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Ok, mostly bug fixes in this one, a few small features, and then on to the big "remembers what the past is" overhaul. Out with the old bugs, in with the new, hopefully not too many.

-Fixed some issues with Rogue or other characters not reacting appropriately to her clothing choices. She is now more likely to change into a default outfit when entering leaving an area if she was previous undressed (sorry).

-Tweaked the dialog options when you text Rogue to come to you, she is now less likely to agree automatically (without high stats, at least), and may take some convincing.

-Tweaked the addiction levels gained through basic flirt activities, and how addiction rates degrade at low levels. I'm not done with balancing this mechanic, but it should at least help.

-Some players have expressed an interest in a more exploration navigation system, one where you move from screen to screen, rather than being able to travel anywhere from a single nexus location. I don't know about that, but I figured, "why not have both?" So now it's an option. In your room there is a toggle option to turn "Travel mode" on and off. This will mean that the "leave" option will always take you to the central square, but you can travel directly between adjacent or nearby rooms. I'll probably put this toggle in a better place at some point, and the system is still very basic, but feel free to use it if you prefer that style.

-Any issues that have been raised in previous versions and not yet fixed, probably still working on it.

Download links are being sent out now to all processed patrons, and will be sent to new subscribers around the first few days of next month.



So, haven't had a chance to play yet. But I was trying to troll for some appropriate Royalty Free music you could include in the game without tempting the wrath of official creators et al. and I found this magic. <a href="https://youtu.be/zBaeLEt6gJU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/zBaeLEt6gJU</a> (Warning, may cause intense seizures and workplace violence.)


More seriously, an error: Second time Rogue is craving a fix, get her to undress to tanktop and panties. (All stats in about the 240 range.) Get her to blow the main character, pull back when he's ready to climax. Rub her pussy, character gets a warning climax about to occur scene on first 'rub.' Character is stuck in the climax menu as selecting the 'pull back' option causes him to repeat the action.


Also ran into Rogue in the Shower at night on the second day, she just showed up in class on the third day in her towel and maaaad. :P

Baron Ned

Genius to have both travel modes IMO. Personally I like your initial version. I find travel modes are often confusing in games like this without a map as reference.


Hmm, neither of those sound good, I'll have to figure out the cause. There are about 3-4 things in there that should prevent her from being in her towel by then, and apparently didn't catch it so I'll have to figure out why. I'll also have to figure out that other bit during the sex scene, probably and ordering issue. Edit, just to double check, you are on version .957 now, right?


Yesh, I am muchly enjoying the new travel options! :) I'm just trying out various new ways to play the game! (As in, pissing off Rogue or keeping her neutral, etc.)


Ok, I'm just really not sure how the shower thing happened. Unless you deliberately set her outfit to a towel, there is no function in the game that should set her long term outfit to be the towel. The only things that do that should only be setting it as a temporary thing that auto-clears every time her outfit function is called, and that should have been called at least 2-3 times between a nighttime scene and her appearing in a classroom. Do you remember her dialog at the time? What was she mad about? I've added some more redundancy to the wait system, hopefully enough.


I'll be double danged if I can figure out how I did it. I've tried to a ton of variations on what to do, but can't get her to replicate the error. Maybe something in getting her so pissed during a sex request that she auto-cancels out of the sexy times menu? But I managed that and she didn't show up again in towel. I'd consider it a really weird anomaly unless someone else can figure out how to do it.


Well, the only thing I can think of is that leaving her in the shower at night caused that to be her location during the wait cycle, and maybe some event caused her to miss the standard resets, so I just added in some redundancy that should take care of it regardless.


Alright, I don't what is going on, but the game has been acting a little weird. There are times when it will alert me to go back to my room to talk to Rogue and she won't show up if I go back. Also, for some reason even if Rogue and the player character are alone and making out or fondling in either bedroom or in the classroom when it is closed the game will say another student has come by and Rogue will get shy and run off. It's the most puzzling (yet extremely funny) when this happens in Rogue's bedroom as that implies she is running from her own bedroom in a state of undress.


Actually, I also just remembered that somehow Xavier called the characters into his study to yell at them for fucking in public when we were in Rogue's bedroom. Not sure why that one happened either.


Ok, as to the first problem, I've been alerted to this one by another player, and think I have both a solution and a temporary workaround. The solution should make the next version, but in the short term, the problem is that she wants to meet you in your room, but won't go there herself, so issues. If possible, ask her to follow you (in the chat menu) and then go to your room with her. That should take care of it. If you can't do that, then sorry for the the annoying messages. The bedroom definitely shouldn't be causing that, it should never trigger in either room. The classroom at night shouldn't either. I'll have to double check the redundancy, either the "caught" effect is triggering at zero taboo, or someplace the taboo isn't setting properly for the room you're in. I'll sort it out. Xavier would be part of the same problem, as the "students finding you" and Xavier finding you are the exact same mechanism, just depending on RNG after it gets triggered.

Reika Kyomoto

will there be more fetish oriented outfits for rogue in the future?? also somehow with the whole rogue can safely touch other people now it feels like there should be an event where you can force rogue to "touch" other people and such, i feel like someone the MC might end up a super villain what with his power to seal other mutants powers and his loyal rogue that can steal them kinda makes a perfect Villain duo. Will other girls from the x-men evo universe be included?? coz id really like to see X-23 join the ranks


I'd like to get X-23 in there at some point too, not right away though. As for other outfits, who knows, feel free to make suggestions for outfit pieces you'd like to see.


i noticed that when you are actually able to get her to do dirty things in public that every single action causes her to stop because of a professor X bubble or students noticing what we are doing. This really kills the scene and is a pain in ass because it takes time to get back to what you were doing. This is even with all stats maxed out. Also as i suspected before, the cologne doesn't work correctly. You can't get the last one because it won't go into your inventory thus wasting your cash. There was more but cant remember at the moment.


I have a few suggestions for some future changes. can you make rogue's 90s costume an option with the option to have her grow out her hair? It would also be cool if you could have her mission outfit from evolution in the game as well. maybe add a grab/message ass as a flirt option. how about when she gets more mischievous that she can do things anywhere that you are like she can during study time. For example, your in class with here and she slips under the desk and blows you or visa versa. Another would be if you are in the shower and she sneaks up behind you and happy times begin again there. The ability to giver an ass or boob tattoo(x-men X of course) would be awesome. have her borrow some of kitty's cloths or even mystique's (the dress or black skirt combo from evolution). I like your idea of using X-23's clothes. what do you think? can some of these happen? Thanks for your time Oni and have an awesome day. Good luck with the fixes. ^_^


Yeah, I'm planning to work on how that system works a bit, make it less obtrusive. Fixed the Corruption Cologne too, it was a typo issue.


I've been wanting to give her a 90's hairdo for a while now, probably eventually, although the gym clothes is probably the closest we'll get to the uniform. I also plan to add more flirt options and dynamic actions like that. I don't think I'll have a lot of "outfit sharing" though, since each would have to be redrawn for each character, in each pose, and I think that effort would be better spent on unique assets.

Mashiba Hansen

Hi Oni, i'm from mexico an i see your work and it is splendid! By the way i need to teel about a problem, when you have all the stats at max with rogue in certain time she offers to call you "daddy" but, when you flirt with kitty she doesnt call you daddy anymore and return to call you by the name you input last time, how do you fix that? or if it will be fixed at the next update would be great. Keep going with the greatwork!


So is it that Rogue called you "daddy" but Kitty calls you something else? If so, that's how it's meant to work, you'll have to talk to Kitty about having her call you something else (and some of that is not in yet, but will be). If it's that talking to Kitty causes Rogue to start calling you something else too, then that would be a bug, and I'll look into it.

Mashiba Hansen

SOrry i misspelled, rogue calls you "daddy" but if you flirt with kitty (even with rogue at max stats) rogue stops calling you daddy and she return to the last pet name you gave her like "lover" "master" or anyother else, kitty keeps calling you like you want but rogue gets that bug, also she keeps with cum in her mouth all the time only with this bug.


Hmm, interesting. I have an idea of what might be causing this, but I'll have to check a few things.


Ok, I looked through it, and here's all I can find. There's nothing that should reset the name from being "daddy" after it's been set. If there is a bug that does that, it's buried very deep. What may be happening though is that you do the scene where she asks to call you "daddy," that doesn't actually set the petname to that, it just opens up that option in the chat menu, and you have to go in and set it there to make it a permanent thing. See if that works for you.


Very nice