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Ok, the month has ended, and so has the original poll. As of this point, the result at this time is Jean Grey 31% and Gwenpool 27%. Since nobody got a full majority, and interest was expressed in having a runoff, we will do that. It'll only run a week though, so get your votes in.

The quick description of each girl is that Jean Grey is a powerful telepath/telekinetic who is going to be massively narcissistic and self-absorbed, convinced that the entire world revolves around her and everyone else exists only for her amusement. Her Love stat will track less how much she loves you, and more how much she believes you love her.

Gwen Poole is a character who came from the real world, ended up in the comic world, and now finds herself in an erogame. She recognizes the genre and its conventions, and will comment on them, and while she doesn't know the player outside the game, she does recognize the player's character as a harem protagonist. She isn't going to be an immediate pushover, but she will at least understand the rules she's operating under.




Again?!? Dammit


Gwen Pool ♥️, if Jean wins I'm ok with it too, still Gwen Pool ♥️ Happy 2020 Y'all!


Lets go, more psychic BJs.


I want Jean, but vote gwen for her character sounds more fun


Of course Wanda didn’t make it. I like Gwen for the uniqueness of her interactions, but Jean for a more in-cannon character (even if it isn’t the characterization from the TV series).


I would have loved Storm (more teacher variety so emma doesn't take morning and afternoon shifts). Not too sure about jean's described personality it's nowhere close to her character in almost any medium (besides maybe that badly written bendis O5 teen-jean run). I mean not even Emma has this character even with her bitchiness


I cant believe people voted Jean, she seems like just another kitty. Storm or Wanda would have had much more diverse and interesting interactions. Oh well, maybe in 2021.


I enjoyed her portrayal in UnXanny Rewrites, which was sort of a parody of the Bendis run. It's the only version that interests me, because the other Jeans are just kind of dull.

Hao P

So with Jean are we gonna explore some dark phoenix personality later? I kinda like the idea of her basically be bipolar, with us having to managing the two people in one.


Nice, hopefully Jean is gonna win. Dont care about her love as long as we can train her to be obedient slut ^^


I believe the game is in very early stages to add charter that will break the fourth wall. Later- definitely yes. But now I think the game needs to have better shape and set-up its world. Overall I am super happy that we are actually voting for next girl! Game is alive and evolving! Thx Oni for your work!

Anthony Michelli

Well, I was hoping for Jubilee or Squirrel Girl. But I'll forgive it if the other girls get the addiction action haha


normally i would vote Jean, but we MUST vote for Gwen to roleplay her taking over the poll :D


A shame the vote isn't top 3, a severe blow to team Ororo. Gonna go for Jean I guess, since 4th wall breaking gets old really fast.


I want to see Jean in the game, but i don't think that i want her to have that type of character. Although, i'm tottaly agree that school needs another teacher and it is too early to introduce Gwen.


4th wall breaking could be funny sporadically but a whole character based around this concept would suck. If Gwen ever gets added i hope we will be able to disable all interactions with her.


Jean won't be a teacher, she's roughly the same age as the other girls (I think a year older in this canon?).

Karion Latanos

I would prefer Gwen and Storm to be in. Jean sounds too off-putting for my preference.


I know so far, I am definitely not a fan of the new option personalities / character bios apart from Gwen, but like others mentioned, Gwen would be fun for brief periods, but full time, I think would get old. Really disappointed in your version of Jean, but, I do respect your viewpoint even if I don't personally like it :) But, it is your game after all :)


Well, I hope to make for a fun character either way. Not every one of them will be to everyone's tastes, hopefully you'll get some enjoyment out of this one, and out of the continued advancement of the existing characters, until the next one comes along.


I was really hoping for Jubilee but Gwen was my next favorite to win. I personally like the playful characters more and having another party girl like Kitty would be fun.


I really want jean in the game because I love the original character but this iteration of her sounds interesting. I also really like redheads so there's that. Gwen sounds really fun as well but I just can't get past not having jean in a x-men game.


Kinda wanted squirrel girl or storm, but this is fine. Imma go with Jean since I think the fourth wall break gimmick of Gwen would get old kinda fast. I enjoyed the one-off joke cameo during Laura's scene, but I wouldn't choose Gwen over the others. Plus, the idea of taking a haughty girl like Jean down a peg (as you describe her as a narcissist) is appealing.


Not terribly invested in either choice (I'm sure they'll come out well, it's just that neither is Squirrel Girl, lol), but I gave my vote to Gwen.


Well, I guess it'll be a while longer before the girl I really wanted shows, but I'll do what I can to break this tie... VOTE EARLY AND OFTEN!


Welp, you're all wrong because Storm was the right choice ;P However as Oni has placed a considerable amount of work into this polling, the least i can do is see it through and vote on the choices provided. If nothing else I now see why they keep redoing the dead horse that is the fucking phoenix saga...

Miss Bumhole

Please let Gwen Poole win, guys. I want to see Oni's coding skills on how he's gonna break the fourth wall with the Ren'Py engine. Doki Doki Literature Club did it well.


Im a Gwenboi now but would switch my vote to jean in a second if you went with her Ultimates universe look. That look was very.... formative for me

Cliff Hanger

Being based off of Evolution I've been expecting Jean to be added since first playing the game.

Project 9056

Really want Gwen!! But hopes of that happening are starting to vanish unfortunately


So will we get Jean first, then Gwen as the next character as the top two popular picks from the polls?


really wanted wanda or boom boom


Well, probably. The second pick won't automatically go in next, but it is a good indication that she might win the next poll.


I Agree with Wanda. Honestly i wanted to see anyone else but Jean win, but oh well. I trust Oni to make her character fun and engaging. he hasn't let us down so far. i see no reason to doubt him now just because i don't like Jean. I may not like her, hate her even, but i still plan to plow her anyway. Oni works too hard on this for me to not thoroughly test all of Jeans.... features. ;)


Ok, the next update to the game will be out as soon as I get the big coding changes done (as I described in my 12/21 update), which will probably be in a month or two. Will Jean be in that at all? Not super likely, I haven't even started on her artwork yet, but I might be able to knock out enough to get an intro scene, at least. More likely Jean will be more functional in the update after that, although I do expect to get her content out faster in general than with past girls, due to some streamlining in the system. I will probably at least get some more concept art out for her in the meantime.


Jean > Storm > the rest


Gwenpool is fun, but Jean and Ororo are iconic. I especially loved the Wanda concept and story Oni came up with. She also had a great arc on the actual Evolution show and would be really fun with the sneaky lesbian mechanic.


Jean Grey? More like Jean Bae, lol. She's the hottest X-Woman in more ways than one! :D


What I want to know is, how will she react to being given a copy of 256 Shades of Grey?!

Josh Parks

Finally!!! We get Jean!!!


could you maybe remake doreen into more like jubilee 'face' and wanda stomach and legs rather than what she is currently? she's the only girl that doesn look 10/10 as rest does currently. :) Ps https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/8f/1a/468f1a2546451be796eaf3b2db19f790.png hoot jean pic no?^^


I like having a bit of variety to them. I am likely to tweak the girls' designs as I go, but Doreen will probably remain a bit on the thicc side of things.

Zachary Whittall

i like your variety choices and custom designs as far as costumes. really nice art and animations Oni. will you be adding Gwen Poole eventually into the game?


don't misunderstand i love your arts, i guess i just wish it a tiny bit different on doreen but nice work anyway! :)


No worries, I get it. Everyone had their own tastes they're looking for.


Hey when do we wait for a new version

Phillipe Farneti

-packs the oni crackpipe-Yea man next fix...


Desperately hoping Gwenpool shows up on the next poll, whenever that may be. Storm would also be great.