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Hey, 2020 is officially over! So what's next for 2021 in Rogue-Like? Well Storm won the character poll, so I'm hard at work on her character sprite right now. She'll be in the next build at least as a basic introduction, but don't expect her to be anything close to feature-complete for another couple versions after that.

I've also been working on some more alternate poses for the girls, the next one in development is a frontal sex pose for Rogue. In case you missed the news, Laura currently has both a front and back facing sex pose, and the plan is to add this function to each of the girls, giving them whichever they are currently missing, and also to expand when and where you can access these alternate poses. I currently expect to add one girl's alt pose per upcoming release, alongside the other features being added.

Another thing I hope to do over this next year is to develop some holiday integration. I want to get some seasonal events and costumes into the game. These will not be temporary content, you'll be able to activate them on demand from the game, but hopefully I can release them to coincide with at least 1-2 appropriate holidays.

But what about Gwen? Despite losing the poll, she was still a popular choice. I explained in the last update how "just make them both" wouldn't really work out, since choosing one character was just a time management thing to ensure that each girl gets fully developed within a reasonable amount of time, but I am hoping to add at least a bit more in terms of cameo appearances for her over the course of the year. The other stuff is taking priority though.

So that's a lot to work on, I'd better get back to it. You made it through 2020 in one piece, congratulations.



Here's to another productive year. May this one have plenty of desired results and pleasant surprises.


I’d say go with Halloween and Christmas for holiday events. That way you can prepare for them over the entire year and spread out the work.

philip brown

i would like to suggest Halloween, plenty of ideas for costumes for sure, and fun to be had, and maybe a group shot with the girls all together as a wallpaper. as for what costumes, there could be a suggestion box and then a poll count.


If you're going for universal holidays Valentine and Christmas or Christmas and Halloween so you'll have plenty of prep time. Also can't wait for Kitty behind pose. Toot that thing up please I have 100s of visual references and materials :')

Obsidian Asetryx

I'm looking forward to another update but don't rush. Annoying bugs are best when avoided. Taking longer to release a new version is best.


Yes, although as usual, expect the first few releases of the new version to have bugs, that's just how we do things around here. If you want a low-bug version then just give it another couple weeks after that.


I appreciate your dedication and how much work you put into this but I cannot help but feel like the plan you outlined points towards stagnation. Something I've been desperate for is more character interaction, more ways of having interesting encounters with current characters rather than getting to do the same with more and more characters who all feel equally bland after a while. Don't get me wrong: until now, I think each character added an interesting personality archetype to the mix and it's not like I've overlooked the work you put into creating a threesome system. But it's a little disappointing that parts of the game that hold arguably the most promise are either not part of your short-term development agenda or are not considered important or high-profile enough to be mentioned above, those being the dates and public intercourse. The dates are fairly self-explanatory, I think: any kind of expansion would go a long way, be it the addition of new locations or the fleshing-out of the current, rather limited events. The public intercourse could be even more interesting - interactions with other, particularly male students (because I've wished more than once to be able to break out of the 'monotony' of having all characters completely and exclusively to myself at all times) and having an effect on the school as a whole are just two items off the top of my head that would make this part of the game more significant and interesting. More than that, I feel like it is too easy and straightforward to get all characters to do the exact same things in the bedroom (and outside of it) without much meaningful variation - and again, additions to the dates and how public intercourse or other events are handled could make it a more in-depth experience to conquer and then mold the characters the way you want. I know that not all of what I wrote may necessarily be fitting into your current plans. Hell, some of it may be going into a completely different direction than what you have in mind. But what I'm trying to say that it feels like the project is currently lacking exactly that: direction, a goal, a sense of progression and depth that the addition of more characters (and in the current state even the addition of more poses) cannot provide sufficiently, given that a certain group of modders proved capable of outpacing you in that department (even if the level of quality is not quite on your level). So, I sincerely hope you'll take this for the well-intended opinion on what the game is lacking and not as an ill-spirited attack on you or the project. I love your work and this project. I just wish it had much more to offer in areas you have not been focusing on.


Just a reminder that your events don't need to be tied to holidays. I'm sure a lot of people would also love to see an Xavier School Prom as an example. Take Rogue to that dance she's always talking about :)


Seasonal events/costumes and more cameos from Gwen? It’s going to be a GREAT year! Thanks Oni :D


For future back poses, maybe make some of the girls' butts and hips a bit bigger? Like for Emma and Storm I can see them having wider hips/butts compared to the back sprites Rogue, Laura and Jean have. Just a small note. Other than that, Happy New Year Oni! I hope 2021 treats you well and I can't wait to see what you come out with in the future.


While more costumes would be nice, I dread the thought of Oni having to draw all of them in all of the different extra poses (especially while adding new ones!) just for a special event.


More poses, more girl, more interactions... :-) The more the better, but you have to see what you can get in the time you have :-)


Well, I do hope to expand the dating options a bit, although the plans for that are a bit more vague at the moment. It'll be a long year, who knows what might come along. I didn't have things like mind fucking and the reversible sex poses in mind at the start of last year, much less the "2020 mode." I know that there is definitely an audience for more story content and I hope to provide more content in that direction, but there are always trade-offs involved.


I said it once and I'll say it again. Oni your the real MVP


When can we start sending you ideas about Storm's classroom lectures? (My first one would be about Black History month being on the shortest month of the year) ;)


Heh, might be a little "political." ;) It's always a good time to make suggestions though.

Anthony Michelli

Any plans/ideas to add art to the things that happen during dates? As of now it's just all text, and kinda left in ghd dust compared to everything else. I also appreciate giving all thd girls burpimg habits if you have them swallow a lot. Nice little detail haha

Kyle Phillips

Ever thought about allowing the community attempt to create costumes and allow them to submit what they create?


Keep up the good work :)

Markus Fakename

During the "Detention" scene, Emma's restrictions for actions are increased compared to when she's in her/Zero's room (or if Zero manually locks the door to the classroom). The restrictions are similar to those non-exhibitionist girls face on actions in public. This might be intended behavior, or it might be that whatever algorithm Emma uses to figure out public/private isn't getting told that the classroom is now private.


Oni! Turns out that there was something wrong with my account. Support has corrected the issue. I am no longer silenced! Thanks for the great work. (Self-serving commentary: any angle for a dark elf to be in the faculty or amongst the students? :V)


Happy New Year Oni! This is exciting news. Look forward to seeing what seasonal events you have in store. I increased my membership level as a show of support! all the best.


By the way, thanks again for drawing my Deka. I still treasure what you drew for me. Thank you. http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Oni/102523/Commission-Dekapai


I'll double check on that. It's possible that the room's settings might be set to the public room level.


Heh, I'm glad it got sorted out, and it's heartwarming that you think so fondly of my piece after so long. :D


:D I wish I knew then what I know now about dark skin and blushing. She should have had red blush. :")


What if you dedicate a future update exclusively to story/character events? would that relive some of the pressure of having to do everything at once?


Its not really a holiday thing, but I think it would be really cool if you added sexy versions of their costumes. Like from the 90's cartoon


Well, it would involve less time spent on art, but there is also a significant portion of the audience that want new characters fleshed out. It's always a trade-off.


A fair trade-off, IMO. Many updates have been art focused


This comes from a place of no personal experience, but wouldn't it be easier to implement new mechanics now rather than when there are a bunch of new girls? seems like if you know what all is going to be needed sooner, you can better plan the art around it later. is this even close to being accurate? or am i talking like an idiot? is my stupid showing? Also i would love to see a mechanics focused update. maybe a tennis court or basketball? some new areas off campus for dates and shopping? that would be awesome.


Lol, it's not stupid, but it's not *as* big a deal as you might think. Yes, it is easier to build systems when fewer characters are around, at least at this point, but it's not that much easier. I mean, art-wise, the work is the work, and while I sometimes have to go back in to create new poses or new costumes or something for existing characters, that's work I'd have needed to do anyway if I wanted that feature. In terms of coding/story time and effort, if I'm sitting at five girls, and build a new mechanic for them (like say the phone sex mechanic), then I have to build the core system, and fill out all the dialogue and alternate options that each of those five girls might have, and then if I add a sixth girl later then I need to backfill in her dialogue and options for that scenario. This isn't really any different than designing it for those six girls at once. Now of course when I first design a system I could try to anticipate several girls down the line, add dialogue options for Storm, Gwen, etc., etc., but then I'd be spending a lot of work on something now that might not be available to players for years. Plus it's easier to primarily focus on one character while I get an idea for that character's "voice" in the game. I'm working on Storm's content right now, and building out what she says and how she says it differently than the other girls. Once I feel comfortable with that voice it would be easier to go back to later, but trying to write content for the next half-dozen characters all at once would tend to muddle them up. It's also worth noting that until I had at least a few girls in there, it was hard for a novice like me to anticipate what I would need to juggle them all, so getting at least 2-3 girls playable before starting certain systems would definitely have made that easier. The current mechanics are designed with expandability in mind. As many of them as I could are built around "just throw everyone available into the pot and see what comes up," so that adding a character doesn't mean that I need to completely re-write *everything.*


That makes a lot of sense actually. Like i said, i know nothing about this process. You do what you do best, and ill keep playing and supporting, and maybe throwing a few ideas around once in a while. You have delivered quality without fail every time so far. I have faith in you and your decisions.


Thanks, and ideas are always appreciated. There are plenty of ideas that just never occurred to me before someone brought it up.


I think it would be kind of funny if you had gwenpool just pulling up girls shirts randomly. Like she pops up in pulls up storm's shirt during one of the first times you meet her. Something to kind of get the ball rolling with her given storm's normal personality.


I could totally see the costume being put in as a game anniversary release.


Like the superhero costumes? Yeah, I tend to do a kind of "bounding" version of this with some of their other wardrobe, like Rogue's sportswear is a bit like her classic 90s comic style. I don't know about putting in their actual Evolution costumes, because they really weren't that sexy, and sexying them up would make them practically unrecognizable. I'm working up a very "costumey" look for Storm, actually.


Hi, I'm pretty new here and I'm really enjoying the game so much that I'm looking for more. I came across the expanded mod and had a few questions. Does anyone here use it? Has Oni discussed the mod in any way? Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this.


Nobody has replied so I am going to. I don't know of a mod, and I don't recall Oni mentioning it. However, some days I am damn near illiterate.


Thanks for replying, It adds mystique, costumes, and scenes which is why I wanted to try it out. I tried it out and it was cool but it would crash on me.


It is all good. I think Oni is a one man army...*ahem*...programmer and artist. Maybe try an older version with the mod?


Oh the game works perfectly it's the mod that has the issue. It's cool though I'll just keep playing the regular game.

Phillipe Farneti

I would like to have the rest of Jeans Psychic constructs and be able to have Psychic sex with Emma anywhere.


As if he didn't know that. I'm pretty sure Oni knows about it. What he thinks about it, however, I don't know. The mod is a standalone. That means Oni's current work didn't make it into the mod. This is based on an older version. As far as I know, there is no longer much work on the mod. They must have had trouble incorporating Oni's current stuff into the game's code and constantly adjusting their work. I think I read that they want to wait until Oni is mostly done with his project. When it is sure that the code does not have to be rewritten again. On the part of the modders. Oni is no longer a lone wolf. That people help him sometimes he has already written himself. And yet I am much too impatient for upcoming updates :D stay healthy


Hey mate. The mod is on F95 and has it's own discord. It's not monetized, and they don't have permission to publish any of Onis work. So if you download the mod and apply it to the game code you got from Oni, only then you get the full experience. However, the mod is currently undergoing a renovation. They are rewriting Onis code and making their own art, for more girls, new clothes and a different storyline. However, the mod is not affiliated with Oni officially, so you gotta take it up with their devs if you have any issue with the mod. On a sidenote, the current mod is not compatible with the new game version. It's only compatible with version 0.984h, if I remember correctly.

Winfred Robinson

Ever thought about making a mission system. Could be just a message that in a nutshell say "MC went on a mission this girl". Gives you improved relationship and extra cash. Just a fun thought.


I will try to incorporate that stuff. I have a lot on my plate for the next update though. ;)


It's worth considering, but I have a lot of other stuff I'd like to get done first. ;)


I was just thinking, a quick but nice thing you could add is more crowd reactions when doing things in a public place. And I don't just mean sex. Like, if Rogue pulls her pants off to step out of her panties and hand them to you, don't you think the other students might say something? Or if you slap her ass before class starts, don't you think some of the other students might give you some dirty looks? And so on and so forth. On a different note, I still play the latest version from time to time. If I find bugs, do you want me to post them here or to just hold off until the next version in case you've already fixed them?


I'll see what I can do on that, it does sound interesting. As for bug reports, you can put them in the most recent release thread if you like, and I'll at least take a glance at them. At this point in the development it can sometimes be hard to track some down because I've added enough new code that it can make the bugs harder to locate, and it's possible I've already fixed that thing, but it never hurts to check.


The idea came about after taking a look through the code just to see how it worked and finding out what was reasonable/unreasonable to ask about. I could be wrong (seeing as I have only a layman's understanding of renpy), but such reactions could be added with a simple "if Taboo:" and time of day check followed by specific "if bg" descriptions for the quad, classroom, shower, and pool right?


For the most part, yes. It's not so much "difficult" to implement, as "I would have to actually *do* it." :D