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What should "unavailable" options look like?

  • Show the option, but she refuses to do it 91
  • Hide the option completely until it is available 61
  • Show the option, but in a "locked" state that cannot be clicked 300
  • 2020-06-02
  • 452 votes
{'title': 'What should "unavailable" options look like?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Show the option, but she refuses to do it', 'votes': 91}, {'text': 'Hide the option completely until it is available', 'votes': 61}, {'text': 'Show the option, but in a "locked" state that cannot be clicked', 'votes': 300}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 2, 7, 16, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 452}


It should come as no surprise to people who have been following this game that Jean will not launch with all of her sexual activities available. When I first release a girl, I typically only have her standing sprite finished, so sex acts that use different poses tend to come in second and third releases for that character. Sorry about that, but doing otherwise would mean I couldn't get anything out for another 3+ months of putting art and animations together. 

I wanted to ask you guys though, how do you prefer that I make these limitations clear in the game? In previous versions, if a character like Laura was not yet able to do a titjob, or whatever, I would leave the option listed in the sex menu, but if you asked she would say something like "I don't want to do that [not available]."  So that's one option here.

There are two other options I've considered though. The first would be to just not have that option be available. If she can't do something, you wouldn't see it on the list. The reason I didn't go this route initially is because I don't like limiting what the player can ask for by what the girl is willing to agree to. I mean you know that a blowjob is a thing that exists, why couldn't you ask for it? It would at least remove the temptation though, right? :D

The third option would be to leave the activity listed, but have it greyed out (no pun intended), so that you can't click on it. This would at least make clear that it will eventually be an option, but not give false hope that she'd agree to it.

So those are the options, let me know which appeals to you, and feel free to comment on why. Try to keep more general comments to the other recent Update post though, just to keep things organized.



But can it make everything easier and more fun?) let her agree to everything (if the relationship allows), but when it comes to the “main thing”, she will be called to her office by the professor)))))


is it ready :3?


Getting there! I've finished *most* of the dialogs that she'll have in this build, a couple more left, still need to export some art to the game, also maybe do her "wet look."


i would say patients, but i am getting eager too lol :)


You know I have notifications for patreon and only 2 people I sub too. I saw the icon on my phone and was sad to see it's only a reply. I got comfy for nothing :(