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Do Not Download, I cannot stress that enough. This version is likely  riddled with issues and should only be downloaded by those interested in  testing and breaking things to figure out what went wrong. Later  versions will be more stable and playable and fun for people who just  want to play the game, so give it at least a few days if that's what  you're here for.

For those that do download it, if you get any  crashes, please report them in this thread, or PM me with them if you  prefer. There will be an initial part to the crash report, and then it  will say "Full Traceback" and there will be what is typically a longer  part. I don't *usually* need that info and it can make the thread  longer, so you can clip that portion out unless I ask for it, but the  first bit is important for tracking things down. Try and keep a save  from a bit before the error occurred if you can (save early and often),  so we can test whether what I try next fixed the problem. Let me know  whether the error occurred in a playthrough fresh to the new version or  from a save from a previous version.

If an error occurs that  does not cause a crash, the best way for me to track it down is to  describe which type of scene this was, which characters were involved,  and ideally the exact lines of dialogue that were said during  or right before the error, because that will let me word search and pin  down the exact line of code where things stopped working right. Much  easier than trying to run through the entire scene looking for potential  problems.

And of course feel free to just offer feedback and  suggestions that are not "bugs," but just things that you think could be  better.

The obvious causes of issues would include, but not be limited to:
Storm's new relationship scenes not appearing or breaking at some point.
The  Hose-ripping option not working as intended in some way. I'm not sure  that all the girls who have this option have it properly set up.  Probably won't work right on Emma, come to think of it.
The new surprise mechanic.
Storm's  new sex poses not working right in some way, looking weird, whatever.  There might be some "brakes" I put on these poses appearing that I  forgot to remove.
Kitty's new clothing options not being available or not appearing properly in some cases.
The new options for mid-class friskiness.

New this build:
I spent so much of this afternoon just poking holes in various stockings. . .
Jean and Storm should have proper holy stockings now, Emma still doesn't, and might not until next major version (0.995+).
The "shrug" crash that comes up in Storm's life story should be fixed.
Some issues with Kitty flipping poses unexpectedly should be fixed, but report any that are still happening.
I made some changes to various components in which girls are partially stripped and then behave in an expected way, like repeatedly trying to change back to other clothes or lost clothing magically reappearing. It's complicated.
A few other little things.



Geez, you're pumping out the hotfixes these past 24 hours. As "always" (in my head; first time posting), thanks for the awesome content.

Oni's Fan

I forgot to tell you that Laura also have flipping poses issue. Please check it if it possible for you. I can try this build this evening and report if I find something like bugs or errors. . As for additional ideas. 1. Shower sex. Girl is lean against the wall. Player have option to have sex when girl looking at him or looking at the wall (lean against the wall with hands or with her back). 2. Teasing. Teasing/rubbing your dick against girl ass or pussy naked but with no penetration (for Ororo). . Can be used as next stage of prelude actions before sex (like Hj, tj, bj, right after that group of actions). For example now Ororo can give bj or tj to player but she aint ready for sex. She can tease player by rubbing her pussy against his dick. Some girls already have this kind of actions.


Visual Bug 0.994c, Day 1, Time Night, arrive at Rogue's door to hear moaning and it ajar, Lo@555 Lu@69, Rogue standing infront of door, outside of room. Screen shot link: https://imgur.com/a/cttM4iL


With Kitty in my room after spending the night with her. I ask her to stay around. A message pops up saying that Kitty is with Emma having fun in Kitty's room...


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing (game/Storm_Scenes.rpy, line 2137) -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 115, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1132, in script call File "Storm_Scenes.rpyc", line 2094, in script File "C:\Users\xxxxx\Desktop\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1483, in execute choice = renpy.exports.menu(choices, self.set) File "C:\Users\xxxxx\Desktop\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\renpy\exports.py", line 849, in menu if renpy.python.py_eval(condition) ] File "C:\Users\xxxxx\Desktop\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\renpy\python.py", line 1793, in py_eval code = py_compile(code, 'eval') File "C:\Users\xxxxx\Desktop\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\renpy\python.py", line 597, in py_compile raise e SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing (game/Storm_Scenes.rpy, line 2137) Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.994c


Just happend with Kitty as well, went to visit room while she was 'busy' and her model is standing infront of the door outside her room.


Well, I mean the reason Storm won't do sex stuff is because those poses don't exist yet. Once they do, you'll have the option to rub against her, or full penetration.


Odd. I think I know what's causing this, a different fix I applied from last time.


That's odd. Some very specific error is happening there, because it should never occur when a girl is still in the same room with you.


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing (game/Storm_Scenes.rpy, line 2137) -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1054, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 221, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 115, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1132, in script call File "Storm_Scenes.rpyc", line 2094, in script File "C:\Users\15612\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1483, in execute choice = renpy.exports.menu(choices, self.set) File "C:\Users\15612\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\renpy\exports.py", line 849, in menu if renpy.python.py_eval(condition) ] File "C:\Users\15612\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\renpy\python.py", line 1793, in py_eval code = py_compile(code, 'eval') File "C:\Users\15612\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\renpy\python.py", line 597, in py_compile raise e SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing (game/Storm_Scenes.rpy, line 2137) Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.994c [/code]


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing (game/Storm_Scenes.rpy, line 2137) -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 3436, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 3269, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1132, in script call File "Storm_Scenes.rpyc", line 2094, in script File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1483, in execute choice = renpy.exports.menu(choices, self.set) File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\renpy\exports.py", line 849, in menu if renpy.python.py_eval(condition) ] File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\renpy\python.py", line 1793, in py_eval code = py_compile(code, 'eval') File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994c-win\renpy\python.py", line 597, in py_compile raise e SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing (game/Storm_Scenes.rpy, line 2137) Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.994c [/code]

Thrans (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 09:17:01 So... I'm reporting it but I realy dont want to. I've found that getting R and K to makeout, seems not to correctly model the girls stamina, as despight being too tired to make out with the MC, both R & K are willing to make out with each other, over and over, mind breaking both of the girls with only the clock stopping me from maxing out their Ob bars. I am pleased with this feature but expected it to be patched out.
2021-06-03 18:35:29 So... I'm reporting it but I realy dont want to. I've found that getting R and K to makeout, seems not to correctly model the girls stamina, as despight being too tired to make out with the MC, both R & K are willing to make out with each other, over and over, mind breaking both of the girls with only the clock stopping me from maxing out their Ob bars. I am pleased with this feature but expected it to be patched out.

So... I'm reporting it but I realy dont want to. I've found that getting R and K to makeout, seems not to correctly model the girls stamina, as despight being too tired to make out with the MC, both R & K are willing to make out with each other, over and over, mind breaking both of the girls with only the clock stopping me from maxing out their Ob bars. I am pleased with this feature but expected it to be patched out.


Heh. Ok, let's see. . . Yeah, that has a bit of a loophole, uh. Ok, yeah, I'll have to patch that one out. :)