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Ok, the vote for Girl 6 is coming up soon, and whoever is picked will be added early into next year. I figured I'd spice up the list a bit by adding another option, this time Lorna Dane, daughter of Magneto, sister of Wanda. My concept for her is that she's a little spacey, a little mellow, bit of a pushover and basket case. Just so it's clear what's happening in the art there, she'll have green hair with a darker green ombre effect to it. 




Omg can we get short haired lorna if she wins? Maybe as a wardrobe option or something?

Anthony Michelli

Ah yes, manipulate the pushover spacey crazy lady into your harem. I'm all for it lol


Well Polaris certainly is an interesting pick. Now I'm just imagining having her and Wanda.


are u planing on adding more outfits in any uppdate in the future?


Ok, I want this.


Interesting! My vote will be for her or jubilee( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Definitely getting my vote, though I feel if Storm is in the polls she may take the win. Out of curiosity, which part of creating the model is the most difficult, is it the initial art for the girl herself or the poses?


Polaris? Interesting. I think I prefer someone slightly more exotic looking, like Mystique or that one mutant lady with six arms. I think her name is Spiral. I'll wait for the poll to see whose available.


!? We can have bitchy goth lesbian scenes between her and rogue!


I can't really be too picky, since my favorite mutant's already in the game (good ol' Laura <3). That said, I second Jubilee. Still haven't forgiven Marvel for teasing us with some X-23/Jubilee sexual tension, only to have her eventually end up with Angel. Ugh.


I always consider adding outfits, but it's important to keep in mind that a lot would go into each outfit added. Given how this game works, each clothing piece involves adding two versions for the standing sprite (normal and "lifted aside," possibly double that if the arm poses make a difference), 1-2 versions for the front sex pose, 1-2 versions for the doggystyle pose, and then likely at least 1-2 versions for BJ/TJ poses, depending on how those work on the character. So basically it's a lot more than one drawing to cover all the bases, and so I have to decide whether that is the best use of time and effort or whether some other aspect would be better, like a new pose or new character or something. It's always a consideration and I plan to add some new pieces at some point, especially basic ones like Kitty getting some stockings at some point, but it's never simple.


Good question. I mean, coming up with the design is something I sort of roll around in my head for a long time before even starting to sketch, but the sketching process doesn't take all that long once I get going. In terms of actually producing the finished art, the sex poses tend to be more time consuming than the standing sprite, because they have more moving parts, and I need to carefully work out which pieces go in front of which, which pieces are attached to which so that they move together, etc. In terms of coding time, building a standing sprite is pretty fast, I've got a rhythm to that now, but the sex poses always involve a lot of work to get the relative positions and timing down. This is easier when I have an existing character to use as a starting point, because I've already worked out the basics, but they still each require some trial and error to move them into the right positions, and get their timing just right.


I'm still backing Storm, another teacher and the fun she can bring is just too good.


Hope for a lot of Storm voters :)


Oooh, Polaris? That's pretty awesome. Plus green-haired chicks are hot. Looking forward to the vote and seeing who'll get picked this time. Debating between voting for Storm, Squirrel Girl and Polaris myself.


Storm for me, I want another teacher, with big curves please. Even if Polaris does sound fun.

The Silent One

may vote will again go to Storm. Even though the Gwenpool fans will guarantee her winning if she competes.


Storm for sure this time, you pulled at my Jean Grey weakness with the last one but Storm for sure this time, although getting Lorna in the game does sound great.


No love for Psylocke? Or Domino?


Love all of your ideas Oni! I'm still pulling for Storm too, I think having another thicc teacher would be a great way to have more variety, not only to have an additional teacher rather than another student, but also a character with a different skin color! Also really impressed with your Storm design :P

Aaron Crane

Why not purple or pink hair or a mix of both


Interesting options both. I tend to prefer Jubilee getting in before Psylocke. Domino could have some interesting unique mechanics to her.


I do try to keep it consistent with the comic and/or cartoon/tv/movie/etc. versions. For those colors I would go with Psylocke or Pixie.


Polaris?! By the Web of Faith yes.


cool idea, but I'm probably gonna vote for storm if she is in the next poll


Good good


Could this set up a confrontation with an angry, overbearing father? That could be a cool event.


Lorna seems good


Well sorry, but I'll prefer Ororo Munroe. Without beeing sjw I think we need an ebony now in Rogue Like.

Scott S.

A darker green ombre... so the Hulk! I kid, it's probably Vision.


I like it as gives some spot light on less known mutants could also suggest Noriko Ashida (surge), Jubilee, or can even get wolf girl with Wolfsbaine


would love to have Gwenpool return and be featured :D


Polaris? And Easy to Dominate. I'm erect. Cant wait to see the list this time


Polaris is definitely an unexpected but exciting character,Im not sure if Wanda was one of the options earlier but id love to see her. Also a lot of people are voicing their desire for more body, race, diversity, but id also like to see Magik added. Regardless I’m enjoying the designs and progress.


Magik would be excellent !


I'm on for Storm myself I've had a thing for her for many years. This gal isn't bad anyway when will votes be anyways Oni? Like late December or Early January? Are you gonna make any design changes to the current list of girls you've put out like clothes/tit size/thigh size etc?


For some reason I thought the picture above was Wolfsbaine... which might be another good choice


I had never heard of Lorna, maybe I'm getting old and out of date on my X-Men media. Personally I would like to see more black representation on the committee, by which I mean big tiddy Storm gf.


I really dig this, especially as a character who doesn't get into the spotlight a lot. However, I will reserve my vote for her for Girl 7. I'm still going Ororo for Girl 6 because we need more sexable teachers :)


Personally, I would cast my vote for a couple of the more oddball or lesser known mutants, like Magma or even something crazy and fun like Spiral. But maybe that's just me liking the strange characters that dont get nearly enough attention. Either way, I can't wait to see who makes the next list.


Oh, very soon. Just giving this one a chance to breathe a bit first. I'm not currently planning any more major changes to the girls designs, although I'm open to feedback on them.


Hey sense she's a pushover is she gonna be a bit chubby? Just curious


What version of Polaris is this based off off, Oni? Just curious.


Gwenpool or Storm or nothing

Phillipe Farneti

Need to have Jeans Psychic constructs finished.


It's a kind of a weird mix. I thought that the strange version of the character in "Age of X-Man" was kind of quirky, and then there's a little bit of the "The Gifted" design to it, and then just some generic dating sim "sad girl" tropes. ;) I haven't fleshed out all the details yet and won't until after she is picked, but that's an interesting starting point, I think, it would add some new angles to the game.


Love it


Cool! I'm hoping that we get to see her in her classic green costume too :D


Holding out hope for Magik

Cadmon Alima

Didn't even register seeing her when it was first posted. All that came to mind was, "woo new poll!" Now that I voted, "woo sisters!" Too bad it'd take two won polls to get there.

Obsidian Asetryx

Storm was always my Favorite in Xbox 360 X-Men Legends. I was hoping Raven Darkholme would be a candidate for future Updates.


Raven is wrong universe; she's DC, not Marvel. And not a mutant. Unless you mean Illyana? She's the native mutant demonchild.


Since I first saw this game I have been dreaming of Lorna getting in!


You think you'd be able to add more phone stuff to the game like getting nudes with sexy poses of the girls? It would be more straight forward because there would only be an image and no animation? Maybe texting the girls as well, awesome update man your work is like black magic


I am going to try to come up with some fun uses for the phone. I guess maybe I could do some pin-up style one-shot artwork, the issue there though is that it would likely not use customization options, because that would complicate things, so if you changed their hair style or piercings, I would either have to ignore that or at least do the extra work of the options, and that adds time to that feature (taking it away from elsewhere). One thing I'd like to work out is to get the game to take/save an actual screenshot and then reference that screenshot as a callback in-game, but I need to figure out how to do that. I think it's possible. At the moment, the "video chat" features is actually generating all that stuff at the time you're seeing it, which makes it more complicated to "save" the exact situation for later.


How odd it would be if Lorna was put in before Wanda.


Nice, I look forward to eventually seeing Polaris/Lorna. If she is a Mellow pushover, she could be a bit more complex in the basket case aspect. She could be agreeable for the most part, but hard to train-up and super-volatile if you push her at all. For interest, it is better if there is a challenge to each girl. A crazy chick is GREAT when she is DTF, but less fun when she burns all your clothes in the front yard because you flirted with her roommate.