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Ok, so here's a little update. It's bug fixes, it's a little new content, it didn't feel worth being a complete new version so I just made it .955.  I'd hoped to get this out for Valentine's day, but it wasn't quite ready yet. I sent out links to all currently processed patrons, and will send out another round early next month if I don't have a new version by then. I have a lot of new patrons this month, so I hope you'll enjoy it.

I'm going to give your guys the weekend to find as many bugs as you can, and if there are some real showstoppers then I'll patch them out, but after that I'll start working on the "you've already done this"/"I already told you no!" system, which should make her more cognizant of what she has already been doing, but which will require breaking a lot of things until it's finished, meaning so room for new updates until this element is done.


-Moar kissing! I added more content to the kissing scenes. This does not unlock immediately on new games, you have to kiss a few times for additional options to open up, but eventually you should be able to migrate from kissing to other activities without breaking scene. You can also just kiss continuously, if you haven't earned other actions but want it to last longer than just "you kiss." This is also useful for the addiction system, where you can use kissing to drain down addiction as much (or as little) as you like in a single action.

-Moar flirting! I added some fun new flirt options. Note that just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should do it. She'll react differently to these actions based on her stats, and some of the flirt options have relatively high stat requirements to get a positive response, choosing poorly will just piss her off (although this can also lead to some positive results, depending on how you're playing the game). The flirt options also often fill out the addiction options, and can sometimes lead directly into sexual scenes. I'm not entirely done with these, I still want to tweak how they interact with public scenes, and clothing options, but it's a good start, I think.

-Lace bra and panties. These are in, you'll have to buy them first, but after that they should work like any other clothing. Obviously she is more hesitant to wear these out than other looks. I also tweaked the clothing system a bit, it should work better, with her choices making more sense, and the scheduling system not being broken. Hopefully.

-Do to a request, I added the "Daddy" pet name, which has a chance to unlock when chatting after receiving all other mid-tier pet names.

-Various other little things, like I fixed the negative values not showing up properly, a few typos, stuff like that.

There were a few issues people had with the last build that are still around, like getting caught in public is still not where I hope it to be, but I didn't have time to fiddle with that.  It's also been pointed out to me that making out in public can trigger the "caught in the act" sequences, which is perhaps an overreaction. ;D



Woohoo! More bugs to find and squish! (Computer bugs.) Yay!

Glenn Lewis

This is a really great game. But I am curious how many characters you gonna put in and of those characters that we can have fun with.


Crash-a-licious! I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/Rogue_DateNight.rpy", line 132, in <module> NameError: name 'R_Leg' is not defined ----------------------------- Prof. X's title is still kinda hard to read. In the initial tour Rogue still says "Nickle" when she should say Nickel. Second time Rogue's addiction hit, she claimed I refused to let her touch me the first time, even though I did. (Maybe an off variable?) Random chit-chat line was that she really enjoyed the taste of the main char's "Serum," even though he's never offered her that option. Grabbing her tit, after she asks if you're going to let it go has an extra text entry which simply states "7", then after you fondle it, "6" etc. etc. (I assume these were left over from testing.) Her hug flirt seems to have an inordinately high stat return for using it. (+5 Inhibition/sometimes +5 Obedience). It seems to me this should probably be a love/small inhibition bonus. (Public Displays of Affection style bonuses.) The slap her ass flirt doesn't seem to give bonuses (outside of lust), or if it does, they seem to cut out a lot faster than the other bonuses. When dressing her, there's at least a "Skirt" text box left over from testing. (Some others too, like lace, etc.) When considering wearing lace panties without anything else she says "Breazy," she should say "Breezy" Her Danger Room outfit includes her shorts in legwear even though they're on the panties layer. (So you could ask her to remove them from the legwear category, or you could replace them in the underwear category.) Unsure if this is intentional. Off of titjob, asking to cum in her mouth uses the text for cum in her mouth without asking. If Rogue starts the day by sucking you off then ask her to get herself off she'll go invisible. (Maybe this bug has reared its head again?) While licking her asshole at various points you'll see the word "Kneed" when it should be "Knead" and "Cheaks" when it should be "Cheeks." (Sometimes I wonder if you put in these bugs so I get to type out these embarrassingly explicit bug reports.) :P After unlocking "Boyfriend," "Lover," "Sir," "Master," "Sex Friend," and "Fuck Buddy;" "Daddy" still didn't unlock.


Nothing to do with the game, but because English is a needlessly complicated language, the word you're looking for is "due." "Due to a request, I added..."


Well, the plan is "as many as I can." I will add new characters one at a time until. . . I don't know, everyone gets bored with it and leaves? I love X-Men, and can theoretically branch outside of the X-Men if I felt like it, it's a pretty broad concept, so it's basically infinite. I have clear plans for three characters at the moment, loose concepts for another few, and can keep coming up with new stuff after that (which will likely be a year or two down the road). Once I get two characters down, each additional character should take less time, since the major systems will be in place.


Not really a bug, but a bit weird that even when she calls you master, you still (relatively) politely ask her to do things instead of giving commands.


You actually added my request! I love you Oni!


Hmm, I might work on that, it would mean having to add a lot more checks and lines of dialog. I already do have certain reactions that are based on her having high levels of obedience, but I'll see what I can do. Note that even as a "master" she won't necessarily agree to everything you ask, but it is a sign that she's much more obedient than usual.

Reika Kyomoto

this is a great game, i just recently started playing it and so far im loving it


I haven't played from the beginning again but it feels really stable. More time is required, but thanks oni!


Good to hear. Each build tends to work out at least a few bugs that have actually been in there for months, so hopefully soon it'll only be new bugs. ;)

Swag McGee

DL link soon?


If you recently signed up, first, thank you! And second, DL links will go out after Patreon processes your account, which is usually in the first few days of the month.

Swag McGee

Ah, gotcha. I became a patreon like 2 hours after you posted this so I probably will just get the next version then.


In honor of Oni's request... a new comment! So... hush, Oni! Your rooms are pretty and good and pretty good! And I am waiting for the day when you're wandering through the University Square and you hear an explosion, Boom Boom comes pelting past and suddenly Logan confronts you, wondering where she went. :D (So that's why I was offering suggestions on how to tie everything together now, cause I figure why not do it now instead of re-jiggering it all when you do get random events and ambient scenes?) ;) And yeah, flirting is awesome! I will always push for more options there! :D I still wanna snap Rogue's thong strap when she's in class. :P (Speaking of, leggings? Ultra-low-cut jeans that show off straps? More art assets to drive an Oni to insanity, more, more, more! It's all so pretty! Though on the serious side getting Rogue some fishnets to replace her hose seems like something of a simple (hah!) task and would fit into current clothing options.) Also, catching her in the shower, how about a flirt to pull off her towel? :D I will say about flirting/addiction though... maybe I'm doing something wrong. It seems like flirts, even with increased addiction don't ever increase the addiction rate to degree that it doesn't decrease in time with your addiction level. (That is, you can raise one bar by dropping the other, but it's pretty much a wash each time you do it.) Is increased addiction supposed to increase the addiction rate or increase the addiction level each time a point of addiction rate is removed? idk I have trouble with the system. On the flip side btw, the flirts Hug and Rub Rogue's Shoulders should probably pop her Addiction Rate when Rogue isn't wearing an overshirt (touch the small of her back or her shoulders, respectively.) But they don't seem to atm. Also Hug seems OP if you didn't notice my comment before. :D


Also just had a weird buggy thing. I don't know if this is what caused it or not or if I wasn't paying attention... Took Rogue to eat and the movies. In the theater she blew the main char and gulped it down with soda. Since then she's been walking around with a mouthful of cum. :P (Again, something else coulda triggered it and I just didn't notice, but I just noticed.)


Yeah, for the record, "fixing the map" like you suggest would only take like a half hour or so of work, at pretty much any stage in design, most of that stuff is all in one place, so it's not that hard to just cut and paste buttons around. I can pull the trigger on it whenever it makes sense to do so, and as I said, I'll continue to think about it. As for more art, I'm working on it! I'm still also looking for additional artists to help me out with that, we'll see what comes of it. I can tell you that one item that is still in "internal alpha" stage is full length pantyhose, which realistically is what she'd be wearing all the time, but I wasn't really ready to put it in when I started on this project. That would also allow for an easy transition to black tights, but neither is quite ready to show yet. And you're right about the addiction thing, they were failing at the intended function. :[ So I did tweak some things, namely that in the next build the ones that do grant addiction rate will bump it to a minimum of 3, rather than just a flat +1, and the way the rate drops will be tweaked slightly, so it should be easier to build up using that function. And yes, I do plan to make the flirts react better to her clothing, that's like a whole other thing, and what you see of the flirting system was mainly wrapped up the night before I released this version, so it'll have to wait a bit. Not hard, but time consuming. Same with taboo, right now only some of the flirting reacts with being in public, ideally they all would have different results based on how comfortable she is with PDA.


"Since then she's been walking around with a mouthful of cum. :P" Probably something I should fix?


Well that or get the girl a breath mint. :D (Making her blow the main char did finally make her swallow!)


I have to say, it's kinda crazy how complete this game feels compared to how many features and work I know is coming up. For the first time ever I played as a jerk and did it all for shits and giggles and maxed out Obedience and Inhibitions while leaving Love stuck at 0. Game really feels different. And that's really cool. :)


Yeah, I put in a simple fix for that, same as the "always drenched" issue, now whenever she puts her clothes back on she should clean up, and she puts her clothes back on after the movie ends, just in case. I still do need to spend some time double checking that whole element of the game though.

Glenn Lewis

I'm gonna put up some ideas and stuff to help with the game or to make the game more fun. 1. Using a map can help a lot and give you a lot more room to add areas and such. A map of the school with different classes, gym, cafeteria, and maybe the principal's office. Map of the dorm building to show characters rooms, the danger room, Xavier's office, and other rooms. Map of downtown or a mall to show shopping locations and maybe Date locations. Different stores for specific needs like a adult store to a book and cologne one. 2. Consequences. Since you are adding more girls it should have problems if you starting to date two or more girls at once without the ok from the first one or the second depending on where you at in game. If her obedience is high enough and asking her if you can date more girls is ok. It makes it more realistic then the girls ok with you sleeping with other girls. For an example if you are seen kissing kitty by rouge or another girl while dating her, she's gonna be upset and comes over to say what's on here pissed off mind. Which will lower the girl's stats and she won't talk to you for awhile. 3. Reputation system. If you bad deeds or something like that gains reputation. High enough reputation will allow you to talk to the brotherhood girls or take jobs from them. Idk if you gonna do the selling you girl for some money is going to happen but the Reputation could help bring more people and rise the price of the girl. Maybe with high enough reputation the brotherhood would help build something inside the school to block Xavier's mind from the a location where some sort of brothel like thing. Maybe have some glory holes to make some quick cash. 4. Storm and Mystique. You could blackmail or do favors for them and give you special rewards. From stripping down to banging them. They could also give you special items. Special outfits for a specific girl.

Glenn Lewis

Also forgot to add. A store that can sale tracker beacons to show where the girls are at but you can choose not to and save money.


1. This might be a way to go. The issues I see with a map are 1. I'd have to draw up the map. ;) Not impossible, of course, just additional work and all. 2. Giving rooms fixed geographical locations sort of locks me in on them, and since this is a game that grows and evolves over time, I don't want to paint myself into any corners. Obviously I can leave enough room to grow here or there, and ultimately "retcon" anything that doesn't fit if necessary, but I kind of prefer leaving the geography vague. The mansion in the comics is likewise rarely mapped out and changes shape soon after anyway. This is an approach that I'm considering though, we'll see. I also want to keep the geography fairly straight-forward and goal-oriented, I don't plan on having multiple stores, for example, unless each can provide significant gameplay value, and I'm nowhere near there yet. The "replicator" system in place serves the existing gameplay purposes just fine. I might include "go shopping" as a dating option at some point, but it would likely be a vague experience, with random "events" in individual stores, rather than each store being a fleshed out locations. 2. I do intend for there to be consequences for. . . indiscreet behavior in the game. There is currently not a method for Rogue to break up with you or you with her, but there will be by the time Kitty gets in and the systems are designed to support this. It will be possible to juggle both, but not effortless or without risk, and focusing on one at a time will be easier to manage. That said, I don't plan on having "bad ends." It'll be possible to piss off one or both girls enough that it'll put you in the dog house, but it's never irrecoverable. It'll just take more work to recover. 3. Fun ideas. I do have a rudimentary reputation tag in place for Rogue, but haven't yet implemented one for the player yet. I might explore some of this later, time pending. 4. If I decide to implement these characters it would be as full active participants. I'd originally intended to involve Mystique early in the project, but honestly the potential shape-shifting would allow could be a bit much at this state of development. Maybe if I get some more artist on board to provide more options. ;) 5. Maybe for the "tracker" thing, just have it be a cellphone app, but yeah, maybe optional or involving a sidequest.

Glenn Lewis

I do have one question about Mystique. Since the main character cancels out other mutants powers, wouldn't it cancel her shape shifting and turn her back to her blue form?


He could, although presumably he can turn it off if he wants. There hasn't been reason to explore that so far so it's not an option, but it could be. Perhaps it could be added as a leveling perk in version 2.0.


Since we've got a feature request thread here, sure, I'll tag this stuff here! :D 1. More locations are great. Being able to buy everything on campus is easy to code and all that, but it would be fun to see other locations later. 1a. An adult emporium for buying books and toys is a great idea. With either an ultra high obedience (900+) or high inhibition (750+) being able to take a girl on a date there for various naughty reasons could be fun too. 1b. A piercing/tattoo place could be implemented. This way you could instead of doing a magically adding piercings have the player take girls there and convincing them to do it. You could even put in the "I've got this, You Pay, Split It" dynamic from the dates. 1b1. Give each girl two or three tattoos that they could end up with. (The X-Men logo, a little Lockheed or Kitty for Kitty, perhaps just a tribal tramp stamp for Rogue.) 2. I do like the idea of Storm confronting the player at some point. Perhaps Rogue has a chance to pull a 'Plan Omega' on her to find all sorts of incriminating things for blackmail... maybe Storm has a thing for female students and suddenly Rogue finds out she has all these lingering bi-curious impulses. :D 3. I know it will happen, but I do like the idea of being able to dump a bunch of money into a smartphone for custom themes and upgrades and do-dads. I'm against the idea of tracking the girls technomagically. If/When they get to a point where they say "I'm busy right now" to a come over request, maybe they'll end up saying "I'm busy, come hang out with me/I'm busy training in the Danger Room" with high inhibition/obedience/love levels. I'm all for the character getting technomagical silly upgrades for the camera, like Forge designing a special camera upgrade that lets the character take X-Ray photos of unsuspecting girls. 4. More gifts. Maybe flowers? Give the player like four or five flowers and let them figure out which ones each girl likes best. Could do the same thing with candy. 5. More outfits! Bayville Sirens anyone? I know, I'll stop pestering (someday.) ;) I am intrigued by the idea of semi-teaming up with the Brotherhood and I'm full on supportive of a Reputation mechanic. (Especially if you're having Rogue attend classes in a set of piercings and a pair of thigh-highs.) But I would like to see a whole lot more front end content first. (Girls, things to do with girls, things to buy for girls, things to buy for yourself, etc.)


Just going to comment on something I noticed, the economy kinda breaks a lil bit if you're a dick to Rogue and don't sex-i-fy her too much. If you use the Kiss Her Lips flirt to go into breast groping/thigh touching three times a day, then you can pretty well max her addiction rating. When she breaks due to a high level of addiction you can sell her a 'serum' 3 times for a total of $30 bucks nearly every day or every other day. If you char was concentrating on Kitty this could probably break the game later... not saying there needs to be a change or fix right now, but something to keep an eye on.


On a side note here are a few feature requests: Once a player has addiction control and Rogue has max addiction resistance give the player a chance to develop a 'Manipulate Resistance Skill' for 2 points. Also when you go to a level up screen it would be nice if there was a floating info box (like the inventory screen off the backpack) that listed skills that they had already gained. ATM this is only important for multi-level skills, but it keeps things organized. ATM when you back out of a level up menu it kicks you all the way out to the room screen. Maybe change the buttons to read simply 'Return' and go back to the level up choice with a 'Return' or 'Back' button there as well?


Giving the hero conscious power control would be a great level up ability in game. Also if he could use his power to purposefully block another character's abilities for an extended time (say a half hour) that would also be great! For one then you could do three ways with Kitty n Rogue if either Rogue had unlocked her 'touch anyone' ability or if the main character had. Also it would let Kitty explore her intense fascination with bondage! :D (Come on, you know a girl who can phase through any restraints is fascinated with the idea of being all tied up and helpless... at least I hope she is.) :P


To Dinker's 1/a. See though, if it's just a store, what's the point really? I mean, I'd need to make a background for it, and maybe a sexy store owner or something to make it interesting, like in PT, otherwise it's just another menu. And yeah, getting a girl to go "someplace sexy" could be nice, but if I'm going to do that I'd probably prefer a strip club (dammit, now people are going to want a strip club). 1b. Well, with the menus the piercings do happen off camera, it's not "magical" so much as "she gets it done when you're not around." The "convincing" portion is part of the style menu dialogs, and I might add offering to split the costs as part of that. 1b1. I have been considering some level of tattooing, although depending on where I put them it could get a little complicated. Personally I'm not a fan of significant tattooing, but I'm aware there's an interest. 2. Again, I might implement Storm, but if so she'd be a complete character, as well rounded as Rogue in terms of options, although clearly her paths would play differently. 3. You'll probably be happy to know that I overhauled the "summon Rogue" interface a bit, it's now much more likely that she'll push back when called over (at least with "average" love or obedience), and take some convincing. She will also let you know where she is, and invite you to come to her instead. Options, options. 4. Yeah, maybe more gifts. Like other things, the current store is barebones but has plenty of room to expand. I wanted to avoid too much "infinite gifting," as just being able to buy your way to success is a bit cheap. 5. Yeah yeah yeah, more outfits when they're ready. . .


Ok, too much profit potential on the serum, got it. ;) I can tone that down a bit, perhaps make it more effective per dose (so she'd need less to stay stable), and maybe also tweak how the high-end addiction works out. It's a delicate balance. For the other thing, you mean you want the player to earn an ability to shut down Rogue's resistance? Hm, maybe, but that's more what the "raise your addiction" is there for. and yeah, the Leveling menus are pretty rudimentary, there's room for improvement there. I did add a looping function to the leveling thing, which should work as you suggest.


My argument for a store is that the name of the game is pretty much "Wasting Time: The I'm Wasting Time Game" :D The more content you add that makes people spend time without making it feel like grinding, the better. And for example if the character has to leave campus and spend a day segment going on a shopping run, yay! Some things, like doing reports in Akabur's Witch Trainer are purely grinding time wasters put there to prolong gameplay. The more things you add to Rogue-Like that extend the gameplay without turning it into a grind-fest by keeping what you're doing shifting and varied, the better. Virtues of a store would include a. Something new to see; 2. a new activity to do; III. an area that you could expand later; Fourth, a new place to take Rogue on dates (come on Rogue, find something you want to buy/in the porn stores why don't you try out the Glory Hole Rogue?); and finally it's just more content. Ways to burn time because I have time to burn and I want to play an awesome game. :)


Also I want to say that I know I can be pushy when I'm passionate about things. I am not always precise with my tone and making my intent clear. In the future I'm going to spend more time making sure I type what I mean and mean every word I type and present it in an unambiguous manner. Cause I loves the game and I want more game and Oni is awesome for making it and I really should be happy with what is as opposed to whining about meta-decisions at 5 AM. :P


Yeah, but I'd consider running to the store to be barely less grindy than writing report. To me, every activity should have some element of "sexy times" to it, some interaction with one of the girls. Again, yes, in a vacuum, adding a store would add to the game, but since nothing comes free, adding the store would take time away from building other art assets, writing, or game systems, I just feel that time is better spent on other projects, UNLESS I can put in a store that would fully justify its existence (and "menu with a fancy new skin" fails at that). And like I said. . . somewhere around here, "take Rogue shopping" might be an interesting date option, but in that case I'd make a generic "mall" background, and rather than having distinct stores that you would actually shop in, it would just be a mix of random/chosen "events" that would play out to humorous or sexy conclusions.


And I appreciate your passion, and given your comments I can understand that it comes from a good place, even when we disagree on certain aspects.

Swag McGee

Since everyone else is doing feature requests, I got one. Are you planning on adding male characters/other characters from X-Men that you won't train? Like some random characters that you don't have any control over but could talk to for shits and gigs/realism. Like fill the class with other X-Men characters that you can click on but can only say one thing to. Just fill the shadows in the classroom with actual interactable characters that aren't nearly as fleshed out as Rogue. And maybe add some people in the University Courtyard and Danger Room. Just a thought.


Maybe. I mean, that all takes art, and art takes time from other things. I'd like to get Beast in at some point, I think he can fill some useful plot roles, but so long as it's just me working on it, I think other assets will take priority.

Swag McGee

Yeah I see how that would be be extra work, but I wasn't envisioning more than just 2-3 static images. One of them in the background then 1 or 2 of them in conversation. Just thought I'd throw the idea out there.


Amazing ...