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Ok, it's been a while since I've said anything, figured it would be a good idea to let people know I'm still alive. Hard at work on Storm, got most of her facial features worked out and her basic body worked out, but still need to do clothing and a few other details there. This is her default hair, as I showed in the sketch her mohawk look will also be an option.

I'm also working on her story content and some other stuff for the next release. Should be fun.




Erect. Also just a suggestion her story should involve less restraints. She's claustrophobic. But man she looking goooooooood


Awesome, Thanks for the Update, cant wait to play with her, but I might ask is she become the second teacher? Like shes Teaching and you can have Telepathy fun With Emma?

Snub Birth

Does the base game even have a restraint mention other then the girls grabbing the player?


Any idea for a date release or a timeline for the next update? (No pressure, just curious! If you don't know, you don't know)


Storm comes in class for a few days too make sure everything is going well and that Emma is behaving herself as a proper teacher, but guess what, she finds out the truth behind the scenes and joins in!!!

philip brown

looks hot and classy, i love it.


Great job. Looks really good.


She looks great. Any idea when we can expect the next update, or is it still a bit to early to tell? Anyway looking forward for the next update.

Gerald L

oh very nice so far, I'm guessing she'll be another teacher. I'm guessing depending on the day we'll find Storm or Emma in class or maybe one will be the morning teacher and the other will be in the afternoon classes.


Wow she looks great! Excited to see her in the game and your outfits.


Yes. Hard yes. Big fan.


I don't know. I have a date I wanted to aim for, but I'm not sure I'll get there, there's still a lot to do behind the scenes.


Too soon to say, probably within a month or two at most, but hopefully closer in.


Yes, maybe I'll let you guys decide the schedule, but it would be some sort of alternating pattern. I could even randomize it, I suppose, but that wouldn't make a lot of sense. :D


Oh my. Now all I need is a red hair option for my own interests. <3


Ooo, she looks lovely. I wonder if there might be an option for elf ears on some characters in the future, if it's not too much extra work. <3 She'd look lovely with elf ears. Could be a costume or magic from someone, like say Magik? <3


Story content?


"I'm also working on her story content and some other stuff for the next release. Should be fun." - Oni


Since someone has to say it, I'll just say it: those boobs look very promising.


Looks great! Excited for the next update


"Do you know what happens to a cock when it's struck by lightning?"

Hao P

Hmm, is that how she looked in the cartoon? She has the 'Aunt Viv' vibe from Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Myles Burris

The same thing that happens to everything else.


I'm excited to walk in on her in the shower and her not be bothered by it.


It's close. Like the others, I tweaked it a bit, but not as much as with Jean. ;D

Anon 49





Looks really good


really fucking good


looking great, can't wait! Thanks again for all you do Oni!


I know this has been touched on earlier. However I would like to give my input. Maybe have her room larger than everyone else's as well as outright refusing acts in rooms too small due to her claustrophobia? Also not going to lie I hope she has a Pixar mom sized ass.


I recently came across this game while in quarantine. I normally don't like these type of games, but I was pleasantly surprised with this one. +1 for Pixar booty haha

Phillipe Farneti

It would be fun if we could look around inside the girls rooms and find stuff there.


Heh. Well, her claustrophobia isn't generally depicted as being so extreme that it prevents her dealing with normal situations. It only usually kicks in when she's in a *very* small space.

Zack V

I'm very eager for this release, been team-Storm for a long time now!


Maybe there could be 2 classrooms? It would be more flavorful and would make it to where you don’t have to schedule the teachers.


This. Is. Awesome!


I had thought a bit about that, but ti might complicate things more. I would need to set up "classroom 2" as a separate location, key in all systems that are designed to handle "the classroom" to work on both, and at the end of the process, the two rooms would be largely identical aside from who is inside them. If I had solid plans to expand the teaching roster beyond two that might be worth doing, but I think that the two of them can share, especially since Emma is currently taking up ten time blocks per week locked into the classroom. I think it will be fine to maybe give Emma 6 and Storm 4, then have Storm take some shifts in the Danger Room too, and freeing up Emma for some more recreational time.


hey oni tnx for making a good game. i am really looking forward to the new update

Phillipe Farneti

Do you have any stand alone games?


Looks good, Oni! Hope you're doing well.


Oni, are you the only one working on the game?


Primarily. I hire out some of the supporting artwork, like some of the outfit pieces.


When will the next update be? It's been a while and lots of us are curious.


hello would it have a cheat to have more money


You can get a one-time bump of $500 when you're able to investigate Chuck's office at night (either with Kitty's help, OR if you can do a Plan "x" with a girl and get Chuck's key with one of your "three wishes")


Requests: (1) thigh-highs and/or garter belt option for Kitty, maybe powder blue? (2) body paint "underwear" for all girls, for when they have just enough remaining modesty to not go completely topless/nude, but shows outlines of nips & camel toe more clearly then existing outfits. Auto apply shaved look to avoid "steel wool maxipad" look, revert to player's previous choice when outfit changes. (3) leather strap harness "shirts" that can be worn over underwear or under overshirts (4) fun bdsm-themed Accessories like ball gags, ring gags, clothespins for nipples, etc. Would require maxed or near maxed Obedience to wear at all, maxed or near maxed Inhibition to wear publically. Higher standard than simple nudity, in any case. (5) "necklace" slave collars unlocked along with Master and/or Daddy relationship goal. Maybe have wraparound text of MC's name? Default-name "zero" symbol if nothing else (replace the X-Man "X" with Orgasmic-Girl "0"? LOL) or 1st letter of MC name?


I know that's a bunch of stuff, could be added one at a time over time. Little projects, maybe, for when a break is needed (writer's block or whatever) from larger-scale changes. Any one of the above would be appreciated.


kittie does need more adult clothes options


Are all the girls going to eventually have multiple sex positions?


Really, I just want her to have a dress/skirt option that isn't a swimsuit.


I know this probably will never happen, but by simple curiosity, do you think you will one day add DC characters into the game, like Raven or Starfire?


what does the red button in the room do?


Unlikely. I am not ruling it out as a command, but with so many Marvel characters to work with, it would be a long while before they would even be considered. There are some great games out there to play with those characters though.


Not sure atm. Don't worry about it. I put it in there as a diagnostic tool for bug testing, I change the function from time to time, but usually it just spits out some character data that I could ask you to tell me if you were having certain bugs I was trying to figure out. It does not actually change anything in the game, so you don't need to worry about it.


when do you think this will be done


I'm pretty sure Oni said late this month somewhere in the comments


Hey Oni, haven't seen this asked yet but; but have you thought of adding an original character (Obviously a female student, or even a visitor (Perhaps sister or cousin?) who visits the school on weekends or something of the like?). If not that's fine just wondering if an OC has ever crossed your mind?


Nice. Maybe wrong place for a little bug report, but it is still the case that when you are with two girls, if you tell one to clean up in the end, the animation shows the correct one, but the text says they are both doing it. Looking forward to the next version though :-)


You mentioned it before where you may make trimmed versions of pubic hair why not make girls grow it out a bit more as well? Also I was wondering if we could customize where piercings go like only breasts, one breast etc I like Rogue with barbell piercings & emma's tits with ring piercings but it always bothered me the labia got pierced to. Just a suggestion.


Not really. That seems like it would be more of a vanity project, I don't expect anyone else would care about an OC character as much as they would someone they recognize. Besides, with the wide selection of characters available, I can always find someone that expresses whatever stories I'd want to tell.


Well, more options like this do lead to more variables. It would be easier to separate top and bottom piercings, since the artwork for those is already handled separately, individual breasts would be a lot more of a mess.


Well think


I am also interested in the topic with different variants of pubic hair. It would be interesting to see what happens if you tell the girl to grow it a little more.


Kowalski (Oni), Progress report (Pls)


I think he refers being called, "X-Men pimp daddy the first Oni". I could be mistaken.


Bug: placement of automatic off-camera spooge cleanup phase SHOULD be while sleeping (when night ends but before everybody wakes up), or maybe while Changing into Sleepwear to sleep, because during morning wake-up call BJ/whatever (if triggered), if you give the girl a "pearl necklace" it IMMEDIATELY vanishes after that scene, when "real" morning begins, even if you tell her "leave it on", WITHOUT her leaving the room and going to the shower or pool, where removal makes sense! MC went thru all the trouble to put it there, repeatedly told girl to leave it there (after every orgasm and at end of sex scene), the bukkakke really ought to stay in place for at least a little while!


Furthermore, given how often the MC is prompted about girls cleaning themselves up during a sex scene, does cleaning up REALLY need to be a scene-in-progress option in two (!) different places ? I repeat: it takes specific intent to spooge on a girl's body in the first place, getting her to allow it is a tangible accomplishment, why would MC then order it cleaned up in the next breath? It can wait until her next orgasm, or if the MC says "We're Done"! Just take the "You have a little something..." option out, who would ever use it, and why?


Sorry the question,but we will have this month a release with Storm? Not sure i will have money for next month and i am curious.


Well, the default level is pretty much as big as it is likely to get. Alternatives would more likely be smaller.


Heh. I'll look into this. The morning transition is always a tricky one. Is this in the very most recent version? Because I changed the order of some things related to that timeline that might have changed how this works.


Fair. Maybe I could make that one a menu item or something, you could turn off the auto-prompt if you don't tend to use it. I just always want the option available for those that want it.


I definitely hope so. It's coming along at this point, I'll try to post an update soon, but it's definitely not ready yet.


The suspense is titillating


Usually those are unofficial ports... I don't wanna give the link but a quick google search usually gives ya what you want. Might not be the most up to date but it's close.


we are probably the most impatient community on Patreon,


I don't know, I think you guys are patient, I just take a while between updates. :D


I suppose it also speaks very well about the game as we are clearly anxious for it's update.


Maybe give that "wake up call" time period its own name, like "pre-dawn" to distinguish it from the actual morning, when you can get up and leave the room?