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Do Not Download, I cannot stress that enough. This version is likely  riddled with issues and should only be downloaded by those interested in  testing and breaking things to figure out what went wrong. Later  versions will be more stable and playable and fun for people who just  want to play the game, so give it at least a few days if that's what  you're here for.

For those that do download it, if you get any  crashes, please report them in this thread, or PM me with them if you  prefer. There will be an initial part to the crash report, and then it  will say "Full Traceback" and there will be what is typically a longer  part. I don't *usually* need that info and it can make the thread  longer, so you can clip that portion out unless I ask for it, but the  first bit is important for tracking things down. Try and keep a save  from a bit before the error occurred if you can (save early and often),  so we can test whether what I try next fixed the problem. Let me know  whether the error occurred in a playthrough fresh to the new version or  from a save from a previous version.

If an error occurs that  does not cause a crash, the best way for me to track it down is to  describe which type of scene this was, which characters were involved,  and ideally the exact lines of dialogue that were said during  or right before the error, because that will let me word search and pin  down the exact line of code where things stopped working right. Much  easier than trying to run through the entire scene looking for potential  problems.

And of course feel free to just offer feedback and  suggestions that are not "bugs," but just things that you think could be  better.

The obvious causes of issues would include, but not be limited to:
Storm's new relationship scenes not appearing or breaking at some point.
The  Hose-ripping option not working as intended in some way. I'm not sure  that all the girls who have this option have it properly set up.  Probably won't work right on Emma, come to think of it.
The new surprise mechanic.
Storm's  new sex poses not working right in some way, looking weird, whatever.  There might be some "brakes" I put on these poses appearing that I  forgot to remove.
Kitty's new clothing options not being available or not appearing properly in some cases.

Fixes new to this version would be a fix to the view swapping menu that sometimes called crashes (most often during massages), a change to Storm's TJ animation when she's licking you, some changes to Kitty's sex pose animations to fix a "ghost dick" in the background, and Storm's relationship stuff should actually work this time! I forgot to remove the roadblock that locked them out before. :p

One issue to keep an eye out for is, if Kitty or any other girl with dual sex poses switches from one pose to the other without you doing anything deliberate to make that happen, let me know what was going on immediately before that. Was it just a normal "continue" cycle? If so, what was the last dialogue that played? Was it during an orgasm sequence? I'm not seeing any glaring issues on my end, but there might be something flipping it someplace and I need to pinpoint where. 


Adam Safran

One thing curious on - from Xavier's office something you can acquire is something called 'Cerebro Files'. Not sure what the use is for it or how you can use it in the game if there's a way!


If anything, when I try to purchase Kitty's Knee-stockings at $50, it says that I do not have enough. I currently have $79 on my character. Added: looking a bit further, it seems that the price is actually set at 100$ instead of the $50 shown.


Indeed I can get the ripped pantyhose working properly with Kitty and Rogue (partial for Emma and not working for Jean) if I go first with fj, but they disappear when I try with sex first... but I can go from fj to sex and the xgirl keeps her ripped pantyhose. Beside this thanks Oni for this update. I especially appreciated the doggystyle for Kitty (finally she has pantyhose and stockings!) and Storm bj.


Glad you're enjoying it. I'll be working to get those other stockings options in at some point. For the time being, you're just ripping them too hard! :D


During a relationship convo with storm I got this error [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/screens.rpy", line 179, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 179, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 181, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 187, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 191, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 193, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 194, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 205, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 209, in execute NameError: Name 'shrug' is not defined.


When giving Kitty a massage you can't flip her pose it gives you this after you've selected which one (if you wanted one) see: https://files.catbox.moe/moiiad.png


I dunno what you did but compliments to the chef; This game runs really smooth, 993 was kinda laggy with multiple girls on the screen and even moving around, now it seems fine. Only one issue Storm's blowjob/titjob really bother me, it looks like she's staring into my soul and it kinda freaks me out.


So, remember that bug I talked about with Ororo's clothing and the "I need to change" dialogue looping? I just got the same thing with Rogue in this version. I asked her to remove her panties in her room and she did so without issue. When we went to class, I got the "that wasn't outdoor ready" dialogue about 4 times in a row before she changed from her green outfit into her pink one.


After ripping through pantyhose (on Rogue at least) and ending sex, the pantyhose magically repair themselves.


Kind of a funny bug, but when I switched kittys tit fuck to lick, her head animation went all over the screen licking, for a second, kakyoin style. XD


got one where storm wants to advance the relationship but during her backstory it craps out there


Around the time when I think it's Ororo's love confession when she tells you about how a building fell on her because of a terrorist attack and how it left her mental scars. Around the time the 3rd choice occurs, it fails to work no matter how much I ignore, and when it loops back to world map, if I rollback it crashes completely. I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 300, in script call call Worldmap File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 7, in script menu: File "game/screens.rpy", line 179, in execute screen choice(items): File "game/screens.rpy", line 179, in execute screen choice(items): File "game/screens.rpy", line 181, in execute window: File "game/screens.rpy", line 187, in execute vbox: File "game/screens.rpy", line 191, in execute for caption, action, chosen in items: File "game/screens.rpy", line 193, in execute if action: File "game/screens.rpy", line 194, in execute if " (locked)" in caption: File "game/screens.rpy", line 205, in execute button: File "game/screens.rpy", line 209, in execute text caption style "menu_choice" NameError: Name 'shrug' is not defined. -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\bootstrap.py", line 305, in bootstrap renpy.main.main() Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\main.py", line 499, in main run(restart) Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\main.py", line 147, in run renpy.execution.run_context(True) Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\execution.py", line 800, in run_context context.run() File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 300, in script call call Worldmap File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 7, in script menu: Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1483, in execute choice = renpy.exports.menu(choices, self.set) Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\exports.py", line 868, in menu rv = renpy.store.menu(items) Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\exports.py", line 1026, in display_menu show_screen(screen, items=item_actions, _widget_properties=props, _transient=True, _layer=renpy.config.choice_layer, **scope) Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\display\screen.py", line 1051, in show_screen sls.add(_layer, d, _tag, zorder=d.zorder, transient=_transient, keep_st=True, name=name) Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\display\core.py", line 1022, in add self.hide_or_replace(layer, remove_index, "replaced") Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\display\core.py", line 1044, in hide_or_replace d = oldsle.displayable._hide(now - st, now - at, prefix) Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\display\screen.py", line 445, in _hide self.update() Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\display\screen.py", line 580, in update self.screen.function(**self.scope) File "game/screens.rpy", line 179, in execute screen choice(items): File "game/screens.rpy", line 179, in execute screen choice(items): File "game/screens.rpy", line 181, in execute window: File "game/screens.rpy", line 187, in execute vbox: File "game/screens.rpy", line 191, in execute for caption, action, chosen in items: File "game/screens.rpy", line 193, in execute if action: File "game/screens.rpy", line 194, in execute if " (locked)" in caption: File "game/screens.rpy", line 205, in execute button: File "game/screens.rpy", line 209, in execute text caption style "menu_choice" Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\text\text.py", line 1340, in __init__ self.set_text(text, scope, substitute) Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\text\text.py", line 1440, in set_text i, did_sub = renpy.substitutions.substitute(i, scope, substitute) Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\substitutions.py", line 242, in substitute s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs) File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 563, in vformat File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 585, in _vformat File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 646, in get_field File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 605, in get_value File "C:\Users\Legen\OneDrive\Documents\H-Games\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\substitutions.py", line 201, in __getitem__ raise NameError("Name '{}' is not defined.".format(key)) NameError: Name 'shrug' is not defined. Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.994b


Hmm. Yeah. I might need to do something there. It changes the clothing she's wearing, but it doesn't update her outfit, so when she fixes her clothes, it will replace them with fresh ones. I'll try to find a simple workaround on that. As for the "changing clothes repeatedly" thing. . . hmm. I can sort of guess what the cause is, she's not yet fully comfortable with going commando in a skirt in public, but is apparently fine with wearing pants like that. I'm not exactly sure why it would loop through like that rather than just fixing it in one go. I'll have to look through that again.


Oni I found a hilarious.. oversight? So after the event where Kitty buys Laura the wolvie lingerie I went back to Kitty's room. Laura was still there & Kitty was masturbating, I walk in & start jerking it too, Laura stares at the dick, Kitty said something along the lines of "it's so cute" and Laura runs away. Kitty totally ignores this entire string of events & goes back to masturbating, I hadn't seen her naked yet just a couple dates & two of the tree books. I even snagged a screenshot of it occuring lel: https://files.catbox.moe/vwcmh4.png


For myself, its in selecting any of the options that follow her dialogue: "I found that I had lasting mental scars from the experience..." She gets a couple lines in following that and then: [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/screens.rpy", line 179, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 179, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 181, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 187, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 191, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 193, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 194, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 205, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 209, in execute NameError: Name 'shrug' is not defined. -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 129, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1054, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 115, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1119, in script call File "Storm_Scenes.rpyc", line 1451, in script File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1483, in execute choice = renpy.exports.menu(choices, self.set) File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\exports.py", line 868, in menu rv = renpy.store.menu(items) File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\exports.py", line 1026, in display_menu show_screen(screen, items=item_actions, _widget_properties=props, _transient=True, _layer=renpy.config.choice_layer, **scope) File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\display\screen.py", line 1051, in show_screen sls.add(_layer, d, _tag, zorder=d.zorder, transient=_transient, keep_st=True, name=name) File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\display\core.py", line 1022, in add self.hide_or_replace(layer, remove_index, "replaced") File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\display\core.py", line 1044, in hide_or_replace d = oldsle.displayable._hide(now - st, now - at, prefix) File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\display\screen.py", line 445, in _hide self.update() File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\display\screen.py", line 580, in update self.screen.function(**self.scope) File "game/screens.rpy", line 179, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 179, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 181, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 187, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 191, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 193, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 194, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 205, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 209, in execute File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\text\text.py", line 1340, in __init__ self.set_text(text, scope, substitute) File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\text\text.py", line 1440, in set_text i, did_sub = renpy.substitutions.substitute(i, scope, substitute) File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\substitutions.py", line 242, in substitute s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs) File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 563, in vformat File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 585, in _vformat File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 646, in get_field File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 605, in get_value File "S:\Ero\Rogue Like\Rogue-Like-0.994b-win\renpy\substitutions.py", line 201, in __getitem__ raise NameError("Name '{}' is not defined.".format(key)) NameError: Name 'shrug' is not defined. Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.994b [/code]


Lol. Ok, so. . . if Kitty was masturbating, then it should have played the "as you approach the room," etc. stuff, right? I guess I should make it so that it clears any other girls out of there first. I think Laura being there short circuited Kitty's normal reactions a bit.


oh it did do the normal thing, I walked up the door etc & waltzed in but Laura was still there for some reason & all that stuff happened. I ran into another thing when feeling up kitty, swapping to doggy specifically her ass I get looped in the pose selection menu everytime I click continue while touching her: https://files.catbox.moe/qyuh9h.png


This isn't relevant at all to this post, but how would you feel about adding more hair and makeup options for Rogue? I feel like it could be fun to make her look like the 90s Rogue


That's odd. I think I might have found an issue with it, if you switch to her full body pose there's a bug I just fixed that would have put that into a loop like you describe, but I'm not seeing one that should apply to her doggy style pose.


i couldn't say myself it only occured when she was in her doggy pose for me. Another thing I noticed is when you ask Kitty to yoink clothes, the item stolen can sometimes appear right back on them. I asked Kitty to steal Laura's panties and immediately after Laura has them back on.


I have seriously considered adding her "big" hair, it's not something I'm great at drawing though. ;) Changing her make-up would be a bit of a hassle, she'd need a whole new set of eyebrows.


My guess is that it's randomly picking other outfits until she finds one she's comfortable with, but it's hitting dialogue before making that decision.

Michael Gage

how do I go about getting the game to work I can't figure it out and I am on an hp laptop if that helps


The big hair would be super hot if you could pull it off! Also having more outfits based on comics and movies would of course be rad


Hmm, you should just be able to download the version that is labeled "win," and unzip that file, then run the exe file.


I tend to avoid doing direct "superhero costumes," and just stick to "casual cosplay" variations instead, like Rogue's sport outfit.


The issue, I think, is that Rogue's default outfit while commando is still slightly above the *bare minimum* standard that Rogue is willing to accept, so she kept trying to change out of it. Two changes I made were to raise the bare minimum standard slightly more lax.