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Ok, so the poll is closed, and Storm's front facing pose is the clear winner. I've started putting that one together, I think I have a fun look for it that will show off Storm's assets. I'm also most of the way through Emma's upcoming doggy style pose, and plan to do some other touch-ups to her existing art by next version too. She is currently missing some clothing options in some of her poses, among other things. I've also got a few long-term projects in the works.

I'll also be putting out 0.994h shortly, which will hopefully just fix some bugs that popped up last build, mainly due to the new options added to some girl's sex poses. This is likely to be the last build for 0.994.



I was actually hoping you'd give Emma more clothe options for her titfuck pose. Especially when it came to her only wearing her jacket. So I'm excited to see if you're working on that.


I'm glad you made an update intime for summer


I'll definitely give it a look over. Emma was the first one where I actually started adding clothed options for that pose, so maybe there are some simple options I could add there.

Anon 49

Great work all around! Now for some non-clothes questions: - What is that brief talk with Prof X about “micro-transactions”? - What’s the deal with the bookshelf in his office and the note “it will take more exploring” mean? - How do you activate Storm’s Plan Rho?


The first is a new way to earn cash ingame. You can access it from the player's room special menu, going to McCoy's lab, and running deliveries can make you a little extra cash. I could maybe spotlight that a bit better. Keep poking around in the office with both Kitty and Storm, there are some prizes you can find there, and each character can find the key to their "plan" in that room, but you need the right one with you.

Anon 49

Thanks for the help. Also an odd note: any chance of a minor code tweak that resets Prof’s face to a smile whenever you visit his office? As I like him as a mentor-like character, it’s jarring to have him continuously scowling or giving me a dazed look after I have to ambush him.


OOOOHHHHH, so you can't find the Plan's key item unless that girl is with you?! I've been managing this by accident, not by intent.


Yeah, I wanted to avoid unlocking one girl and letting you loot everything in sight, part of the point of this mechanic is to get each girl fully on board first.