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As usual, the "early build" disclaimer. This is an early build. It has had MINIMAL bug testing, and will probably be buggy as fuck. If you are just looking to play the game and have a good time, this is not the build for you. I will be putting out several builds over the next couple weeks, hopefully getting more and more stable over time, and those who just want to play the game, please be patient and pick up one later when I've given the all-clear. It will be a lot more fun than having the game crash constantly.

For those who do want to bug-test the new version, I have fit so many bugs into this badboy, probably. I think a lot of previous saves might fail in this version, I have a solution in mind but it's not ready yet. If you can't get a previous save to work, just start a fresh game for now.

As for reporting bugs back to me, you can either post them in this thread (or whatever the most recent version is), or you can PM me if you prefer. Please don't report bugs based on older versions of the game without getting the most recent version and seeing if they still happen, I will be fixing things fast and loose. When there is a game crash, an error message will appear. It is typically helpful for you to copy and post the first portion of this error message, which will list the type of error and where in the code I can find it. There will be a line that says "Full Traceback," often followed by a lot more lines, and typically I do NOT need this additional data to track down the bug, and it tends to make the thread a bit of a mess, so try to avoid posting those parts. If you notice a problem that does not cause a crash, then please just describe it with as much detail as you can, such as what activity is happening, maybe what line of dialog immediately preceeded the error taking place, things like that so I can narrow it down.

New Features:
- Jean has been added. You should bump into her sometime in the middle of the second week. She has her romance options, dating, studying, showering, all that sort of stuff, and many of her sex scenes. She does not currently have activities like BJ, TJ, FJ, sex, anal, hotdogging, etc. These will be added in the next few months as I build the art for them. She also has several different outfits like with the other girls.

- There is a new "psychic screen" mechanic available to certain characters, eventually, that will allow you to have sex in public, with Xavier on the lookout, but still be likely to avoid him. It's not 100%, but it's a bonus.

Bugs to watch out for:
- If you somehow find yourself in an "unavailable" sexual position with Jean, let me know how you got there. The animations for these do not exist and will likely crash, and the dialog is not ready for them yet, so there's not much benefit in trying to game the system there. :D

- If character's clothing seems unusual for the situation, let me know.

- Jean's stat loadout and use of stats is a bit unusual. Expect her to behave a bit differently from the other girls in how she gains and uses them. The intent is for her to be a bit more flexible to doing things that benefit her, but she doesn't particularly care for you at all early on, and you'll need to work on that. I expect to make some balancing changes over the course of development, so let me know your experiences trying to build her stats, can you get going, are you hitting roadblocks, if so, where? I intend for it to be possible to build her stats through a "love" style sequence of events, and also through an "obedience" style sequence of events, similar to what you're used to, but maybe a bit more complicated. Any feedback is helpful.

There are some other projects I'm working on here, and will likely add them in over the course of this version cycle.



Good stuff, man. I'll see about bug testing for you. I'm usually pretty good at finding unwanted bugs in games, lol.


May the bug hunt begin!


Welp i met her on day 7, its now day 17 and I haven't seen her any where since. Not in her room, class, the quad, the showers, the gym, Xavier's office or the pool. Idk if this is a bug or she just plays really really hard to get


I'm getting the same problem too, she's not anywhere after I first met her on Day 17 and I went up to 24 checking for her

Carlos O Vela

Time to get to work...in the morning, but work all the same! Time for the Great Hunt ladies and gentlemen!


Bah, ok. I'll look into that one. Might need a new version faster than I thought. ;)


Can't load my 990m date. It just goes to the title screen


Hey oni, any time i "chat with jean" MC pulls out his phone and messages Laura


Yeah, I'll let you guys know in the update notes when I've done something about this, it's a Renpy-level bug that I'll have to work around, but I have a plan.