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Hey, just thought I should give you a progress update on the new version. I'm bringing it together at this point, I finished up Laura's titjob pose, and have the basic concept working for her footjob pose, little more to do there. I Have also done a full pass through the chat menus and wardrobe menus, reorganizing them in a way that I think makes more sense and should be easier to navigate.

I consolidated the primary menu into "Tell them to come over/leave," "Romance options," which will include the sex menu, flirting, dating, gifts, etc., "Just talk," which is about the chitchat option, relationship talk, and discussing the other girls, "Change her," which is about wardrobe, personality shifts, basically anything that alters how interactions with her work, and then "party up/disband," "switch to other girl," and "exit." This keeps the topline menu relatively simple.

Other macro changes to expect in version 0.974 are based around the girls being more active and assertive (assuming that you don't take a dominant role). They will now have a potential to come after you looking to hook up, especially if you've been ignoring them. They also might potentially hook up with each other, or take care of their own business. They will also now have a potential to "escalate" encounters, where if you're engaged in a lower-tier activity and they want a little more, they might try to step things up.

Anyway, I hope to finish that stuff up, get some basic testing done, and get the game out in a few weeks, should be fun. Also, might add some more girl 5 candidates, but either way the vote on that will be soon, don't worry, I'll give plenty of warning and keep the vote open for a while when it happens.



Good News Everyone!

Scott Snelling

Sounds great. Definitely looking forward to higher levels of complexity/interaction with the girls to make the game feel a bit more 'alive'.


Honestly love the game so far. Kitty is my fav. Cant wait for more in dynamic interactions. Great work!


Thank you for your Hard work, cant wait for it 😘👍


So girls will go to each other to "take care of business" if they don't get enough from you? I assume that's if they're both in a relationship with you. What might be fun is if there was an option to actually stumble upon such scenes. Like Rogue and Kitty getting hot and heavy after feeling a little ignored, but you enter their room and find them like that, you have the option to join them. I mean, if two hot girls are together because the MC hasn't given them enough, isn't it only action to make things right? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Snub Birth

i forget is the laura public sex thin been added yet? i thought someone said it was but unlocking it was diffcult.


Like clearing it with Xavier? It's in there, but the requirement is a bit high, apparently. I'm going to tone it down a bit in the next version.

Ai Muhao

Oh, that sounds like it could also really steamline, say, coming up with dialogue.

Toxic FX

im ready for more


2 suggestions/opinions. Make cum permanence longer. And have the girls shower when commanded. Also id love to have a femboy option to play with


I can try to make sure it isn't removed too often, but it probably won't outlast a single time block. Re-aply as needed. ;) Also, you should be able to get them to shower by asking them into the shower and then taking one yourself, although perhaps I could add some more options there. I don't think I'll be adding any male characters to the game though.


Nice! Can’t wait for the update!


i would love to see double bjs and stuff like that, not only the second girl standing behind. is that possible? <3

philip brown

sounds great, can't wait to see who the final choice for the vote will be.


Oni man you gotta let us know. What's it like being the GOAT?


Ehhhhhh. . . I mean it's not easy. The existing BJ poses are straight on, and don't leave a lot of room for another girl to get in there in a way that would look right. Making entirely new poses that would work for this takes a lot, what with all the clothing options and that sort of thing. Plus, in programming terms it would likely need to be built as an entirely separate activity than just "normal BJ + another girl being there" like the existing situation is, because syncing up the other girl to the first girl's animations would be almost impossible. That said, I am working towards some other pose options that *might* be compatible with something like this, I'll have to see how it works out. I totally get the interest though, I'm right there with you, so I'll keep it all in mind and see what I can make happen.

Tristan Allen

I'm new here lol, where can I find the latest version of the game?


Welcome! You can always find the latest version in "Posts," it's the most recent post labeled with a version number. In this case, it's this one: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-did-28727628

Kyte Avytrius

Hey Oni. I know I'm only at the basic level but I thought I'd just ask; I was telling my friend about this game and she would be very interested, but she's a lesbian, and when she found out that she wouldn't be able to play a girl, she wasn't so interested anymore. Is there any possible way that there could be a gender option added where you could play a girl?

Snub Birth

I imagine that would be a significant addition to the game itself, even now it takes Oni time to do the detailed scenes.


So i paid for the $10 patreon, how do i download and install the game?


Just scroll down the feed to the most recent release.


Oni, thank you for the hard work and the great game. This patreon is a really cool way to support you, I've loved your art for years. Can't wait for the next update.


do i need something downloaded to make it work? tells me i need an app or something?


is their a video anywhere i can watch on how to install and run?


Hmm, it shouldn't require anything in particular. If you have the right version, you should just be able to extract the zip file and then run the exe, no real installation necessary. Are you doing this on PC or on one of the other versions, and did you download the right version?


So? How is it going?


i like how your secondary power is infertility. either that or mutants are very hard to knock up. You would think someone would have a bump or too lol. Nah but seriously I am enjoying your game my dude, Keep up the good work man.


Pretty good, I spent a chunk of time working on the break-up/cheating on girls system a bit, it should work for all of them now and be kind of interesting to mess with.


So about when can we expect the next version? Also, sounds like it’s gonna have a looooooooot of new stuff


is there a guide? I cant figure out how to get anywhere with emma


There might be some third party guides out there. The short answer with Emma is, try visiting the classroom in the evenings (leave if you're already there). After that it should run fairly smoothly.


"When it's done!" I'm hoping for within the next week or two, I need to do some basic testing of the new systems, and finish up some artwork. I'll decide whether I can get in all the art I'd wanted to, or try to get those in over the bug-fixing cycles.

The Omni Degenerate

if you would not mind me asking why does your game have no sound? do you ever plan to add any?


He stated once he would like to but not a option for now


try expeirmenting with her in the classroom and build up your relationship in their then she'll eventually ask you to come to her room

The Omni Degenerate

I would need to know his reason because you would have to have a damn good reason for not being able to (at bare minimum) implement some background audio of copyright free music from some random corner of the Internet into your game. The lack of voice acting and those kind of sounds I get. And if those were ever implemented I would be incredibly happy but. It’s not that big of an issue though I do love the game and I make do for now by making my own background music by letting YouTube play in the background. still I just found it really weird The game was literally fully mute.


If I were going to add sound, I'd want to do it right, and I just haven't set aside the time to go through audio libraries and figure out how Renpy handles audio, it just hasn't been a priority for me when there's other stuff to be doing. I typically turn the audio down or off in a game like this anyway, but it sounds like it's an important factor to you. Maybe I should give it some more thought.

Harem Hero X

Any ETA on the next update? November looking kinda heavy with all these games. I want to put some time for the next the update.


Eh, I'm still aiming for "next few weeks" here, but the first few releases of a new version tend to be pretty buggy anyway, so the *stable* release might take a bit longer.

The Omni Degenerate

Now you see that is a damn good reason I can fully respect the passion that if you’re going to do something you want to do it right I respect that . And like I said it’s not actually that big of a deal I make do with YouTube for now. And I personally just find it really awkward to be sitting in complete and total silence while playing a game which is why it caught me by surprise but like I said I really do enjoy the game it’s a great game ( and honestly I’d probably prefer some proper sounds to the more naughty stuff than just a simple soundtrack If I had to pick between the two) and I’m looking forward all the future updates and kinky situations keep up your great work.


I know personally, I am the complete opposite lol. One of the first things I do in a game is tun BGM completely off since that annoys the heck out of me. Other game sounds I tend to lower volume on, if not completely turn off too.


Love your work it's amazing keep up the good work. Also are you going to add a couple girl because I have two characters Dazzler, and Firestar as an idea.


After Laura what girls are you thinking about adding next ?


There's going to be a vote. You can see four of the candidates here: https://www.patreon.com/OniArtist/posts?tag=Girl5 I will likely add another 1-2 more, and then have a vote among the patrons as to who's next. Anyone who doesn't make it through this time would be added to the next pool, perhaps with others.


I'm sure you heard this question a thousand times ,but what program do you use for drawing?


there will be update with some small content for halloween?


I've always wanted to do some seasonal updates, but right now I'm just focused on getting the new version out there. Sorry about that.


Keep up the good work! Everything so far is top-notch!

Michael H

any update?


Hey Oni, could you please report the release of the next update to December first? I and many others are trying to survive no nut november. Thanks in advance


Lol, I'm afraid I won't be able to help with that, I need to get this thing out soon! It will be highly buggy though, so you can just wait for the stable build. ;)


Yes! I'm in the final polishing and testing phase now, making sure all the bits work together at least reasonably well, trying to make sure various lines don't clash with each other, etc. Should be at some point this week, and I'll do an update soon with more details.