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Time to find the next girl to be added to the game! Something happened with the last post and the actual poll did not appear. Odd. Let's try this again.

The old Girl 5 character posts and discussions can be found here. To go quickly through the list:

We have Doreen, who's a spunky goody two-shoes. Also has a tail.  

We have Ororo/Storm, who's a very dignified teacher at the school, but fairly uninhibited about nudity.  

We have Jubilee, a party girl vampire who can shoot fireworks.  

We have Wanda, a punk/gothy bad girl with bad luck zaps.  

We have Lorna, a spacey and kind of gloomy girl with magnetic powers.  

And finally we have Gwen, a 4th wall breaker who is aware that she's trapped in an erogame, and is coming to terms with that idea.  

I have some fun ideas for all of them, but it's up to you which I go with. Let's get to voting! Voting will close in two weeks, Feel free to discuss how and why you voted the way you did.




Nice now it is here :D


Vote Storm for massive brown mommy titties


The most difficult choice I've made in weeks.

Theodore Hopkins

Did you know that the coco de mer, the sea coconut, is the largest of all nuts?


part of me wants Jubilee but on the other hand Storm


Show some nut love for the sqirrel gal 😂


There's too much quality to pick from here, I just know I'm going to flip-flop between the girls on this list


Praying for Lorna here, but now that I can actually see the results I'm concerned. Lol.


You could do some interesting things with a vampire jubilee. Like she won't attend class because she can't walk across campus in the daylight, or you can find her lounging by the pool at night

The Omni Degenerate

can we vote for more then 1 girl? cuz i would like wanda or gwen to win so i want to vote for both

Ai Muhao

I would've voted Lorna because I don't see her used very often, but I'm kind of fond of Jubilee because she was kinda sorta my first introduction to the X-Men franchise.


Only one can win it, if the one you wanted doesn't get in, you can always vote for them next time.


I honestly want Wanda, but she wasn't even close to winning in the last one and I prefer Ororo over Gwen so I suppose I'll toss my vote in that lot.

Krivvin Bailey

All of them are pretty great. Ororo would be great. Too bad there's no dark elf girls in X-Men, like a diplomatic trust duty of a dark elf from Svartalfheim. :) (Oni, thank you again for drawing my dark elf so many years ago.)


A really difficult choice... Is it the plan to eventually stop adding girls or are all of these characters being planned eventually and this is more just ordering?

shea brown

Ororro but with the Mohawk , or gwenpool


Ah shame. Was hoping for some jubilee this time.


I liked Lorna, but i'll vote Jubilee, i think she has the potential for very fun mechanics

Krivvin Bailey

[strange my message disappeared, sorry for a double post] All of them are pretty great. Ororo would be great. Voting for her. :) Too bad there's no dark elf girls in X-Men, like a diplomatic trust duty of a dark elf from Svartalfheim. :o (Oni, thank you again for drawing my dark elf so many years ago. <3)

Oni's Fan

I think its not actually a time for gwen even if she had cameo. My choise is wanda /jubilee /ororo (but ID like to See Mystique)

Krivvin Bailey

Strange. All of my messages are disappearing. I've tried three times. :(

The Silent One

My Vote goes to Storm, but i so bet that the Gwenpool fans are going to win this -.- Meanwhile Storm is one of the prime members of the X-Men Period...

Ai Muhao

Once upon a time I would've gone with Doreen... but with how Marvel is these days both she and Gwenpool have lost a lot of their appeal to me personally. Heck, even Storm.

Krivvin Bailey

All are great, lovely sketches. I'll vote Ororo this time. :) Oni, thank you again for drawing my dark elf so many years ago. <3


Seeing how Mystique isn't among the candidates...again...I'm going to vote for Gwen...again.


All of them, and potentially more, will be planned eventually, and with any luck I'll be able to get two of them in over next year, who knows?


For Ororo I'll likely default to the longer hair, but both options will be in there to choose from.


I'm surprised to see gwenpool so high in the results. I'm not really a fan of her fourth-wall shtick personally. If it were spider-gwen that'd be one thing but... Then again, Gwen already has a rendered image of her, unlike the rest of the girls who just have sketches. She's kinda got an advantage. Or I'm just underestimating Gwen's popularity.


I hope the power of my finished sprites is not quite that powerful. ;)

JW Sims/Hooligan Alley Comics

Wanda has a special place in my heart for personal reasons so I will ALWAYS vote Wanda on anything, but if there was no Wanda, Jubilee would be my strong #2.


I feel like you should develop existing characters beyond the bare skeleton of "sex scenes" before moving to a new character

Shin Gouki

When the voting ends, will you be doing a round two like you did in the previous poll or will this be a winner takes all?


Always gonna vote Wanda. Loved her character in the TV series. Always had a thing for the Scarlet Witch.


Same, great character, good backstory


I have a sinking feeling that Gwenpool is gonna win, but im really hoping for Storm. It would be nice to at least get X-Men in the game before we start getting weird, despite my love for the odd and forgotten characters.

Silent Six

Wow Gwen is cute

Adam Król

Lorna look quite good, rest... no comment.

Gerald L

well my pick isn't going to win lol, although personally rather than a new girl. I think I would like to see more work on the current girls so they got an alternate sex pose so you can mix it up a bit.

The Silent One

Of course Gwenpool is going to win... last time she was a close runner up iirc. This time Jean isn't in, the votes for her are split up among 6 other candidates... It was pretty much obvious... I'd also prefer Storm, especially since we could use a non-white Girl at this point... And I just like Storm. She is one of the premier X-Men members and loosing to Gwenpool-.-


Damn. I want jubilee since I like her since first x-men show.


We need another teacher so STORM MUST WIN!!!! Gwenpool is just gonna be annoying.

Peter Vanusanik

cmon, Gwen, we need 4th wall breaking fun stuff!


Gwen's not the hottest, but a character who KNOWS she's a sex toy in an ero game played by a pervert could be a ton of fun


Would def say Storm


After this, how about no new girls until a few lesbian scenes are implemented?


I would love doreen. Squirrel girl even has the best intro. 'My names Doreen Green! 5'3 and not an inch of it mean!'




If your looking for lesbian content vote for Wanda and Storm. Wanda is a lesbian and will prolly actively pursue the other girls, and Storms blase attitudes towards nudity will lead to a lot of lesbian shower and danger room shenanigans!


Based just off the art, I would say Storm. Simply because she's the most bodacious.


should add Gwen, then go Lorna, Wanda, Jubilee, Ororo, Doreen in that order if the plan is to add them all at some point.


Love all of them... Except Doreen and Gwen. Would LOVE another teacher.


I'm really intrigued about Lorna, but am going to stick with Doreen, for as much as that's going to accomplish. :P

Project 9056

We never got Gwen last time... we 100% need her this time!!


well considering storms new hair sketch (i dont like it), i am gonna stick with gwen,


Im Team Doreen, not sure why not many likes her xD


Would've voted for Lorna, but since it's basically a dead heat between Storm and Gwen, I gotta go with Storm.


We really need another teacher. Bring on the Storm. Class seems pretty dead without more academic interaction. I am also of the opinion that Gwenpool doesnt really fit well into the game as it stands. But then I am probably just being picky I suppose.




What would you want to see added to existing characters?


I really like some versions of Squirrel Girl, but I'm not a huge fan of the design Oni is using. That said, I understand Oni wanting to have some variety in body types, but the Squirrel Girl sketch is just the least appealing to me.

The coochie bandit

To be honest I mostly want storm for the variety (we get a second teacher character and some dark skinned beauty). If not for that, I think Gwen would have been my choice.


I think that Gwen should stay like eastern egg. I dont wanna deadpool in hentai game. It`ll be weird. P.S. Doreen is a cutie squirrel)


If we stopped voting right now there's would be a par between Ororo and Gwen. It would be interesting to see Oni's reaction...

Anthony Michelli

So much for the weaponized THICCness that is Doreen. Hell, even my second pick Lorna is second last. I can't have nice things lol

Anthony Michelli

Doreen has weaponized THICCness for the forces of good, but she gonna be added dead last lmao. I feel your pain, I wanted those two a well


anyone but Doreen or Gwen


It can Storm all day as far as I'm concerned. However it is worth pointing out Gwenpool has the "ability to manipulate the borders of the fourth wall". So she can go literally anyware. I.E. "fit" anyware by virtue of being a MacGuffin


please god gwen


I like Gwen's design, and Oni is a good enough writter to make her 4th wall breaking and odd personality come accross as interesting and endearing rather than anoying. There's also the fact that she already has assets in the game (as a cameo during Laura's route, IIRC) so I figure that would mean a bit less work to give her a proper route. As an older black woman, Storm stands out from the other girls and would also be a welcome addition to the cast, but if I have to choose between her and Gwen, I'd go with Gwen, for now.


No love for Boom Boom? :o


everyone this race is between storm and gwen change your vote for one of the two. trust me i understand if you want other girl in because i wanted jubilee but it not happening in this vote.




Storm <3


Storm great to have another teacher

Ai Muhao

NEVER! I shall cast my vote for the one I actually want, rather than boiling down to one of two choices (neither of whom I care for).

Jacob Kain

Ororo/Storm just for the sake of having another teacher would be great. But also because the Ororo concept looked amazing as well.


I love all the options ( though I'm not much into furries but hey I get it people got their kinks) but I agree having some more variety with a second teacher and a sexy lady of color would be an awesome addition. Can't wait for the others but Storm gets my vote this round!!!


Can we please get something other than another basic white girl?


I think Storm, because game need more teachers :)


Not the biggest Storm fan, and as the poster above stated, would be nice to get someone other than another white girl (as awesome as the choices may be). Which defaults me to voting for Jubilee. Would've voted for her anyway to satisfy my love for Asian ladies, though looks like that probably won't be happening anytime soon. Ah well.


Actually kind of surprised to see Storm pulling ahead at the moment based off the girl 5 poll. Personal preference for me would be Gwen, but I am sure even if she doesn't win this time, she would probably win the next one. Just glad that it seems Oni will eventually get all of them in to ensure everyone gets the one they want.


pick gwen so we can hypothetically get it sooner


Anything but gwen for me so let s go storm


Better yet, Oni implement both at the same time pls


Guys, this poll lets you vote for multiple girls not just one. So if your feeing like Gwen or Storm make sure to vote for your second or third, that way we may be able to see what the general consensus is for girls 7-9.


“Sees Storm leading with a very small margin” STOP THE COUNT!


Why would wanda be in the school though? Doesn't she belong in the brotherhood?


Since it is sooooooo close why not both Gwen and Storm?


i was going to go gwen but i agree that a second teacher would be good.


Ororo looks way to macho for my liking. Strong jaw, strong eyebrow, Mohawk... No thank you. Gwen looks nice. Maybe the interactions with her will be like how FET writes. Love that shit. (PS: don't forget that you can vote for multiple girls)


Gwen concept just didnt do it for me she looks so basic like I get jean vibes, shaved head and piercing woulda been nice. and shes not a traditional x man anyways so eh

Shin Gouki

Seems like you can vote for every girl on the poll. Is that what Oni meant by shenanigans? I'm hoping Storm gets in though, would be nice to get a P.E. teacher in the Danger Room.


Will we be able to choose between the different hairstyles in game?

Princess Raven

Pleeassee gwen Fuck storm and her mohawk Gwen pool!!!


Your choice, but it's only fair to point out that both versions of her hair will be in, and if you really don't like one, you won't have to deal with it.


I will be quite honest, I thought she was a fun character in the show, and I loved her in Nextwave, but that "winglet" hairstyle really bugs me. I'd have to figure out what I wanted to do about that before considering her. :D


Well, all the Brotherhood members went to the same high school as the X-Men students, so presumably there could be reasons.


It's all about priorities. I think it's best to focus on one at a time, because if I tried to do both at once it would just mean that each update would have half as many things finished for each or something. I will get around to both eventually, the winner is just the one I focus on NEXT.


Of the current girls, Gwen would be more on the wavelength of Kitty or Rogue, just a bit more silly.

Kyte Avytrius

While Oni included a sketch of Storm with her mohawk hairstyle from Age of Apocalypse, he also included in the same sketch a version with her hair down. You would likely be able to choose.

Thomas Michels

Are we going to have a second poll between the most 2 popular choices like last time?


Gween pool!!!!!!!!

Cadmon Alima

Ororo is the only one in the running for my tastes. I don't even know who Lorna is... Oh! She's actually kinda cute. Well, I got someone for next time. Guess it'll be interesting to see counts distribute.


Really gunning for Ororo, with Squirrel Girl as a close second. Much as I love the original roster of girls I'd say we're well overdue for some true variety.


I’m liking wandas look




I thout gwen already was added becuse she was in the game


I went Lorna, I like Gwen, but I think it's more fun having her added as Easter Eggs, fits her character quite well. Storm seems a good choice for a second teacher. Gonna need a new area soon as more characters appear!

Shin Gouki

I've already asked him and he said no, barring any shenanigans, whatever that may mean.


I agree. We need more classrooms/outdoor basketball court and a lunchroom. We never eat. Well we never eat food


I voted for Storm, but reading the comments here, I think there is a lot of passion for Squirrel Girl. Despite Gwen and some of the others getting a lot more votes, Doreen is girl 7. That said, when she does get added one day, I think it would be funny if her tail was presented as part of her mutation, but later revealed to just be a butt plug.


Also I'd like to propose Mystique as the next new candidate so we can get some twincest role play, please and thank you.


Jubilee plz


I voted Ororo beacause I am for a new teacher it would have been nice new cafeteria room, basketball court and the garden after I would like to see psylocke and in like you can see domino,surge,magma,magik and big bang


Ororo and Wanda best girls imo.


Do you have discord server?


The version of her in the game now is extremely limited. I have a partial sprite for her, but it does not have all the options that a normal standing sprite has (her clothes can't be removed or even her mask, she lacks multiple outfits, etc.), I don't have any menu or story support for her beyond the one cameo scene, and I don't have any sex sprites for her. Developing her into a fully functional character would take basically as much work as any other character, so it's still a matter of priorities as to which character I spend that work on next. If people want that to be Gwen, it will be Gwen.


Hey Oni, would Ororo have a milf-like physique like Emma or will she be smaller in the chest, I checked out the sketch for her and it looks good, I was just wondering if the final version would be spot on to that or not.

Zack V

Maaaaan please let Storm win this! It'd be really refreshing, narratively and visually!


Ororo grew up as a half-starved street thief; that does not generally lend itself to having a MILF-y physique. She's more in the "lean and mean" category, and Oni stays close to the actual depictions of characters, not super-inflated "pr0n bewbs". If you want MILFy, Lorna's closer as-is, and could more reasonably be tweaked in that direction. Psylocke is also, but she's not in this round of voting, you'd have to push for her next time around. Assuming Oni continues to add girls.

Project 9056

God damn it I was excited to see Gwen finally return and be part of the game..... why did you have to add Strom? xD


Storm all the way!


It’s close with storm and gwen. I wonder who it’s going to be.




Storm would be fantastic


Nooo. Storm is again second place....where are my Storm voters at?

The Silent One

2 weeks of voting time is just too much. 3 to 4 days here would imho be enought. No, I'm not saiyng that because Storm was in the lead for roughly that amount of time, why? :P (and Marvel for quite a while pushing basically everything over the X-Men...) But really. Imho Storm would add much more than Gwenpool in her 4th wall breaking glory. We have 3 Students and 1 Teacher. And Storm would be the first character of colour in the game, so some variety. And she is one of the prime X-Men...

The Silent One

because Storm was in the Girl 5 poll as well? And From a pure character standpoint should have precedence over Gwen... she is one of hte prime X-Men... and it'd add some more diversity in terms of girls to the game...



Shin Gouki

I'd rather have Storm, but at if Gwen gets in I can at least test that feature that tells her to fuck off. You have put that in right Oni?

Project 9056

Hooray!! Gwen has taken the lead!! Just stay there 6 more days!!


Ohh come on guys, Storm would be perfect, it's a teacher and finally a person of colour. That would be perfect !

Jon B.

That's how I feel. The current diversity of the girls is....not.

Project 9056

Wanted Gwen last time and she unfortunately didn’t make it, this time she needs to win!! More than happy to vote storm “next time” but I wanna see more of Gwen appear in the game.


Gwen is so boring, she will be fun for the first 10 seconds, then she adds nothing to the game! Her costume is dumb, and once you take her mask off shes just rogues body with Laura's smaller tits. Storm is such a clearly better pick, big tits and a huge ass!!! I could even see Wanda as at least her narrative would be interesting. Honestly anything BUT Gwen.


!!!STOP VOTING NOW!!! There's a par between Storm and Gwen and if it stays like that, Oni will have to make them both!


Luvin’ the intensity of this poll and how close it is.

The Silent One

Storm is in the lead! STOP THE COUNT! STOP THE COUNT! :P


honestly Oni should just take a longer update gap and add both of them at this point


Man, if I committed to launching with both that would probably take so long. A lot goes in to just making them basically functional for the first build at this point, not to mention that each update of the year would take about twice as long. I'll consider my options though. ;)


Lol that's very fair, and I'm sure most are eager just to have one new girl to interact with! At least now you can be pretty certain who's up next time lol


Hmm, yeah. It's a Xavier thing. Once you whammy him you can tell any of the girls to fuck off and they should basically vanish until you reverse it.


You don't know what's under there, she could have tentacles! [She doesn't have tentacles]




How is this still so freaking close lol


Cmon Storm it’s a close race (a really close race lol) but I believe!


How much work would it be to do both? I mean, graphically. I have limited programming experience, but it sounds like graphics would be the limiting part?


I mean, in time he will probably do both, it is just too much time to do both beside each other. We would need to wait double the time to get both, so it would make more sense to concentrate on one character and do earlier updates...(as long as the next character is storm :d)


Also known as Polaris was actually in the X-men prior to Storm, until recently Havoks girlfriend. Has magnetic powers and is depending on universe also Magnetos daughter


It is a win either way for me. I was just curious, a stick figure is the limit to my artistic abilities. :-)


If Storm doesn't happen then she'll definitely win next time. Vice-versa is Gwen doesn't win. Because of that, I'm more curious who the winner will be after this poll and the next poll. Like once Storm and Gwen get added, I wonder which of the other girls will get the majority vote. The other girls (aside from Squirrel Girl) are pretty even in terms of votes.


Here's an idea: don't make Gwenpool a regular at the university. Instead, add one scene for her between every new student/teacher.


I likely will be doing both eventually, this is all a time-management thing. Doing both *at the same time* would mean it would take me at least twice as long to get the next update out, maybe up to six months, and then that would only cover some of their actions and each following update would take 4-6 more months and getting both finished could take over a year. I think that even if the winner isn't your first choice, it will be better for most players to get one of them out and "complete" in as short a time as I can manage, then get to work on whoever's next (very likely the current 2nd placer). Oh, and just for your curiosity, the graphics are likely to take up about 40-60% of my time in getting the first update out, with the coding and story stuff taking the rest of the time, because I have a lot of "core" dialogue and systems to lock in before the character is fit to be played, but then there will be later updates that are mostly about adding new sex poses and activities, and those are much more art-oriented, so like 80/20 or so.


Jubilee is pretty clearly in the lead compared to the others. 75 over Wanda who is 41 over Lorna.




I think my top 5 would be Wanda, then Gwen (both Spider and Pool), JubeJube, Mystique and lastly Storm, from most to least wanted.


even like that not sure storm was pretty low in the last poll i think people love or hate gwen lol i think most of the storm vote will go to just an another girl


Easy rankings, Storm>Psylocke>Wanda>Mystique>Spiral>Doreen>Jubilee. Gwenpool should NEVER be a full character, she is funny as a gag character who pops up randomly, but she wouldn't work as a permanent Girl.


We did it guys! Storm has it! I am proud of all of you!




Incredible poll. 0.2% more votes for Ororo. Although I did vote for her, I think Oni should consider either adding both her and Gwen or one after the other before asking us again who's the next girl.

The Silent One

Yes! Yes! Yes! #TeamStorm!