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So I'd gotten some criticism of Emma's face in her BJ pose. I thought, "that's fair, let me see what I can do with that." So I noodled around with it a bit, and this is what I ended up with. So I'll leave it up to you guys, which would you prefer, A or B? Or C, is there some reasonable change that you think I could make that would make one of these perfect? (enter "C" below)

Oh, and btw, the new version should be out this week, regardless of your choices here, and we'll discuss that later, keep this thread about the question, or ask your other questions in the last post I'd made, which was. . . damn, weeks ago. I really need to post more often. 



Personally I always thought Emma's nose looked weird, but you seems to have fixed it or made it better, at least in my eyes

sergio valdez

Lol she has a great BJ face, It's her titjob that clearly needs rework Imo. It's very Jarring especially compared to Storms


Hmm, animation motion, or the artwork of it? The next build will have some additional art so that her top can stay on (if that would make sense for that action) like on some of the more recent girls.

Scott Snelling

I'd say a bit more pronounced bridge of the nose (less of a button nose, she was always drawn as very much the Eastern European look with a stronger upper nose). Either with a bit of line usage or even just a subtle shade. Voted B either way, between the 2.


Yeah, noses are hard under the best of circumstances, and cellshaded from head-on is probably the worst of cases for noses. ;) It's difficult to give it proper "dimension" from that angle and with those tools.


B absolutely. Between the bridged nose, the sleek jawline and the narrow eyes it's just *chefs kiss*.


C. As nose Bs chin. Or just B


Honestly, I never even noticed. Either is fine with me.

Oni's Fan

B has better nose. A has better eyes (in my opinion)

Zachary Whittall

Honestly the changes are subtle and small. I never noticed anything wrong with the bj pose. but there is something wrong looking with emma's normal sex pose and face, it's really in disproportion, but i get why to try and give a perspective illusion. imo her actual sex poses need a touch up


Just as a face, I think it looks fine either way. For a true test, I think we need to actually see her sucking dick to see if there's a proper difference. Just like how Storm's face looks fine when she's just in front of you but then somehow feels different when she's actually sucking dick.


C. (=A-s nose and eyes, on B-s jaw contour and eyebrows)


Well, she's getting a doggy-style option next build, and I've added some tweaks to the old one, but it's mostly the same proportions.


Did you put some of that anal Gaping action?

The Silent One

I know that this probably falls under the same part as the gender-swap idea ages back (after you did the April Fool's version and then contemplated to add it as an optional thing in the main game), but... in the far off future... I kinda think it could be fun to have pregnancies... it's always a bit immersion breaking for me (not horribly so, but a bit), that you're doing girls in an h-game raw and apparently you've just found the 2 most infertile people on the planet. It'd probably also be entirely optional, because of the same reason as gender bending would be (some people just absolutely hate such stuff), and I wouldn't expect to see it for a looooong time if you do it... But I think it could be nice.


Have you considered editing rogues blowjob to be a bit more sexy cos right now it's just rudimentary and it's be nice for a better looking BJ for rogue


Any idea how long we have to wait till the next release?


"Oh, and btw, the new version should be out this week, regardless of your choices here, ..." -Oni, Aug 7, 2021 @ 6:42 PM


Eyes from A, and nose from B :)


The “B” looks a bit more like Emma. It is not that she looks bad in her sex pose & BJ pose, it is that she looks like a different girl. When standing, Emma has a longer, thinner face to match her being a tall, thin English woman. In her sex poses she looks like she has a rounder face, like a short Ukrainian or Chinese woman. (not racist, just thinking of examples of pretty females I know with that face shape) If I saw the rounder face out of context (w/out colours etc.), I would not have matched it up to Emma. My guess is you have the perspective drawn correctly for looking at Emma from a high angle, but it will require some clever, creative adjustment to make it clearly recognizable as Emma. That is, you will have to draw it “wrong” from a technical perspective to make it look “right”. Facial recognition software in RL has the same problem I think? If the angle is too high, then the face cannot be defined. I salute your continued quest for excellence in all details.


Face of A with chin of B... the chin at A seems bit too pointy :D but the face looks nice and smooth.


Not this first version of it, but it might be something I mess around with as I work through the bug-fixing phases.


I really can't imagine it happening for this one. The art load would just be too significant, given that each pose would need to be adapted for it with all the clothing redone to account for a bump. This is the curse of a sprite-based game with high customization. Plus I find it weird in H-games where they go from like zero to 9 months instantly, but adding intermediate stages would be even more work.


I'll give it some consideration. It was the first one added and I've picked up a lot of tricks since then. It's not in the immediate plans, but improving on the original girls is always something I keep in mind. That's why I went back into some of Emma's stuff with this one.


Okay cool it certainly could be more sensual instead of it looking like she's attempting to eat a noodle


Well I dunno about gape but rogues stretches as you keep doing anal and I'm surprised none of the other girls don't


i dont like the eyes for B, they feel off. I would prefer the eyes of A on B. I like how you are defining the facial features to make the characters stand out. I feel the faces during sex for Emma and kitty are too similar.


while you are tweaking Emma's facial features, I wouldn't mind seeing some cheekbone definition. for example. https://images.app.goo.gl/CubyagBQyVQmNTxx9


girls barge into rooms (mostly kitty) way too early. Emma locked the door in the classroom after the masturbation scene and Rogue just walked in out of nowhere.