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Do Not Download, I cannot stress that enough. This version is likely   riddled with issues and should only be downloaded by those interested  in  testing and breaking things to figure out what went wrong. Later   versions will be more stable and playable and fun for people who just   want to play the game, so give it at least a few days if that's what   you're here for.

For those that do download it, if you get any   crashes, please report them in this thread, or PM me with them if you   prefer. There will be an initial part to the crash report, and then it   will say "Full Traceback" and there will be what is typically a longer   part. I don't *usually* need that info and it can make the thread   longer, so you can clip that portion out unless I ask for it, but the   first bit is important for tracking things down. Try and keep a save   from a bit before the error occurred if you can (save early and often),   so we can test whether what I try next fixed the problem. Let me know   whether the error occurred in a playthrough fresh to the new version or   from a save from a previous version.

If an error occurs that   does not cause a crash, the best way for me to track it down is to   describe which type of scene this was, which characters were involved,   and ideally the exact lines of dialogue that were said during   or right before the error, because that will let me word search and pin   down the exact line of code where things stopped working right. Much   easier than trying to run through the entire scene looking for  potential  problems.

And of course feel free to just offer  feedback and  suggestions that are not "bugs," but just things that you  think could be  better.

The obvious causes of issues would include, but not be limited to:
Storm's new relationship scenes not appearing or breaking at some point.
The Hose-ripping option not working as intended in some way. I'm not sure that all the girls who have this option have it properly set up.   Probably won't work right on Emma, come to think of it.
The new surprise mechanic.
Storm's new sex poses not working right in some way, looking weird, whatever.   
There might be some "brakes" I put on these poses appearing that I forgot to remove.
Kitty's new clothing options not being available or not appearing properly in some cases.
The new options for mid-class friskiness.

Only a few changes in this one:
removed a "unexpected EOF while parsing" bug during Storm's "master" scene
fixed an issue with how girls display during a "caught masturbating" scene.
Also, forgot to mention, but last build I added the ability to give gifts directly from the wardrobe screen.



so what is the "new surprise mechanic"? I haven't been able to try the new builds yet


Storms eyes are very open during her scenes making her look scared. It's why it got me before.


So, for some reason Storm seems to be exhausted for me all the time. Sex will be initiated through one way or another and she's already too tired to continue. Only seems to happen with her and nobody else. Not sure what's going on.


I have seen the suprise. I have at first lamented then smiled. It is the first time I've done one and felt clean.


Are you talking about her standing sprite, or her BJ pose artwork? Her expressions should not be too unusual, but perhaps her "normal" eye position seems too wide eyed.


Stamina ̶b̶u̶g̶ feature mentioned in 0.994c, regarding R&K making out over and over despight being to worn out to do so with MC, is (understandably considering posting time of the report and 0.994d) still there. A save (in 0.994d) can be provided if needed.


Hmm, I'm not sure what would be causing that. What tasks specifically are triggering this reaction? If you try this action right after a time reset, does it still happen? Her defaults should be the same as anyone in this regard.


week 4 and I'm still too stupid to find the surprise. :(


Was able to buy Laura a 'Red Corset' for $70 (not the lace one) however after gifting it seems to just be her normal corset from her 'Leather jacket and skirt combo'


End of day 14 the Professor should have asked for you, you had the option of not going, so you might have missed it, try speaking to him.


Oh, true. That must be some holdover from an early version. You still apparently need to "own" it to equip it outside of her outfit though.


Every time i sit through class next to jean I get a weird interaction. It says she shifts uncomfortably, then says she reads the note with a disappointed look on her face. I think a few steps are missing here.


Yes, that would be missing some steps. I think because her needed stats aren't high enough. I'll tweak how that plays out next build though.

Taylor Walker

Awww you keep teasing me. 🥲


I’ve noticed that if you have kitty yoink Emma’s clothes in class, Emma ends up completely naked, and stays that way.


Is there a way to deal with Prof. X with storm or is it just because she isn't fully maxed out? I'm guessing its second option.


Someone else noticed Emma's clothes don't display properly still & then her panty hose isn't displayed properly as well

Anthony Michelli

Go back into his study at night (possibly with Storm, haven't tried it without her), you'll find some more blackmail material


What about that doesn't read right? Did you tell Kitty to take all of them, or just some? Did Emma react to it? If Emma was not particularly upset, then she will stay like that until the next time change.


Emma has hose missing in certain scenarios. I still need to go through with her and fix those missing parts. Are there any issues with her clothes in standing poses or just in sex poses?


If you make Storm call you master while she's discussing the idea of it and it gets her off, she'll climax and then the game cuts to an error.


I don't know if this is a new bug or old bug or a bug at all but I noticed that the girls don't leave the danger room by their own anymore once you reached a certain point in the relationship. When you do your trainign sessions, they just stay inb the room with you, not wandering anywhere else like they did before. This happens only in the danger room as far as I can tell.


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 1233, in IndexError: list index out of range -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 3378, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1233, in script File "D:\Загрузки\Rogue-Like-0.994d-win\renpy\ast.py", line 827, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "D:\Загрузки\Rogue-Like-0.994d-win\renpy\python.py", line 1764, in py_exec_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 1233, in IndexError: list index out of range Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.994d [/code]


It was then horny Kitty was at "logan look presentation"


When you slap the ass of a girl while she's in doggy pose, there could be an animation, maybe a trace of the slap after a few ones


In the morning after a sleep over, instead of leaving the girls (happened with quite a few) say "I'll be heading to your room", but we already are in my room

Kirindel Ront

Found several bugs: 1) Here they wrote above that the girls break the limiter, and they can have sex as much as they want. I will add that the same applies to the main character. During the threesome, when I decided not to change my main partner, they did it ten times, and after the fifth, the girls' lust scale always started exactly from the middle. Personally, I had it with Emma and Kitty 2) In some cases (for me personally, during cunnilingus and TJ), the cleaning scene is not played, the desired text just appears, and then everything goes as it should (I mean, the girl returns to the sex scene)


Spent the night with Emma after a date in her room. In the morning she says "I'm headed back to my room but you can walk me back"


found this: https://files.catbox.moe/p67n6s.png Also remember when I walked in on Kitty masturbating & laura was there I found something funny occur I walked into the shower on Jean masturbating, I was watching while jerking it all of a sudden Laura walks in comments about my dick being out & Jean says something along the lines of "yeah it's nice" I think. Then Laura runs away but Jean doesn't stop what she's doing, I hadn't seen her nude up until that point and thought I'd let you know.


FUnny thing i just ask its it normal or Bugg: Im was in the Shower, had sex with Kitty and Jean until I was empty, then I saw that Jean had no clothes on even when I wanted to leave the shower, I thought ok I'm still in the shower can be that there can also be naked. I went into my room and Jean met me completely naked and talked to me, it was easy going ^^


After catching Emma in the class room, and performing for each other, when Emma went to leave (on good terms) the clock jumped from 69% left to 20% left. As intended or bug?


Also it takes me 10% to walk to her room and another 10% to knock and get invited in. Seems a bit much. Saves can be provided.


Have you considered mating press position for storm or jean?


I wanted to try and animation at one point, and still might. It's not super easy, because the way animations work in Renpy, if I attached the animation to the character model itself, it would either play repeatedly whether you were touching it or not, or it would only play once ever and never play again until you rebooted the game. The only way to get it to play once each time you hit the button is to detach it from the character model, and that means it can't cause any jiggle, and might miss completely if I had the pose in an unexpected position. Making their butts a little pink might be possible, I'd have to make sure it didn't conflict with how any of the sex animation elements work.


Each time a girl orgasms, her scale starts a little higher until time resets, up to a max point. That is working as intended. The current build does have an issue where you can ask them to make out even if they have reached the point of refusing other activities, but really any activity they agree to you're meant to be able to keep doing it until the timer runs out. If any particular activity seems to be making them gain lust too fast though, let me know.


Think I might have removed where that happens. Sleepovers are a complex system.


good job on this one. I like tearing the pantyhose. Yo what if you could tear a hole in their pants to insert in their ass/vagina. like beast mode lmao random idea don't mind me.

Jim Bob

As far as I know, once the girls like you enough they opt to stay with you instead of going wherever is next on their schedule, so it should be happening everywhere, not just the danger room.


when Jean plays with herself in torn tights, they disappear, but appear in sexual poses or if you stop the sex scene.


Would you consider and option of going directly from giving a gift to the "wardrobe" menu? would be practical to immediately equip clothes that you bought instead of all the menu surfing. Also, what about a permanent button to interact with the person currently in the room with you? Would be nice to get to talk to them directly If the player is in a submenu instead of hitting the "never mind" option until arriving to the "chat" in the main menu


Button not working. With Storm, licking and fondeling chest, ask to relesse in her mouth, she accepts then cleans MC off. Camera stays in BJ animation, try press view to switch back, but view button no longer working (but still highlights.) Only able to fix camera and get back the view button, by relessing again on either her face or belly and not having her clean MC (Getting cleaned or unloading on her chest and ass keep the issue.)


Can you relse to Android as well maybe?


Well, I'm not exactly sure what is going on there. One thing that may be occurring is that they are supposed to vanish if she is wearing panties and they are pulled down (because you couldn't physically do that while keeping them up), but I just noticed that Jean's standing pose does not describe this perfectly, so it might be happening even if she isn't wearing panties at all. I've fixed that for next build.


Hmm. . . Well you can now jump from the wardrobe to gifts, if you can then jump from gifts to wardrobe. . . I just want to avoid ending up with any bad nested menu issues, so I'd need to figure out how to arrange that interaction. Permanent buttons in Renpy can get a little squirly, they aren't always taken "seriously" by the game and can more often lead to errors if they actually lead to anything important, which is why most of them are for closed off options like "toggle a variable" or "show a temporary UI and then put it back."


Ok, think I've figured a more permanent solution on that one. Should work now.


Makes sense. How about including a "back to main menu" option on the different submenus?


So far it works fine only issues I've had were when certain girls would ask to return to my room I'd get a completely different one.


Yeah that's been a bug since the last update too, or sometimes you'll get it and there's no girl at all.


This is surprisingly hard to do well without breaking something. When in doubt, the easiest way to make something work is ", one step forward, one step back, three steps forward, three steps back," and any time I skip a step, there's a chance it will break something, either going back way too far, or leaving "junk" in the return stack.


That's odd. Let me know which girl asked, and which showed up, There might be a typo or something.


Okay this might be a legit bug. When I changed Storm's name to Storm it didn't give me the "Ororo" or "Ms. Munroe" options.


Text Rouge to come on over to MC room while door was locked, she agreed, had message of hearing the key in door and Rouge entering, but Rouge did not enter the room, text again with door unlocked and she entered.


Can confirm, changing between Ororo and Ms. Munroe is no issue but the moment you ask to call her Storm you only get the option when changing her name again of 'nevermind'


after staying the night in kitty's room and waking up to bj & after morning sex, kitty says she's going back to her room... (which she's already in) - Thursday morning (if that helps) not sure if other girls do this as well


Happened to me with Rogue. So not the only one. Also, if they wake you up with a BJ and then you go into the sex menu, afterwards girls also change back into the clothes that they were wearing the night before, instead of their sleepwear.


Hi Oni, thank you for your hard work. Loving Storm in all her cocksucking glory ;) Not sure if this has already been requested at some point, but do you think you might at some stage add a face-fucking option? Perhaps some kind of variation on the bj poses where Zero takes full control, either with a slight variance to the art (ie. hand on the back of the girl's head) and via the descriptive text? Figure that'd be a high obedience move, but could be fun... Especially as a way to put Jean in her place haha


Hi, Oni. I have a little idea. How about adding possibilty for making custom nicknames for the girls?


Oh, sorry, I see what happened there. Fixed for next build.


I have considered adding the option to place hands on her head. It could get a little complicated with various hair options and all, but maybe.


I could, although from a gamified perspective, there would be no way to manage her reaction to it. I mean if you chose a custom name that was especially insulting, you would expect her to get pissed off, especially early on, and there's no easy way for me to "police" that. Maybe if you already had very high obedience and inhibition for her. . .

Anatoly Ryasnov

In this version, at the start of a new game, girls appear in my rooms even before they officially introduced themselves.