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Ok, this version updates the feet for Laura's doggy style pose to better fit her model, as well as various typos and minor tweaks. This is likely the last update to 0.992 unless there are some significant issues to patch out. So probably one more. No new content planned before version 0.993 though. I'm also working on something to show for the upcoming Girl 6 poll. 



Dude with everything that's been going on with 2020 im so glad i have something to look out for. You're doing a great job. Thank you.


Thank you!


love that u added a second position to a girl, but i feel like laura's and jean's face seem weird when they're in doggyidk, but keep up the great work!


One more reason to give thanks this year!


I don't remember a poll 6 for the new girl. Did I miss it or is the 6th girl the automatic runner up from the poll 5 results?

Oni's Fan

I'd like to See Mystique as girl 6


It will happen next month. It will include the girls from the last poll, and maybe one or two more. Don't worry, I'll make a big deal of it, shouldn't be easy to miss. ;)


Question about the polls, do you plan to include every girl featured in the polls eventually? Or do you have a set limit to the amount of girls you want to add?


Random feature request that isn't that important: Would you ever consider implementing a toggle option that makes all the girls get introduced on the first day? I start a lot of new games and it gets annoying for me to have to wait for everybody to show up. No worries if it would take a lot of fanangaling, I was just wondering if it was something easy that could be done. Secondary question: Instead of working on Girl 6, would you consider adding more events to the game first? Like more date options than the current two and more special ones like that school dance Rogue keeps talking about?


Actual "bug" report: Is it intended that if you click "Want to make out a little?" on the first day, you can just keep clicking it until you actually *do* end up in a full makeout scene with Rogue? Even after her dialogue is "maybe one kiss"?

Robert S

i real like your game but i would love to hear some music and then some other sound later


Other bug report: You said you fixed it but Rogue is still making an angry face when suggesting serum. https://i.imgur.com/0T30adE.png I think you fixed the initial scene of suggesting serum, but maybe not the subsequent scenes.


I think Oni has said before he doesn't intend to put in any sound because he himself hates getting jump scared by porn sounds. And also it would be additional work that he doesn't really want to do. But that's just my memory of it, maybe I'm wrong.


More lady's from X-Men is great and all but why not focus a bit on side events? It does get a bit dull doing the same thing over and over with another new character added into play. More school events with the teacher and the class that could even turn into some lewd acts later on. Swimming events, more locker room events, ect. Another thing you could do and spice up the game for later on is add a city map! On the weekend you could leave the school and head into town/city. You can do even more events, maybe meet some of the ladys from school shopping around town. Or (You might really like this) you can even add characters from other "realms" or create your own and based them living at the city. Just some ideas to spice up the game! Thanks for all your hard work!

Best Waifu

bro android releases would be sweet. just sayin. you know anyone that could do the port for you?


How could I go about porting this release to android?


My goal is to keep adding characters and content for as long as people remain interested in this project. I'd love to eventually have dozens, but it'd take a while, so the poll is about deciding who gets made over the next 6-12 months, in all likelihood.


Hmmm. I kind of think just dropping them all in at once would mess up the organic nature of their introductions, and it would limit my ability to include other girls in their intros, since it couldn't guarantee which you encountered first. That said, I could maybe minimize some of the "downtime" between girls showing up, and maybe also have a "cheat" option for long time players that would sort of skip a lot of the intro stuff and just drop them into the action. I will try to add some new content, it's not so much of an "either/or" thing, since the work that goes into new girls is pretty different than the work that goes into new story content.


Do you plan to add alternative positions for the girls who don’t have them yet before girl 6 or to work them at the same time?

Hugo Frizon

Is the game now kinda playable or should we still wait for a enjoyable version ?

Conor Reynolds

how do you find the girls hooking up with eachother? do i just keep checking their rooms?


I consider it playable now. What do YOU consider "enjoyable", that isn't/hasn't been in so far?


They only hook up with each other (1) if their relationships with each other are at a good enough level (ask them if you don't know, get them together in 3somes to break the ice if they're not there yet) (2) they are horny and you're not banging them yourself. You will be warned about this only if your are Masterly and direct them to consult your first (Change Girl)


This is some nice and fine work you have done here Oni, looking forward to see how you improve :)


Same time. I'll just be working on one of those at a time as it fits into my schedule with the new girl, like how I was doing Laura's at the same time I was finishing Jean's.


Love what you're doing ONI, but I do have a question; how do I get the girls room(s) keys?


Well, you can build your rep with each of them until they choose to give it to you (often after sleeping over at their place multiple times), or you can get one character up high enough to activate one of the various "plans" against Xavier and convince him to give you the keys.

Conor Reynolds

can you do anything with jean yet?

Patrick Coleman

So when having girls over both Anna (Rogue) and Emma don't let Jean stay the night when they are over. Is this intentional or a way around it? Edit: Its with all the girls, so I'm guessing its intentional


You can do quite a bit with Jean at this point.


For next update, I'd love to see some kind of option to prevent Emma from interrupting while I'm fooling around with a girl in class. I'm at 1000 Obedience and Inhibition with Emma, so it feels like something I should be able to tell her to knock off, but there's no way to do so. I'm really loving the game! I'm liking Jean a lot more than I expected to.


Hey Oni, I'm not sure how difficult this would be but have you ever thought of adding the sex poses when out on a date with a girl? For example when Rogue goes down on you at dinner or when Jean rides you at the movies. Again, not sure if this would be simple or not, just something I thought would be neat for those scenes. Keep up the good work!


Out of sheer curiosity, what events in game need to happen for you to be able to buy the cologne?


The basic design of the code is that they won't let anyone stay that they don't like pretty well. Jean tends to be unpopular, so you might need to work on that.


I've thought about it. I think at this point I can probably make it work, I'll see what I can do there.


It's mainly a time-based thing. They unlock many days into the game, mainly because they are meant as a "last resort" sort of thing. If you could use them day one they would just make everything too easy. ;)

Krivvin Bailey

Hey, nice work. :) (Off-topic: thanks again for drawing my character so many years ago. I am still fond of that drawing of my dark elf.) Alflyse as an exchange student or teacher "exchange" when? ;) (one can dream. o.o;) [I know she's not in X-Men. :)]


How do I get rogue to do a threesome? Is it only with kitty or can she do it with the others too? Is there a affection lower limit to get the other girls to join my harem?


Any girl can do a threesome with any other girl, but whether they will or not is a check between how much they like you, and how much they like that other girl. If they have very high stats across the board they will tend to go along with whoever you want, if they have more medium stats then they will have to like the other girl, which you can raise by having them do activities together like class, studying, etc.


Curious question. When first meeting Jean it is mentioned at the end she had to "give this some thought" which could arguably be an indication of something else transpiring with her. Is there another event planned or is the current situation the end?


and android?


AYA More feets ^^


Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I was able to take Rogue out on a date in the beginning, but now when I get other girls to agree to a date they never show up at the campus square.


Odd. And you're going in the evenings? They should show up. Does it at least say "nobody showed up, weird?"

Tansu Mistiklar

[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 359, in __call__ renpy.save(fn, extra_info=save_name) PicklingError: Can't pickle : attribute lookup __builtin__.module failed -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_load_save.rpym", line 35, in script $ ui.interact() File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\ast.py", line 827, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\python.py", line 1764, in py_exec_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_load_save.rpym", line 35, in $ ui.interact() File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\ui.py", line 287, in interact rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\core.py", line 2553, in interact repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\core.py", line 3237, in interact_core rv = root_widget.event(ev, x, y, 0) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 969, in event rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 969, in event rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 969, in event rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\screen.py", line 653, in event rv = self.child.event(ev, x, y, st) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 969, in event rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 232, in event rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 969, in event rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 232, in event rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\behavior.py", line 897, in event return handle_click(self.clicked) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\behavior.py", line 832, in handle_click rv = run(action) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\display\behavior.py", line 306, in run return action(*args, **kwargs) File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 359, in __call__ renpy.save(fn, extra_info=save_name) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\loadsave.py", line 300, in save dump((roots, renpy.game.log), logf) File "D:\games\Rogue Like All Vers\Rogue-Like-0.992g-win\renpy\loadsave.py", line 45, in dump cPickle.dump(o, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) PicklingError: Can't pickle : attribute lookup __builtin__.module failed Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.992g [/code]


Well that's. . . interesting. It seems to be some sort of save-loading issue? What's the story there, was it a save from an earlier version? If so, do you know which?


Anyone know what to do with the picture I found it in xavier’s office

Mr Static

Sorry to bother you but I've found a typo. I was loading a save game from 0.991h into 0.992g https://pic.infini.fr/PVjiULWC/nZq171y5.png the word should be more instead of move.


Android link??


Is there a link for android??


So, don't know if you already fixed it but if you catch somebody changing in the shower, if you tell them you're going to stick around, they stay in whatever state of undress they were in when you first walked in. Also, during Jean's introduction, right when she says, "Not that you'll remember this in five minutes" her pants randomly disappear.


When you wake up in the morning after spending the night, after any sexy times she puts on her last outfit instead of her sleepwear.


Well, with the shower, if they are half naked, and then genuinely *mind* being half naked around you, then they should change clothes *instantly,* rather than having any conversation first. If they stay half-naked, then they are fine with that and will stay like that until leaving the shower. They should change after leaving though. Also, after a sleepover, they are intended to change into their clothes for the day.


Anyone know a port for Android? *Sad Mobile Noises*


No no, they don't change into their clothes for the day. They change into whatever they were wearing YESTERDAY. And this is also happening during the, "Did you sleep well?" dialogue. Not the official start of the day dialogue.

Phillipe Farneti

Wish I could fuck Emma at her podium


When you walk in on a girl in the shower, I think that it only triggers First_Bottomless but not First_Topless


I swore all I had to do before was download the windows zip, change the extension to APK and install, but it's not working this time around. Ugh.


2 things that aren't "bug" bugs, but should probably be looked at nonetheless 1. If you switch to talking to a girl, it doesn't bring her to the forefront 2. The pool at night is considered fully taboo for the purposes of sexy stuff and flirting (like kissing her lips.) Night at the pool might be a good public place to cut loose and lower inhibitions for shy girls.


Hey, boss. I noticed a typo while talking to Laura. When she says "Well, you may have guessed I'm related to Wolverine." The second dialogue option for your reply says "I had no ideal" instead of "I had no idea."


Is there an android port


Any idea when the apk will be released?


Emma asked to start dating me after I've already been with Laura (and Laura said it would be okay to join in). If I tell her "I'm already with someone else," she says, "I understand. I thought perhaps you could go out with me as well?" If I then click "She wouldn't understand" the next line to come out of Emma is "So then. . . How would you like to celebrate?" and goes into the sex menu. Same with "I'm sorry but no."


Hi Oni, which programming language do you use to create the game ?


It's Ren'Py - a Python variant designed specifically for games.