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Ok, the update is coming. Not today, probably not tomorrow, but in a few days or so. I have almost everything done now, a little more art and animation needed, but the sprite is fully in the game now, the story content is all done, it's really coming together.

I wanted to give everyone, especially new patrons, an idea of what's up with these releases. It's important that people understand that the first version I put out will almost certainly be broken AF.

Do not download it if you just want to play and have fun, you will not.

The first version out is more for people who enjoy hunting down bugs, which my community has been blessed with. There will be bugs, maybe some right out the gate, that will block progress, lead to weird animation issues, crash the game, etc. It will be very frustrating if you just want to get into Jean's pants ASAP. Over the first few days, I expect to release several more versions as truly game-breaking bugs are isolated and fixed, hopefully leading to generally more and more stable versions, then if the game becomes reasonably stable the updates will slow down a bit, but I will likely continue to fix smaller bugs and add small amounts of new content over the next few weeks, so don't expect a fully "finished" build of this version until then. If you just want to play and have fun, I recommend you hold out until then.

So what will this update have? Well Jean will be added to the game, with an intro, relationship milestones, dating content, study content, fondling, handjobs, various global scenes, etc. What won't this update have? She still doesn't have her sex, anal, blowjobs, titjobs, or footjobs content, that will come in the next major version, as there is not currently any art for it.

Jean will be a very interesting character. Her stat balance skews heavily towards Inhibition, and she starts off not particularly caring for you. My goal is that there will be ways to progress with her through either a love-based route or an obedience-based route, generally speaking, but these both might require some balance passes to get just right. I expect lots of feedback on how well these are going. Her stats will function a bit differently than with the other girls, so expect things to get weird. She also has a few unique capabilities that you might discover as you play, mainly focusing on the fact that she does not respect other characters' agency.

So, TL;DR, Jean is coming, she will be weird, she will have some, but not all of her sex content in, and then the next version in a few months should add most if not all the rest. We'll see. I also have some fun stuff I've been working on in the background that I expect to add in a later build.


Anthony Michelli

Excited to discover game breaking bugs via trying to get handies lol

Carlos O Vela

Can't wait to see what "interesting" bugs will need squashing. Animation errors here I come! PS kep up the good work, we love you're stuff and don't sweat putting yourself on a time crunch. We'll still be here supporting you for the long haul


i cant wait T_T, i check my pat every day hoping to see it pop up <3 super excited

Zakey Ori

Bug-finders, I'll be counting on you guys. I'mma be waiting some more for the stable version and cheering you guys from the sidelines. *waves mini flags*🚩


Im ready to get some buggs to Discover 👍


Oh? You want me to find all the ways to break something? I got you, fam!


Is she gonna be able to strip in this version or is that coming later on down the line?


Thanks, but I *do* try to get something interesting out within a reasonable amount of time. :D


Yes, that will be in. Really everything should be in except for the sex actions I listed above. There might be bugs to them at first though.

philip brown

happy to help find bugs since, i usually find the one wierd one no else finds 2 ver. later. and yay the new girl will finnaly show. Also question, better to use a fresh load or one that is only few days in the game.

Oni's Fan

No problem bro, just take your time. People too impatient, their dicks taking the lead.


I tend to do both. I flip back and forth on which I start with so some times start fresh and see if I can replicate with a save or start with the save and see if fresh runs into the same bug.


Thanks for the heads up, looking forward to helping bug hunt.


Honestly, new bugs in the first versions are about as entertaining as the game itself.


Honest intrest question, is making ren'py game easy on the coding side?


its kinda frustrating ,l almost 2 months waiting and we dont get any spicy scene?, well ... lets hope we dont have to wait half a year for these things...


looking forward to testing out the new build! what did you mean by this though? >she does not respect other characters' agency.


Are you ever adding any group stuff in public instead of just letting the crowd watch, you can let them join in? Ive been here a while I am just curious.


Yes and no. It's VERY easy to make a super basic visual novel. If all you do is move from scene to scene in a linear fashion, maybe maybe a few branching choices, and display art as you go, it can be VERY simple and I think anyone could pick that up. Renpy is very good at stuff like that. The more you try to push things though, go in a less linear structure, have more complex decision tracking, adding animation, things like that, it can get more complicated, and I've had to learn a lot of python to get the game where it is today, and could stand to learn a lot more. I could never even hope to make a game like this from scratch though, even in its current form I lean heavily on Renpy's ability to display and move images around, and to handle things like choice menus and dialog, even if I've bolted a lot of new systems on top of that. I think for inexperienced coders who just want to make something, it's a great tool to just start out, make a thing, and then just keep pushing the boundaries of that project at their own pace.


There should be plenty of spicy scenes in there, just not the ones that require unique pose animations like blowjobs or full sex.


She does not view other people as people. There will be some boundary pushing there, you'll see.


Like just letting random NPC students get into it? Probably not. I think the most I intend to expand on that is that currently in public areas there can be girls that are "nearby" but not actually "local" to the actions in question, and at the moment they can't notice and join in,. but at some point they would be able to, opening up the potential people to join in, but it will always be the primary "character" girls only.


just out of curiosity how far do you intend to take the game because as it is now. It looks not only great but has the potential to go alot further than what it is now.


Hey Oni, just wanted to let you know that I accidentally sent you on a wild goosechase with a threesome bug a little while back. Somehow I didn't realize I was using an older version than version M. That being said, once I got the right version I tried to change Emma's teaching clothing and was told "Tell Oni 90."


Where do you prefer bug reports to be sent by the way? just post them under the update when that comes out?


Im excited for the new version Oni.


I considered it, but kind of want to avoid that. It's too cheap, and a bit creepy. I am considering having "team Zero" girls help you to seduce the others, but only using standard persuasion, not mind control. :D Jean will be a bit less ethical about getting what *she* wants though.


For bug reports, yes, posting them in the release thread for the latest version is the easiest to keep track of. PMs will also work if you'd prefer that. I get an email alert either way that someone posted something, but they can be a bit more confusing if they are in older threads or something.


I intend to continue expanding it as long as there's a community to support it. I plan to keep adding new girls, and to keep adding new features for those girls to participate in.


Ok, that's fine. Even wild goosechases sometimes get me to re-evaluate a system and find new issues with it. And the Emma thing should be fixed next build, it was a simple oversight from the change from 0.98 to 0.91 that somehow didn't get discovered until after version M had shipped and I didn't feel it was worth putting out a whole new build over. If it still doesn't work next build, let me know.


You can do it!!!

Anthony Michelli

Oh yeah I mentioned this a while back, but in the previous few .990 versions the art for Laura when cumming on her face more than once doesn't show up anymore. Was that ever addressed for the upcoming .991 or nah?


Oh, come on. Why the last days before the update are always the longest.


thats good I first played this game when rogue was still incomplete and I got to tell you the progress is astounding and hope you keep it up for a long time


Hmm? You mean like how it adds more on the second try? I think it should work. Let me know if it doesn't.


There's a related thing for most girls that I thought was intentional unless its not. All the girls have a "cum dripping from their mouth" sprite, but they don't really show up except in select places like when you get a blowjob at the movies. Laura was the only one who you could cum in her mouth and it would stick in normal sex. But in recent builds it doesn't stick for Laura either.

Anthony Michelli

Oh yeah forgot about the art for when you cum in her mouth too. The other girls would sometimes get it if you had them eat cum off each other too. But yeah it was only Laura who had the full blown art.

Cryptic Weeb

Hey Oni, thought I'd put in some feedback. I love what you've done with game overall, but there are two things that tend to break immersion, and that's what you build up to, aka, cumming. Usually when you cum in a girl, it jumps to your dick covered in cum and being quickly pulled out. It would be nice to see it pushed in when you cum and stay in for a bit, then slowly pull out. Same with blowjobs, it would be nice to see you cum in her mouth, especially when they're deepthroating you, when you cum have you dick remain entirely in their mouth, and not just skip to it being out of their mouth covered in cum. Not sure if you've ever had this pointed out, and if you have you don't plan on changing it, which is fine, it's your game, but it can't hurt to ask. Cheers.


I'll look into it. I'm not positive that the earlier girls have the new "chin" cum that I put on Laura (and Jean). That's a bit that will stay around after they swallow.


I can set it to leave the dick in for a moment, but the thing is, I can't do a "slowly pull out" animation because of the way animations work in Renpy. If you set something to repeat, it will repeat endlessly in the background, if you set something to animate once and then stop, it will only do it once per play session and then if you try to do it again later it will be stuck at the end of the animation. The only way to do an animation with a definite start and finish is if the entire sprite is loaded each time, which is not how mine are built. I've always been looking for better ways to animate things in Renpy, I'd like it to work that way too. I do think that if you cum while deep throating it should play an animation like you describe though, at least on some of the newer girls. I don't think it's been retroactively applied to the earliest ones though.