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So that happened. To the victorious Storm fans out there, congratulations. To the Gwen fans, better luck next time, but at least you'll have Storm to play with in the next update. Only a 9 vote difference, I'm glad that other elections weren't nearly this close. The other competitors were pretty even as well, although who knows how that would shake out if they were closer to contention.

A question/comment that came up repeatedly during the poll was "well why not just do both?" Well I will, probably, just not right away. The poll is about a time management thing, since whatever I work on will eat away at a fixed amount of time. If I decided to do both at once, then it would take twice as long before anything was ready to show, and finishing each one would take twice as long as if I focused on one first and then the other. I think it's better to get playable content out in a reasonable amount of time, and to try and get one girl as feature-complete as possible before moving to the next. That said, I will try to get Storm finished as quickly as I can, and then we can worry about Girl 7. Everyone will get in eventually. I also might try to get a little more Gwen into the game before that, but again can't commit to anything major because whatever I end up doing will slow down everything else a bit.

So what's next? While the voting's been going on I've been working on some content for an existing girl, that's coming along nicely, so I'm wrapping that up for the next release in a few months, and will get started finishing up Storm's sprite and basic content. As I said in response to a question in the other thread, the first launch of a girl is around 40-60% art and the rest writing, since I have a lot of different systems that I need to make sure are basically functional for Storm before I can even drop her into the game. We'll see how much of that I can get done within a reasonable amount of time. Once her initial version is out, subsequent versions will add new sex poses and options, and those are far more art-oriented. I'll be making another post around New Years discussing my broad plans for 2021, but it should be a fun year.

Oh, and in case you missed it in the comments section, Storm will have at least two hair styles available, the longer hair and the mohawk, so if one doesn't appeal to you, don't worry about it.

Thanks to everyone who voted, thanks for everyone that supported me and this community over the past year, and Merry Christmas everyone!


Timothy Morley

I might be the only one with this though, but I think it would be really cool to have Gwen as a Easter egg character. Like instead of progressing normally in the game to have her unlock, you'd have to do a bunch of things a certain way for her to be dateable, otherwise she just makes cameos in your playthrough. I imagine that would take a lot of extra time though




Regrettably jubilee didn't win, was looking forward to some sexy vampire hijinks. Though I'm still very much looking forward to the ororo content. I guess better luck next time for jubilee fans


Well, I mean in terms of development time, it wouldn't be any harder than doing the normal stuff. I mean, adding Easter Egg triggers into the game only takes minutes, it's building out the actual content that takes the time. But sure, there could be some interesting ways to trigger her into the game.


Merry christmas to you too, Thanks for the Update 👍


Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to you, Oni. Thanks for all your hard work and hope 2021 treats you well. Excited for Storm's content and I can't wait to see what her sprite will look like. Take it easy, stay safe and healthy.


Also we still don't have psychic sex options completed. But through this whole death and political madness the globe over this year you still gave us good porn and frequent updates. No excuse to any dev. You're one of the realest MVP devs out here and you'll forever have my patronage. In fact I'm increasing it cause you're clearly trying. Love you man. Merry cripsmas


Aw, thanks. :D You've been a great part of this community for quite a while now and I hope 2021 will bring some even better stuff!


Hell yeah! My idea? Xmen costumes and missions!


my idea will probably not be interesting to anyone, but can I make Ororo's room in the Wacanda style? Just because she is the wife of the Black Panther. And merry Christmas to you. (sorry if there are mistakes, my English is weak, so I translate through Google) :|

Peter Vanusanik

meh, shame; we get another emma clone


Lol sounds like you have already made a bunch of assumptions. Don't be so salty


Do you actually have a set limit on the number of girls in mind, or is this just a ‘who gets development priority at a certain time’ thing? Also, any chance that any more obscure X-Babes like Magik or Boom Boom might make the list?


I don't see any reason to set a limit. I might need to keep adjusting things so that they can all coexist, but so long as there's interest in the game, I plan to keep building on it.


I voted Gwen but I'd prefer Storm TBH, can't wait!


I would trade adding a new character to the game for actual animated interactions between the girls, like when they kiss or interact with each other in the threesome options, I'd like to actually see those things realized. but either way, glad to see Storm.


I'm going to try and work out some better interactions between them. Every girl having a doggy style pose I think can help with that, it gives me additional angles to work with, but having an actual embrace pose between them would spiral way out of control, because the girls are not perfectly symmetrical, so I would need multiple unique poses for each girl so they could interact with all possible other girls, and of course each of those would need a full wardrobe so it'd be a huge undertaking.


I'm slightly confused by your decision making process.


Cool. Well you changed her design between the two drafts and made her hips/thighs a bit smaller I wouldn't mind them remaining stocky (if that's the right word here? I dunno I'm not a thesaurus) or being similiar to the prior draft in big size. Just my thoughts tho.

Gerald L

well while my first choice didn't win my runner up did so that's nice. Although if you are going to do Gwen, could you do Spider-Gwen instead of Gwenpool? I always liked that version a lot better and maybe see which version people would want because honestly if you put Gwenpool into the game I wouldn't use her, she'd be the only girl I would use the option with Xavier to get rid of.


I'm just surprised that an all white cast video game was allowed on Patreon. ;)

Snub Birth

the only thing that seems to bother Pateron is anime, particularly "young girls" although apparently they have banned people for "eyes" because they supposedly look like "teenage depictions". Pateron only really hates certain animus


I've always found Spider-Gwen a bit boring, outside of a really great costume. I would hope to make Gwenpool fun enough that you'd want to keep her.


Just another disappointment to add to the list of ways 2020 has failed me. Though in this case, it's only a small failure.

Patrick Thrasher

So far I think my favorite intro is Jean's. Looking forward to reading what direction you take Storm.

Kyte Avytrius

When Oni put Jean in the game, he said he didn't like the idea of cucking Scott. So this version of Jean doesn't have any relation to Scott. My guess is that this Ororo wouldn't have met T'challa yet.


I'm rather hoping it's the short haired Ororo. Is it? https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/330592428866885854/


"Oh, and in case you missed it in the comments section, Storm will have at least two hair styles available, the longer hair and the mohawk, so if one doesn't appeal to you, don't worry about it."


Ah, thank you. That's not a mohawk as far as I'm aware tho... [Edit] Alright, searched up the mohawk....that is ugly. Why would anyone want that? Her shorter hair is clearly the best, or at least tied with the long haired one. The mohawk is just the worst hairstyle she has!


Happy Storm won as an underdog by your reaction.


I voted for both Gwen and Storm. I'm hopeful she won't be a teacher. It tends to limit what you can do in the game, at least in terms of exhibitionism.


"We have Ororo/Storm, who's a very dignified teacher at the school, but fairly uninhibited about nudity."


Hi, I started playing with 0.992g, but I noticed something. It seems the "plans" to work on Xavier have all disappeared, is it something wanted ? I tried both with Rogue and with Jean, and if we get called to Xavier, even if they have a high "blue line" (sorry, forgot how it's called), that option does not appear anymore. P.S. I had started a new game with 0.992, I had not tried to load a game from a previous version.


The player character needs to be at least level 5 for those options to appear, that may be the issue here. So far as I know, the options should work if you meet the conditions for them.


For girl 7 (and 8 and 9!) consider the Stepford Cuckoos. All three girls could function as a single girl for the purposes of game mechanics and art assets, allowing for much more detailed group sex sequences.


A few random game feature suggestions that I've been thinking about I wanted to throw on here before I forget: 1. Maybe consider moving the special "so you didn't have anything to say about my pussy/tits" dialogue to its own option under "Relationship Status"? Rather than having to click through "I just wanted to talk" hoping you get the RNG, I feel like it might feel a little bit better if it's purposefully player initiated and therefore could sound a bit different as well. It changes from Rogue saying, "You didn't have much to say about my pussy," (which is kind of weird she brings it up in the first place) to Zero saying, "By the way, when I saw your pussy..." Just something to think about. 2. A new dialogue option if you walk in on a girl in the shower for the first time AFTER she has already walked in on you before. Something along the lines of, "Don't you knock?" "Why? You didn't." And then different responses depending on each girl. 3. I think this used to be in the game before (might have been a bug) but when you walk in on girls when they have high inhibition/love for you, they don't grab a towel and freak out. Just more of a "Oh, hey," type of reaction. 4. Flirt options for "Ask her to flash her tits" and "Ask her to flash her panties (if clothing is applicable like a skirt)". Something a little less extreme than asking for her panties while still being quite fun. 5. This one is more of just a "housekeeping" thing, but some of the flirting options don't really have any points attached to them. Like grabbing a girl's boob or pinching her ass the same day you met her. Again just wanted to mention these ideas while I had them in my head. Only bring them up because they seem relatively easy to code in comparison to like, drawing a new outfit or something.


1. Yeah, maybe. But then what would the RNG have to do?! 2. Eh, maybe. I'm not sure I even track that at the moment. 3. That *should* still be there, let me check. . . Ok, it is in, but you at least have to have seen them nude a few times before. I'll make it so after a certain stat level she just won't mind. 4. Sure, maybe. 5. Odd, they should have some negatives to them. I'll fix that.


Not a priority right now, but later in developpement, will you add more location to go ? With more and more girl it might be a little crowded ? :) Love your work, keep going ! I wish you a wonderfull year. <3


Very nice, I love Storm and wanted another MILF character. I hope mohawk will be optional and not her only hair, I'm just a sucker for the old style Storm where she had her long hair. I always thought that mohawk turned her from dignified woman and semi-goddess to some punk brat.

Sary Gimmons

Thanks for all your excellent work! While Gwen was my choice, you're definitely right that she can pop in later. Storm will be great! Quick question: Is the MC named Zero because of the similar character in Superpowereds by Drew Hayes?


Yeah, this is something I've given some thought to. When all else fails they can go to their own rooms, and in public spaces there is the "nearby" area where they are in the room, but not adjacent to you, but I would like to expand to some more areas. I think a library or cafeteria would be next on the list.


I'm unaware of that one. I basically went with Zero because he "zeroes out" other powers, and also because he's a non-character without the player's input, a "zero," and also because it's simple to work with. :D

Obsidian Asetryx

I hope if mohawk is a hair style that you have Normal hair as a change option.


3. In all of the latest times I've gotten a girl to "late game" and walking in on her in the shower as often as possible, they still *always* lead with the "Don't you knock?" Never another response. It might be bugged even with the just "seen them nude X times" requirement. 5. It might be that they have values associated with them but they just don't display the numbers. But it's been like this from like, the very first iterations of the game lol. I just never brought it up.


3. I tweaked 3 a bit. Basically, the way it worked before was that if the stats were low and stuff, then you would get an angry look and a stat penalty, but after a while they would be a bit more playful about it, like not actually mad, and their expressions should have been more clear on that. I've changed it so that after a certain point they should just be much more chill, like "whatever." 5. Yeah, it was something missing. I don't know why. ;)

Sary Gimmons

Well! Not only do I recommend that series, but there is a secondary character codenamed Zero who creates a null-field *or* can fire bolts that null powers. Different from our MC in Rogue-like slightly, but similar concept.

Phillipe Farneti

Make it so the more you cum on them the messier they then blow your load on or in the the messier they get.


Well, there's a little of this on facials on some of the newer characters, but it's not trivial to add multiple stages of goo, especially if it's reflected in multiple poses. I'll keep it in mind though as I update artwork.