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Ok, this should fix an error in the sleepover thing, and also hopefully clear up the "Pose not found" errors, as well as some oddness surrounding the massages. It works on my end so far, but there might be some cases where it gets weird. If you try to do a massage and it defaults to something more sexual, or try to do something sexual but the player's cock doesn't appear, let me know, and whether you tried to do something else using the sex poses before that. 



Man, I'm slacking here. Hadn't even tried any since ~92a (got as far as downloading ~d and ~ex at least). Okay I maybe got 1/2 hour in on ~d, and got one WTF moment with that version. Individually the events (mostly) make sense, but back-to-back was a head-scratcher. MC just overnighted with Emma, had a quickie the next morning, then invited Rogue to join via text for round 2. Emma wasn't ready for a 3some, kicked us both out. Now alone in my room, Emma "wants to talk", wants to call me "boyfriend". OK. She leaves and then immediately triggers again, wants to talk, wants to know "What was that with Laura?". Laura?! That wasn't Laura just now, that was Rogue! I guess the program mixed up the characters internally. And then 30 seconds after declaring me her boyfriend, she's breaking up with me. WTF?! I don't *think* I'd been with Laura at all, but can't be 100% sure, as I was resuming a save previously played a week or three before. In any case, after that unhappy result, I quit the game w/o saving.


time to get the hunting rifle out and hunt for some bugs

Etjen Kolamino

Is Laura the only girl that can turn around in this?


can someone remind me, can we transfer saves now to updated versions, or is that still a WIP?


So I have two playthroughs running independently on two different machines. Had this bug with the first one, now I've hit it with the second. I have my penultimate 991* save in MC's room, nothing going on. Load into 992f, got the warnings that said the game didn't like the save. "Go to player's room" even though I was already there. That seemed to work on the other machine with ~d/~ex. Went to Kitty's room for one last round of sex for the Night, then called Laura to join us before going to sleep. Morning bj/threesome. Fire one load into Kitty, switch to Laura. More or less simultaneous orgasms for all three of us....and game softlocks. I'm POSITIVE this chain of saves started with 991, 1-1-LT1.sav file creation date was 27 June 2020, right in line with 991's release, and I'm pretty sure I had to start from scratch with 991.


It's >supposed< to work if you're in your room alone with nothing going on in the save you end the old version and restart the new onw with. And even then there is a partial reset option that usually fixes things if the game discovers something off ("Go to players Room"). However this is not a guarantee (see below). Try it, maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones.


This is annoying because MC is level 7, has all the girls max stats (or near enough as to make no difference) except Jean, I really don't want to start from scratch, again. For the third time in 2020. I don't know what level the girls are because The Special Menu only provides that info when there are unspent level points. Has that been changed yet? I've been lobbying for better info display since the 989 series... and while leveling is not "a HUGE" factor, it IS "a" factor (especially if player is trying to gauge how close the girls are to being able to use Plan Fill-In-The-Blank to get Chucky-boy to Leave Us Alone.


i am not sure the fokus thing works correctly


I'm getting an issue where i try to hot dog Rogue but the dick disappears


3 things I noticed in this build, so far: 1. When getting a footjob by laura in doggy position, her lower legs apear as if wearing her pants when all i had was her skirt. 2. When hot dogging rogue the dick vanishes. 3. When getting a boobjob from Kitty the outline of her left boob isnt there.


Lol, I'm sorry for all that mess occurring at once. :D I think e is where I made the changes to the sleepover system which might at least clean a little of that up?


Yes, so far. No other girl has any artwork done yet for whichever pose they don't currently have. Rogue and Jean are doggy-only, Emma and Kitty are front facing only, and this is likely to be the case for the next few months because there is a lot of art to do for each of these.


Yeah, the "go to player room" message pops up whether you're already in there or not, it wasn't worth adding a check on that. ;D When you say the game locked, did it just stop responding, or did it cut to an error message? I had a bug while I was testing. . . something where I got a sequence into an infinite loop and it hung up for about ten seconds or so, and then kicked to an error message about how it got into an infinite loop (I did fix that bug before shipping it). I don't *think* your errors should have anything at all to do with a lock-up like that, the sorts of issues that a "bad save issue" might potentially cause would be like if your save was in the middle of a complex scene and it boots you back to your room before that finishes, then you might have certain quest flags and stats skewed in a way that the game doesn't know how to handle well, and it would just cause characters to react in odd ways (like sometimes it would seem like they were around, but other times they would be unavailable for no apparent reason). I will at least definitely add a simple level counter someplace for the next build.


What issue are you getting? Do you mean the thing where you're supposed to be able to slow your orgasm? It might not work all the time, it's not perfect, it just slows things down a bit. ;)


Ok, I was expecting maybe something like this. When you transitioned into the hotdog action, did the dick ever appear, and then vanish, or did it never appear at all? Were you doing any other sort of doggy-style activity before that? if it vanished at some point, what happened right before that? I have a few possible solutions, but the more narrowly I can fix this, the better.


Oh. Well, to be fair, you shouldn't even be able to get a footjob from Laura in her doggy pose yet, so whatever she has is likely busted. I still need to make art for that. 2. Ok, see the question above yours, more info would be great there. 3. I'll look into this.


For me personally with Rogue, i just jumped straight into the hot dog position and it didnt show up, no movement from Rogue either. When i transitioned from sex to hot dog, Rogue asked if i wanted to remove her panties when i just had them out of the way, the dick and animation was there; however when I got to the actual hot dog it vanished again.


Just jumping in here re the doggy style footjob; looks to be rogue's feet when initiating a footjob with Laura after having her in the doggy position. After going back to the sex menu and flipping her over, you get the normal footjob scene


So start of a new time section, go straight to her room, straight into romance, sex menu, hot dogging, then she asks what clothes to take off. At this point the dick is there, but after picking any option, the dick stays for the next dialogue box, then disappears when you're actually in the hot dog menu. Does that help? Hoping that makes sense lol


During sunday morning i've met Laura and Emma at the pool, both have max stats. I started sexual activity with Emma, "other students notice" and i chose run back to our rooms. But nothing happened we stayed at the pool.


Rogue calls me and is looking for a fix, i get her to dance, then strip, then i get MC to start jerking off, jiz in her mouth (follows the plot of her not sure, mc says, cmon try it you might like it, she swallows, then cleans up, i tell her she can stop dancing, she gets dressed, says she "that's it... for now." > "I'll still need a bit more than that..." > "Sorry sugar, you've run out of chances. im out of here." without giving MC the option to do anything, don't know if this is unintended since usually i get other options to satisfy her "Cravings" stats; love 540 obedience 156 inhibitions 280 also i started selling her "serum" for $5 for monies so don't know if that affected it


Is there a specific rule about morning blowjobs and how it determines who wakes up MC with a Blowjob(assuming threesome)? for the longest time i thought that it was kitty who would wake up MC with a BJ so that she could "increase her skill" and it was nearly 100% of the time it would be kitty if there was a threesome involved. but now im thinking it's to do with who you choose for your first "girlfriend"


A bug that's been around for a little while but I keep forgetting to bring up is that if you offer to give "serum" to deal with addiction and then have the girls get it "straight off the tap", the addiction meter doesn't reset properly. Before it used to go down to a reasonable level like you had just given her the serum for free, but now it almost always ends with "I need more." Also, slightly related, are they supposed to get irritated with you for offering serum (whether or not they know what it is)? Cause all of the girls make this face after you do: https://i.imgur.com/uxZCtT5.png


Sorry, mate, this is a little off topic, but I looked at the pic you shared of the expression the girls make when you offer serum to them, and my big question is, how did you get $3240 after 17 days? Is that how much serum you are selling them?


No I just cheat. I hate worrying about money in the game so the first thing I do whenever I get a new version is to enable console commands and give myself $5k. So dates and gifts out the wazoo. That's pretty much the only thing I do though.


I think I resolved the hotdog issue for next build. And yes, Laura would currently be using Rogue's feet, her own artwork is not done yet.


It's a little complicated. I think the girl who's room you're in is more likely to start it, but also the one with higher relative stats has an advantage, and there are checks to see how the two girls get along that might tweak things.


I'm having no troubles on this one. Good work What's next lol for some reason I feel like 2021 is gonna have good content for this. You finished jean[90% needs psychic constructs to be finished] pretty quickly

Raphael Mort

How do I access console commands?


You need to do it manually. Inside the renpy folder is the "common" folder. Inside that folder is a file called "00console.rpy". You need to open it with a text editor like Notepad++ and change "enable developer mode" from False to True and save the file. And then you need to know what all the variables are to use in the console.

Robert S

i wonder with Jean is her love stat max at 500 since the other girls go higher then that?


Yeah, we'll get Girl 6 picked by the end of this year, and then I hope that by this time next year she'll be pretty much finished in the game, the existing girls will have their flipped sex poses, and maybe some other stuff along the way.


It's because Jean is a mess. She's too self-absorbed to care about other people as easily as the other girls might. 500 Love is considered to be "neutral," it means that they do not love you, but also don't hate you, you're an acquiescence. This is why most girls start with more than 500 Love (by the end of their intro if not before), they start out at least mildly interested. Jean isn't like that, so she won't be able to actually care about you until you have earned her respect (by raising her obedience stat). Once you get her obedience up, her love stat will start to rise again. I did arrange it in such a way that you won't waste progress though, any "overflow" love stat not only helps to improve Obedience, but also helps to accelerate Love gains after you get past that hump.


Wwonder if it'll be Gwen. Idc who you pic for number 6 but after atleast 3 years of playing I feel suited to suggest some changes for what's soon going to be 1.0 by next year's end. You need events bro. Scenarios between certain similar individuals like Emma and Jean, 2 psychics fucking each other except it's all mental. Psychic sex. Or Laura and rogue 2 sad past emo girls with big tits. Emma and kitty got some current and past animosity. Maybe an event where she fails her in class and depending on their intimacy level she persuades her to pass her. [which should be status bar so you know when or who likes to fuck who when you're not around since its almost impossible to find them e Hooking up unless they call you.] Laura and Jean is basically Logan hitting on Jean. What I'm getting at is the school needs to feel more alive. Hell we're banging/enslaving/dating Jean where's Scott to tell us to stay away from her? Maybe Logan pulls us aside and threatens us to not hurt Laura? Good thing about making a sprite for Scott or Logan sprite is you only need 1 and some facial expressions. Anyway my 2 cents. After getting everyone to love you and each other or make them addicts or both I personally need more goin on