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Ok, so I've been getting a lot of requests for updates, so here's a quick preview of one of Jean's other outfit options. As I've said in previous updates, her basic relationship scenes are pretty much done, I've gotten in her addiction content, her flirting content, most of her chat menu, dating stuff, basically a lot of her content is done, but I still have a decent number of scenes left to get through. Most of the artwork I intend to have in this version is also finished, as well as her room background.

I'm also going to do a quick poll at the $3+ level, which will be about how you'd like me to handle "unavailable" content in the upcoming version, whether I should just make the option invisible to the player, or whether I should keep it visible but just have her refuse to go with it. 




So pumped to see it soon! No rush, just excited Haha


why cant we see their feet i want to see their feet


Hehe, the standy models do not have feet. :D I will have other poses with visible feet though.


Quite hyped for this.


Im happy to read Updates from you, take care of your health too please 👍


Yes, I am staying inside as much as possible, and treating every trip to the market like an expedition to Everest. Fingers crossed. :D


Idk why but looking at her I want her to be jealous of Emma and extremely attracted to Laura


I forgot what you said before, did you mention that you might have a straight hair option for her like other girls have wet hair?

Lord Crusade

Hey Oni, this post with Jean in an alt outfit reminded me about a quick question I had for you: are you planning on including a bunch more outfits for the girls in the future, a couple more, or just leaving things as is? (I couldn't find an answer to this in any previous posts, although maybe I'm just blind).


The problem with new clothes is that since this is a sprite based game, clothing items multiple everything exponentially. Each clothing item I add I need to make for every pose that character has, and ever pose I add I need to make every clothing item for that pose. Because of this, I try to pick and choose items to get the biggest bang for the buck. I have added clothing over time, and will continue to do so, but I'm not planning to have a massive wardrobe for every character. At the moment I aim for two full outfits, a swimsuit, a couple lingerie options, and some sportswear, at least, plus whatever else seems fun.


When are we about to wait for a new update?


Love how her little thong panties are left showing in both outfits. Nice touch.


By the by, how do you get the girls to hook up with each other? I remember it was introduced a while back and I understand the basic gist that they need to be horny and you need to ignore them but after all this time I've never walked in on them doing it once.


I've played a couple of versions now and am loving the game. The art rocks. I'm sure you've answered this before and I just haven't come across it, but is there any possibility of getting an Android port for this that supports the save migrating feature, or is the whole Android system just too fragmented to want to worry about various bugs that people encounter? Thanks for keeping this project going. I like it a lot.


Woo! I don't care when it comes out, but I am curious how much content she'll have in the base version? Mostly just intro and some "light petting" so to speak like a lot of the other girls' first iterations, I'm guessing? Also would it be easy/possible to just "gray out" the buttons for Jean that aren't available yet? It'd be nice to see the full menu still, but also know at a glance what is/isn't available.

philip brown

4 words... hot damn good sir.


My personal preference for games is, when I try to explore content that is unfinished, the game lets me know. I've seen it different ways. I've seen a 4th wall break or some bit of character text saying maybe try again in a few weeks sugar, or whatever. If its visible but locked, and the lock looks like I just need to make more progress, my dumb ass will keep trying forever.


I do want to add some more options here, the current system is a bit fiddly, I think that to make it likely you would need to basically develop a strong threesome game with both of them and then sort of ghost them for a bit. I want to add more ways to build relationships between the girls *without* having to be in the middle of that though. It can also be a bit easy to miss if it is happening, since you need to be at the right place at the right time. You can get a hint that it is happening though by giving them a call. If something's going on, their responses change.


There is an export to Android function in Renpy, but I can't get it working on my system. Someone was doing a third party port of it for a bit, but there were some issues like some of my animations breaking in the more recent versions of Renpy, and I haven't had the time to upgrade to the most recent version and rebuild those animations to support it. I would like to get the android version working though, I know that there is a demand for it.


Ok, so what I'll have in terms of sexual activities will be anything that uses the basic sprite, like fondling and stuff. There will also be a lot of scene stuff available though, like dating, studying, pool stuff, all those social interactions. More sex content will be added as I finish up the art and animations for it in later updates. I'm running a poll right now to decide what to do about unavailable options, "make them grayed out" does seem to be winning.


Fair. I think "grayed out" is winning, but I'll make sure to include an "unavailable" tag on it so you'll know what's up.


I can't wait to see what you have prepared for us. Keep up the good work.


Quick question what your favorite x men moment is and where from tv movies or comic.


Hmm. . . single moment. . . Maybe X-Men Legacy 267, where Rogue took Sh-Hulk's powers and beat up her and Iron Man. Or maybe Astonishing X-Men #8 when the whole panel went red. There are a lot of fun moments though.


How long for the next update?


I love how this outfit resemble her original green costume with the yellow mask


Hey Oni, i was wondering but will you eventually add a X-Ray option during the sex scenes? I think that would be a sweet addition in the game!


Probably not, although I *might* make the penis semi-transparent or something. I do that sometimes while building the animations, but it doesn't always look right.


Will there be new clothes for all the girls in the next update.


Loving Jean's look so far! I'm just wondering what else we can expect from this update other than her addition. If it's primarily "the jean update" then no worries, just wondering what we can expect in terms of bug fixes, etc.


Newb here, how do I gain access to the addiction content from any of the girls?


Hi Jack, I've played a bit of this game and addiction works like this: Once they have a high enough level of it built up, they will come to you and sometimes even drag you (in Laura's case at least) to have sex with them. I can't recall the differences between the girls right now, but the theme is similar between all of them.


He stated before not right now because he wants focus on getting more girls to the game.


Im sure this has already been asked, but is there an ETA (even a loose one) for this build?

Michael M.

Touching girls (Massages are the easiest) will boost the addiction rate and then after a while their addiction will bring them to you asking to touch you at first and then you can choose to abuse your power or just give it to them. You can see their addiction rate and addiction amount at the top if you move your cursor over the icons. Hope this helps!


I'm thinking a week or two. I'm getting into the home stretch on the coding stuff. I just finished the dialog changes for most of the scenes.


May I suggest, from my humble $1 position, that if them that vote go with the "visible but refused" option, that it be a sort-of 3rd-wall breaking [[not in this update]] note, as opposed to a more conversational in-character refusal? The latter might lead players to think it is actually possible and pound away on it when there's no chance in hell.


At the moment, I'm working with "Could you give me a titjob? [not available yet]"


How i find jean on the current build?

philip brown

jean isn't in the game just yet. last update oni mentioned they are finishing some things on her before adding her to the roster.


Yes, she is not in yet. I am working on it. The version with her in it should be available in a couple weeks or so.


Oh? At the menu level, you mean? Having the option display in your "greyed out" color palette also works, I suppose. But that's up to the result of the vote. I'm fine with either that or completely hidden.


Hit a moment that gave me some concern, before it sorted itself out, in 990M. Got Rogue and Kitty to participate in a threesome for the first time, and when we were done (Zero was tapped out), I swear, it seems like we looped thru the "clean up after" options for both girls like three or four times. I was telling them to leave their frothy facials where they were, and they were down with it, but when it kept repeating, I was beginning to fear I was trapped in an infinite loop before it finally resolved itself.


Hmm, ok, I'll double check on that one. So it gives you the "She leaves the jiz right where it is and gives you a wink." line? and then it would switch to the other girl, do the same thing, the switch back to the first? Did it say anything outside of the normal looping stuff? I'm thinking it could be one of two things. Either A, your running list of the total girls in the game might have dupes in it, or B. you somehow ended up with some sort of call loop, maybe from switching between girls or something. Either way it would be bad on my end. Do me a favor and hit the "yellow button" in the player's room, see if there are any dupe names in there. Also maybe the blue button, but keep it sorted which is which.


Xavier is really pissing me off with his "Cease this behaviour immediately!" and i dont know how to deal with him. In previous versions i could do "plan Omega/Kappa/Psi" but in this one i cant trigger the event. All girls are trained slaves, high/max submission etc. but the option doesnt appear... or when i visit Xavier in the evening with girl in party it does appear but girl is like "What?" and nothing happens.


Hmm, what's your player level? You need to be player level 5 for any of them


Cant wait for Jean!


is it possible to dodge Xavier somehow? Without telling him to stop


Like having him keep trying to find you, but failing? Not in the current version, but in the next one. . .


Hurry to see Jean! By the way, our dear developer, do you plan to add Ororo, Mystique and other X women?


Почему так долго ждать😢


Well, Ororo was an option in the last "new character" poll, but didn't win it. Maybe next time. I will continue to add new characters over the course of the game.


how far is the update?


Потому что игру делать - не копировать/вставить текст в Word. Это длительный процесс. Вот смотри: им нужно нарисовать персонажа, придумать ему одежду, реплики, впихнуть его в сюжет, а главное - впихнуть в код игры и удостовериться, что все работает нормально. Плюс всякие косметические работы для старых персонажей. Это требует времени и немалого. К тому же, мне кажется, что у разработчиков бывают другие дела, кроме как день и ночь сидеть, делать игру. Надеюсь, это достаточно веское объяснение.


Yeah, Oni is superhuman. He can do all that in like a day. :P Also, he's probably like 75% done with the stuff for the next release if he's on the schedule of the "couple months" estimated.


Since it's been about a month and half and the estimate was a couple of months.... I'd guess probably 75% there if the time frame given was accurate but who knows. Waiting is hard...


It *should* be within the next two weeks, maybe within the week. I hate to say "definitely" when maybe something completely random could come up, but most of the work is done and what's left is wrapping up some of the art effects some fairly basic animations, some basic testing to make sure that the easy stuff works, then I'll hand it to you guys to test the more complex interactions.