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Do not download this if you enjoy playing the game.

As I warned in the last update, while there are hopefully few bugs, there are more accurately likely to be many, some of which will likely, crash the game or do weird things that will be confusing, disturbing and boner killing. The first few builds for this version are likely to be a chaotic mess, and are intended for people who enjoy testing and finding bugs and reporting them back so I can fix them for the rest of you. :D To those heroes, I say good luck. The auto-checker found surprisingly few bugs on this one, which means that the ones that do exist are even more insidious than usual.

If you do get an error message, please report back, either in this thread or in a PM, what happened. You can repost the beginning of the error message, but if there's a huge block of text following "full traceback," don't worry about posting that part or keep it to PMs, because it takes up a lot of real estate and isn't usually necessary to finding the problem (although it might be).

It's also typically helpful to know a sequence of events, how you got from a neutral room postion through which dialog options to where things got weird, because sometimes the cause of the problem is a couple steps back from where it actually became obvious. Save early, save often, typically make a save alone in the player's room every now and then, as those are likely to be most stable, and if there's a bug, try and keep a save around close to where it occurred so that you can test out what I hope will fix it.

That out of the way, things to pay particular attention to is the new menus, do they break? Do they make sense to you or should I move some more stuff around? Do any actions you take drop you off someplace that doesn't make sense to you, like a conversation that seems to be concluded but leaves you in the middle of a conversation, or getting kicked completely out of a conversation where that doesn't seem like where it was headed? Maybe try to get into complex polygamous relationships and break up, make-up, toy with those systems (note that break-ups typically take several days to resolve themselves). Maybe play with the new "thirst" system and see how aggressive you can get various girls, and what they'll do about it. Feel free to ask any questions you might have in the comments, I'll be as active as I can be, and might release several builds over the next few days if show-stoppers pop up.

A general breakdown of the new features can be found here, if you haven't read it already: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31327996

Known issues:
- ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list  after taking a shower. Fixed for next build, hit "ignore" if you can and it shouldn't cause any problems, otherwise, it'll happen every shower until next build (which likely won't be for another day or so).



you said that the last time for the first version of the last update, and i didn't encounter any bugs so here's hoping


Impending doom? Just what I looking for!


Hit my first error after showering and Rogue walked in on me. The conversation finishes as normal, she leaves, you finish showering, then the error. File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 2269, in ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list


There was at least one bug. I *think* I reported it? End-of-session conversations in Danger Room putting wrong girl's name in word balloons? Usually Emma or Laura, when they weren't even in the room? We'll see if it pops up again in this one.


time to shatter a masterpiece.


Yeah, I *think* those come from conflicts of the time block ending, so girls that are scheduled to show up are registered as "already there" and girls scheduled to leave are "already gone," and the order of events is getting confused. If it keeps happening in this build I'll look more into it, but I think I made some changes there already.


Damn, sorry. Fixed for next build, shouldn't break anything if it allows you to "ignore" that, but until the next build, it will happen after each shower.


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 2269, in ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 757, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 2742, in script call File "Kitty_Chat.rpyc", line 84, in script call File "Kitty_Chat.rpyc", line 1940, in script call File "Kitty_Sex.rpyc", line 118, in script call File "Kitty_HJ.rpyc", line 1028, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 6248, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 831, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 3912, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 1516, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 2269, in script File "C:\Users\bsdor\OneDrive\Desktop\games\Rogue-Like-0.984-win\renpy\ast.py", line 827, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "C:\Users\bsdor\OneDrive\Desktop\games\Rogue-Like-0.984-win\renpy\python.py", line 1764, in py_exec_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 2269, in File "C:\Users\bsdor\OneDrive\Desktop\games\Rogue-Like-0.984-win\renpy\python.py", line 631, in do_mutation return method(self, *args, **kwargs) ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.984 [/code]


Challenge accepted! I'll keep you posted on any necessary debugs, if I can replicate them. Keeping a copy of my save file separate though. I don't wanna have to grind sleep, to get the outfits again. Makes my character feel like he's narcoleptic. Just an afterthought, had you considered releasing a set of community debug tools, like money/stat increasing tools, for testing? It would be useful with primary builds like this one, to help those feeling particularly enthusiastic in polishing the final product. I know I enjoy debugging, as a hobby, at the very least.


so far so good on my end. I did find a type with Emma and responding to the friends with benefits prompt. she says "i supposeso".


Well, there's a balance between testing and playing, if I included those tools, it would be used to skip gameplay. Besides, I have such options myself, and use them to test things, and the game I put out is the result of that testing, so what is more useful to me is when players unlock everything the "right" way, and maybe run into problems that you wouldn't have skipping around everywhere. Plus, people might run into bugs that could *only* happen by skipping around past intended routes, and then I'd have to figure out how the bug happened when technically, it shouldn't. I see the value, but I also think it would complicate things.


I couldn't find that exact typo. There was one "I supposeyou're not wrong." that I could find. Is that the one you meant? Any time there's a typo, please type it exactly with the right capitalization so I can reach for it easily, there are a TON of lines in the game. :D


ok so I've found... something after laura entered the classroom on Tuesday after the morning lesson I've got a bit of dialog that just says "2795".


Ok, I think I know what could generally cause that, but need to track down the specific instance. . . could you give me a bit more detail about the situation? Was it just that class ended and time advanced, which caused Laura to show up, say nothing, you get that message, and then it shows the classroom menu screen? Exactly what happened right before and after that point?


Class had just ended. Time did advance prompting laura to enter say "Hey". Then proceed to sit across the room. And I can see the "2795" box only from the classroom menu.

Harem Hero X

Any new girls added, or just some updates towards the old girls?!


alright woke in my room alone. heading straight for the classroom on Tuesday morning. you see that Kitty and Rouge are sitting next to each other, which do sit next to? i select neither. the normal class menu is shown with the Emma behind the podium dialog. you make it in time for the start of the class geopolitical science. Latvira to Madripoor. ok new event here i leveled up this time. Laura just enetered the room. she says "Hey". sits next to me and now is giving me her room key. the box now says "2809".


Well, I think I made a fix that hopefully will prevent it in future, but I'm still not exactly sure what's causing that specific case. It's a variable I use often enough that is being changed to that number, and the intended line wasn't previously designed to replace it correctly, but I'm not sure exactly what part is setting it to that number in the first place. I'm guessing it's some relevant stat, like maybe the combined stat total for Laura's base stats or something.


Oh! think I found it. It was a diagnostic message thing I'd left in from testing Laura's clothing check system. Tricky to spot since it wouldn't typically display.


You were actually correct with it being the total of laura stats as well.


What means the code, that shows after you press the red button?


Good God. Everytime I think I want to learn coding I get a glimpse behind the scenes of this kinda thing lol. The irony is I will have to learn some kind of coding for my degree, but I've been putting it off T.T


Heh, yeah, it can be a hassle to figure out exactly what the problem is, you basically have to step through it and see what it could be. Some things you can rule out (at least on the first pass) because you know that portion doesn't have anything like that. Using word searches can help narrow things down. In this case I just knew the "Line" variable was acting up, so I just word-searched through every spot in that timeline where it might have been changed to something else, and then found where that something else could possibly be a number.


updates to the old ones. We'll be doing a vote to pick the next new girl in a few weeks probably, and then I'll get to work adding her in.


maybe you need to put that in the console of a mysterious island somewhere to stop something idk I lost interest after season 3.


Heh, that's just a diagnostic tool I put in there. Don't worry about it, it does nothing, I just wanted it in there in case I wanted players to test something for me.


Yep, it basically comes from a combination of 1. every time the game checks to make sure Laura is comfortable with her clothing, it stores her current stat total in a variable, and 2. the classroom dialog is set to display that variable (which should be set to a phrase), and it *assumes* that the variable is set to an appropriate phrase (like "you're in class. . ." Next build this should be fixed, in that both the variable setting part is removed, since there's no more need for it, and also the classroom dialog thing no longer assumes that the variable is a good one, and takes a few more steps picking a good one.


is there a discord i dont know about for this game?


So I left my room, took a walk to each spot and then came back to my room and Laura I guess was waiting there to talk to me? I think I triggered the event where she asks to change what she calls me to daddy. I'm seeing the dialogue boxes, however the screen still shows the courtyard. The scene corrects itself after the conversation is over.


Text saying "2913" appeared in class room in the midday, after Rogue and Laura came in. Before "class has started"

Breon Flowers

got an error after showering


A very fair and thought-out point. I like your approach to things.


I figured it was a diagnostic message. I'd seen 2813, 940, and amazingly at one point "-1"


The last coding I did was in BASIC, which tells you how long ago it was...


I think it was spitting out the combined value of the core stats for a given character, although different conditions would spit out different amounts. In most cases, it's when I'm testing some complicated sequence, and I'm hoping it works as intended, so I put in a message to spit out some indication of what is happening (that's meant to be invisible to the player once everything's working right), so that I know the numbers or other variables it's using are the ones I expected.