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Ok, so version 0.984 should be out some time this week, depending on how long it takes me to polish up a few things and do a little more basic testing. I want to stress that the first few builds are likely riddled with bugs, do not download this one if all you want to do is have fun playing the game, because it will likely crash at least a few places, and cause other weird things to occur. If there are any hard bugs on day one, I might release one or more updated versions that day, if there are more "weird thing happened" bugs I might wait a day or two, but I expect to go through several versions in the first week, so don't get comfortable. ;)

Added Features:
- New Footjob and Titjob animations for Laura
- Finished Laura's basic relationship/petname dialogs
- An updated chat menu that should flow a bit better. "Romance" includes most of the flirty, dating, or sexual behaviors, "talk to her" is more conversational, "change her" is more about clothing and behaviors.
- An updated wardrobe menu that should also be easier to navigate, and to set alternate outfits.
- A new system that causes girls to occasionally come after you asking for attention if you've been neglecting them. If this bothers you, there is a chat option to disable it for each girl.
- Girls might also hook up with each other, although finding them in the act can be a bit difficult at the moment. I might add some better UI elements in future to make it easier to tell where each girl is at. You can ask them not to in the chat menu if this bothers you.
- While fooling around with a girl, there are potentials for her to escalate to a more direct action, such as shifting a thigh rub to a pussy rub, or from a fondling action directly to sex, mainly if she wants to get off a bit faster. You can ask her not to in the chat menu.
- I improved the options to break up with a girl you're dating, and also for them to confront you about cheating on them if you are dating, which might also lead to a break-up. This hadn't fully worked with all characters in previous builds.
- A bunch of behind the scenes stuff to smooth out things like costume changes and random events.

Things to watch for:
- Any animation breaking
- Any cases where stored outfits behave oddly. Previously stored outfits *should* work, but perhaps had something broken, if anyone is walking around in a way that doesn't make sense to you, report it.
- If the "girls coming after you for sex" or "girls hooking up with each other" elements behave oddly, let me know.
- Let me know if the characters confront you about cheating in a way that doesn't make sense for some reason, or if a break-up functions oddly. I should note that none of this is permanent, at most it should put you on a time out of a few days or weeks before you can potentially recover from it.  
- Let me know if relationship events or other types of events are spawning too often or in ways that don't really make sense. These should happen when entering new areas or when time passes, but hopefully not too often.
- Let me know if the girls are escalating sexual actions too much or not enough.
- If there is a line of dialog that just seems completely out of place, like one random word, let me know. There's a way I've been writing menus that might cause that, I think I've cleaned out the areas I know about, but may have missed something.
- Long story short, if anything seems weird, just let me know. ;)


Timothy Morley

Awesome, I've been waiting for this post. Out of all the games I've been playing, this is the only one I really look forward to. Can't wait to see all the new features 👍.


Regardless of the bugs, this is definitely something I'm looking forward to. Thanks for all your hard work, Oni. And since the version is going to be released soon, that means the vote should happen soon too, right? I'll be interested to see who gets voted in. Can't wait.


Yeah, maybe right after things get stable with this one. Still waffling about adding another girl to the options.


i dont know how extensive the hookup system is, since you never mentioned the range of these hookup events, i assume they are mainly sex/relationship related? add in events where they get together for study sessions, even emma could attend those providing extra lessons, or just girls hanging out if they have some base relationship, or they help train each other etc. i understand that we cant have everything at once, i just never noticed if it was somewhere specified if the girls also meet up casually, so i am sorry also if you dont know where a girl is, maybe add a feature where you call them on the phone and ask them, also they should probably not pick up their phone if they are in the middle of something... (like showering) maybe add an event where, if you are in a master slave relationship, you can punish a girl for not responding when you call, once you finally find her (oh right the girl might not respond intentionally... also she might call back when she finds a missing call and maybe apologise herself)


Outside of this new system where girls can potentially have sex with each other, they haven't really been able to "meet" before, although they do tend to end up in pairs in public spaces like the classroom. It might be worth having them meet up for joint study sessions on their own hours though. They don't actually "date" each other, at least not at the moment. That might be something worth exploring eventually. I'll consider the phone thing. It might get a bit complicated, but you can actually currently call up girls and find out where they are by asking them to come over, although now that you mention it, it doesn't currently take activities like this into account. I might be able to add something for that.


Thank you for the update.


Nice! Do you have by chance any updates on the candiates for the next girl you will implement? When would you expect the poll for the vote?

philip brown

sounds great, il enjoy hunting for bugs. and trying out the new features,


*sigh* and i was doing so well with NNN too.....Serious note tho, excited to see what you've been working on, thanks for the update :)


Thanks for the update


Goooood.... goooooooood *rubs hands together*


Definitely interested in a GUI element to tell where everyone is.

Scott S.



New Update! WOOT WOOT! Thanks for putting this together for us, Oni. Definitely looking forward to all the new fun. :D


Well now I want that to be the first subtitle, but I don't think there's enough space. :D


but..no nut nnovember oni


i have seen several comments about the vote, maybe sneak in xavier as a candidate :D maybe not as a date-able character, but expanding interactions, like doing tasks for him to decrease your punishment time, or helping him for extra cash, or straight out giving him relation bars that influence how hard will he punish you or how much attention he pays to your activities at least i think this would be a neutral option, compared to all the girls xD

Michael H

when will you be able to download


When it's out. :D It'll be a few days, there will be a new post that will say "Rogue-Like 0.984 (something pithy and ominous)"


Always appreciate updates, to see progress happening. Just don't overwork yourself. You're doing a great job as it is.

Tal Madar

I'd like to second this. Maybe personal training with him improving your level?


Your the best oni



Anthony Michelli

Very excited for the easing of the wardrobe system. Every time I start a new game I regret it because I have to manually set an outfit for every day of the week per girl. It's a motivation killer haha


Fans can be scary when it comes to things we love.... We can turn into religious zealots (sort of like what happened with Star Wars and Jar Jar Binks) so I think it is out of self preservation so his fans don't crucify him on Rogue's dildo or something...


Heh, sorry about that. I'm not sure the new system will help much there, actually. Would it help if I added a single button that just says "wear this outfit all the time?" You could still micromanage beyond that, but I guess it would be simpler to set that first, and then micromanage some other situations.

Elias Espinoza

I like the new update especially the dating since it adds new risks the challenge excites me.