touch my face? No thanks. "Solike, what do you want?" --> How about a kiss? "I don't know. . ." "I'm still feeling off. . ." Addiction Menu ----------------- Weird, huh?


wondering if you are planning on ever adding and bondage or petplay content


Yeah, some fair points. I have made an adjustment to the dialogue order to fix Rogue's last line there, it should no longer appear right after you've "done something", only if she totally refused. I'm still trying to sort the "cancelled out of her action" though, I'm not exactly sure what happened there. Did it literally say nothing more than "You continue to fondle Rogue?" There should at least have been a bit more dialogue to that one, a more detailed description. I might have some idea of why it's cancelling past that though.


Yes, but there's work involved. I hope to get more of that in at some point. It's something I started with Emma and continued to build out where possible from there. Some girls are more complicated than others, and with some it was just that I hadn't gotten back around to them yet.


Bondage would involve a lot of art changes, since it would require their arms to be in different positions (and therefore their clothes too). I might do some amount of pet play stuff, although I am no expert in it.


I don't remember if it had more to the description or not. The one that just says, "Breast" was literal though. There was nothing more than that. I could try to check it again but I think I'd have to set up a new game to check because I think that one was the second time Rogue came around with the "And nothing else helps?" dialogue options.


New here, but just wondering if it's a bug on my end or not, Kitty's piercings aren't shown durint titfuck, is it a glitch or is it not in yet? & thanks for an amazing game thus far :)


hey just wondering did you increase the walk-in on chance also it seems the girls are more easily angered


Girls are breaking in to the room like "FBA, OPEN UP!" Its irritating as f*ck (especially then they are doing this 3-4 times in a row). More than that: when they are breaking in, they breaking current sex activity (no more lust points or any points, you can change your activities, but result the same: you just wasting time)

Jared Draken Condor

I've never had girls just barging in on sex scenes that were already going (except for in the showers) before 0.994H. It is pretty irritating to have jean or X23 suddenly barge in while you're taking care of the addiction of another character. I've also made the experience that especially jean seems to slow down the game to a crawl when this happens. Definitely needs some adjusting. Thnx for the great work tho, this game is a masterpiece without equal in this genre as far as i am concerned.


Getting a weird error, the message "NO DC" is in the top left corner and doesn't go away, the game plays otherwise normally but the message is a bit distracting.


Yeah, I got rid of the "breast," line, it was a holdover from testing on the new pose mechanic.


Yup. I've gone through Emma's kit, and she should have clothed paizuri options in the next build for at least some of her clothing, although it's not as complex as Jean or Storm's. Her sports bra does have a hole in it already. ;)


Ok, I clearly set this to be too frequent and can tone that down a bit.


Yeah, it's something I'll work on, but yeah, Kitty's TJ pose is missing a lot of options.


I don't know why they would be more easily angered, but yeah, the walk-in chance is a bit higher now. I'll tweak that next version.


Hmm. . . I'm not sure what would cause that. Is it in red, or light gray? The former would probably be it looking for an image it's not finding, the latter would be a default Renpy option message, which can be caused by certain key commands, but I don't recognize that one.


Light Gray, and semitransparent. Depending on what is onscreen it can be drowned out but it's still there when the scene changes


I've experienced this before. It means you need to update your graphics card drivers. Why it causes this? I have no idea. But that's what fixes it.


Ok, yeah, I just did a quick web search and "no DC" seems ot be an issue that occurs related to Nvidia drivers across a number of programs. I'm afraid that's out of my wheelhouse.

Jared Draken Condor

ok after starting a new playthrough (new PC) i ran into an actual issue with the girls barging into the room: jealousy, rogue actually looses love points every time she catches me with another girl whose addiction got to high. If the same happens to all the girls it will become quite impossible to actually get involved with all of them. It also isn't just 1 love thats lost but 5 which is more than can often be gained in one day if you don't focus on just one girl entirely or happen to have a gift or something. Since sometimes the same girl barges in 3-4 times in just one session this might really become an issue so please tweak the rates a bit. Thank you and keep up the great work.


I do intend to turn down the "girls barge in" aspect, hopefully that will help. If you lock the door, they will at least knock and be willing to leave. I guess I need to add a "lock" option for addiction scenes though.

Jared Draken Condor

Thnx Oni, adding a lock option for addiction scenes would help greatly (except for kitty but thats ok since its lore)


Can you make it so girls that have already barged in won't barge in again to the same scene? I tried starting fresh to experience the early game seductions again and I had Emma barge in (through a locked door) six times in a row, losing 5 love points each time.


IT should be reduced in the next version, and if not enough, I can knock it down some more in following builds over the first couple weeks. I have it be at least no more than once per time block, and reduced the odds a bit.