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Ok, so Jean won the Girl 5 selection poll, and I've started work on incorporating her into the game. I've got some fun ideas to mess with. I plan to get an updated visual preview for the character soon, although I've been spending most of my time lately on coding.

For those worried that your favorites didn't win this time, remember that we'll be doing another poll once Jean is established in the game, so there's always round 2. Also, for those who don't like this or that girl for whatever reason, I plan to include the option to sort of remove individual girls from play. They'll show up the first time, but then you can clear them out and they shouldn't keep popping up around the place unless you seek them out again.

As far as that goes, I'm working on the last bits of the rebuild of the game's code that I described in the January update. It's been fun going back over literally every line of the game's code and flipping it over. I found so many small bugs I'd missed the first time. ;) I've added a bunch of small tweaks and expansions to existing systems, and have some plans in mind for what I want to add onto some of them. 



👍 Sounds nice Oni, good luck and have fun with tweaking with the code. Cant wait to see Jean in game, also fingers crossed that next time Gwenpool will win the "who do you want next in game as girl #6" 😍 and yeah, all the best in 2020! 😁


Man just thinking about going over so much code makes my head spin. You got some strong nerves.. Can't wait to see how Jean will end up looking. Anyway, I wish you success and fun for creating the next build.


Looking forward to the results of the optimization :D


All I heard in my head while reading... https://youtu.be/0CPJ-AbCsT8?t=125 😉


Thanks for giving us a chance to vote for our fav's Oni. Great job!

philip brown

i was wondering if you were going to do an option for adding or removal of girls since, total 10 girls popping up in a game is a lot of work. also look forward to the great work youve done on this game.

Karion Latanos

Reading that you 're gonna add more player choice into the game is simply delightful~


Great idea about removing the girls option! It will help when School become a little bit too crowded :D


Keep up the good work oni

Cliff Hanger

Thanks Oni, I know Jean isn't your favorite character but many of your Patrons who play this game like her.


Thank you for your hard work.

Gregory Andrus

I hope you have some fun with Jean's incorporation. I got the feeling that you really wanted Gwen to win lol. I think it's great that you're taking the time to rework/optimize the code. There are some huuuge games where they refuse to do that, and they end up a janky mess. Thank you, Oni.

Hao P

Are there any plans to have the girls able to switch up their sex positions in the future?


Thanks Oni!!


Right on boss, thanks for the update and can’t wait to see everything in action!


Tentatively. I still need to do art for that, but one thing this coding change will do along the way is to decouple the "pose" and the "activity" a bit more.


I look forward to the new systems. As for favorites, it'll take a while for the fifth place girl to win >


Hey Oni, would it be possible to have Jean show up some time earlier maybe Laura too? Rogue is there day one, both kitty and Emma show up around day four. But Laura comes in much later at day 14 or up. Often for updates I enjoy playing from the beginning and waiting so long for the individual character can be a bit annoying. Other then that I’m loving the game and can’t wait for Jean to be implented.


I suppose I could move them up a bit. I wanted to avoid too much of a traffic jam where all the girls show up at once.


Это лучшее во что я играл


Извини, что пишу на русском. Это определенна лучшая игра. Как у тебя получается так хорошо "оживить" персонажей? мне очень это нравится. Спасибо за это!


I use a translator. I want to ask if you intend to use the mechanics of selling sexual services of girls to other students for money. it would be cool.


That can get a bit complicated, some people have an intensely negative reaction to that sort of gameplay mechanic, so I'm likely to avoid it for now.


Any possible idea on when you will be releasing the new version?


Nothing specific, I'm getting closer to at least finishing the code overhaul, but we'll see how long the last push will take.


Yeah, sometimes it can be a bit hairpulling, but the flipside to it is the "Tetris effect," where I take a system that was 40+ lines of code, and then due to the new architecture changes I'm able to compress that down to like 5 lines, boom boom boom. ;)

philip brown

with a new girl joining the cast and each of the girls having something nice to tease us with, i would like to recommend a silk teddy for jean for in jeans gifts. with the curves she will have by the line art we got to see. i think it would really go well on her.


I hope Jean will have her canon clothing, like this https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D4F4v9yXkAAYhQU.jpg


when approximate will be the next version


Encountered some odd moments in an older version (984g) on a secondary computer. I'm going to retry in 984h on my primary to see if they still exist. One was, the long standing misattributed dialog after a Danger Room session bug (Emma asking about outfit change was called "Kitty" and menu bar changed from Emma's blue to Kitty's green for no apparent reason), the other seems to be that when added to a party while wearing an "only in private" Custom outfit in room, she continues to wear that same outfit when you go elsewhere, even if it is too risque for her. She will *eventually* go "oops!" and change in the course of other interactions.

Zachary Whittall

Dear Oni, could you add to the Dirty Talk menu of favorite things the category footjob to it. please don't leave out that fetish. you're one of the only animators for their games that incorporates it well, and details it well


Was wondering what the likelyhood of a larger wardrobe update would be in a future update?


Like more outfits for each girl? I'll continue to add some clothes over time, but I don't expect to ever have a massive wardrobe, just because each outfit has to be done for each pose, and in a way that plays nice with all other outfits, plus the more options each sprite has, the more burden it puts on the game engine. So I do add clothing, but I do it carefully, for maximum impact, rather than just as many clothing items as possible.


Some school uniforms would be nice ;)

Julian Banks

Speaking of time-consuming when is that next experimental update coming? (not rushing you just want an estimate.)


I'm not sure. Maybe a few weeks. I'm mostly caught up on shifting things over to the new version, which for the most part just means that everything that worked last time will be working again. ;) I've also made *some* actual improvements and additions, but I feel like I want to add in some more features before sending it out. We'll see.


He said a few weeks... Its been three days, let the man work a little bit lol.


I should do an official update post in the next few days, just so people know what's happening. Not a whole lot new to report though, it's a productive process, but boring to talk about. ;)

The Silent One

well, lets hope Storm wins next time. :D

Kyte Avytrius

I would love for all the girls to be added eventually. And I'm certainly glad Jean will be the next one! I know it would be a lot of work, but I was just curious if you planned on adding any detailed threesome interactions.


I could perhaps add more story-based interactions, if there's anything you were looking for. On the art side. . . maybe. It's not super simple. Each character sprite takes a lot of moving parts, given the various clothing options available. Making specific pairing combinations would be very impractical. I could potentially figure out some sort of system in which the same character poses could work between multiple girls, but that would be a bit of an undertaking. I can also potentially do a bit more with moving girl B around in relation to girl A to make her seem more a part of the action.

Kyte Avytrius

I was just curious if there were any plans for it! It's far from necessary by any means! Thanks for replying!

Jim Bob

On a related note, I definitely want to see more interaction between the girls, like the whole kitty buying laura clothes thing was nice.


Yeah, I'd like to add more of those elements. Most of that scene was done by community member Ai Muhao, I just touched it up a bit and made it work within the game systems. More character-specific scenes can definitely be a lot of fun though.

Kyte Avytrius

Total noob question, but has Plan Kappa been put in the game yet? I don't know what I could possibly need.


It is in. Hers is the most complicated of the current options, really. What you need to do is take Kitty to Xavier's office at night and root around a bit. Eventually you should find something you can use as leverage.

Kyte Avytrius

I had literally discovered it later and felt stupid for not noticing. XD

Phillipe Farneti

I'd like to see more girls and more sex position and perhaps some better three some action and sound would be good too.

Phillipe Farneti

You're an amazing coder this game is buy far the best one and the most interactive.


Thanks, I do try to keep thing as flexible as possible. As far as sound goes, if I added it, I'd want to do it well, and I'm just not really set up to implement it at the moment.

Phillipe Farneti

I understand about sound and that it wouldn't be easy since it's a lot of work and so much coding it gives me a headache.

Phillipe Farneti

Is there a way to make the sex toys option more realistic like the option to see yourself behind her with the dildo or vibrator. Bondage would be sweet as well and how about an expanded shopping list?


To the first point, I keep the visuals in first person view, so the amount of the player character you can see is kept minimal. I might include more bondage stuff at some point, we'll see on that. I can also add some more stuff to the store, but I want it to serve a useful purpose, and I want to avoid having a "buy your way to success" option where you can just keep buying trinkets until you've maxed out their stats, so aside from having a limited selection of gifts, I want new items to have more function than just "give more stats."