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Ok, just a heads up as to where I'm at right now, I'm still working on that coding overhaul I discussed in the December update, it's just down to the last bits now, and then I will do a little initial testing on this end to iron out the most obvious bugs, and then maybe work up a little additional content. I've been building some new stuff along the way here, but mostly on the coding side, like I'll be rebuilding something and decide "I can add on a whole new bit here. . ."

So for one thing, there will be a more expanded "massage" option, giving you more choices along the way, and it should act as a decent starting option for more reluctant characters. It'll probably come in handy with Jean. For another, after numerous requests, I've expanded the addiction system to work with all of the girls. Some will be more or less susceptible, and I might need some feedback if it turns out it's too hard to make it work with one girl, or if they get too hard to manage, but it's worth a shot.

My target is to get the next version out sometime within the month, it could be soon, it could be later in the month, depends on how it's looking once everything is back together and working at least as well as it used to. ;) 



Looking forward to it

Tal Madar

Sounds fantastic, I'm glad the addiction system is being expanded


Thanks for the update Oni 😁 oo the massage option will be expanded cool, always had a feeling something was missing out there 😉 Cant wait to see it, good luck with the coding and yeah have fun. Hope to hear from you soon! ™

Project 9056

Thanks for the update!! Was starting to think you had ran away 😅 can’t wait to see the new version of the game


Lol, I'd never leave without telling you guys. ;) If I'm quiet, it's just because whatever I said last time is basically still true and nothing much has changed in the meantime because I'm still doing that thing. ;D


Yeah, the first version was pretty lazy, just a "super casual thing to do," and I never got around to doing more with it. The new version should be fun to play with.


Will the coding overhaul make it easier for people who wants to add dialogue and events? I remember you wrote about making it more object oriented, so does that extend to how the dialogue works?

Phillipe Farneti

This is amazing...I love how this game end up with twists and turns and how it's constantly getting updated. Keep up the good work On I.


on the topic of addiction, it probably does not always have to be addiction? i don't know the proper lore of the main protagonist, is making himself addicting a secondary superpower of his? or does Rogue just have an innate need for human touch and the mc is just enabling her? I don't really know where i'm going with this, but i guess other girls could have a manner of unique interaction with the mc where they get addicted, and where they can experience interaction without their superpowers, maybe Emma wants to play card games without the option to cheat or they could have negative interaction with characters, like Laura hurting herself to experience mortality or something... superpowers don't have to always be an advantage, and i am not saying i want it in the game but it's also an option to give the mc some disadvantages over his superpower where he needs to be careful when interacting with certain characters


Ah the old my hand slipped trick during a massage. Does that mean all girls will have a massage sprite


Oni I need a date for Valentines Day please. XD


Well, if you have any specific suggestions, I'm open to them. Since the stats are class-based now, a lot of them are easier to work with than in the previous version, it's easier to build more complex situations that can accommodate any girl into the same basic premise. I also added in a system where a stat check can apply similarly to some girls, but have alternate checks for others, like if they are less or more ok with a certain action than the average. It should generally be easier for me to add new characters, and I think that it should make it easier to add new scenes, though the heavy lifting is always in creating unique dialogue for each girl.


Oni, reading a comment regarding that you're now using class-based stats and checks, would it be possible to expand a bit on the backstory of MC? Having some advantages or disadvantages as pertains to different girls and their backgrounds?


I don't know that I want to hard code in various backstory elements to the MC, or have people picking them to meta-game the system. I think it fits better to leave the MC's backstory to the player's imagination and be purely theoretical.


Is there any chance of being able to dress up girls in their half clothing state in the next version? Not for all clothing of course, but things like Kitty's button shirts or Rogue's jacket, etc. Just for a little more variance.


I'm giving the idea some thought. I guess I might be able to do this, because I'm doing less binary checks for "is she wearing a shirt" than I was before. In the older version, if she had a shirt on, but it was open, then certain checks might not realize it wasn't covering anything, but nowadays I think it should check things accurately, so she shouldn't agree to wear an open outfit in a situation that she wouldn't be cool with that. I'm not sure though that it wouldn't have some issues with her putting it back into the closed state from time to time. I'll put some work into it.


As far as an outfit goes you could always code them as separate items of clothing if that makes a difference. Like, obviously we as players would interpret it as the same item of clothing worn differently but the game would read it as a different shirt with different inhibition requirements. But anyways, thanks for the consideration. Maybe it doesn't make it this release if it's inconvenient but I appreciate that it's something you're willing to work on.


Don't worry about the red button. Lol, seriously, I put it in there for testing purposes, it changes nothing, it just spits out some data that I could use to see what's happening, so that if players were experiencing something weird with one of the new systems I could ask them to push the red button and tell me what it said, and that might help me narrow some things down. I might include it in future releases doing something else.


Well, there are reasons that complicate that. A lot of code is designed around the name of the item itself, so, for example, Kitty's red shirt is "red shirt." This is important, because then certain dialogue can auto-fill to say "she takes off her red shirt." I could code the "open red shirt" as "open red shirt," but in some cases that would sound weirder, and it would complicate certain checks. I do think I can maybe work around this in a way that will make sense. I might end up with a situation where if you asked if she'd wear it out, she would go "not like this, but maybe with the top closed" or something and offer you the option.

Phillipe Farneti

I pushed it a few times..just was wondering. I see a red button I push it. What's the worst that could happen?


It tells you how many times you've cum in a certain hole with the selected girl. Vaginal, oral, anal, and I guess other?


Is it possible to add more sex-positions to each character? I thin it would be interesting to see the girls in some other ways ;)


Short answer, yes, but also no. Long answer, it is possible to do, but not easy, because every pose I make, I make it work with every clothing style available, so they take a lot of work to implement. I am planning on adding some new poses over time, starting with doggy-style for all girls, but it is a long term goal.


That is not the correct answer. It's really not super interesting. The red button, if it exists in the next build, will be doing something else entirely.


Stockings/knee socks for Kitty, that's all I can ask for next update Oni ;)


work with the guy who made the expanded mod, he already made doggy for kitty and emma


Quick note: I'm playing Rogue-like on 4 different machines (not sharing saves between them). My Win8.1 laptop, my Win10 desktop, my Linux Mint desktop, and my Linux Mint all-in-one. The two desktops are almost identical hardware (Windows one has 8GB RAM, Linux one has 4GB). The graphics glitches I'd noted in 984h under Linux were on the all-in-one, and are NOT appearing on the desktop. Have noticed a small bug or two, like after getting two girls into a threesome, the "What next?" dialog window doesn't name one of the girls, like the name variable was blank. "What next? and Rogue..." when it should be "What next? Kitty and Rogue..." Taking a girls panties while Flirting then Changing Wardrobe is still having some unpredictable results on the final outfit if you save-as-custom while she is in that state. Maybe have her ask for (or insist on getting) her panties back before either she or you leave the room?


Not sure why the difference in behavior between the two Linux boxes. Maybe using different desktop environments (XFCE vs. Gnome/Cinnamon)? Different onboard GPU's? Even when the programs work flawlessly, there seem to be a lot of warning messages generated for libpng, maybe something about how you're manipulating the images for animating them?


The thing with girl's names not appearing right *should* be fixed in the upcoming build. It had to do with me displaying dialog in some different ways that were more flexible for group scenes, but had some issues. I've shifted to a different way of doing that which should be more reliable.


I'm not really sure on this either, or how I could troubleshoot it. It seems to be something of an engine-level issue rather than a game code issue. I've been using an older version of the engine, but might update to the most recent one in the near future. I didn't want to make two major changes at once though.


I'm so excited to hear about the addiction changes going through! And on such short notice, for all of them? You've been working like crazy to get that *and* the code overhaul done! I can't wait to see what you've done.

Phillipe Farneti

Use spray starch works good on those wrinkles.


Will there be an introduction scene with Jean? Like it was with Laura and Gwen.


There will be, but not this version. This version will be coding-heavy, the next one out will be more graphics-focused.

Phillipe Farneti

Damn just thinking about all that coding...uhhh...